
Got my bad baby by my heavenly side [SPAR]


12-10-2013, 08:26 PM

[Dated before Soldier's join thread at Amenti; Open to anyone who wants to spar ;; One person/wolf only please ^_^]

His eyes calm, emotionless like a dark and deep pit of amber. His ivory and brown fur slicked back and his back was stiffened. He stood out on the battlefield and looked at whomever he could. If there were to be anyone that was out there for a good spar that was. The barren landscape around him was nothing to gape at and so he saw no real benefit of being there. Sure, he had some anger built up in his system, but he always contained anger. Anger drove him, anger and fear woke him up when it would shut others down normally. His amber gaze caught a small movement on the horizon, but he had to be seeing things. There was nothing there.

There was a hiss under his breath as he wandered around aimlessly, probably not the best thing for the assassin to be doing in a battlefield. But if he found someone, he could spar or maybe, depending on how things went, he could fight for something else. He had nothing to lose other than his soul, but he had practically lost it already anyways, he had sold it to the devil. That was all he really believed in, some would even go as far as to call him a Satanist. But he didn?t believe in religion, only in the deals he made with whatever it was he had sold himself to. His physical body in turn was lean, muscular, stone cold and fearless. His mind didn?t really control him anymore.

It did, he had a choice on how to react to things, and most of the time he did what would have been expected of him. He would have stayed there and kept his trap shut, but sometimes he just burst out. That was the one thing no one could take from him, his freedom on his choice as to how he reacted in situations, but if he could hold forever, he had no idea. His ivory body grazed against the ground, his brown face constantly rotating to see if he was being followed, or if there was a wolf in the area. He liked spars; they helped him keep up his strength, yet caused him little harm. He saved harm for the important things.

There were many things that Soldier Crewe wanted deep inside; love, a mate, and pups. But they were always out of reach to the man, which just infuriated him more. Everything he had worked for in his life drove him farther away from what he wanted deep inside. He was sporadic and a very on the moment man. Everything else seemed to not be important. His bravery, dignity and his beguiling ways were all he had left.



12-10-2013, 08:48 PM
As a warrior Dodge was many things. A solider, a hunter, a medic, all of which drew her to the battlefield. Like a sword needed a whetstone a warrior needed to spar, and so she took it upon herself to venture far from her new home and look for a challenger worthy of her. No sooner had she entered the surrounding territory did she find the scent of blood, fear, death, and another wolf. Perfect.

She broke into a full run until the white and brown figure came into view. A rouge. She huffed. No one of true merit like herself she was sure. But he would have to do. If he was here he must have been itching for a fight, and that was enough for her. "You." She growled lowly. "Stand and fight like a man." She challenged. Tail stood tall like a banner, waiting for him to say something cocky or run. Her eyes narrowed just at the thought. If he runs I will hunt him down and fight him on his back. She thought venomously. One way or another they would both leave this place bloodied and bruised but she had no intention of losing to a rouge.


12-10-2013, 09:26 PM

The man turned to see another wolf looking for a fight and his paws yearned for it, so he didn?t care anymore. He instantly pressed his hears flat against his skull and narrowed his eyes. He leapt towards the opponent?s right side, which would be on his left and was aiming for an attempt to latch onto the right shoulder with his teeth. He planned on attempting to use his brute force to drag her down to the ground. He just hoped that he would hit. Lights flashed before his eyes, the need for a fight and the gentle remedy to it. This wolf had no idea what she was getting herself into.

He didn?t need her name, nor did he need to know why she wanted to fight. He was told to stand and fight like a man; so he would. A hiss was omitted from his muzzle, a sly smile crossed him. As he leapt he had stretched right paw out, attempting to hit the center of her front chest, below her neck to help take her down. He just hoped for a hit, which was all he could do. He had brought his tail closer to his body and he was all tensed up. He had been light on his toes, and when he landed, no matter how he landed, he was determined to stay light on his toes to make evasive attacks easier on him. His shoulders were pushed back.


Rounds 1/3 for {Practice}

Offense- Leaps at right side, attempting to grip the shoulder. Attempts to knock opponent down with pure force. Attempts to take his right paw and ram it into the center of her front.

Defense- Ears pressed against skull, tail pulled tight to skin, crouched down, lightly stepping on toes, eyes narrowed, shoulders back. Tense.

