
How Green is the Grass?



12-07-2013, 03:02 PM

Winter had waged its war long enough, and the girl was growing restless. She'd gotten a taste of Valhallan life, and a glimpse at Seracian life. She didn't prefer either over the other. However, whispers on the winds told of a pack worth investigating, a pack she already had a generous tie to: Amenti. Her uncle had recently taken claim of it, and though she'd never been particularly close to him, there was no denying she shared his last name. A smile creased her features as her nostrils caught wind of the pungent stench of a claimed land. The scents were mingled, hinting at the fact that Syrinx was not alone here, but many of them were familiar - boasting of his children's aroma. She slowed, knowing that a last name alone would not save her if she traipsed across the boundary. Respectfully the three-fourths grown girl would wait outside the invisible line and call forth anyone who was nearby - hopefully one who also carried the Adravendi name. Bi-colored eyes gazed into the depths of the caves, wishing desperately that she would be allowed to have a look around. She knew she was too young to abandon Valhalla right now, but who said she shouldn't view all of her options before she turned a year old in just one season? She remained standing, tail held comfortably behind her, swaying in the gentle cool breeze of winter. Solaine would prepare herself, knowing that she may not be met so nicely if they didn't recognize her. Shoulders would roll forth instinctively, prepared to fight for the right to show herself - or run if she was outmatched.


ooc; I'd prefer if Syrinx or one of the kids met her, but anyone will do if they call one of the Adravendis to see her :)


12-07-2013, 10:10 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2013, 10:10 PM by Vyvienne.)

Another caller at the borders, but this time with the scent of Valhalla, the scent of what Vyvienne considered weak. And yet she would not openly attack, knowing at least that allies were allies, and allies would not permeate her home with their stench. The child stalked through the territory, arriving before the strange girl, eyeing her. At first she said nothing, staring solidly at the bi-colored girl?s eyes, not daring to even blink as she did so. There was venom in her acidic gaze, a stare that said go away but a voice that did not say so.
?What are you?? she asked. Not who, but what. For Vyvienne there were a few important classifications of wolves; those who were hers, those who were weak, and those who needed to be destroyed. The girl?s Valhallan scent removed the last possibility, but there was still the first two to distinguish between.



12-07-2013, 10:18 PM

Bi-colored eyes would narrow and shift, glancing over the terrain and wondering just how these wolves operated - what they were all about. Another, younger than she, would approach - asking 'what' she was, and not who. Solaine would hesitate for a moment, but then with wild abandon she would answer, ?Solaine Adravendi.? Her last name might actually get her somewhere, if this child knew who the Adravendis were. Boldly she would look the stranger in the eye, not daring to glance away - for that would be a sign of backing down. Tail would furl and unfurl behind her as she sized up the female. They were roughly close in age, though the other was perhaps a few months Solaine's junior. However, the other girl held herself quite regally - like an adult. Solaine respected that, for that was what she aspired to appear as. Where Solaine was vanilla, the other girl was cinnamon. Where eyes of two tones set upon Solaine's mask, the other bore singularly colored eyes of acid. This might turn out to be far more interesting than she'd previously anticipated.



12-07-2013, 10:44 PM

The girl didn?t look like anybody who Vyvienne knew to be hers (read: related to her), and yet she knew that there were several possessions her father had hidden from her thus for. Mostly, her Seracian cousins. The girl before her hesitated at her question, before she decided that answering would be appropriate. Adravendi, was it? Ears quirked in interested as she observed the girl, who clearly had some sort of relation to her. ?I?m Vyvienne, and you are my family,? she informed the girl, emphasis on the possessive. There was no room for doubt in her voice; it was fact.
?Syrinx is my father. Who made you?? she inquired, curious. She didn?t care if she was being intrusive, she wanted to know. No, she needed to know. Head tilted to the side as she observed her newly discovered possession, hoping that she could figure her out like a puzzle.



12-08-2013, 02:07 PM

It was surprising that the two girls had not previously met in Valhalla, but it wasn't so surprising since Solaine hadn't been the most social when Syrinx and his family had been there. Almost immediately, the girl would introduce herself as Vyvienne, and state that Solaine was part of her family. Ah, Vyvienne, one of Syrinx's kids. Solaine would smile, glad to have come across family upon her first adventure to Amenti. Vyvienne wanted to know who made her, and Solaine would volunteer the information quite willingly. ?Collision and Soleil, of Valhalla.? The last part probably wasn't necessary, but she said it anyway. Tail swayed behind her gently as she posed a question, head tilting as she did so. ?Would it be possible for me to look around? I'm quite curious about Amenti - I've only heard bits and pieces.? She would tag on an afterthought rather quickly, ?if you could show me around that would be even better.? Though the words were sincere, they weren't so enthusiastic that she seemed overjoyed with the prospect. Solaine was capable of looking around on her own, but to have Vyvienne there would only serve to answer more of the questions swimming in her mind.




Extra small
12-11-2013, 10:53 AM

ooc: Gonna be small :c Im at school.

Collision and Soleil had another daughter, hm? The information was interesting to him and useful all the same. It mean that their empire was expanding--even if he was pleasantly unaware of this. A slow smile spread over his dark lips and the hellion king devided his attention among Vyvienne and Solaine. Eyes darted to each before he fell from his perch on his mountains and ascended before them. Eyes of deep blue hungrily overtook them and he offered a smirk to them--for he lacked the ability to call that a smile. Syrinx lowered his head to his breast and stared at the young girl, "And how old are you? Too young to be skirting around," the affirmation in his voice was evident and he only rolled his shoulders, "all the better you grow strong now," Eyes turned toward Vyvienne; lightening up as though she were a fire. Bright and resillient and fiery. All of this he was already aware she was. "Vyvienne you know an Adravendi is welcome here without repurcussions--mind your manners," A quiet reminder that she didn't need to bare hostility in the presence of those who would die for her--and those (and only those that she should ever) be willing to die for. "Vyvienne why don't you feed your cousin," He gave her the ability to be certain that she could have ownership over the girl. At least while she was on Amenti soil. Collision and Soleil might not have been so fond of the way Syrinx would treat such a pretty member of the family. After all, his sweet Eos had turned for the best--lately for the worst.

Table by Lu
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