
All That Glitters


12-14-2013, 01:58 PM

Aranya had never seen a willow tree quite so tall. It's trunk was wide than she was long, and it's roots were a gnarled, sturdy web that extended for lengths in all directions. It seemed to sit on an island of sorts, nestled among the streams and creeks that now sat frozen. She could imagine that when the world heated once more than would trickle and gurgle, but for now they sat silent, awaiting the return of the sun. As for Aranya, she lay nestled into the arms of the root mass. She had found a certain formatino just at the tree's base that seemed as if it had grown just for her. She sat comfortably, paws crossed, looking up at the branches above her, dancing in the cold wind.



12-14-2013, 02:16 PM

Hotaru tries to blink away the sleep in her eyes as she walks. That night she had finally gotten some sleep. The snow was cold and bit into the pads of her paws as she walked, but she chose to ignore to the best of her abilities. The trees around her were tall, taller than she had ever seen them.

She had been wandering around this area, looking for a place that had not been touched by winter's frozen tears. She was a horrid hunter, so she needed whatever plants she could find. She hated eating them. It made her feel like she was less of a wolf. But, until she has a pack, she's just going to have to suck it up.

At the thought of other wolf packs, her tail sinks lower to the ground. She does like other wolves, but she had no idea what kind of temperment they would have in this area. She had no luck in other places with wolf packs, and was feeling very discouraged. And...She was scared to death. She had no clue how they would react to a rogue wolf on their territory. They may even go as far to kill her.

She tries to banish the thought and quickens her pace. She wants to get a good distance today so that she doesn't eat up more time than she already has.

The trees around her are changing, gradually becoming softer in the bark and longer in the branches. She recognizes these trees as willows, but they are unlike any that she's ever seen before. They are enormous, with roots digging relentlessly into the ground and she has to nimbly dance through them to pass.

How annoying.

Once she escapes from the roots, she looks around. All is normal except for...

She reels back in fear. There is a wolf lying on the other side of the tree she had just passed. She can feel her heart pounding in her temples with a similar tempo as a stampede. Her breath catches in her chest and she freezes in place, too afraid to move away.



12-14-2013, 03:03 PM


A slight gasp drew Aranya from her thought. Her ears flicked, drying to determine where it had come from, as he head swiveled this way and that. I thought I was alone, she thought to herself, and hoped she was wrong. Aranya loved company of all kinds, as long as they weren't planning to take a chunk out of her hide, of course. It took her longer than she might have thought to locate it's source, because as it was, her visitor was standing stock still. It was a small fae, nearly the same color as Aranya herself but without the distinctive leg markings, and she appeared to be shaking with fear.

Aranya had to restrain herself from bolting upright adn rushing over to greet the wolf, feeling that she might startle and spook, never to be seen again. Instead, Aranya called out, "Hello, there!" She bobbed her head in a nod of greeting. "Nice day, isn't it?" She cursed herself internally as soon as the words escaped her mouth. The weather? she thought to herself. That's the best you could do? That's pathetic, the poor thing looks like she's about to shake apart. Aranya said no more, but instead waited to see what the fae would do.

"Speech," Thoughts,


12-14-2013, 04:08 PM
Her legs shake, sending tremors up through her entire body. She can feel her fur rising along her protruded spine, not in aggression, but in fear. She realizes that with her hackles up, it could appear that she was feeling hostile.

Hotaru hardly registers the meaning of the she wolf's words as she spoke, only processing the tone of her voice. The wolf was friendly, as far as Hotaru could tell. The wolf was looked very similar to herself, if going by the color of their fur. She seemed excited, which was not a huge problem, but it made Hotaru antsy. She wondered if this wolf had a pack...and if she did, maybe she could go with her...assuming that this situation was what Hotaru presumed and wasn't going to turn out in a fight which would mean Hotaru would have to run and then her whole journey's pace could be thrown off and she could be set back days at best especially if she is injured and then she could die from the cold or hunger or other predators or wolves....that is of course, assuming that she wouldn't get caught by the bigger wolf.

