
Songs of Prosperity


12-16-2013, 10:54 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The alabaster princess sought out her friend, curious to see how life as an Alphess was treating her and her family. As well, the dame wanted to thank her friend, while the back of her mind was also going to be checking to make sure she was better, the horrid sickness that had tormented the pearl femme had apparently had some... Adverse effects. Moonstone orbs scanned the den site of Song, finding no one, so the giantess wandered off to follow the older scents in search of the smaller woman. It had been a while since the two of them had had a conversation alone, and they were well past due for another. Broad paws struck the terra with minimal noise, verdant grasses crushed softly underfoot. The freshest scent led to the edge of the mangrove, where the strong smells of the swampy landscape drowned out anything. A look of irritation with her weak skills led her to lift her delicate cranium to the air and inhale deeply. There. Long legs carried her swiftly over the roots, following the faint whiff of her best friend's scent. Then it was lost again, frustration setting in. Ethereal lyrics flowed from her regal maw, slipping from between formidable pearl razors. "Song, I surrender to your sneaking prowess, reveal yourself!" She called, silky smooth voice burred a little more by her Russian accent. Long ivory banner swung behind the she wolf as her liquid mercury pools scanned the shadows of the mangrove, searching between the trunks and roots to find her friend. Massive paw would shoot out from beneath the tall lass' willowy frame and swept in a broad semi circle across the swamp waters, letting the lights that resulted illuminate the area further. Where was that sneaky cream furred maiden?




12-17-2013, 10:24 PM

The sounds of their voices would whisper quietly to her as the pale she wolf would sit quietly near the middle of the territory. Her ears were laid back and brilliant bicolored eyes were closed to worldly colors. The wind would not even stir a fur upon her bodice as she let her breathing become in tune with her surroundings. When they spoke with her she felt such a oneness with the earth it was difficult to remember herself. Though silence was required and as Aurora approached she was drawn further into the reality around her. Gently pale eyelids would flutter open as words were set forth from her jaws, it seemed she was being difficult to find.

With grace the wintry bird would bring herself from the earth. Her cost would be shaken of the clinging snow as her tail began to wag. "Hello Aurora, I'm sorry, I was thinking." she would smile as she pushed herself up against Aurora's side. "What did you need?"



12-18-2013, 12:45 AM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

Finally her pearl friend appeared, pressing herself up against the alabaster femme's flank affectionately. Grinning, the dame gazed down at the smaller fae and let her ethereal vocals dance from her dark lips. "I simply wished to have a conversation, it has been quite some time since we last spoke privately." She explained, her silky smooth voice calm as ever. Long ivory banner would wag as she sat calmly upon the roots of the mangrove trees, perfectly balanced and relaxed. "So how is life for you at this point in time, my dear?" The pale giantess inquired, tilting her delicate cranium to the side and fixing her liquid mercury gaze upon the creamy furred Alphess affectionately. She knew she should be more respectful to the dame, but when they had met the willowy huntress had come upon her while Song huddled against a rock face in fear as a storm raged. She had seen this woman at her weakest, met her while they were both young, and been at her side in the best of times. They need not show each other such formality, they were well past it now. Sitting calmly against the trunk of a tree, the tall woman waited for her friend's reply, scanning her petite frame to assess her condition. Something was wrong, but still yet the lass who's name spoke of the lights which hid within her coat could not decipher how far into her brain the delusions of being a voice of the gods went. Aurora Porcelain Anima Lunashka knew of the gods, and so far she had not seen anything that proved this was anything more than what it appeared to be, delusions. But the bleached lupine would wait, calm and hopeful that her friend would snap out of this state sooner rather than later...




12-19-2013, 01:55 PM

Song would let herself mirror the appearance of the she wolf, her haunches would coil beneath her as she sat, the distance between them minimal. Pearly tail would thump against the ground happily as Aurora's words reached the smaller girl. She would smile as the lingering bits of her dreams drifted away, "It's.. different. A different from when before I was sick." she would begin, realizing the differences that had occurred. "It's a good different though, I'm glad I'm able to make things better for my family." She'd smile, she was bred for such a position, now that it was fully in her grasp she would take up the mantle and support it with her entire being. What about you, Mrs. Aurora Porcelain Anima Lunashka-Bane, how's married life treating you, my friend?" She'd smile as she affectionately bumped into her shoulder. Secretly she would hope for pups in their near future, she was excited for her children to have more pups to play with. Which in turn led her to remember that her own season was coming up...