Injuries- None yet



12-10-2013, 09:55 PM
He bolted for her and she instantly fell into a defensive position. Legs spread far apart to keep her center of gravity low to the ground, haunches raised, the fur on her back standing on end. He moved to her right. His paw hit her chest first, winding her and causing her legs to tremble. No. Not today. She stiffened herself against the blow, glaring hard at the wolf before her. Before his fangs could connect with her side she reared onto her back legs, hoping to knock him off balance, but more than anything hoping to give her the advantage of height. Her paw attempted to move to his shoulder, hoping to push him back further and hopefully pin him down. With another snarl she dove for his spine, her rear paws pressed firmly into the ground as her jaws hinged open, ready to bite, praying for a hit. Her tail tucked ears pulled back, she was seamless in her efforts. But would it be enough to finish the male?

Round 1 of 3 For Practice

Offence: Rears back to knock him off balance, attempts to move paw to Soldier's shoulder to knock him off balance further, dives for his spine to bite.

Deference: Centered level of gravity, legs spread far apart, ears back, tail tucked, haunches raised, fur on end.

Injuries:Bruising to chest


12-11-2013, 02:55 PM

For a slight moment, when her legs had trembled, he had imagined success. But alas, she did not fall and he in turn had failed. He moved out of the way just before her left paw would have connected with his left shoulder. A small smile creaced his face, keeping his stance as before but also trying to mimic her former defensive move to keep the center of gravity low. To do that, he stood stiff and crouched lower, his leg spread farther apart than when he would have just been standing. He felt a bite, she had latched onto his left side near the spine. He hissed and turned to face her, feeling himself break free from her grip. He attempted to aim to latch onto her right shoulder between the shoulder blade and molaris. His eyes lit up with a fire, a need for revenge. A hiss again as he attempted to slam his front paws against her chest to knock her over. So much for his defense tactic. He was on his hind legs to do such.


Rounds 2/3 for {Practice}

Offense- Attempts to latch onto right shoulder between molaris and shoulder blade. Attempts to slam front paws into the chest of opponent to knock her over.

Defense-Ears pressed against skull, tail pulled tight to skin, crouched down, lightly stepping on toes, eyes narrowed, shoulders back. Tense. Centered gravity.

Injuries- Puncture wounds near the spine on the left side



12-11-2013, 09:45 PM
She felt him slip out of her jaws, a low snarl creeping from behind her lips. She stood again, just as he did, she had avoided being bitten on the shoulder but could not avoid the blow to her chest. She powered through the pain of her already bruised chest and attempted to bite his throat, footing even and spread far apart to keep her balanced, her ears remained pinned to her head, her tail stuck between her legs as always. He hackles raised with the rest of her body, waiting for the next blow, waiting for him to make his next move. Her muscles tensed, ever wary that her own attacks could be used against her. Her paw flew toward his face, attempting to push him onto his back and overpower him while her second paw aimed for his shoulder. A trifecta. she had him now. He would not win. She would not allow it.

Round 2 of 3 for Practice

Offence: Attempting to bite his throat, attempting to push him down with a blow to the face and attempting to push him down further with a blow to the shoulder.

Defense: Even footing while standing, tail still tucked and ears pulled back, hackles raised, muscles tensed

Injuries: Further bruising to the chest


12-14-2013, 03:24 PM
[Good fight <3]

Soldier kept his ears pressed against his skull, his tail was pulled tight to his skin. He was crouched down in anticipation and he was on his touches. His haunches were raised and his eyes were narrowed. His shoulders were back and he was tense. His legs spread just enough to hold a center of gravity to a low point. He managed to dodge all of the blows, except for the shoulder. He felt her paw slam into his shoulder and he was taken aback. He hissed and gritted his teeth as he quickly recovered from shock and leapt, an attempt to bite down on the woman's right shoulder. He aimed to press his front left paw on the back of the opponent's neck and he tried to use his front right paw to slam into the woman's chest to injure it more that he had at first.



Rounds 3/3 for {Practice}

Offense-Attempts to bite down on right shoulder; aims to use left paw to press on the back of opponent's neck; Aims to use front right paw to hit the chest.

Defense- Ears pressed against skull, tail pulled tight to skin, crouched down, lightly stepping on toes, eyes narrowed, shoulders back. Tense. Centered gravity. Haunches raised.

