
This ball and chain


10-17-2014, 08:30 PM

She was trapped. Trapped in this wasteland. A sigh would leave her lips. Maija was here, that much she knew. But where? She had yet to come across her golden sister. Did she even know she was here? Her head pounded with near constant headaches. Her wounds were healing, leaving behind only small scars on her muzzle, but the missing chunk of flesh on her scruff was bound to scar heavily. She struggled with her injuries. She was no longer flawless, a perfect example and beauty. She was forever marred by the evidence of her blood thirsty life. Was she even still considered beautiful?

Her vision would blur, a headache rolling powerfully through her brain. She needed a healer. There was no doubt she had a concussion, if not something worse. Russet limbs would fold beneath her, her belly pressing against the cool plains. She dared not enter the moor, the place was dreadful looking. This place wasn't so bad, but there was hardly any trees, she felt so exposed. Her singular orb would scan back and forth, ears flipping in every direction. She was constantly on high alert, not wanting to be caught off guard by one the other members of this pack.




7 Years
10-17-2014, 09:00 PM

[Image: line2_by_xx_starry-d805t0d.png]


Since the trophy had arrived, wrapped messily with a torn bow, the harlot had found herself intrigued by such a being, often remaining near her to see when the pheonix would come to her own senses enough to speak. Perhaps she could pump valuable information from her, but slowly. If she was able to show the promise she could offer, perhaps she could be in for an invitation to Arcanum's true members. For now, however, amethysts merely observed as the ruddy present would slowly come to focus, her pupils constantly contracting and expanding, as focus swam into her gaze. The alabaster goddess' banner began to sway, quietly awaiting what the former queen was to react in or not.

The fresh wounds all over her body had begun to heal well, but they were a bit grosteque and covered in dirt. She desired to be a little helpful and help clean them for the woman, but the scent of warm milk and children had already nearly driven her to madness. This queen had progeny, and recently as well. Perhaps that was something unnoticed. She took note of the rapid flicking of ears from the phoenix, her alertness rising. Quietly, the alabaster harlot would give a small grunt to herself before rising, legs stretching for a moment and extending toward the russet woman. "Try to hold still." The wounds were caked with dried blood by now, but this woman needed a bit of cleaning up, and so she would try to begin, with a soft ushered voice of her lyrics. Still yet, the jades of the woman were strangely acting. Perhaps this woman suffered from a concussion, or worse. She was no healer, but at least she could figure out what was the matter, and leave a more experienced wolf to such matters, if Arcanum even cared for the safety of their trophies. "What happened in your fight?" It was, in dull fact, quite hard to try and stay in normal stance without nearly collapsing over the larger woman, yet she managed, keeping her voice and thoughts even. Manipulation and deceit was her finest quality.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-17-2014, 09:05 PM

Her scent washed over him, bathing the cobalt brute in the cologne of a royal mother. His nose twitched as he inhaled the foreign aroma. She did not belong here. In fact, her presence made him a bit uncomfortable. Not the part about her being a queen or the part where they were guaranteeing themselves a conflict, no, the part that made him the most uneasy was that she was a mother. It reminded him of how he'd felt when he'd realized that his mother had left him. Did her children think they'd been abandoned? Were they even old enough to survive without their mother? Would her kidnapping result in the death of newborns? The morality of her capture was questionable in so many different ways, but that one took the cake.

He approached unknowingly on her blind side. Panther-like stealth graced his movements and gave him surprisingly quiet footsteps for one of his size. For reasons he couldn't place, the brute wanted to speak to this fae. Curiosity, maybe, or perhaps guilt, drove him to act on the impulse. Keeping a respectful distance, he stopped beside her and watched the fae known as Empyrea attempt to tend her wounds. His expression carefully neutral, he rumbled, "Tell me, Queen, do you think you're missed?"

