
Where the lazy cat looks threw the glass[Zafira]


12-14-2013, 07:26 PM
insanity is my vice and it's made life quite nice

Claws of a defined persona walked confidently against the road of lost souls. Those that had once spoken of their stories here were all fading away. Yet the red sentries stood tall, defiant against time, and one cut deep into their bosom would expose the truth of time. Those faces that had made a difference, both insignificant and heroic were all locked away in the treasure of the forests memory. Whips of snow had blanketed the once crushed earth and folded it into a crystal prison. The bows of the great watchers were laced with ice and the desolate whispers of the winter. Yet her song was soon to end as springs warmth was but a hushed moment away.

Dark ears pivoted atop the small working crown. Her royal linage was evident in the way she carried herself. Her head was high as she watched the world grow brighter and yet so dull as the sun rose from its bed to greet the morning. Its ray?s barley penetrated the depths of the sentries? forest. Weak whispers of light painted the ground in formidable pools. She pushed one dark sandy paw against the light and it seemed to brighten with the lights kiss. Her facial features remained indifferent as she watched the shift in hues from the darkness and light of the day in her coat.

Amethysts eyes grew cold as her body stopped all movement. She left all noise free of her body as she heard the soft sound of groaning bark and catching claws. It was a subtle sound but she had caught it nonetheless. It took one that was patient and constant with slow movements to catch the very insignificant sounds that indicated someone else was sharing the forest along side the princess. Her fur rose as if all gravity had been released from around her body. It was slow and erect in one fast movement. Her lips curled backwards in a silent snarl as she abruptly turned in an about face to see what it was stalking her.

code by sam & image by lu


12-14-2013, 07:45 PM

A giant of a wolf padded into her territory like it owned the redwoods. Intrigued by the lack of respect from the wolf and the fact that it dared to act in such a manner, she began to stalk through the trees above. Curved talons caught on the bark a few times, and seemed to alert the lupine to the presence of the tawny beast. A snarl was written upon the face of the canid as it turned to face the massive feline. How cute. A snarky grin played at the woman's severe features, unafraid of the wolf who stared up at her. "You seem to think you own my forest, and yet it is perfectly clear that every one of these trees belong to me, as well as the prey within their boundaries." She growled boredly, lounging in the branches a good three feet above the large canine's head.

Massive paws hung over the thick branches, as well as her long, dark tipped tail. She was not afraid of the wolf, but she was smart enough to keep herself well out of reach. Pale golden optics gazed down upon the stranger, the expression written no her face naught but complete and utter boredom. So far she had met a few wolves in this territory, but none of them had been very much fun, save for the strange furred male who let her take some of his boldly marked pelt. He had the delusion of being dead, but he was very much alive, and it was quite strange. Thickly accented voice would slither from between her powerful jaws, slipping between massive ivory fangs. "So I must ask, what are you doing here, mutt?" The Queen of the Redwoods inquired, her vocals accompanied by a thick cloud of mist, which dissipated before her strong voice had finished ringing through the trees.

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12-15-2013, 03:22 PM
insanity is my vice and it's made life quite nice

The bows did bend with the weight of a god. Lost in her mind. Filled with the kingdom that she though belonged to her but when did the weight of a feline matter to that of a wolf? The woman of ferocity stood defiant against the reaper itself. Her gaze locked and silent as she wondered internally what this being was. Inside she was curious. Her internal idea of herself was cocking its head to the side. Eyes open wide with their awe and her heart was racing with excitement. However, the outer exterior of the princess was stilled. She made no movement other then watching. Her tail finally swayed gently behind her legs and rose. Her dominance was automatically asserting itself. It was becoming second nature to her to show her superiority towards others.

?I claim nothing but the grounds my father took for us. This place seems to call to me. I am so very curious of its history. You say it belongs to you but I know others had once called this place home. I know other kingdoms had called this forest home before your paws ever touched this earth and where the wolves touch I cannot help but think it is welcome for others to explore.? She said defiantly. She was unsure what this feline was. Why she had felt the need to claim the forest as her domain. She was a lone cat was she not? So such a great forest was not meant to belong to just one being.

