
Don't Mess With Ouija Boards



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-12-2013, 05:18 AM
Sin Armada

Pale paws stepped upon the frozen grounds, amber glare intent on everything yet nothing at the same time. The land here bored him, and company seemed scarce, however, he cared very little for whomever happened to cross paths with him. He was a proud and very powerful figure. anyone who met him should be happy that he would even consider giving so much as a glance to such lowly vermin. He cared not for the lives of others, he cared not for their emotions nor thoughts nor anything else. However, if they so much as disrespected him, then they would surely find that they would soon regret.

He was a force on the lands, taking everything and giving nothing. They deserved nothing from him, and those who did not deserve would not get so much as a glance. He would simply act as if they were not there. Invisible. Non-existent. And so it was with steps that polluted the land that he'd approach the waters, pallid figure nearly invisible...if it weren't for the blood stains on his pelt.

Lowering his head, the beast would take a drink. Intent on satiating his thirst without distraction, without bothersome scum who would most likely bother him like flies upon a horses hide.


12-31-2013, 06:52 PM

Once again the silenced angel was drawn to Kennocha lake. The ice was still coating the waters. She moved across the solid ground, until her golden orbs came to rest on a figure. She bit back a snarl. It was 'the crimson demon' as he called himself. Little bastard. She hadn't even caught his name, before he shoved her off a fucking ledge. And twisted her ankle. That was before the bastard of a cat had taken her tongue out, and enslaved her. Fucking hell, she hated men. Well most men. She wanted to scream at him, shove him into the lake. That would be funny. But alas, she couldn't be bothered. She simply walked up and stood behind him. Seeing how long it would take the bastard to notice.

Speech, Thought, Others,



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-31-2013, 11:30 PM
Sin Armada

It took no time for the demon to scent the approach of one he met before. Without lifting his head or giving notice to her he lifted the corners of his lips in a snarl. Gleaming teeth baring ever slightly beneath slightly parted lips. So she had returned for an encore of what had happened before. Another dance with the demon that had shamed her before. What a fool. Had she not learned? Well then, she would this time. And he would be sure she would not forget. "Cross me once, shame on you. Cross me're asking for death."

He turned on her, his steps lurching menacingly in her direction, his teeth mere inches from her face. If she wanted to play then he would play. He was not keen on dirtying his paws at this moment in time, but when one tempted the devil inside then he would heed the call. After all, if she didn't want trouble then she would not have approached him so. She would have learned from her first mistake, and yet here she was in his presence once more. Kindness was not in him, chivalry however, was a different matter. And yet, he would not use such chivalry on her. She stepped into the devils pit, and there was no turning back. Ears pinned to his head, eyes of a rattlesnake intense upon her, the reflection of the foolish woman apparent in his dark slits. Fool...


01-03-2014, 06:21 AM
OOC: I have given Sasuke permission to pp on his next post

She would only gin as the man spoke. Cross me once, shame on you. Cross me're asking for death." Well, she was clearly looking for death then. The man swilvled round to face her, then he would come closer to her, so that they were mere inches apart. She would only stand there, the grin still pasted across her face defiantly. She could see his ears pin against his skull, eyes burn with anger. She would just stand, calmly, knowing that calmness would anger more him than showing fear, which would just please him. Kill me, why would I give a fuck, I'm practically dead already. Raped, beaten up, enslaved, it isn't much of a fucking life. This would all have been much easier if she hadn't joined that bitch's pack, she had traded Illja's life away, and fine well known it. She wanted to have the pleasure of killing her herself, but unfortunately, her inner demons had beaten her to it. Illja would stand proudly, her lat few shreds of dignity showing.

Speech, Thought, Others,



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-07-2014, 06:12 PM

"So, you will choose to tempt fate then?" His snarling teeth turned into a smirk, the demon pulling back mere inches as plans brewed within the darkest crevices of his mind. She was a fool, tempting him so. Slowly, his eyes roamed her figure....her oh so pristine figure. Another thought, another sort of want was created within the pits of his fiery soul. How long had it been since his last release? Some time ago he was sure, before he had come to Alacritis. A dark echo of sinister laughter echoed in the pit of his chest, his body seeming to relax if only for show. "You really are a fool..." And perhaps it was so, for he could see her attempt at trying to remain strong and unwavering. But deep within her eyes, he could tell she was frightened. Good. He always loved the look of fear upon the face of his prey. It only made the game all the more fun and exciting.

