



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-13-2013, 06:14 AM

Another area of desolation. Sin was growing quite tired of such vast emptiness, was this all the Northern lands had to offer? They seemed quite lonely. Nonetheless, he'd make do with what came his way. Be it tickling the fear at the edge of their minds or toying with their heart in a cruel manner. He always knew what buttons to push, which strings to pull. He was a master at wit and emotion. For he showed none but always saw what the other felt. He was well practiced, venomous amber gaze never missing a thing. Being more of a solitary creature, Sin had used the solitude to train himself in his senses. He had very acute hearing, better then most. He was always able to pick up even the softest of footfalls from yards away. His nose trained well to scent others before he even saw them. His sights always held a peculiar look, pupils often seeming to slit or appear as mere specks in his amber iris' as he sought out whatever disturbances lurked near or far. They were advanced things he learned, taught himself, and forged over a time period of tracking down those that crossed him. His skills were not just used for prey...he preferred more advanced game. His own kind.

Wolf blood was more satiating then that of a deer, but he never went as far as to eat the victim...he simply just liked to pluck their souls from their bodies. Feeling their heart stop and their breath ebb away as the light faded from their eyes. He enjoyed his games, even if he didn't always play by the rules. Coming across a peculiar sight, Sin found himself walking alongside a broken down wall. It stretched for what seemed like a couple miles, broken in large parts here and there, though nothing else of interest lurked on nor around it. His head was held high, tail curled so dominantly over his back as ears remained upright to catch the slightest sound. Sharpened claws leaving pointed indents in the snow; much different then a normal wolf.

Talk like this


12-13-2013, 05:30 PM
Isabella was again drawn back to the north. Perhaps because it was due to the mountains there, they reminded her of her home pack. Even if her pack did turn into a bunch of blood thirsty traitors who only saw power in how many wolves you could kill the mountains still felt like a kind of home. The Ocean would always mean more to her of course but the mountains gave her strength. Today though as she moved though the north it was not mountains she had found but a wall.

Curious, her icy blue eyes scanned the structure looking for any sign of who had made it. She had known beavers to build dams but this was certainly not made by them. She had heard of creatures called 'humans' but had never seen one before, if they made it maybe they were near. Her small swift from moved along the lifeless structure as easy to see as blood on the snow. Her red fox like coat gave her no camouflage here, but she did not mind she had found these lands to be rather safe so far. Moving on she held her head and ears up high as she followed the structure to see if it lead anywhere. Each step was sure and certain, it was clearly in her mind to walk like a dominant wolf, and her tail was up like a banner as she walked.

Though the wall was lifeless, the landscape was not as she just saw a wolf standing before it. Large, white as snow, male and perhaps around her age. Though his fur wasn't pure white, there seemed to be crimson markings. It was the first time in a while she had seen a wolf who looked as dominant as her, perhaps even more so by the curl of his tail. She wasn't very social, but perhaps this wolf knew more about the wall than she did. Wanting knowledge she approached with a small bark to let the stranger know of her approach.

Already her eyes went over him, taking everything in. The crimson markings were indeed crimson, but they were not markings they were blood. There was also something odd with the wolf's claws. They were sharp, she had never seen such a thing and wondered just how he got them that way. Keeping a comfortable distance from the stranger she paused and nodded her head once in simple greetings. "Greetings stranger. I have not been in this land much but perhaps you have. Does this structure mean the humans are near?" It was a simple enough question and one she wanted to know. Though her voice gave no indication of her curiosity. It was as cold and empty of emotions as ever, perhaps one of the only good things she had learned while in her pack.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-14-2013, 01:52 AM
Sin Armada

The silence that surrounded him was ear splittingly quiet. No sound was around him, and it seemed as if the earth swallowed everything, frozen in time. That is, until a sound shattered that silence. Turning to face the one who broke it, amber eyes narrowed at the figure who broke the flawless quietness that surrounded him just moments before. Ears fell back slightly, attention drifting towards her as he inspected the unknown woman.

His lip curled, however, it was not in the manner of intense hostility as was his usual manner. Instead, it was in annoyance at the broken silence. He eyed her with slight suspicion, but seemed he needn't be suspicious at all. Instead, her question struck him as strange and peculiar. Was this the first time she had ever seen a human structure? Well, it was unfortunate. Perhaps she had not done much traveling to see other human structures. They were quite interesting, the ones he had seen. Some things still worked, lights flickered where he had been before, a weak sign of life that did not take long to dim. And yet, they remained faintly lit, as if trying to hold on to that last bit of hope.

"Humans have not been seen for years. Their structures remain, hardly intact. This is one of those, however, a human has never been seen on these lands...nor on my travels." He replied with a somewhat monotone voice, tail remaining high over his back, head held high. She too seemed the dominant style, judging by the way she held herself. And if it came down to it, he would show who was more dominant. However, he was feeling in a rather placid mood, the atmosphere had calmed his always raging mind, but it could always turn at the slightest provocation.


