
For a fatherless son.


12-08-2013, 04:18 PM
You will be aware of an absence, presently,

growing beside you like a tree,

The girl would sit beneath the shadows of the redwood as if she were herself a part of that dark expanse. Only her eyes would betray her. Dim cerulean in all that black. The north was cold. The north was darker. Yet livelier than the mangroves for the residents of such firm lands bred firm inhabitants. The residents of Ludicael were soft. These were her birth lands and her heart was a wild as they were. A stream of white fume unraveled slowly from her jowls; the slow, consistent breath of a meditative state. There was much to contemplate as a child. In the absence of parent and sibling the girl's quick mind was her constant companion.

A death tree, color gone, an Australian gum tree ---

Balding, gelded by lightning--an illusion,

Before her snow fell in a broken fashion between the knotted canopy above. The bare branches pointed painfully skyward like black, arthritic digits. It was, perhaps, sunset considering the angle of light that peered through the thick clouds that darkened the sky. Circe often lost track of time. She was young but she was capable and it mattered little at which hour she chose to pursue her explorations. Snow began to settle upon the girl, outlining her small body which had otherwise blended with the redwood trunk she leaned upon.


12-08-2013, 05:28 PM

It was here he had come when his mind had failed him and his strength had waned. Here he had sought his father and mother for the care he needed to return to normality and feel himself again. In that time a pack had taken up residence in this land his father had been in a position of leadership - how things had changed. The land was uninhabited now, the scent of a pack long gone. Deteste, the last time Erebos had seen him, was a Rogue, though the brute was certain his father wouldn't stay that way for long. Surely he had chosen a new home by now, and his son was yet again alone.

Erebos wondered if that would be his whole life as he padded softly through this new place. Would he be alone forever? Probably. No one would put up with his insanity and fantasies. His family would never be complete, with his mother and brother missing and his father leading a separate life. Perhaps he should take Loccian up on her offer and join the pack that she called home, the one she was so certain would welcome his demented mind. A scent caught suddenly in his nostrils, breaking his train of thought and sending his icy orbs searching through the falling snow for the source. Gaze would land upon an unfamiliar child, but one who smelled as though he should know her.

Slowly he would approach, head lowered in a cautious inspection of the stranger. He would stop only steps away from her and ask a question in the gentlest and most inquisitive of tones. Pardon the intrusion, but who is your father?



12-08-2013, 11:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2013, 11:19 AM by Deteste.)

And a sky like a pig's backside, an utter lack of attention.

But right now you are dumb.

The girl's contemplative gaze would sharpen as a familiar scent would break the sterile winter air. A man would approach her; the image of her father. Yet the identity was askew for the man lacked his confidence, lacked his affect. A tight contraction would pull her ears backward and then forward again as this stranger approached her. Shaking the snow from them but ultimately moving the bits of ice to her sharp shoulders. Listening to the ice crunch beneath those limbs, long and black her fathers. That black form lugging a nearly identical weight. But the image irrevocably broken by the white bib upon his breast. A white bib which was not snow but a colorless stain upon the stranger's coat.

And I love your stupidity,

The blind mirror of it. I look in

The stranger would speak before the girl had time to process the thoughts that boiled within that delicate crown. His voice similar but not as tired as her father's. And what a strange inquiry to accompany that voice. Irritation bubbled within the girl's chest. She was in no mood for an adult's misplaced worries. Silence fell thickly between the pair as she considered her words. Cerulean eyes staring wide with thought at the stranger. Darkness fell upon them as a roll of thick clouds overcame them and she could not help the minute convulsion that possessed her small body in the frigid air. Her small tail would wrap tightly against her bottom before a quick response laced her black lips. His name is Deteste. He once ruled here.


12-09-2013, 01:19 PM

The girl had a physique that reminded him much of his own as a child, her body beginning to form itself to be that of a runner as Erebos's had. While different colors mottled her pelt, a slightly deeper blue than his own made up the gaze which was focused back on him. There was no doubt in Erebos's mind that this girl was another child of Deteste even before she spoke, but he couldn't help but wonder with whom.

Taking a few steps closer and coming to sit before her, he would wrap his tail about his feet and smile slightly. Well then, it is a pleasure to meet you, little sister. My name is Erebos. He would pause to await her reaction, only briefly though. Tell me, do you know what Deteste is up to these days?



12-09-2013, 01:49 PM

And find no face but my own, and you think that's funny.

It is good for me

The girl's contemplative gaze would follow the stranger's as he moved to sit beside her; never relenting in their grasp or expression. Though her mind would become alight with the man's next words, no change of expression would betray her distant affect. Circe felt no need to question the statement, observing those eyes which were a paler reflection of her own. My name is Circe. She would speak, her deep voice soft and less guarded. Watching him carefully as she shifted herself a bit closer, feeling the bitterness of the cold and seeking his warmth. Though she understood her siblings didn't dislike her the distance between their polar personalities made it little difference that they were related. In this moment she had the opportunity to forge a different relationship with an entirely new brother and she would seize the opportunity with subtle and slow intent.