Injuries- Puncture wounds near the spine on the left side; bruising to shoulder



12-14-2013, 03:58 PM
Good fight :D

Her defenses never dropped for a second. Her tail remained tucked, ears back, hackles raised,muscles tensed, and now that she was back on all fours her body shifted low to the ground, legs spread evenly apart, and although her body was prepared her mind was not.She had only struck one blow out of the three she had attempted to place. A veritable failure in her eyes. Her pride had been wounded more than her body. She was sure she had him. Sure she had won. And now her distraction would cost her. The bite landed on her right shoulder and she howled in pain his paw wrapping around her neck and holding her in place.Her whole body snapped toward him, shielding the blow to the chest with her left shoulder and dislodging the paw from her neck. She aimed a bite for his spine, just above his hip, her paw moving to push him to the side with an attempted blow to the ribs.

round 3 of 3 for practice

offense: attempting to bite spine, just above hip, attempting to push back with a blow to the ribs

defense: Hackles raised, ears back, tail tucked, muscles tensed, low center of gravity, legs spread apart.

injuries: puncture wounds to the right shoulder; major bruising to the chest


The Judge


12-24-2013, 02:55 AM

Soldier vs. Dodge

Round 1

CLARITY: 9 / 10
Not sure how he was pushing her chest with his right paw when he was coming at her with her on his left?

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 4 / 10

Pinned ears, narrowed eyes, tail tucked, muscles tensed, moving on his toes, shoulders back

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Leaping to her right side, aiming to bite her shoulder, pushing on her chest with his paw to help knock her over.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First round. No injuries.

Round one Soldier Total: 36 / 50


CLARITY: 9 / 10

Would have liked a little more detail on her attacks. How did her paw do anything to his shoulder? From what angle? Ect.


No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 3 / 10

Paws spread for balance, haunches raised, tail tucked, ears pinned back

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Rearing back and hitting his shoulder with her paw to try and knock him off balance, biting at his spine

INJURIES: 10 / 10

Slight bruising to her chest

Round one Dodge Total: 35 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 9 / 10
Not clear on how he was hitting her with his paws when he was biting her shoulder?

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 1 / 10

Low stance for balance. You have to list your defenses in your post every time for them to count.

ATTACK: 2 / 10

Reaching for a bite on her shoulder, hitting her in the chest with his paws to knock her over. (Lowered score for basically repeating the same attack.)

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Bite near his spine, tearing from jerking away from her bite

Round two Soldier Total: 29 / 50


CLARITY: 5 / 10

More details needed. How did she dodge the bite? How is she going in to bite him? Ect. Also, don?t understand how she would bite his throat and put a paw on his face and shoulder.


No power playing found.

DEFENSES: 4 / 10

Lowered stance for balance, ears pinned back, tail tucked, hackles raised, muscles tensed

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Bite at his throat, pushing him down with a paw to the face and shoulder


More chest bruising

Round two Dodge Total: 31 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 5 / 10

Details please. How did he dodge? Where is he leaping? Ect. Also, how is he hitting her chest, biting her shoulder and pressing a paw onto her neck?

You?re allowed one full dodge a fight, and you had some kind of major dodge every round.

DEFENSES: 5 / 10

Ears pinned back, tucked tail, crouched, haunches raised, eyes narrowed, shoulders back

ATTACK: 2 / 10

Biting her shoulder, pressing a paw onto the back of her neck, and hitting her chest with his paw. Took points for yet again doing the same attack.

INJURIES: 8 / 10

Bruising on the shoulder

Round three Soldier Total: 27 / 50


CLARITY: 8 / 10
Again, details.

No power playing found.

DEFENSES: 4 / 10

Tail tucked, ears pinned back, hackles raised, muscles tensed, stance lowered

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Biting at his spine, pushing him with a paw

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Bite to the shoulder

Round three Dodge Total: 32 / 50


Soldier: 92 /150

Dodge: 98 /150

And the winner is...

Dodge! Soldier must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Soldier - Bite wound on the left side near the spine, bruising on the shoulder

Dodge- Bite wound on the shoulder, bruising on the chest

Both of you should read the notes I left for you in the actual judging very closely. Make sure you list everything you do in your posts. Details are key. Also, keep in mind that fight posts are generally very long. Can?t wait too see you two fight again and see your improvements <3

- Shelbs