
Lost In Translation



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-08-2013, 05:05 AM

Weary was she. Avalon had not given herself adequate time to rest after she had been rescued from the war. She had gone to Seracia with the refugees, stayed there for a couple days and then slipped away to keep moving. She was afraid that Canttina would find her. That her former Amenti captors would find her and take her back to the Hell from where she was rescued. She couldn't go back, she wouldn't! Not unless she killed herself first. She never wanted to return to that dark dungeon, the pain, the jibes of laughter and sting of words as they all had tortured her. Never again...

As it was, Avalon had been traumatized. Stolen away, kidnapped from her exploration. Never allowed outside unless there was a pack meeting. Then forced to travel all the way to Glaciem just to be forced into a war against a pack she felt didn't deserve it. She didn't really know the pack that she was almost forced to fight against, but she knew her dad was friends with them. So that made them her friends too right?

She winced as her somewhat scraggly body pulled her over a blood and fur strewn battlefield. Amber eyes wide with fear, she had somehow ended up where she had started...She moved as quickly as her healing hind leg would allow, seeking shelter among the trees. She didn't feel comfortable being out in the open, though it was odd seeing a wolf well over a year now slinking around like a frightened pup. She wanted to take no chances, and so she had barely crossed the Valhallan line without realizing due to her fear, and she hunkered down in an old fallen log. There she stayed, trying to rest from her journey.

For some reason, even with the small help from the kind wolf Anthem in Ludicael, and the older help from the wolf Imena back in Seracia, though Avalon had refused the help from the refugees for fear of being tricked again, her leg was still bothering her. She wondered if her leg was infected from Canttina's bite, her teeth rotten and infested with bacteria. She had bitten deep, and with the ill treatment she had received in Amenti it hadn't aided in recovery whatsoever. With all the abuse and neglect, she hadn't had time to try and heal her leg...and now, her left hind leg was out of her knowledgeable control. Only an experienced healer could help her, she was sure.

Sighing, Avalon stretched her leg out behind her, wincing in the feeling of the sore and injured flexing muscles. She was hungry, but she would find some carrion later. It was the only thing she could manage to find, being unable to hunt in her condition. She wondered how her family was, whether they missed her, or even noticed that she was gone. She missed her mom and dad, her brothers and sisters, and most of all...she missed Odette. Her little sister had been the last one to see her before her kidnapping, and she worried for her. Though in the time Avalon had been gone, she was nearing her full 39" of height. And she was sure that Odette had gotten bigger as well.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



12-13-2013, 07:39 AM
She had been hunting - with Azalea and Odette in mind, she had wanted to catch something that could be given to one of them. A rabbit hung from the lupine's bloodstained mouth, and although it wasn't a particularly big catch, it was something. On her way back to Valhalla, the alpha would pause, placing her kill down so that she could get a better scent of the area. And lo and behold, she was not the only one that was traveling in this direction. The scent was of another wolf, female, younger than she was - and there was a sickly smell that went along with it, of injury, possible infection? In no way did Chrysanthe claim to be a healer, but she had watched her mother now and then, enough to know what a wound smelled like when it was left alone for too long. It never sat well with Erani when a warrior didn't come to her when they should.

She would pick up the rabbit and sprint forward, wondering what injured wolf had found their way to Valhalla's borders. Their scent was somewhat familiar, but she wasn't quite sure just yet. Although she was younger than Chrysanthe herself, she was older than Odette... so that nixed them being siblings, didn't it? Head tilted, the alpha would follow after the scent until she was standing near the borders, in what seemed to be an empty somewhat bloodstained field. There were traceable footsteps though, which Chrysanthe would follow after placing her kill down. "Hello?" Her voice was firm, but gentle - not wanting to scare the other, but wanting them to show themselves. Normally she'd wonder about some sort of attempted ambush, but this girl was injured and hiding - clearly she was afraid, but knew that she needed help if she was ready to approach a pack.

"You don't need to be afraid, you're on Valhalla's borders. It's a good place to be lost, or seek help." The footsteps in the snow would lead to a fallen log, and that was where Chrysanthe would plop down and wait. If this was her hiding place, she would come out once she knew there was nothing to fear. If the alpha had to do some convincing, then she would do that without further spooking her current company.