
Theres no chit chat, love.



2 Years
12-14-2013, 04:39 PM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2013, 04:42 PM by Meinx.)

OOC: This is my first spar, I hope this'll be a decent fight thoughxD

Meinx was far from being a fully fledged adult, not yet reaching her superior height like her mother and father. But still- she compared to the size of a small/medium wolf. It may seem a little early for the adravendi to begin fighting, but its about time she knew where she needed to strengthen up. Gangling across the battlefield the blue gaze would look strike upon one particular wolf, Hoping to find one around the area. Bluntness, would be the dames answer to anyone who arrives- not particually caring about having a little chit chat.

The youth would stand Bodly- Her eyes slitting, paws equally spread to ensure balance, tail tucked, ears pinned, spine alligned, teeth bared and head tucked. They where the basics that meinx would pick up by observing previous fights. She would not strike an oncoming wolf until she recieves approval.


Round- 1of 2/3?

EDIt- Mistake from a previous post that i accidently typed on here.
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



7 Years
12-14-2013, 06:01 PM

. . .

The male had left early that morning from his home. He had woken Oracle shortly before he left, telling her that he would be exploring for a while and be back by noon to go hunting with her. He half expected, every time he looked over his shoulder, to see his sister following him. Galahad knew she was safe with the other Snow Rouges and he would make sure to keep good on his promise. He was just... curious. Something called him to the battlefield, though he knew how dangerous it could be.

What the black and white boy soon found was another youth, like himself. She was smaller, as females tend to be. But the boy was built large, and though it was hard to tell under his thick coat of fur, he was building up muscle. He would approach the female, eyes going over the defense she had set. Was she just practicing? Or... perhaps she was preparing for a spar.

The thought came to the boy then. Spar. Test his skills... get better so he could protect Oracle. The boy turned so that he was facing the female, his green eyes reflecting determination. The boy nodded to her, a polite signal that he was here to spar, and he hoped the look in his eyes told her that it would be a friendly one.

Galahad pinned his ears and tucked his tail, to prevent either from becoming targets for the other wolf to grab. He would narrow his eyes, rolling his shoulders forward to scrunch up his neck to make it harder to grab. Then Galah widened his stance and shifting his weight evenly. The last thing the young male could think of doing was floofing at his fur to give a little more assistance in preventing grabbing bites.

Finally satisfied with what defenses he had the brute nodded to the she wolf, signaling that it was her move.


{{Ooc:: To be completely honest I've never really had an official spar post so sorry if this is not the best. e.e

As for rounds um, I think three is a good number to go with. xD Also I don't think the rounds actually start until the first attack.}}



2 Years
12-15-2013, 06:36 AM

The silence was the perfect thing, it gave meinx the advantage of knowing of anothers arrival. As the brute would approach her defences would still lay in tact- Her eyes slitting, paws equally spread to ensure balance, tail tucked, ears pinned, spine alligned, teeth bared and head tucked. The brute who wished to play along seemed to be of the same age, that made her day easier. Her knees would bend ever so slightly, to move easier if there where to be a surprise attack. Like hinges so she could jolt either way.

They where both waiting, So meinx made it her job to start once his defences where set. Her large paws would grip the hard earth, and before long Meinx would race forwards, eating away the distance. Her body would seem to be aiming to get his left shoulder blade, to trick him. At the very last moment before they reached contact Meinx would leap to his right shoulder and make a 90 degrees turn to face his side [ This in my mind forming a T] If this was made successful meinx would attempt to hook her left paw over his back, Her claws trying to get a firmer grip [ aiming near the top] and she'd also aim to snap her jaws along his scruff and hopefully anker him down to the floor forcefully to hopefully get into the position for him to be beneath her.


Round- 1 of 3

Defenses- Her eyes slitting, paws equally spread to ensure balance, tail tucked, ears pinned, spine alligned, teeth bared and head tucked. Grip the floor, and knees slightly bent.

Attacks- Meinx would seem as though she where going to barge his left shoulder but at the last moments leaped to his right side and turned 90 degrees to hopefully end up in a T position. She would then attempt to anker her left paw over his back, trying to get a grip with her claws and get a clasp onto his scruff to hopefully pull him down to the floor.

Injuries- none.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



7 Years
12-20-2013, 01:44 AM (This post was last modified: 12-20-2013, 01:51 AM by Galahad.)

. . .

No sooner did Galahad set the last of his defenses did the fight begin. Round one -- the stranger's first move. Galahad stood his ground, his body shifting into a position in which it would make it easier for him to turn. Bending his knees, while still keeping his lowered position, Galah watched with narrowed eyes as the femme ate away the distance between them and narrowed in for the attack.

