
Taking Comfort in Sorrow


12-12-2013, 07:04 PM

Aros had wandered far and wide as of late, searching for something. What it was, he couldn't say, but he was reasonably sure it was out there. It was just... he didn't know where to start looking. He had picked a direction and started walking, and that had taken him to the top of this odd mountain. He lay beside a gurgling stream, and not far off a waterfall plunged lengths and lengths down to the ground. He could hear the roar, and little else over to of it. It was bitterly cold atop the peak, with scarce cover offered to him. It was desolate, yet stunningly beautiful.

The sky was clear, but so bitterly cold his throat stung with every breath. Aros, of course, embraced this fact. He had been raised in worse, been through worse, and expected tomorrow to be worse yet just as a matter of principle. It had kept him alive thus far, and it made him strong. In his opinion, at any rate. Oh yes, he was a hardy wolf. Perhaps even senile, despite being barely a pawful of moons into adulthood. How long it had been since he started his trail, he could not know. The seasons seemed to play as they saw fit depending on where he was, and gave little accordance to the season. He'd even lost track of the moon cycles. He could take solace only in his discomfort, the only constant he could understand.

"Speech," Thoughts,