"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



4 Years
10-17-2014, 09:22 PM

Novocaine did not move with the sureness of months prior, his steps uneven, unsteady. Everything felt all at once too close and too far and he could not make it find even ground no matter what he did. He was tired, more so than was usual and his head often hurt if he tried to force the world under control, no doubt Cataleya wasn?t helping. She seemed determined to drive him to his breaking point, so much so that where the boy usually stepped up to a challenge he was now finding any reason to look busy and keep him away from the silver woman.
This was one such time, a strange and unknown scent had recently invaded the pack lands and Novocaine found himself growing more and more curious. So it was that he approached the small group, walking slowly and failing to move in any semblance of a straight line. The boy drew up quite a ways off though to his half blind gaze it was much closer. ?What am I looking at?? He asked, chuckling internally at the unintended joke. One steel blue eye was focused on the red woman, one who looked vaguely familiar, the other empty socket pointed in that direction.

Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]


10-19-2014, 12:28 AM

The first to approach was a smaller ivory woman. She would watch with caution, unsure whether this woman had cruel intentions or not. She would be given instructions to hold still, and while she complied, every muscle in her body was ready to jump to her feet if necessary. The stranger would clean her wounds diligently, helping prevent any infection. And then she would ask about her fight. "I lost, its as simple as that." Her words were nonchalant. There was no other explanation. Another would approach, but from her blind side. He would move with such silence that she didn't notice him until he spoke. She would flinch her surprise, her crown rotating so she could see him. Lips would twitch in a faint snarl. Was she missed? Of course she was!

"Well I should think that my husband, children and pack miss me." Her tones were confident, not a doubt in her mind. The crowd around continued to grow, making her uneasy. She did not expect such a crowd to greet her. He was an unfamiliar face, his eye also missing. She could help but wonder if he lost it to the same bitch who had stolen hers. She didn't answer his question, not entirely sure if it was a rhetorical question or not. He moved with uncertainty, clearly not accustomed to his lack of vision.




7 Years
10-19-2014, 10:34 AM

[Image: line2_by_xx_starry-d805t0d.png]


More and more beasts would arrive, crowding the dazed phoenix. Quietly she hissed curses in her mind, wishing for the savages to leave. The russet bitch had been through plenty enough, and she didn't need anymore scars. Her side flinched with surprise, which halted her cleaning of the bitch's wounds, the metallic tang of dried blood clotting her senses. The one-eyed queen spoke with a bit of aggression, which she just dismissed simply of stress and her dazed status. Venom hissed from the features of the scarred queen, clearly showing dismay and dislike for her captors.

Were they daft? This woman smelled of children and a husband. Obviously she'd be missed. The harlot would give her own glare of dislike, straight into the eyes of her Valentine. As the queen replied, she relaxed a little bit. She didn't want to show too much dominance. She only was a trophy. "Give her space. She's been through much, and the queen wouldn't like any issues to evolve." She would absently return to cleansing the russet queen, the blood tasting dryly on her tongue. The taste and scent would be stuck for a while, but she didn't mind right now, gently cleaning the dirt and blood from this queen.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-22-2014, 06:11 PM

The queen responded, her tone confident, and the brute would grunt in a preliminary response. His question served a purpose, one he was eager to discuss with her. Valentine sucked in a deep breath, readying to respond with his reason behind the question, when the gaze of Kylar's plaything caught his attention. His hackles would lift in response, lips curling back in a clear warning. She needed to learn her place. It was possible that Kylar was going to be upset with him for wounding his precious toy, but it was his own fault for not controlling her better. She needed the fear of god put into her and if he had to be the one to instill it in her, so be it.

"Know your place," he growled, eyes narrowing, ears flattening as he prepared for battle. Valentine's stance widened as he centered his weight. He went ridged, his whole body tensing as he prepared to punish the big-mouthed slave. The brute's head lowered to become even with his spine, his chin tucking as his shoulders rolled forward to protect his throat. In this instance, his height could be used against him, and so it was with that in mind that Valen's knees bent and he sunk into a crouch.