It would have been wise to predict the unexpected. The attack that the female seemed to set against him seemed to be aimed for his left side, and thus Galahad shifted his attention to protecting that side. As she lunged for his right Galah quickly snapped his head in her new direction, keeping his ears pinned and tail tucked, attempting to sidestep the attack. But no wolf could move so quickly on the fly, and so for the most part Galahad fell into her attack.

Her teeth would snap at his scrunched up next, gaining a grip, though not a very tight one. Her paw would hook over his back, gaining a bit of purchase when her claws met his thick coat. Her position might have been trying to drag Galahad to the ground, but as his front end started sinking down he made a counter attack of his own. Galahad reached out his right leg out, aiming to hook his paw around her own leg and pull her down with him.

If his attack was to succeed he hoped the sudden fall would cause the wolfess to either release or lose hold of his neck. Should that work out the young wolf would try to snap at her face and possibly grab hold of either her muzzle or ear in his own attack. A small gain, but if he moved quickly enough he might be able to turn things around in his favor. Should his plan fail and the female kept her hold he would simply have to come up with something else.




Round: 1 of 3

-Eyes Narrowed
-Neck Scrunched
-Ears Pinned
-Tail Tucked

-Galahad is attempting to catch Meinx's free front leg and make her lose her balance and fall to the ground with him. If that succeeds he will launch his own counter attack and attempt to grab either her muzzle or ear, depending on which is closer.

-None Yet.

Ooc:: I forgot Galahad's table in the post so I edited it. Didn't realize you weren't supposed to edit fighting posts. D; Won't happen again.



2 Years
12-22-2013, 06:57 AM (This post was last modified: 12-29-2013, 06:41 PM by Meinx.)

OOC: Your attacks kinda confused me, as meinx didnt fall like he had hoped, so i dont know whether he launched his attacks- sorry if this appears vague and i hope you are happy with the way i incorporated them in, if not pm me!

The fight would begin on Meinx's behalf. Her attacks soon played a part as she would jolt to the right and snap to the scruff, it was successful. As her Left paw also hooked on successfully meinx had enough balance for the time being with his support as he kept himself up. Her eyes would remain slit and her ears pinned against her skull. The paws set upon the ground would do there best to keep secure, her claws would dig into the earth to help a little more. Soon after she had set herself Galahad would aim to hook a paw at her right front leg, hoping to knock her towards the ground. As he'd swipe at the paw, her own right front paw would lift up quickly while her grasp on the scruff, and the other ankered paw, with the free leg at the back keeping her up right. Meinx would attempt to clench her teeth further on his scruff, her lips peeling back.

As soon as he made his move the dark girl would strike once more, shaking her head violently in the hopes of worsening him scruff and tearing it. As meinx was currently behind him, she felt as though she had the slight advantage. She'd quickly release his scruff and land upon the floor, her knees bent slightly to turn in the opposite direction if he chooses to attack, her toes would spread out slightly and she'd quickly roll her shoulders back, keeping her spine alligned. soon after Meinx would attempt to barge his right shoulder to get him of balance and would follow on to try and bite for his right ear, attempting to tear it. At the same time meinx would hope she was close enough and aim to slam her left front paw on his right front paw in the hopes of breaking a few bones.


ROUND 2 of 3

Defenses- Eyes slit, ears pinned, shoulders rolled, legs slightly bent, Claws digging into the ground for better balance, lips curled. Spine alligned, toes spread.

Attacks- She would attempt to make a mess of his scruff by shaking violently, She then went to barge his shoulder in the hopes to catch him of balance, to then attempt to grab an ear, while doing so attempting to break a few bones in his front paw by slamming her paw on it.

Injuries- none

Edit- Me and keno had a discussion and i sorted out our confusion.
Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



7 Years
01-01-2014, 12:48 AM

The fight may have begun on behalf of the young woman, but Galahad was determined not to allow himself to be so easily beaten. His attempt to hook her right leg and pull her down was a failed attempt. With back paws on the ground and her left paw hooked over her back the female was able to simply move her leg out of the way, leaving all his plans for attack ruined. He couldn't give up though. Wouldn't give up. This spar would be good practice for him... what if he ever needed to defend Oracle? With that in mind Galahad waited for the next move.

The other wolf would give a violent shake of her head, teeth slipping through his thick fur and piercing the flesh of his scruff. The brute did what he could from being disoriented from her head shake, setting his paws firmly on the ground and keeping his head straight as possible as she tore his scruff with her move. The next attack was soon on.

Galahad's scruff would be released and his opponent would drop to all fours. He would sidestep a couple times, partly from the offset of balance as her weight dropped off of his own, swinging his head in her direction to watch her movements. In doing this he would also shift his position so he was facing her at a bit of an angel, his right side leading. His eyes would remain narrowed, blazing with determination, and ears would go back flat against his skull.