12-14-2013, 09:34 PM
The male seemed just as observant as herself, with as much control as his voice and stance. It was refreshing to say the least, she was tired of those happy wolves all too eager to bound around and wag their tails. Of course they were no different from the angry, why let another know you have made them angry? Control another emotions and you control much of that other wolf. Foolish really to let any emotion show. Even if this male seemed impressive, he also seemed a bit annoyed. Isabella was in no mood to fight, certainly not with a larger male so she would do her best not to anger him.

His dominance did not go unnoticed, she did not challenge his though she did not lower her own stance. It was almost as if he was an Alpha, the blood would make seance to her then yet he did not smell of other wolves, at least not strongly of them. Her head dipped a moment at the words. "Ah I see, shame I was hoping in seeing one of the creatures. I have seen those dens of theirs before. One with a point high in the air with a funny symbol that resembled a bird with its wings out, if the tail of the bird was on the ground."

Pausing she thought of the place, the dust, the musty smell the strange symbols and the colored ice that did not melt in heat. "A fine place but not as fine as what was in it. I and another as small as I found turkeys within. Fat, stupid noisy things but a good meal." It was a good memory, the wolf she had hunted with was indeed a friend. That was until she joined a pack and cast Isabella aside. Not that she would let that emotion get to her now. "I do beg your pardon, me making as much noise as one of those stupid birds and without any kind of introduction. I am Isabella VentFlurrer." She did not bother to ask of the male's name, weather he gave it freely or not would tell her a little about him, and perhaps she could learn more if he seemed like the type to talk. She did have questions after all about the claws and blood, even if her words gave no clue to it. Though hidden within her eyes was a spark of curiosity.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-18-2013, 06:28 PM
Sin Armada

Born with little to no emotional standards, Sin awaited the response of the woman who arrived. He hardly cared whether she did or not, but would rather be doing something then nothing at all. For now he was a wanderer, an exile from his former pack back home because his ideals were different. He cared not for who disagreed with him, nothing and no one would ever change that about him. Only he could change himself, and although he was quite capable of doing so...he didn't want to. Not anytime soon, and quite possibly not ever.

He moved slightly from his position, his sinful gaze unwavering on her. Both ears cocked forward, listening to her description of what she had come across before. He knew all too well what it was, and it was foolish that one would not know the names of the structures that once poisoned the land of the humans presence. "What you speak of is called a Church or Cathedral. The symbol you describe is called a 'Cross' which is a human symbol for their God." A smirk arose upon his snowy lips, gaze narrowing ever so slightly. "Though it seems their so called 'God' abandoned them. Because we rule the lands now."

He was intrigued upon learning her name. Her last name especially, was rather strange and unheard of. At least, he had never heard of it before. Dipping his head slightly, he would still hold some manners when he was in a not so harsh mood. Today, she was lucky. "My name is Sin." Amber gaze bore into hers, though not as intense as he usually did. She really was lucky then, for he felt no inclination to paint the earth with her blood. "You have questions burning in your mind. Voice them, little vixen." He saw the curiosity, there was no mistaking. He was easily able to decipher the looks in the eyes of others, no matter how hard they tried to hide it. There was no hiding from him, he'd always find out. A small smile curled his lips at the mention of the nickname he'd given her, for her colors had reminded her of a fox. He cared not whether she got offended or pleased with the remark. He never hid his intentions nor words.


12-18-2013, 09:19 PM
So this wolf was knowledgeable. Good, she was always eager to learn, even more so when it was about the strange humans. 'Church' and 'cross' would be words she would keep in mind for the next time they saw them. A slight nod of her head answered him when he spoke of the human God. "Indeed, perhaps their God simply favored us more than them. I have heard they are the ones that cause the death of entire forests, they may have just crossed him." Gods, Goddesses, spirits, though she did not know much about them they were always interesting to talk of. She had met many wolves with different ideas and she had her own involving the Ocean.

The male gave her attention when she spoke, seemed to hold interest in her words and a nod of greeting. Calm and well mannered. Finally a wolf she could hold a conversation with so long as she didn't ramble like a fool. The amber eyes of the male who introduced himself as Sin held her gaze. She didn't often look away from the eyes of others anyways but his had a captivating quality to them she had not seen before. As amber and blue clashed amber must have won out as Sin could see her emotions. She cursed herself in her mind for not being good enough to hide them entirely.

The nick name also caught her a little off guard, but at least 'vixen' was better than simply 'fox'. Though she did not like the name, she did not dislike it either at least for the moment. "Well, at least I might as well ask my questions." She thought before nodding to the words. "You are observant indeed. Yes, two questions. I suppose the first is more obvious, the blood on your coat. One would think it would give off enough scent to make prey on edge and harder to catch so I am curious as to why you have left your fur that way. Another would be your claws that resemble those of felines. No doubt they are useful, but how do you sharpen them that way? If you are willing to tell me of course." She added sure to stay respectful, and with the desire to learn in her voice.