Valentine made a beeline for Empyrea in an attempt to come up on her right side. He jutted his left shoulder forward, intent on driving it into the smaller wolf's upper right shoulder. Simultaneously, the brute's jaws parted, his neck snaking down and to the left in an attempt to drive his fangs into the top of the slave's neck. The aim was to bite the place where her skull met her spine with crushing force. He would wring the respect out of her if he had to.



Defenses: Second paragraph

Attacks: Attempting to drive his left shoulder into her right shoulder while seeking to bite into the top of her neck


"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years
10-22-2014, 07:57 PM

There had been a brief moment of silence that had enveloped the group, when an air of bloodlust began to form around the beast to her right. The darkness glinting in his eyes qere imminent, as the harlot disappeared from the russet queen's side. There wasn't any authority around to stop her and the beast from battling in what could be a war of dominance. Maybe her captor was watching and could see what she could be, instead of just another toy. The harlot's own eyes would narrow to slits, as her bodice showed off a bit of a dominant posture. She wanted this man's blood in this game; not his desires.

Her amethysts would narrow to slits, shielding from dust and tightening the skin around her eyes and muzzle, whilst her muzzle contorted into an ugly snarl for intimidation, crinkling the skin into a mass of her cloak, brows pressing together tightly. Veldt ears pinned against the base of her skull, tightening the skin on her crown and keeping them away from the ugly jaws of the beast. Her skull lowered, becoming even with her spine for balance and strength, while her chin tucked close to her chest, hiding her vulnerable vital parts, and bringing the skin on her scruff tighter, between her now rising hackles. Her shoulders rolled forwards, while her abdomen tucked tightly, bringing skin downward in tough knots. Her knees bent, loosely to absorb any shock should the beast be brutal. Her hind legs spread widely, power localized in them to spring if she needed to quickly move. Toes splayed and claws dug into the ground for traction and flexibility. Her tail rose, aligning with her skull and spine for a rudder and balance. The words of his were a hiss. "Know your place."

His bulk moved with great agility, beelining for her right side, where she currently was facing him, having not moved to face directly toward the man yet. The man's shoulder jutted forth awkwardly, as he came within a few feet of her, intent on colliding with the flesh of her shoulder. The harlot would sidestep once to the left, the beast's side grazing her, yet his massive face haunted her features, as his jaws snaked downward, intent on the top of her neck, but instead breaching the area just before her shoulders on her scruff. The teeth sank in like needles, breaching about an inch and a half in, blood already welling up in the spot. Pain shot through her veins as her heart rate quickened, kickingg at her ribs like a rabbit until adrenaline nulled the pain.

'He will not hear his name wailed from my lips ever.' The vile thought trickled through her mind as the harlot whipped her skull downward until her nose was about five inches from the ground, intent on getting the beast to release her from his grip. The bite wound that already existed would possibly tear from his release, but that was a matter for later. Should he release her, the woman's head would seek the underside of the male's neck, which hung dangerously close above her. Her jaws would unhinge and her skull would lurch in the direction of the male's jugular, and if she could get a grip on anything, she would crush her jaws together, wanting to hear him cry out for mercy, to wail her name. The lower half of her body rotated about fifteen degrees to the left, away from the beast, as her hind legs spread once more to let power localize at her haunches for a later attack. Her entire weight shifted quickly to even herself out before letting her left hind leg have more pressure on it as her right foreleg rose with swift and deadly silence, the paw covered with dust. With all of the weight she could possibly place, she slammed it onto the ground, trying to aim somewhere near his left forepaw, but she would not wait for the satisfying crunch of toes beneath that foot before letting her foot retreat back to it's position, fixating herself in the position to shove herself away from the beast, and hopefully get an assault of her own in, power localized on her right side.