Without a warning nor sign of intent, the beast lunged forward with widespread jaws. Teeth sought the side of her neck, where he then clasped on tightly. If she struggled too much, then she would choke out. His teeth in the perfect position for such a thing. He forced her head down, as he then moved himself to reposition at her side. "Consider this an honor, princess!" He hissed between tooth and fur. Briefly he released his grip, only to reposition teeth at the back of her neck where teeth were still strong in grip. His body weight pressing down on hers to keep her immobile and pressed onto the cold ground. With a chuckle of mirth, Sin began his dirty deed...sheath exposed his weapon, and now at the right positioning just behind her, he kicked open her legs so they were spread apart, and teeth sunk a little deeper to force her to move her tail aside. The moment that was done, he would begin...oh how his body quivered with the warmth...the feeling...the ecstasy of it all...Slowly and little by little, he would decide to release some pressure from her neck...not like she could move much in this position anyway.

-Fade to black-

OOC: I assume this is a fade to black moment..



01-12-2014, 09:10 PM
The woman saw the jaws coming for her throat too late. Her reflexes had been worse of late. But there was nothing she could do about it. The man was on top of her. A growl escaped her lips. But she had realized his intentions. She was about to lose it, she thrashed. But it was doing her no good. It was only choking her. He repositioned himself. She squirmed, but she was pinned. With no chance of getting out. She whimpered. A horrid flashback consumed her. It felt like she was back, being thrown around like she was a doll, for the sole purpose of sex. She stopped struggling, and a sob shook her body. This wasn't what the demon had planned for her life. She wanted to die. Never before had she meant it more. For one, no one would miss her. Secondly she didn't even have a life. Her life was meaninglessness. She closed her eyes, squeezing them together. Wishing for it to be over.

-Fade to black-



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-16-2014, 12:28 PM

The beast within the demon cried out in the ecstasy that followed. His body coiled, penting up before release. After long glorious moments, it would come. The woman's warmth enveloping him before he released her. As soon as he finished he let go of the hold he had on her, dropping her to the ground. She shook with fear at the ordeal that befell her. Sin's throat bubbled with laughter. She had been warned before in their first encounter and she did not heed his words. She had tempted fate, and she would pay the price for ignoring the previous warning. She was a fool, and she did not deserve to reside in this world any longer. Stepping around to her front, he lifted her head with a pointed claw, forcing her to gaze up into the eyes of the devil that stole her life away.

"It seems you decided to ignore my first warning as I am sure you remember. And yet you decided to cross me again. Now, you will pay the price. Stare into the eyes of the will be the last thing you ever see." He let the words sink into her mind for no more then a few seconds. Allowing her to think about her pathetic life up until this moment before crimson stained features snaked forward, fangs grasping and clenching onto her exposed neck. She had played with fire, and got burned. He did not rip nor tear into her...not yet at least. Instead, he would give her the suffering she so deserved. Suffocation was slow, seemingly painless...for him at least. Teeth dug further into her vitals, blood welling into his mouth. It sent a shiver down hid spine, and slowly her life blood would ebb away. No matter how much she would choose to struggle, his hold would not be relinquished.

Within moments as his grip tightened slightly more and more, she would remain lifeless. Her eyes unseeing, staring into darkness now as she passed into the void. He released, blood trickling down already stained lips as he stared down at the woman who begged to be killed. "Perhaps next time you'll think twice...welcome to Hell." Lips bubbled with laughter, and then Sin would continue on his search of the next one.