It takes her a moment to comprehend the actual words of the nice wolf. She blinks in surprise at the stranger's wolf, her mind racing for an answer.

"Y..yes. Today is very...cold, I guess. Which is nice, sort of"

She lowers her head, her ears flattening in a show of submission. The awkwardness she was creating in this situation compresses around her lungs, and cutting off the oxygen. She brings her tail behind her legs, the fur touching her paws. She tries to make herself look as small as possible, which wasn't hard.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. I am not here to harm you."

She widens her eyes in horror.

"I mean, not that I COULD harm you, you seem like a very powerful wolf and without a doubt you would be the best compared to me and um, yeah."

She lowers her head even more as she speaks, her nose nearly touching the ground. Her legs bend, and her stomach brushes snow. The icy shock makes her flinch, but she does not go to bring herself higher. If she does or says one thing wrong, it could kill her. She didn't know this wolf, and it unnerved her how friendly she was being. Not that she doesn't like friendly wolves, but she was shocked that a wolf could be so friendly to a mere stranger or possibly assailant.


12-18-2013, 10:35 PM

The small fae's worried, frantic speech confused and concerned Aranya in equal measure. She was tempted further to rise and rush over, to pull the girl into her side and comfort her. Don't spook the poor thing, her mind's voice reminded her. So Aranya took a deep breath and cocked her head, letting the stranger ramble on. In time she her speech off as cleanly as snapping a tendon, and nearly as painfully. Aranya smiled gently at her. "Oh, I'm sure you could do quite a bit of damage to me, though luckily I don't think you're of a mind to. It's quite easy to fight an opponent who won't fight back." She smiled and slowly stood, only that she might perch atop a root and see the girl more clearly.

She was small, and still she shook. Aranya could bear for no creature to be uncomfortable or scared, and certainly not if she might be able to do something about it. "My name is Aranya Eloise Netonya," she said with yet another smile. "I'm only a wanderer, and a friendly one at that, or so I've been told. What's your name?" She asked. Perhaps these mundane facts and questions would settle the strange fae, and allow Aranya to understand what had so harmed her, that she would react in such a way towards a complete stranger.



12-20-2013, 07:49 PM
Finally seeing that the bigger wolf wasn't trying to do anything, she felt her chest loosen, allowing her soothing oxygen. She picked herself up a little, her joints groaning in pain. She can skeletal frame creaking and rumbling.
Hotaru locks her eyes on the kind wolf, just below her head so as not to seem challenging. She allows herself to straighten her body out a small fraction, and lets her tail wag.
The wolf seemed intense, not in a bad way. But the excitement seemed to roll off of her in waves, and Hotaru couldn't help but respond to it in a fearful way. She blinks, trying to think clearly.
"My name is Hotaru." She says awkwardly, choking out the words. "It's nice to meet you. I haven't seen another wolf in a while."
Her limbs still quake, but no longer from fear. Chilling relief leaves her shaky and weak, as well as the cold and her thin body.
She felt the need to be as friendly as Aranya. She had no idea how to though. She decides to copy her, and take a slow, deliberate step closer. Since her grey acquaintance had come closer in an unintimidating manner, Hotaru felt a little less anxious. She lifts her trembling paw up, and slides it through the air as lightly and gently as she can. She leans into the motion, her spine aligning and curving up. The cool air caresses her spine, penetrating the thin fur and skin to reach her protruding bones. Shuddering at the sensation, she finally meets Aranya's eyes. Immediately she is caught in a trance, unable to look away.
Her mind halts, scrambling for leverage against the icy shock.
After a few paralyzing moments of terror, the calm after the storm arrives. Her body takes over, and she rises from her submissive position. Still very small even at her full height, her confidence rises for every inch her head goes up. She breathes a small sigh, collecting her jumbled thoughts. This wolf was not going to hurt her. If she was, she would have done it when she was too afraid to move.
She was still somewhat nervous, but not so much as to be completely immobile.
"I'm just passing through."