Quote:DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, brow and muzzle contorted, ears pinned, skull aligned with spine, hackles raised, chin tucked, abdomen tucked, shoulders rolled forward, knees bent, toes splayed, claws driven in the ground, tail raised, readjusting weight after movements
ATTACKS: a bite aimed at Valentine's juglar/any part of his underside, raising her right foot to try to stomp on Valentine's left forepaw.
INJURIES: a bite wound on her right lower neck 1 1/2" deep, tear pending



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-22-2014, 10:49 PM

Blood blossomed across the confines of his mouth as his bite was victorious. It filled his mouth and escaped from the corners in thin streams of pink saliva. The tang of it, the bitter, metallic flavor, sent a bolt of excitement through his chest. The feel of flesh cleaving between his fangs awoke a side of him that he hadn't known he possessed. It filled him with heedless wrath and a craving for more destruction. He was beyond soothing.

The skin grasped firmly in his jaws tore further as the fae sought to lower her head nearly to the ground. Realizing the futility of the hold, he released it, once more tucking his chin down to protect his throat as he prepared for her counter. It came swiftly, her movements seen out of the corner of his eye as she darted towards his throat. Here his height could serve him. Quickly, the brute straightened, his knees locking just as he felt the teeth of the much shorter wolf dig into the skin of his upper left chest. The bite dug in deeply, slicing through the loose skin provided by his rolled shoulders/tucked chin. It bled, he could feel drops of the liquid dampening his fur, but evaluating the damage done would have to wait until later.

To add insult to injury, her paw would find his toes. She brought the appendage down hard, catching the tips of the two leftmost toes and mashing them to the ground. His toes popped under her weight, the short nails bending unnaturally to the side. While miraculously unbroken, the toes would bruise heavily, their pads forcibly collecting the grit beneath them in a mild abrasion created by friction. Her assault on his neck had been accepted soundlessly, but the pain that flared up his leg was too great to ignore. He snarled, anger tinging the rim of his vision with red. She would pay.

Quick to retaliate, the brute tensed, his whole body going ridged in bottomless rage. His ears flattened once more and the rest of his rudimentary defenses followed suit; his hackles stood up upon his back in a solid line, his eyes narrowed and behind him, the brute's tail lifted for balance. His lips pulled back in a bloody display of aggression, the little fae's blood bubbling from his jaws. He rolled his shoulders forward again to complete the protective shield around his throat, never mind the jaws that currently grasped his chest. If she sought a higher hold, his teeth would be waiting. Beneath him, the brute's toes splayed to better his balance, his stance widening to better his quickly centering weight.

Knees bending, the brute moved to push off with his hind legs and jolt forward while simultaneously snapping his left shoulder out. More than willing to sacrifice the skin in her grasp, he aimed to shove the fae across the jaw with his shoulder while ramming into her snout with his chest. A bloody, tweaked nose was a bitch; causing the eyes to water and the nose to run. Perhaps, if he were truly lucky, her tongue would be claimed as a casualty to his efforts as well. If she refused to let go of him and the wound on his chest was worsened by his actions, so be it.

He stepped forward, seeking to reclaim the distance the fae had tried to put between them. Beneath him, his weight would be redistributed as his injured left paw would rise. He threw it forward, seeking to sneak it in behind the fae's front right leg and hook his paw around her left forelimb. If successful, he'd yank it out from under her. Simultaneously, he sought revenge for the crushed toes in the form of a bite across the face. His jaws snaking down, teeth parting as he attempted to sink merciless fangs into her right eye. The aim was to drive his upper teeth into the optic with blinding force while slicing into her cheekbone with his lower teeth in a disfiguring combination blow. She would wail for him yet.


Round TWO of TWO

Defenses: Chin tucked, muscles tensed, ears flattened, hackles up, eyes narrowed, tail lifted, lips curled, shoulders rolled, toes splayed, stance widened, weight centered, knees bent

Attacks: Using his shoulder to shove into Empy's jaw while ramming into her snout with his chest, seeking to hook her left forelimb and yank it out from under her, seeking to blind her right eye while cutting into her cheekbone

Injuries: Moderate puncture wounds to upper left chest, two heavily bruised toes, mild abrasion on paw pads

"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years
10-23-2014, 06:13 PM

Since this battle began, the male seemed much more aggressive, driven insane by the thrill of adrenaline through his veins. Perfect.