01-17-2014, 05:51 PM

The demon felt a single tear roll down her cheek as he released her. She wanted to run, but she was in no state to attempt to outrun him. A paw was placed under her chin, and he raised her head. Forcing him to look at her. A growl rose in her throat. She hated him. A deep hatred harboured in her heart, she wanted to tear into him. Cause him as much pain as he had caused her. When she thought about it, she hated him more than he hated Kusugra. Which she had thought impossible. "It seems you decided to ignore my first warning as I am sure you remember. And yet you decided to cross me again. Now, you will pay the price. Stare into the eyes of the will be the last thing you ever see." his words only took a fraction of a second to set in. This is not how it was meant to go! NO!

Then the jaws sought out her throat. They clasped around her throat, she couldn't break free. She let the tears run freely now. She was dying. She had been so desperate to die. But now, on the verge of death. She wanted to live. She wanted to be free. Not belong to anyone. Be her own person. She was going to die, the horrid realisation hit her. This is how it was going to end. Alone. Raped. Murdered. She was a princess, a lady. This wasn't fair! She didn't want to die! She felt his grip tighten. She couldn't breathe. Her vision started to blur and the world seemed to be getting darker. Her thoughts slowed as her brain was starved of oxygen. After a short while, the world went black. Her heart stopped beating. She went limp. A waste, such a beauty gone from the world. Tossed around like a plaything.

The icy queen was dead.



OOC : I guess Kus is gonna jump in now



01-20-2014, 11:41 AM

Where oh where had his ivory harlot gone? He would track her trail down with haste, his superior genes putting even the blood hound to shame. Though once he had found the path the monarch would not be pleased. The overpowering aroma of blood, gore, and intercourse would cause nostrils to flare, sleek pelt bristling into bunches of ebony spikes. An unknown male's scent began drowning out his harlem's perfume, and his stomach would begin twisting itself into knots, thick liquid threatening to climb up his throat. She was a slave, and of course, he had expected her to wander into the paws of a genetically capable being eventually. Had the encounter ended with bloodshed? Kusugra needed to get there now before it was too late.

The ebony feline would suddenly bust into a sprint, lengthy legs carrying his agile physique at speeds matched by none. When he finally arrived, it seemed as if he had been winded, for he could not breath while staring at the scene before him. He was frozen, pale gaze rolling over the battered and destroyed carcass of his ivory lover, pools of crimson surrounding her petite frame. He would continue to stare blankly in disbelieve, a few minutes rolling by before the man could bring himself to look away. By this time anger swelled heavily within his icy core, thoughts of vengeance and murder already taking place in his mind. Whoever did this would certainly pay for it, because the feline would not stop until justice had been served. The attacker was long gone now, but his scent lingered just enough for Kusugra to embed it into his brain. If it were to ever cross his senses again, he would go berserk, as if he had been brainwashed to destroy everything acquiring that scent.

He would take gradual strides toward her, coming to a halt at her side so that he was looming over her mangled carcass. Frosty eyes would examine her injuries, gaze rolling over every laceration and bruise so that he could fully understand the trauma she endured before dying. The thoughts only enraged the seething feline more, fueling his new hatred for the unknown murderer. "Me siento, marfil. Yo deber?a haber protegido m?s largo, pero no estabas a cadge f?cilmente. Son ahora gratis a trav?s de la muerte, tal y como hab?a prometido, mi amor. Eres libre. " ("I am so sorry, little ivory. I should have sheltered you longer, but you were not one to easily cadge. You are free now through death, just as I had promised, my love. You are free.") He would whisper to the babe with false hope that she could somehow hear him, despite how she felt about him. The monarch had known from the beginning that she would be hard to suppress, and despite the odds she had beaten him at his own game- she had set herself free.

Somewhere deep within the wicked man pride dared to slink to the surface from the thought, gaze still examining her deceased body. Perhaps she had been far more fearless and self motivated than he had originally thought? The ebony feline would pull the woman's scruff into his mouth, and with a swift motion he would swing his head toward his right, throwing the stiff weight up and onto his back without much effort. He had the capability to drag animals twice his size up enormous trees, so this feat was painless. He would make his way back to his home, the algome prarie, where he could bury his harlem and give her the proper burial she deserved as a woman beneath the monarchs rule. Rage seethed from his pores as thoughts of destruction accompanied his journey home.