
You fit like a glove


01-12-2014, 05:37 PM

The duck hung loosely from the woman's jaws, she had been lucky enough to find one let alone catch it. Though birds had to be her least favorite food, she was just getting used to this island, to this home in general. It was a meal however, so she would say her thanks before digging those canines into it to eat it. While right now she knew barely anyone in Valhalla, she was determined to make herself known, and be helpful. After all, she couldn't just boast about have been an alphess and have no skills to back it up. She was used to being judged, and not being liked. The task was making others trust her, even if they didn't like her. She wanted them to know, in her paws, she wouldn't leave them behind, she wouldn't let them down either. Just thinking about it gave her the strength to do so.
The blue maned black and white fae finished her meal. Feathers littering her snout as she sneezed slightly licking her muzzle. One thing to learn would be the native herbs here, she couldn't just turn rusty in the skills she had. Not only was she a warrior, but she was a healer as well. There to help those who were injured and in need at that. Her tail flicked at the thought. So much work, and she thought she wouldn't be doing anything.




3 Years
Extra large
01-12-2014, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2014, 05:13 AM by Kismet.)

It seemed that Azalea's permission to explore a few days before had only given the young boy a further taste for wandering off. Kismet had returned home rather pleased with himself, sharing the stories of the things he had seen with his brother and settling down after realising just how tired he was. The following few days, between the pack meeting he had decided to try entice Soren to do something other than carefully dig away at the den or clean the invisible specks of dirt from his fur though to no avail it seemed. Having given up again, today he had decided to take another walk on his own.

Having never usually wandered too far from the family's little den, Kismet hadn't actually met many of the other pack wolves, not on his own anyway. He had of course seen them at the meetings, and there had been a few visits from mainly the other members of the family but on each occasion Azalea and Soren had been there with him. This meant he was certainly aware of their existence but for some reason hadn't exactly anticipated running into any of them as he went about his little adventures.

Today was about to change that it seemed as the young boy suddenly found himself approaching a black and white wolf. She was bigger than he of course, though it was hardly a difficult feat given the fact he was still rather young. It wasn't her size that made him pause however, but simply the fact that he wasn't actually sure what to do. He recognised her, she was a member of Valhalla but he really wasn't sure how he was meant to go about greeting her.


01-15-2014, 06:36 PM

Turning her head, she hadn't expected to see a young pup there. Her red eyes blinked, it as one of Azalea's children. Obvious from the scent she could smell Azalea and Soren all over the boy. It made a soft smile draw across the maned females face. As she crouched near the boy, her tail made a slight wag. Azalea was her only friend right now, so her children sweet as could be were probably adorable blobs of fur. Since that was how her children had been, so innocent and unknowing of the world or who their father was. But of course, Vahva didn't know that isar was the boys father. Who knew if she ever would know and it didn't matter. "Hi there." she greeted the youth.
Hopefully he wasn't afraid of her, that'd be the worse thing. It was bad enough that she was a sheep in a lions den considering the attitude of everyone towards her. Despite being part of Valhalla they were still cautious, making her work twice as hard to make them realize that she was their ally. Her attitude made herself slightly lighter she noticed. Though it didn't matter, her attention was now on the little boy in front of her.




3 Years
Extra large
01-16-2014, 04:37 AM

This particular adorable blob of fur certainly resembled Azalea more than his brother. On sight alone it wasn't too difficult to assume at the very least that he was an Adravendi. Soren, he thought, looked more like this wolf before him now they were both marked by black and white, just halved in a different manner. Well his great aunt Chrysanthe looked like his mother, so did this mean that Vahva was related to them in some way too?

She approached him friendly enough, though his worry was more for what he ought to do than what this wolf could potentially do to him if she had any ill intentions. "Hi there." Came her greeting and Kismet figured that he ought to respond in a similar manner. "Hi" He responded, he remained in place for now still really not sure what he ought to be doing when meeting someone new.