12-19-2013, 11:47 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The pearl lass seemed at ease in her position, in her element, if anything. A grin played at the ivory femme's defined features, regal muzzle lowering to nuzzle her friend's neck. As long as the woman was happy, being slightly ill could be dealt with at another time. When Song mentioned the alabaster woman's newlywed life, the smile that curved up her dark lips broadened to reveal every one of her formidable daggers. "So far, married life is wonderful. However, I have some worries..." The giantess murmured, steel gaze falling to the ground as pale lids fell over them. "I have told almost none of this, but I am the only remaining Lunashka, and I guess now I'm Queen of a vast empire, the only problem is, my kingdom is back home, and it is naught but wasteland now... I'm scared to tell Magnus, because the knowledge of such power can corrupt even the best of wolves..." The willowy she wolf murmured, turning her worried silver gaze upon her friend. "What should I do, Song?" She inquired, desperation plain in her silky ethereal tones, accent thick with emotions that clogged her mind and heart, but would show nowhere but her consuming mercury pools. Twin raven's feathers would stir in the breeze that swept across the waters, dancing an erratic ballet for a few breaths before falling flush with her silky fur. A deep sigh escaped the woman's dark lips, lithe muscles quivering as that cursed infinite mind of hers dreamt up every possible bad scenario that would come if she told her beloved about her past.




12-20-2013, 03:32 PM

Song would feel happiness at her friends words, glad to hear that she found as much pleasure in being married as she did, but those happinesses would come with concern. It turned out that Aurora was a Queen in her own right, the last remaining of an empire. What would this mean for her time in the pack? Would she stay with Magnus in Ludicael? I never knew that about you Aurora! That's incredible. What do you plan on doing? she would ask before answering the woman her question. Magnus is a good man, I think that no matter what he will always be devoted to you, Aurora. She would nuzzle teh woman again, glad that she could so easily come to her and express such concerns.



12-21-2013, 12:29 AM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

Her friend, despite being the Alphess of such a pack as Ludicael, was not afraid of what it could mean for Aurora being the newfound Queen of a distant, wasted land. In fact, the woman inquired as to the alabaster femme would be doing in regards to the situation. A shrug lifted, and promptly dropped the ivory lass' petite shoulders as she met her friend's mismatched gaze. "I think I'll be staying here for now, there is nothing left there for me but a vast, wasted forest and sorrowful memories of what used to be." The woman murmured, her haunting lyrics showing emotion that none her age should know, those silky vocals revealing the effects lent upon her by the horrors she had seen as they laced themselves in her Russian accent. As the smaller pearl fae spoke of Magnus, a smile crept over the icy rose's features, playing with them in a way that made her steel optics sparkle with glee. "Thank you, Song, it means a lot to me that you are here for me right now." She told the creamy dame, resting her delicate cranium upon Song's shoulder and lightly nuzzling her in thanks. Since she didn't have that many friends, the ones she had meant all the more to her.




12-23-2013, 02:16 PM

The Oracle was glad to hear that Aurora would be keeping herself in Ludicael for the time being, her old home was naught but a waste now. No use going back to for now. Song would nuzzle the dethroned queen as she mourned the loss of her kingdom. Aurora would lean her head against the smaller dove's shoulder as she voiced her thanks, I'm glad I can be here for you Aurora, what kind of friend would i be if I wasn't? She would giggle as she leaned in closer to her friend, happy to just spend time with those she loved.


ooc. End thread?


12-23-2013, 04:07 PM
OOC: Sure

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

Her friend spoke of being a good friend, and a good friend she was indeed. A soft grin played at the alabaster femme's features, revealing the tips of her formidable fangs as she slid shut her steel orbs and sighed in contentment. Lifting her cranium, pale tiara would pivot so that the woman's liquid mercury gaze fixed upon the mismatched stare of her pearl coated friend. "Song, if there is ever anything you would need, I should hope you would come to me." She murmured, Russian lyrics calm and sweet. Ethereal tones spoke only the truth, hopeful that her friend would stay close; since Song was all the ivory lass had left as a constant, besides Magnus. Lifting her head, Aurora looked up to the sky and stared at the stars that were blinking to life in the inky blackness. One day, she would join her family up there, but not before she could leave behind a history here that she could be proud of. Hopefully the woman at her side would be there until the end of it.

-End of Thread-