As her nose lurched toward the ground, it's earthy scent enveloping her senses until the brute released him from lack of grip on the loose skin around it. Blood trickled from the wound left from the tearing motions of the male and the beginning punctures instilled by the brute's first bite. The male's stature straightened like a board, her jaws locking onto the upper left chest of the male, his legs locked in position. Her right foreleg retreated to it's original position as she heard and felt the satisfying crunch of the beast's toes. Her hindquarters shifted, legs spreading wide to balance herself once more before the male would begin to recoil against her attacks.

She took the quick time to refurbish what defenses she could have possibly lost in her movements. Her amethysts narrowed, brows and muzzle contorting into a snarl, making the skin in both areas taunt and making for a more difficult place to hit. Veldt ears pinned against the base of her crown, skin folding with them and masking the vulnerable areas beneath her neck fur. Her crown lowered to align with her spine, her scruff bunching up in the process as well as her chin tucking to shield her vulnerable underside. Her hackles rose skyward, bunching up skin and making herself look a little bit more intimidating, even though it would not help in this war. Her abdomen tucked, dragging skin with it, while her shoulders rolled forward, knees bending to absorb shock from any assaults. Her toes splayed wide, claws driving into the dusty soil for grip. Her hind legs spread wide behind her, power localized into their chassis to spring away should she find need to. Her tail rose, slashing the air quickly as a rudder and for balance of her weight.

The brute would begin, localizing power at his haunches and snapping his left chest forward and out of her grip, but the blood that blossomed from the wound and the snarls of annoyance were plenty enough to encourage the woman. She released her grip instantly, teeth covered with blood, refusing to lick off the sweet tang of it. His shoulder shoved forward in the direction of her snout, seeking to collide with the bone. Her crown quickly snapped away, pain roaring in her skull as her neck moved so quickly, muscles torn and sore from pain. The shoulder collided with the right side of her face, and her jaws clicked together painfully. It would definitely bruise later, a heavy one at that from the weight of the man, about three inches beneath her eyes. The man's hot chest pressed into her neck, and she spread her haunches wide, power localizing at her stifles, toes spreading into the dirt, collecting grit beneath them in mild abrasion, before springing about five inches from the male's hot chest, his legs pumping to follow and reclaim the distance that she had tried to put between the two. His jaws unhinged, hunting for the side of her face. 'Not on my watch, beast' Her nostrils flared, as she spread her haunches wide behind her, weight redistributing onto her feet, weight on all four of her paws to keep her still. His left foreleg rose in a flash, hunting for the right foreleg of hers to disbalance her and try to bring her closer to his deadly grip. Heat rolled from him in waves, penetrating her skin. The flash of fangs glinted in her eyes, the harlot's had snapping downward painfully, and to the left, keeping the male's target of choice away from him. Her haunches spread wide, but succumbed to shaking as pain shot through her bones like a bullet. She bit her tongue to keep herself from screaming. His jaws had locked onto her axis, sinking in deep, but not as deep as his first assault, reaching about an inch deep. Blood blossomed from the wound, air burning it as it escaped the chasms of the steaming brute.

Her weight would distribute between her legs, a bit unevenly as more was put onto her left foreleg than the others. The man's hot chest pressed against her side, searing her right side like fire. Adrenaline dulled the pain on her axis, but the beast wasn't letting go, it seemed. Her toes splayed wide, grit collecting beneath her pawpads once more, cutting into the taunt skin, as her right shoulder jutted forward, sharp structure outlined clearly by her fur. The shoulder would move in the direction of the beast's left humerus, or really anywhere she could reach with the size difference between them. A bruised limb with two possibly broken toes could be a pain in the ass. That was what the harlot wanted. Her left haunch would press onto the dusty ground, grit grinding the skin down while her whole right side tipped in the direction of the brute, her side expecting to meet searing flank. If her side would meet his and collide, she could expect some bruising to the shoulder of hers, as well as a tear from the brute's fangs. She wouldn't wait to feel it, instantly stomping her feet down, intent on landing only on the ground, and not more toes, sending her power to her neck as she would try to whip it to the right, bones grinding against pain, jaws unhinging. Her lips peeled back in an ugly snarl, blood staining sharp ivories, a snarl ripping through her throat like fire. Her skull would lurch in the direction of the beast's jugular, if her position could even allow it. Pain burned throughout her body, bones ached, muscles screamed to stop and give up. Not in a million years until this beast surrendered.