No sooner was the small distance created and Galahad turned to face the female did she launch another attack. The attack would come in aimed for his chest and right shoulder due to his new position. This time, instead of falling victim to the female's attack he would use his angled position to his advantage. Galahad would lurch his own body forward in a jump to her left.

Her own body would offset his jump. They had been too close for him to avoid her completely, though he saved some of his toes from possibly being broken. Her left shoulder would meet his right side mid jump, the bite originally aimed for his ear meeting the air above his back.

The force of the female's body meeting the back part of his side would knock his back end off track, sending him spinning in a partial circle. He would hit the ground hard, luckily landing with all four paws after a bit of a stumble. The collision of their bodies would have likely offset the female as well, though not severely. With his new position he found himself facing her left back leg. Galahad would charge, body lowered, aiming to ram his body into the female's left back leg and make her stumble. Then, as she tried to regain her balance, he would use the opportunity to snap his jaws as hard as he could on her lower leg.




Round: 2 of 3



-Torn scruff {Right Side} {Bleeding}
-Bruised right side



2 Years
01-01-2014, 09:27 AM

Her attacks soon fell into place, but not as successful as last time, 2 of her attacks where both overcome by the brute. As soon as she let go of the scruff it gave galahad a few seconds to side step further from her reach, as his balance was offset that was when her barge took place- yet not going exactly to plan. Instead of barging his right shoulder and snapping down on his ear meinx would end up hitting his right side, sending them both colliding and her aim to break his toes and damaging his ears out of the picture. But as they collided it sent Galahad spinning while meinx went in a diagonal line. Due to this meinx wasnt completely of balance, and as she landed the girl would quickly plant all four paws into the ground, spreading evenly to be ready to take an impact, her shoulders would roll back, ears pinned and eyes slit, her spine would be alligned and that was all she was able to manage in the short period.

As she regained focus her lips would peel back fangs bared, but now Galahad was behind her. As she'd begin to turn her body to the right she'd see him charge, attempting to barge in her legs- to hopefully make her stumble. Her tail would quickly tuck and her legs would be lowered slightly helping her dash to the right, hoping to miss the contact. As she did so she would feel the breeze of his efforts lick at her heals, missing his target by only a few inches [ full dodge used] Meinx knew he would be quick to leap into another attack, and under pressure she would jolt back her hind legs, To hopefully forcefully hit the right side of his face/ shoulder. Hoping to stun him for a few seconds.


Round 3/3

Defenses- Legs even spread, shoulders rolled, eyes slit, ears pinned, tail tucked, lips peels back with fangs bared, spine alligned. Knees legs slightly bent

Attacks- When galahad charges for her back legs meinx would jolt to the side and spring her back legs back to hopefully his him in the right face. shoulder to hopefully stun him for a few seconds with the force.

Injuries- bruised shoulder/ chest with the collison.

OOC: Good fight, we where both a little confused about a few things but we've almost finished the spar<3

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



7 Years
01-22-2014, 04:54 PM

Galahad would be closing in on Meinx's form. His eyes would be narrowed, jaws parted and ready to grab, ears pinned to his skull, and spine aligned to aid in his forward movement. He would decide, subconsciously, that he wasn't too fond of fighting. It was a necessary skill sure enough, but if it could be avoided then he was going to try to make sure of that. This was going to be something he learned from, for sure, however. But if it was ever necessary to protect Oracle he would fight with all of his might.

Well, the female would be fast enough to respond to his attack in time. He would stumble slightly as he missed her left back end, the fae having jumped away. Neck would be rescrunched after his failed reach, tail tucking back beneath the safety of his legs. The brute would bring himself to attack again, spinning towards her back end. Her legs would fly up, aiming to catch him. Her legs would fly up in retaliation of his suspect attack, and would catch him in the face, causing him to stagger back a few steps with a stinging jaw.

"Speech" Think

Galahad vs. Meinx

Round: 3/3

-Narrowed eyes
-Aligned spine
-Pinned ears
-Scrunched neck
-Tail tucked

-Attempted retaliation to bite Meinx, however was kicked in the face.

-Torn scruff {Right Side} {Bleeding}
-Bruised right side
-Bruised jaw

{{Ooc:: Didn't bother with an attack in the last round. Even if I was scarce / had low muse the fight should have gone to Luisiana by default so I don't really care that it affects my score. I feel I lost either way. Thank you, Lusiana, for your patience during this and I hope that you get a good score. ^-^ ...also never fighting with Galahad again. e.e I just can't find fighting muse for this guy.