"I'm Kismet." He added, normally his mother would say his and Soren's names though with her not here he supposed he should do it himself. He had no idea that Vahva might already have known he was either Kismet or Soren, after all he wasn't sure who she was. "I'm supposed to say that right?" He probably shouldn't have asked her that, but he still wasn't entirely sure how to act and what to say.


01-21-2014, 08:06 AM

The boy was definitely doing fine if this was his first social meeting outside of his family. Giving Vahva a chance to let him know that everything would be fine. After all, he was polite, curious, all the things that would keep him out of trouble. For now anyway, with others. The blue maned woman giggled slightly to him saying his name and if he did it correctly or not. "Yes that's one way of going about it. It's nice to meet you Kismet, my name is Vahva." She dipped her head politely before sitting up. He was so much smaller obviously for his age. She had no doubts that he would grow up strong though.
"I'm a friend of your mothers. Is this your first time this far away from the den?" Vahva asked curious. She had a litter of her own pups, but that was another story. These were Azalea's children, but that girl was like a sister to her. As all Adravandi's were, after all being born in Valhalla and not having connected with them as much was a regret. But she still could say up to this day she had seen glimpses of Cairo when she was younger speaking with her mother. The lead healer, whom inspired the woman to be so confident. The memories were sweet and bitter ones all the same she held them precious.




3 Years
Extra large
01-21-2014, 05:22 PM

"Yes that's one way of going about it. It's nice to meet you Kismet, my name is Vahva." Mis-matched eyes watched Vahva curiously, head tipping slightly to one side at her words. "What else am I s'possed to say?" He questioned her. Had he gone slightly wrong somewhere? Was this other way a better way to greet strangers? He was certainly eager to learn these things, correct any mistakes or at least know exactly what it was he needed to do.

"I'm a friend of your mothers." Kismet had been quick to notice that his mother knew more wolves than he and Soren. Each new face that had approached them she had been able to introduce them and even those that had taken a little reminding she had been there to help jog their memories. It wasn't too much of a surprise that his mother had friends therefore, though quite what a friend was Kismet didn't know. Was that another title like his great aunt's? "So are you my great friend?" He questioned, guessing that perhaps it did work the same.

"Is this your first time this far away from the den?" He gave a small shake of his head at the comment. He had told Soren all about his exploring with their mother, though the other boy hadn't been quite so keen to venture away from the den. Now though he was a little more timid about his successful outing and wouldn't give too much away. "I went on a secret trail with mum" He announced simply recalling the partially hidden path that he and Azalea had discovered.


01-28-2014, 01:53 PM

The pup made her laugh a little, so young, so innocent. A short chuckle left her lips as she tilted her head to one side. "There is no wrong way to greet someone unless you're being rude. You can have a long introduction, or a short one. It all depends on how much you want the other to know about you." Her tail wagged as she pulled her head closer to the pup. As he spoke again about her being a great friend of his mothers. This was too cute for his own good. He much have been speaking of family terms. "Your mothers friends aren't always going to be your friends. It's different from family, you are the one who has to decide whether you like them or not. And if they are a really good friend, you call them your best friend." She hoped this wasn't too hard for the boy to understand. After all, her children had been forced into a bad situation since their birth. It had been common for them to develop fast.
"Well that sounds fun. It looks as if you are really starting to be ready to meet the members of the pack." The woman stood up, shaking her blue mane that shined brightly. Unique, she was the only wolf with this on ala, and would be the only one to ever have it. Until up to the day she died. Which was the only thing that made her sad. Though she didn't plan on dying so quickly. She would be alive and well for years to come. To protect her family when things were harsh, or even just mild.




3 Years
Extra large
01-30-2014, 04:45 AM

"There is no wrong way to greet someone unless you're being rude. You can have a long introduction, or a short one. It all depends on how much you want the other to know about you." Kismet listened carefully to the words, a slow nod of his head signalling he sort of understood what she meant. He wasn't really sure what else to say about himself, perhaps that Azalea was his mother and Soren his brother, or that he was Kismet Adravendi. His surname wasn't used very often at all, making it easy to forget as his mother simply called him Kismet, all the same though, the young boy had been made aware it was part of his name.