Quote:DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, brow and muzzle contorted, ears pinned, skull aligned with spine, hackles raised, chin tucked, abdomen tucked, shoulders rolled forward, knees bent, toes splayed, claws driven in the ground, tail raised, readjusting weight after movements
ATTACKS: shoving her right shoulder in the direction of Valentine's left humerus, throwing her weight in the direction of Valentine's whole left side, attempting to bite his jugular.
INJURIES: a bite wound on her right lower neck 1 1/2" deep, tear about two inches long on the lower right side, upper part of her neck, heavy bruising on the right side of her face, below her eyes, mild abrasion on back pawpads, bite wound on her axis 1" deep, pending bruising to right shoulder, pending tear

OOC: 969 words, holy cows.



10-23-2014, 07:11 PM

The golden bitch had been with her newborn daughter, taking time to enjoy her energy and watching her try to sneak towards the den entrance. Her attempts were futile, for Maija always caught her at the right moment, but it was amusing to say the least. She had decided to carry on her duties after Neo had returned from an earlier hunt and take care of their baby. Nuzzles and many kisses were given to her spoiled daughter before she departed from her small side. This girl would be the apple of their eyes, that was for sure.
As soon as she stepped out of her serene atmosphere, she turned into someone different. The happiness slipped back into its shell, causing the walls to rise without hesitation. Her eyes hardened, her face became smooth as glass, and she felt her coat glisten as the sun danced upon her moving body. Muscles that had gotten soft from the birthing were more firm, proving that such things could bounce back. She was glorious and that could be said or unsaid.
Her nose caught the scent of blood and the familiar scent of her sister. Paws carried her in the right direction, all the while her little bodyguard followed in the shadows. The closer she got to the specified place, the closer Cezar ended up getting to Maija. She didn't mind his presence right beside hers, but she flicked an ear in his direction to let him know she knew where he was. When the scene opened up to Valentine and Empyrea, Kylar's newest play thing. Oh my god, when were they going to learn?
Maija didn't need to stomp in order to make her presence known. She gave a low growl, fur began to stand on end, and her steps were silent. Leaf-green eyes flashed dangerously as she walked towards the massive male whom resembled Taurig to the bone. They had blood pouring everywhere, making a bigger mess than was necessary. Her voice remained cold, emotionless, but furious. "Enough." She growled, snapping at thin air in front of Valentine. "Explain to me why you felt you had the right to do this."
As Maija dealt with Valentine's scuffle, Cezar knew that she was concerned for her sister's health. He moved around the drama in the shadows and appeared near Sibelle. His nose began to work and his tail stood on end, ready to spray anyone that came near him. He saw the finer details that Empryea had missed and he began to groom her. Nose quivered as he mumbled beneath his breath before going over to one of the nearby bushes and chewing it up into a fine paste. The herb he had chosen would help with wounds recovering; this he used to his advantage. He worked around her shoulder, cranium, and scruff, doing his job diligently without saying a word. Once he was done, he grunted and looked up to see if Maija needed his assistance. One word and he would be ready.

speech here

The Judge


10-23-2014, 08:46 PM


Round 1

8 for clarity- where exactly is he positioned along her right side? Perpendicular? -1, what does he hope to accomplish by driving his shoulder into her? -1