My curiosity about my fighting abilities lies in my second round post. I feel that is the only one that had a decent attempt.}}

The Judge


03-23-2014, 05:30 PM

Meinx v Galahad for Practice

Round 1

6 for clarity-

8 for powerplaying.

8 for defenses.

5 for attack.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Meinx Total: 37/50


8 for clarity-

6 for powerplaying.

4 for defenses.

2 for attack.

10 for injuries. First round

Round one Galahad Total: 30/50

Round 2


8 for clarity-

8 for powerplaying.

5 for defenses.

7 for attack.

8 for injuries. she should have taken something minor for his paw swipe, even if it landed somewhere else on her body

Round two Meinx Total: 36/50


9 for clarity-

8 for powerplaying.

2 for defenses.

5 for attack.

4 for injuries.

Round two Galahad Total: 28/50

Round 3

7 for clarity-

9 for powerplaying.

8 for defenses.

3 for attack.

6 for injuries.

Round three Meinx Total: 33/50


10 for clarity-

10 for powerplaying.

5 for defenses.

3 for attack.

3 for injuries.

Round three Galahad Total: 31/50


Meinx: 106/150

Galahad: 89/150

And the winner is...

Meinx! Galahad must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Due to this fight being so far postponed, we're going to ignore injuries. If you want any long-lasting ones to come from this fight you can decide upon that yourselves.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)
Definitely contact me if you want specific pointers, otherwise, good job to both of you!

- By [Andy]



7 Years
03-27-2014, 07:24 PM

The kick to his jaw had stunned him momentarily, knocking his attack out of action. The male could feel a soreness where her back paws had connected... It was likely that it was going to bruise. Some bruises, as well as some minor injuries, weren?t really that much to stress over however. The ones he had received in this battle were enough for him, especially for his first spar. There was still more that he had to learn... But that was okay. He was young, and life was a learning experience... A whole lifetime of a lessons awaited him... And who knew who would teach them?

This fae had taught the first of them. He needed to get stronger. Smarter. Not fall for the tactics of others so easily. Galahad would move back from her, green orbs shining with respect as he looked upon the femme. She was certainly a worthy opponent... And he was glad that he had crossed paths with her. Had he met with a wolf whose intention had been to hurt him, kidnap him, or worse try and do something to Oracle... He wouldn?t have been able to do enough to keep them at bay. Sure they were both young too... But... That just gave him more reason to be determined, dedicated, and diligent in training.

?I?d like to stop there, if you don?t mind. I admit defeat, and I would like to thank you for sparring with me. It seems that my skills need to be sharpened... Something I would not have known otherwise.? Galahad would dip his head to the femme, body relaxed, with head and tail in lower positions to show submission, as he looked upon his spar partner. Even if they did not give each other their names... He would not forget this femme.



2 Years
03-28-2014, 11:46 AM

She had done it, alas and had become the victor of her very first fight. Though she was feeling rather proud; there was no denying she still needed to improve. And with this practice, she knows exactly where to start. The ushering words of the man would stop Meinx in forwarding her next reactions, and a smile would slowly form upon her pretty little maw, though faint and very unusual to see, it was still there. She would not forget this day for a very long time. Vyvienne and Syren had already proved themselves in there first battle, And now Meinx has finally done the same. Sevan wasn't as lucky, but there was no denying she had a good potential to become a warrior. Her defenses would unravel, her tense posture now relaxing. Even with a small victory, she had to wonder, did he think she was worthy enough of an opponent? " Thankyou." She'd say rather simply. She was not used to speaking freely and still had to sharpen up on it, and with some efforts she'd start again. " This is my first spar and i also have a lot to learn. Im Meinx adravendi by the way, Princess of amenti." And with that, she'd take her leave back home, back to her father.

-Meinx exits-

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



7 Years
04-02-2014, 10:15 AM
It was definitely over then. The female would drop her defenses and the two would face each other on more level terms. Surely they would both reflect on this spar and use it to sharper their skills, to better themselves. As long as one learned from their experiences then it was worth experiencing them, right? The black and white male would stand calmly, giving a nod as she spoke those two simple words. The thanks was something they shared with each other... And he felt, in his heart, she would take something away from this as well.

It was her first spar as well it would seem. For a beginner she had done quiet well. Gala would smile gently as she gave her name, surprised to find he had actually spared with a royal pack wolf. ?Galahad.? He would give his own name as she began to leave, likely heading back to her pack. ?Best of luck in your training. Maybe we?ll be able to spar again one day.? A day when they had built up more skills. How would they fare against each other then? Would the outcome be the same or different?

Green orbs would watch Meinx until she faded out of sight, swallowed up by the distance. He certainly did hope that, some day, he was going to meet her again. Finally he would shake his head, dismissing his thoughts, before he turned to wander back to Soul Sand Cove. Home.