?Have your manners escaped you she questioned the ?thing?. How was she to be aware of type of creature this was if she never had seen one before? Her body was still growing and she had much to learn but she wouldn?t allow anyone to push her around, canine or not. Her tail flicked back and forth as she eyed the creature up. ?What exactly are you?? she asked, her voice dipping with curiosity. Yet the fear that would have come with most did not come with her. She felt no threat from this feline, not yet, all she was guilty of was exploring her roots.

code by sam & image by lu


12-18-2013, 07:01 PM

This mutt was very rude, acting as if she thought herself better than the feline. Dominant posture assured the monster that this wolf would pose a problem sooner or later. A smirk toyed at the severe features of the she cat, rounded auds taking in the lecture of the she wolf about how wolves were here first , blah blah blah. Thickly accented Russian vocals would escape dark lips a growl as the tawny beast replied boredly. "Wolves may have owned this land before, but right now none claim it, so it is mine." She muttered smoothly, flexing massive paws and unsheathing her wicked talons for a few seconds. Inspecting them, she found a sliver had split from one of those formidable weapons, so she placed her paw at her massive maw and bit down on the sliver, dislodging it before spitting it out onto the ground. Examining the broad paws, she found no other flaws, and turned her attention once more to the wolf. So far, this lupine was boring, and annoying.

Speaking of manners, the canine brought her own into question, strangely. A chuff of amusement escaped with a puff of mist from powerful jaws, pale golden optics rolling in response. Once more, the dog was rude as to ask what the majestic creature was. Sitting up, the terror of the trees stared down at the canid, her disdain for the dog showing in her large pools. "Despite how rudely you inquire, mutt, I inform you that I am a cougar; a feline of the trees. Puma Concolor." The powerful feline growled, long tail flicking as it hung from the branch. As the accompanying mist dissipated, the she cat's sharp, predatory features became clear. Five dark dots underlining each of her large, ghostly yellow orbs become visible, even from such a distance. "My name is Zafira, yourself?" The Queen of Redwoods inquired of the canine before her, fixing her consuming gaze upon the wolf. The daemon looked absolutely regal, her powerful muscles defined, chords of tendons wrapping around sturdy bones, tawny coat pulled taut over the well muscled forequarters. Irritatedly the demon would watch the wolf, awaiting a response.

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12-26-2013, 06:59 PM
insanity is my vice and it's made life quite nice

She had never seen such grace. The way each muscle moved as the feline did was almost inhuman. Was this creature worth fearing over? If so, then why did she not fear it? She was uncertain as to why but she listened intently as the creature identified what it was. She was a cougar. Well, at least she had a name for the thing she was looking at. Well, it?s born given name. She wondered why her father had never spoke of other creatures. Well, she knew about the birds and the insects and the bats at night but this feline was unknown to her and so intriguing. She wanted to sniff the creature and possibly touch it. Just to know what was the difference in their fur? She could see the way it moved was in no way a way she could move, but perhaps she could mimic some things.

?I did not mean to offend you.? She said softly, her ways of viewing herself were due to her father and siblings. She had a superiority complex but this feline wasn?t a canine and she didn?t feel the need to assert herself. She was merely curious. ?I am Syren Adravendi. It is nice to meet you Zafira." she said with a small bow of her head. She pulled her bright green eyes up to look at the feline and smiled. ?So if a pack were to come here and claim your home, what would you do?? she inquired. She worried the feline would lose her home. Did her kind know about the felines? Did they care? She was still a creature of the world and had her own rights. She wondered, if someone came in and took the forest would she be allowed to visit again? Would she be allowed to come and see the feline? Not that she thought her some sort of circus act to watch but she was curious and the only way to educate herself was to observe and learn.

code by sam & image by lu


12-26-2013, 07:26 PM

The mutt apologized, and the tawny beast felt a bit less disgusted by her presence. The canine introduced herself as Syren, like the fabled creatures that killed their victims by luring them into the waters with their voices. How interesting. She mirrored the strange dipping of it's cranium, her own falling below the branch as she did so, bringing her nose close to the wolf she could examine it further. The lupine inquired as to how she would react if a pack would dare to claim her territory, and the Queen of the Redwoods met the dog's teal optics directly as she replied. "If a group of your kind came here, and refused to leave my territory, I would leave. You creatures disgust me." She growled, lifting her lips in disdain. Long tail would flick from where it hung down off the thick branch, a strange movement candid's could not mimic.

Suspicion would flood the monster's pale golden pools as she glared at the wolf, long talons unsheathing as she stood and balanced on the branch, lowering her cranium so it was a mere foot from that of the lupine. "Why do you say this? Are your kind planning to take over the only forest to be found here in these god forsaken, wolf infested lands?" She snarled, her voice dripping with malice and anger. Long tail lashed slowly behind her, dark tip weaving back and forth in a hypnotizing manner. The demon's large ghostly primrose coloured pools were filled with something that made the brain scream 'DANGER' and make the limbs ache to flee, and she stared into the canine's own eyes with an unblinking gaze.

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