10 for powerplaying. None seen

10 for defenses. hackles raised, lips curled back, eyes narrowed, ears pined, weight centered, stance widened, head lowered, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, knees bent

5 for attack. driving his shoulder into her upper right shoulder +2, but to the top of her neck +3

10 for injuries.First round

Round one VALENTINE Total: 43/50


7 for clarity- not sure how she could step to left and he miss her, if they aren?t head on -2, again im not sure how his bite landed so low without a clear picture of their position -1

7 for powerplaying. your entire attack depends on whether or not he releases her -3

10 for defenses. eyes narrowed, lips crinkled, ears pinned, head lowered, chin tucked, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, knees bent, legs spread, toes splayed, claws dug into the ground, tail aligned with her spine

6 for attack. bite to his jugular +4, slamming her paw down on his paw +6

10 for injuries. moderate bite to her scruff

Round one EMPRYEA Total: 40/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- Not sure he?d be able to reach under her to grab her left leg, if hes on her right side -1

9 for powerplaying. not sure he?d able to reach under her with their height different -1

10 for defenses. ears pinned, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, tail lifted, lips pulled back, shoulders rolled forward, toes splayed, knees bent, chin tucked, weight distributed

7 for attack. strike her jaw with his shoulder +1, ramming his chest into her nose+1, hooking his foreleg around her left foreleg +1, bite across her face/right eye +4

5 for injuries. heavily bruised toes on his left forepaw -2, moderate bite to his left upper chest -2, mild abrasions to the pads of his injured toes -1

Round two VALENTINE Total: 40/50


5 for clarity- not really sure how she could reach his humerus -1, I have no idea what the ?axis? is -1, im not sure if they are parallel or not -1, not sure how she would strike his elbow while he has a hold of her neck -2

5 for powerplaying. Striking ?anywhere? forces your opponent to take damage -1, not sure how she would strike his elbow while he has a hold of her neck -2, if an attack isn?t possible because of your position, then you shouldn?t try it -2

10 for defenses. legs spread, eyes narrowed, lips curled, ears pinned, head lowered, chin tucking, hackles rose, shoulders rolled forward, knees bent, toes splayed, claws digging into ground, tail lifted

6 for attack. trying to strike his humerus with her shoulder +2, bite to his jugular +4

6 for injuries. heavy bruise to her jaw -2, moderate bite wound to her upper neck -2

Round two EMPRYEA Total: 32/50



EMPYREA: 72/100

And the winner is...

Valentine! Empyrea must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


VALENTINE- moderate bite the left upper portion of his chest (1 ooc week), heavily bruised toes (5 ooc days), mild abrasions to his paw pads (3 ooc days),

EMPYREA- moderate bite to her scruff (1 ooc week), heavy bruise to her jaw (5 ooc days), moderate bite to the back of her neck (1 ooc week)


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Starry
Being clear on your position in relation to your opponent is very important, not being clear had ruin the entire post if the judge cant picture it. Also remember to take realistic damage from your opponent. If you are going to use technical terms that aren?t commonly used, please explain, its not fun having to go on a hunt to find out where you are talking about.

For Lazuli
Just remember to be clear on where exactly you intend to strike your opponent.

- By [saffie]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-24-2014, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2014, 09:56 PM by Valentine.)

Words, like the droning of an insect, reached his ears but the brute ignored the chiding words until the battle was over. His blood sang, adrenaline pumping through his veins and setting him on fire. He was riding an incredible, endless high. A high that filled him with a feeling of invincibility and made everything beyond him feel insignificant in comparison. He felt like a god, high above the whimpering of the mortals.

With victory under his belt and pink saliva dripping from his jowls, Valentine flicked glittery eyes in the direction of his step mother. Her motives escaped him. What did she care if he punished a slave? "On more than one occasion she has refused to give respect when it was due. I was merely teaching her a lesson," he rumbled, tone ending on a low grumble. It shouldn't matter to her what he was doing. The white bitch was a slave. His ears flicked back as Maija threatened him; he was unimpressed with her display. In response his hackles rose, toes (all but the bruised ones) digging into the dirt as his stance turned defensive once more. The brute's blood was hot, his senses on edge and his inhibitions lowered. He was unafraid of a new challenge.