"Your mothers friends aren't always going to be your friends. It's different from family, you are the one who has to decide whether you like them or not. And if they are a really good friend, you call them your best friend." His head was nodded with a little more certainty that time, it was a little clearer though didn't really explain what Vahva was to him then, just his mother's friend? He guessed so, she had already said it before after all.

"Well that sounds fun. It looks as if you are really starting to be ready to meet the members of the pack." He gave another nod of his head at that. The trail exploring had been rather fun, apart from those noisy monkeys, he hadn't liked them very much. "It was fun." He confirmed. "We saw howler monkeys though, they're not very fun."


01-30-2014, 01:03 PM

Vahva sat down and folded her front paws. Giving a smirk to the young boy who was interesting to her. It reminded her of her own children, she was starting to miss them. She wondered if she'd ever be able to see them again. Her tail moved in a motion that a cat would, closing her eyes before opening them again. "Yes, howler monkeys can be very annoying. And scary at that." she faked a shiver. Howler monkeys were nothing compared to the creatures she came across in the north. Large beasts with horns, and so on. But a child didn't need to know the scary things about the world.
"So, do you think I could be your friend?" Vahva asked with a tilt of her head. A friend was always a nice way to start a relationship. She couldn't wait to see what Kismet would grow up to be. Hopefully, with little interaction from his father. But Vahva didn't know who their father was just yet did she? It must have slipped her mind.




3 Years
Extra large
01-30-2014, 03:17 PM

Truth be told Kismet wouldn't have really known how to respond if Vahva had voiced that she believed him to be interesting. For starters he wasn't entirely certain if that was good or bad. He liked adventures and felt that they were interesting but apparently he wasn't allowed them without his mother's permission or else he ran the risk of getting in trouble and that certainly wasn't interesting. Fortunately the boy's mind was spared from this potentially confusing moment though, and instead the topic lingered upon those awful howler monkeys.

"Yes, howler monkeys can be very annoying. And scary at that." The boy had indeed been rather scared, Azalea had tensed slightly and it had only made him all the more nervous about this strange creatures. Though he wasn't particularly vain, he didn't want her thinking he was too afraid of them. "I wasn't really scared." He stated, a little emphasis on the 'really'. They'd worried him a little but he hadn't ran away.

"So, do you think I could be your friend?" Kismet hadn't had a friend before. His time was spent with his mother and brother and they were family, a friend was apparently different. He thought back to Vahva's earlier words though, and he guessed that he liked her, he certainly didn't dislike her. And although he didn't have to be friend's with his mother's friends, well evidently she was nice enough to have earned that title from Azalea. "I think so." He stated with a small smile.


01-30-2014, 03:30 PM

Vahva blinked at Kismet, oh he was already learning to conceal things was he? She rose her body tail flicking. "Well I think it's alright then, would you like me to show you around the island?" she asked him tilting her head. She didn't know weather she would get in trouble or not but there was no trouble in showing him around. If anything happened she would be sure to protect the boy. After all, her motherly instincts were kicking in already with her being here and around them. Her red eyes watching the boy thoughtfully.
"I'll protect you from any howler monkeys we happen to come across." She noted with a short chuckle. Her tail flicked back and forth. So was this worth it? Was this worth the life she was living, she wondered. Innocence in children always made her feel warm inside. Why did all that innocence just float away one day?




3 Years
Extra large
01-30-2014, 03:40 PM

"Well I think it's alright then, would you like me to show you around the island?" His mismatched eyes widened and smile grew a little wider, tail wagging happily at the idea. More exploring around the island certainly sounded like a fun thing and surely if he was with his mother's friend and now his too she wouldn't be too mad that he had ventured off even further? It was flawless logic in his mind and he gave an eager nod of his head. "Yes please!"

"I'll protect you from any howler monkeys we happen to come across." His gleeful expression faltered a little at the comment, a little embarrassed about such a thing. He probably did need protecting if those awful things came close, though hopefully they'd run away like they did before, or better yet not come anywhere near them! Yeah that sounded good. He kept his mouth closed on the topic however and simply bounded a couple of steps ahead. "Lets go then"