

Cassius 1


3 Years
12-06-2013, 03:21 PM

Winter had struck hard and fast in Seracia, bringing with it whispers of war and changes of leadership.his father was King no more, his mother Queen no more. All that it meant for the boy was that he was even less important than before. His siblings were somewhere, the newest three safely tucked in the den. He hoped one of them might have something to distract from his stuttering, thought it wasn't likely he'd get that lucky. No, so far they all seemed simply perfect - and somewhere deep down, the half grown pup felt jealous. He growled at himself, knowing he ought not feel bitter toward his younger brothers and sister, they didn't deserve that. The scrawny boy slithered through the treeline into open, snow covered space between the forest and the lake. With haste he trotted handsomely toward the water, slowing as he neared. Head lowered to the water as he lapped at it furiously, trying to rid his mind of negative thoughts.



12-16-2013, 04:59 PM

She would watch from a distance, hidden behind the vegetation of the nearby forest. Little Celeste wasn't spying on her older brother, no, not at all. The girl had just been sneaking through the vegetation, following new and interesting scents of the small mammals living in the Kingdom. So far she wasn't aware of what most of them were, slowing learning as she grew. Amber eyes watched closely, taking in her brother's behavior. At first he seemed annoyed by something, then after a few seconds he went off to get a drink.

Taking the chance, Celeste would push through the bushes, knocking some snow off and onto her pelt, adding the white dappled look up past her shoulders and to the top of her head. She would approach at a steady walk, head held high, tail wagging behind her and a small smile plastered on her face. "Hello brother." Her tone was gentle, paws coming to a stop just beside him, a few inches part to give him his room. The girl would lower her head, lapping at he water a few times before lifting it back up to look at her larger sibling. "What're you doin?" Quite the curious one, if he was doing nothing then maybe he was willing to teach her something or play some game.


Awesome image by Andy <3


12-16-2013, 06:31 PM
Isabella found the south was a very good place to train. There was the river, a great place to swim against the currents and now the snow. The snow was deep here and the wind was strong, just the way the small fox colored female liked it. For once her ears were down, tucked to her head to not be frozen by the wind, her tail was still high though as was her head. She moved almost like a fox, jumping though the snow letting her back legs propel her forward in a leap and her front legs break though the snow. As strong as her training would hopefully make her, it lead her to make a foolish mistake. She was so focused on training that she did not notice the scent of a pack boarder, and crossed right into pack lands.

She moved on aimlessly until she found two scents on the wind. Still getting to know the lay of the land, she hoped she could learn from whoever the scents belonged to. Following them she almost froze at what her icy blue eyes landed on, two pups. Two pups that had a similar scent, that of the land they were in. "Foolishness! Absolute foolishness! How could I not have known! This must be pack lands, and of course it is my luck to come across pups, and paraphrase deal with angry parents! But....perhaps if I am careful, perhaps I can find an escort out of the land rather than turning tail and running like a cowardly preything."

Her pride and strength would not let her leave like that so carefully she approached the two pups. One small, male and russet with white, very vivid. The other female, brown with white markings. Carefully Isabella gave a small bark to let the pups know she was there. "Excuse me young ones, I am Isabella VentFlurrer, I seemed to have stumbled into your home. Can you tell me what pack you are in?" Her words were no warmer than when she spoke to others but they were a bit softer. If she could gauge the reaction of the pups perhaps she could find if this pack was hostile to strangers.

Cassius 1


3 Years
12-18-2013, 08:47 PM
As he would turn away from the water, he would note his youngest sister approaching him. She greeted him and lapped up a bit of water before asking what he was up to. Cassius gave a smile, realizing he'd been a bit cynical earlier. "Hello b-baby sis." He would lean toward her, inching the crown of his head toward hers in a gentle greeting headbutt. It would be then that another would arrive, a woman who wasn't a part of Seracia and didn't belong within its bounds. "W-who..." he would begin to voice before she started her own phrase. "Th-this is Seracia." Oh, if only he could speak a like as simple as that without stuttering. He would instinctively move to shield Celeste from the stranger, knowing that he could never forgive himself if something were to harm her.

ooc; lame, short, no-table post.. sorreh! out of town.


12-20-2013, 10:36 PM

Tail would thump lightly against the ground behind her as Cassius turned and greeted Celeste, giving her a light headbutt that made the girl grin. The siblings little meeting though would be interrupted within seconds, a scent flowing into her little nose of an unknown wolf and the sound of snow crunching nearby followed by a voice and woman approaching them.

Celeste would quickly pick herself up and whip around, amber eyes locking onto the strange, fur bristling even though the woman didn't look or sound hostile. An ea would swivel to the side, catching her brother's voice, telling the wolf this was Seracia. Just as she was about to bark something at the girl Cassius would move, putting himself between her at Isabella.

At first she would repeat what her brother said, "Seracia," a voice low, almost cold. Eyes would narrow, tail lashing behind the girl as she watched the rogue. "You best leave, trespassers who don't leave immediately are dealt with roughly." She would threaten, but even if she viewed herself as threatening at the moment, to the woman she would just look like a pup who didn't get what she wanted. Celeste actually had no idea what the Queen would do with a trespasser, but she wouldn't wait for this wolf to think they were soft and allowed wolves to just walk in without consequences.


Awesome image by Andy <3


12-22-2013, 10:46 AM
Sure to keep her distance she watched the pups. The young male acted as a good brother and moved in front of his sister. Trying to seem less of a treat she lay down in the snow so she would be at eye level with them. "Seracia hum? Thank you." She said gently albeit coldly. The young female acted quite differently than the male, fur up and tail lashing. Her words weren't entirely threatening but they had spunk. That was something she liked and she hoped this pup would be a fighter of a wolf some day.

But for now Isabella's main concern was not to run into any fighters. "Well it would be nice to leave but I don't know the way. I don't want to just go into the heart of your land." Her fist thought was to have the pups guide her but that could look bad from a distance, very bad as if she was stealing them. Her next thought was to call forth an adult from the pack but if what the little female said was true that didn't sound like a good option either.

"Could you two guide me? Maybe you could follow behind me some distance and make sure I don't make any wrong turns. I suppose if that doesn't work you could call for an adult in the pack." Though she still didn't like that option she hoped the Seracia wolves were those who would listen to reason and accept her mistake. If not at the very least even vicious wolves wouldn't draw blood of another wolf in front of pups. Her own parent's weren't even that low.

Cassius 1


3 Years
01-06-2014, 08:34 PM

He was impressed with his younger siblings' determination to appear threatening, but alas he would not relax his guard over her. He would follow Celeste's lead and allow the hackles on his neck to raise half an inch, just enough to display that he was not at all thrilled with the situation. Oh if only Quintus were here, he'd know what to do. The woman wanted to leave, but didn't know the way - that would be a shame if she were to head in the wrong direction. He didn't imagine the knights of Seracia being thrilled with a trespasser - though he'd never known them to be quite as aggressive as Celeste had let on. Isabella would offer a suggestion, to which he would nod his head curtly whilst giving a side glance to his sister. "I d-don't see why n-not." He would align his bodice in the direction of the nearest border and toss his nose upward in gesture for her to head that way. "We will f-follow." He wouldn't give her much space though, just a yard or two - enough to where his voice could be heard if she took a step out of line. He moved to fall in line behind her, brushing against Celeste gently. "Come s-sister," he would chide lovingly as he went.