To have you grab my nose, a ladder rung.

One day you may touch what's wrong ---

She pondered his last inquiry a moment, realizing that she was not aware just what her father's business was when he was away from the den. He was not a private person, but a busy one and it mattered little to her what he was doing when he wasn't with them. This fact combined with her burning wanderlust left her a poor source for such information. I am not often home. I suppose he intends to take the red forest again. She would reply, considering the last conversation the family had, had as a whole. That had been the last time she had seen her mother. Months ago. Who knew how much weight the discussion held now. With her mother in thought Circe would pose her own question, Is Medusa your mother as well? a thought aloud.


01-02-2014, 10:19 PM

As the girl introduced herself formally, Erebos watched her inch slightly toward him and moved his own side to connect with hers, wrapping his tail around his sister as well. It was far too cold outside for the girl to reject the sentiment, and by her own actions Erebos guessed she would find it quite welcome. I am glad to meet you Circe. It is nice to meet another sibling, he mumbled with a smile, his voice light. He thought of how long it had been since he had seen Marvo and wondered what had become of his brother. Deep down he could feel that the male was alive somewhere, but he couldn't help but wondered if he had found happiness in his life.

It was no surprise that his father might be seeking to lead again. After all of the uncertainty there had been for Erebos's family in his early life, after all of the struggles Deteste had powered through, it was no shock to know he would wish to control his fate. Part of Erebos hoped his father would succeed in such an endeavor, while another part was uncertain whether he wished good or bad for the man. An odd question from the girl at his side drew his attention back to her and away from thoughts of the man who looked so like him. The brute shook his head as he replied. No, my mother's name was Laxago. I am not sure what has happened to her, though... His voice trailed off as he wondered. Deteste never had told him what had become of her. Perhaps she had merely ceased to exist, like the many other illusions that plagued Erebos's mind.



01-05-2014, 10:31 PM

The small skulls, the smashed blue hills, the godawful hush.

Till then your smiles are found money.

Laxago. The girl would speak the name aloud to herself, it's pronunciation foreign and strange on her lips. She sounds rather alike to my mother. Circe would state suddenly, a certain sharpness attached to the statement. Pale cerulean eyes would peer at the man again; watching curiously; watching carefully as a her delicate crown would come to rest against his shoulder, the point of her jowls turned slowly upward to comb through the mane like fur Erebos had inherited from their father. I won't leave you like they do. If you choose to keep me as your sister. hot, white breath would spiral from her nose, veiling the hopeful expression that occupied her eager face. She felt childish staking such a claim but she had not realized she was so desperate for kinship.


01-07-2014, 08:13 PM

Glancing down at the girl as she rested her head upon his shoulder, he wondered what made their mothers so similar by name alone. Circe seemed to have picked up on something there, but the concept was lost on Erebos. Perhaps he would ask some day, but now did not seem the time. Not when the girl was already presenting an idea that left him feeling overjoyed.

Erebos was a wonder at socializing and at displaying affection through words, but when it came to showing anything physically he was lost. Growing up, affection had been lacking. Neither parent had had the time or ability to show him what was appropriate and what was not. Fearing that he would embarrass himself or scare the girl out of her proposal, Erebos simply flicked his tail and grinned. His voice was filled with sincerity as momentarily pictured the girl as an angel before him, though the image was likely due to his growing love for his sister rather than his hallucinations. I am more than happy to keep you as my sister. Thank you.



01-10-2014, 10:45 PM

The girl would nearly quiver with excitement. Her jowls would clench, withholding a joyful and childish bark that would have otherwise escaped her. She had made her first conquest. Not only a new friendship, but a new brother. And one which was not so distant or cold. A wide and somewhat toothsome smile would stretch upon her small, delicate face. I would play with you Erebos. But I do believe you're too old for that. It's too cold in any case. What is it that you like to do? Circe would inquire with a curious gaze, her lips moving in a precise manor so that the movement would not disturb his shoulder, nor muffle her words.


01-11-2014, 10:02 PM

Her words would force the joy from his eyes, replacing it with an odd sort of panic. What do I like to do? Could he answer that honestly without frightening his new companion away? Erebos did not have the habits of an ordinary wolf. There weren't things that he particularly liked to do, no love for fighting or games or hunting or swimming or running. What the brute enjoyed was maintaining his habits. He couldn't exactly say, I enjoy cleaning my sleeping area, cleaning myself, being on time, keeping things in place...

Fear spread through him at what he should do and he fought to keep it from showing. He took a few deep breaths and counted them, focusing on slowing his thoughts down and keeping the struggle from his eyes. Maybe he could share a part of his schedule without sharing so much as to expose his insanity to the girl. He couldn't afford to lose her when he only just got her. I... I like to fish, he mumbled with a smile, feeling his body relax as the words spilled from his mouth.