"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years
10-24-2014, 09:55 PM

The man would get the pleasure of victory this time. Her body went limp, saliva pooled around the point of her neck, blood angrily pulsing from the wound. Someday, you bastard, Someday you will pay Venom edged her thoughts as if they were a blade that cut both ways. His jaws would loosen, the intervening of the golden female welcomed. As the sound of the male's voice echoed in her pinned ears, she fought the urge to snap at the beast. Just because she was a slave, the harot shouldn't be treated with such hatred. What did this beast know of respect?! Her breathing was ragged, thoughts slurred. Darkness creeped into her line of vision, but she fought to keep hold of her consciousness. She would not show any more weakness to this brute. A dazed glare was sent in the direction of the colbalt male, speaking only of one thing. I hate you so much.
my actions |
my words |
my thoughts



10-28-2014, 10:28 AM

His explanation wouldn't be enough to satisfy her, but she didn't let him know that. Instead, she lowered her fighting defenses and sidestepped to her right. Ignoring the white female whose lesson had been learned, she took a couple of more bold steps towards Valentine and raised her lips to his ear. "You could have been less messy," she whispered, words only meant for him to hear. "Next time someone needs to learn something, you may want to break a wrist or pull a joint out of socket. You get more pleasure out of them that way."
Her leaf-green eyes, normally stone cold to others, showed the slightest hint of malice before she broke her gaze from his. She carried herself towards Sibelle, looked her over while taking in Cezar's handiwork, and then softly spoke to her as well. "I am sorry..." was all she whispered (meant for Sibelle's ears only) before growling at everyone and disappearing from the area. Oh, what fun she would have relaying the story to Cataleya.
-EXIT Maija-

Talk like this


10-28-2014, 09:16 PM

The pale cleaned her wounds diligently, rising to her defense as another approached. So many made her nervous. She was a slave within this pack, she had no rank, no respect, they could easily attack if they wished. And a fight did break out, though it didn't involve her. The cobalt boy attacked the girl that was caring for her, ultimately defeating her. Relief washed through as her sisters golden form appeared. She knew the woman lived here, but she hadn't expected to see her. A tiny creature would approach, and at first she would hesitation, peering at him warily. But he had arrived with Maija, and he had begun to clean her injuries in fine detail. She would watch as he scurries away, returning with herbs and applying them carefully.

Maija would scold both the fighting wolves before approaching. She would whisper an apology only for her ears, and she would silently look up at the woman, hoping to convey her appreciation. But her sister would not linger, departing as quickly she had come, leaving her alone again with the group of wolves. Her gaze would dart between the trio, her wounds stinging lightly as the herbs began to do their work. She vaguely remembered seeing a stranger little creature following her sister back in Solstice, but she wasn't entirely sure. A mental note was made to thank them both when she got out of this hell hole.

"Burn Baby Burn"



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-29-2014, 07:47 PM

The brute stiffened as Maija neared him, his knees bending further as his body tensed for an assault. To his surprise she glided to his left, her golden crown lifting so that her muzzle neared his ear. She whispered, her voice breathy and low as she delivered unexpected words. Surprise wiped away the hard lines that marred his features, replacing them with an openness that only shock could deliver.

In response, he turned slightly to the left, just enough to look at Maija out of the corner of his eye. Valentine regarded her with new eyes. That was not the Maija he knew from his childhood. Sure, they'd never been close, but he'd never thought her capable of such a suggestion.

How precious. Surprise would give way to amusement, the titan's features quirking up in a lopsided smile. "Yes, ma'am," he murmured, not caring if the others heard him. Oh, this was so delicious, so unexpected. So entertaining. The little white slave had soured his mood but this? This pulled him right out of the gloom. He would feel the shock of her suggestion for days.

"Speaking" Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.