
the forest holds many wonders



8 Years
12-06-2013, 07:25 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2013, 07:26 AM by Oracle.)

Oracle sniffed the air a frown affixed to her features she was six months old and whilst she had grown to almost the size of a small adult she had much more growing to do. She was out on the borders though they could hardly be called such any more abandoned as they where, she had given Galahad the slip about a mile back and her paws followed the now over grown path that marked the border around the beach a semi circle that reached from the point in the north to the outlet in the south with the cliff dens at its heart. She had come out here again to search for clues to try and find her sister and her parents, she knew it was a risk had heard plenty of stories of death and injury caused to wandering pups but she had to come out here she had to try and find them but three or more months on from their disappearances she wasn't sure what she was really looking for any more.

As it stood this trip had been as fruitless as the rest no tracks no scents not even a path though what had she expected the rain would almost certainly have washed it all away by now. ?where are they,? she asked the air in frustration, but the trees which grew sparsely around her interspersed by low brush and grass gave no answer. She gave a sigh about to give up and head home maybe one of the adults would teach her more about hunting or fighting she had been bugging them to for the last three days, they always seemed to be to busy,but, maybe today would be the day. Oracle was just turning away about to find the path back to the dens when a rustle caught her attention, her ears pricked and she took a tentative step towards the source, ?Ode,?she questioned, ?Is that you??



12-06-2013, 07:38 AM

Snow was becoming very taxing on her muscles but she was feeling cheeky, and her cheekiness was allowing her to continue traveling far and wide. There where things that she had to do, such as gather test subjects for her project, and find enough loners for Aranya to start some makeshift pack for the winter months. Her tail curled briefly above her back her tongue moving against the roof of her mouth as she trotted around.

Paws dancing in the snow as she made her way further north, and then paused as a scent caught her attention. It wasn't firm like a males, but it also wasn't mature. Was this another pup? This was her lucky day, they where coming out the wood works all around her, and one by one she would pick them off and take them to both of her homes.

There was nothing wrong with collecting other people's pups, if they where irresponsible enough to let them wander so far away from them, then they deserved to lose them. That thought alone was what made Chill approach the pup, a small smile on her lips as she nodded her head in greeting. Nostrils moved as she noticed there was no pack scent that clung to this young one, it would be easier to cart her off against her will, and allow herself to disappear into obscurity again.

It was always easier to take those that didn't belong anywhere, than to take those that had strong family ties. "Hello there, who might you be, and why are you out here alone?" Chill asked, her voice steady and cold as she drew closer and closer, ears where drawn forward in an attentive manner, her muscles coiled under her fur as she counted down the seconds and minutes, trying to close the distance until she could pounce.

This one would do nicely.




8 Years
12-06-2013, 08:03 AM

Oracle froze then straightened herself to her full height her fur puffing out a little with surprise she had not expected a stranger. Instantly her mind went back to the den back to merci and knight and Galahad maybe she should have told someone where she was going maybe she shouldn't have given him the slip. She had a bad feeling about the dame but the women had done nothing but approach her and ask her name, she should treat this stranger kindly but still it was well know that discretion was the better part of valour ?I'm Oracle,? she replied trying to keep the slight shake of fear from her voice, ?I was looking for my sister, have you seen her??the girl was a stranger but still she could not discount the chance that she had seen the missing girl, after all she had come from outside the border a place where she herself had never visited, ? she wandered off.?

the dame was getting closer and oracle took a few slow steps back her feet sunk a little into the deeper snow by the paths edge but she would not sink as much as a full grown wolf, she was lighter. Oracles Golden eyes scanned the dame, she was almost as tall as the lass, she could thank her fathers genes for that, though the dames coat was white and grey where hers was black and brown ?what?s your name? I told you mine so its only fair, and what are YOU doing out here?? Oracle asked, despite the aura around the girl which made the pups throat itch and her hair rise she was still curious this was the first outsider she had ever met everyone else had been either related or belonged to the same pack as her since before her birth. ?are you lost? do you want to come in and meat aunt Merci? I'm sure she could help you.?

she still stood tense and cautious but her neck stretched out in curiosity and for the first time she sniffed the air around the dame. She did not smell of a pack but there was the scent of others on her other pups? She wasn't sure still learning how to define different scents it could just as easily been the smell of half a dozen squirrels.



12-06-2013, 08:35 AM

Eyes where dancing in mirth, simply watching the youngster fluff up was enough to make her walk even closer. She wondered how imposing she could get, Chill couldn't remember the last time she's been in a full fledge fight, or the last time she killed someone in a fight. Her eyes where locked onto Oracle as she stared down pup as she continued to get closer, it would only be a matter of time. Chill was a rather small wolf, where she wasn't the strongest she was pretty sure she was one of the fastest.

Oracle. She locked the name away in her memory, still not saying anything as she continued to eye her up. Her tail wagged as she listened. A sister? Someone else she could take with her? This should be very interesting, her eyes lowered and then opened again. "Actually yes." Her woods cooed as the emotion in her voice died before she fully turned toward the pup and flashed her another smile. The cold seemed to whip around her fur, her lips curled back in a silent growl as she snapped at the air. This time of year always made her happy, but the wild wind could go back from which it came.

Chill rolled her weight to the outside of her paws as she continued to follow the pup as she stepped backward. The snow was getting deeper, and luckily for Chill, she was also light enough with her weight distributed to the outside to stay just above the snow. <"You may call me Serani." The fake name slide from her lips effortless, but the pup kept questioning her, what Chill really wanted to do was leap at the pup and slam her onto her back and tell her she was going to be silent and do as she was told. But there was no reason to get rough of course, the reeducation process would take a bit of time and patiences.

When Oracle mentioned family though Chill's paw paused just above the snow and halted her forward motion. Her head turn to the left as she flicked a casual ear forward. "I thought you want to see your sister? Come with me, I'll take you." Head nodded up and down slowly as she hummed to herself before sliding her paw through the snow. "The den is only a little ways away, and I was out hunting when I saw your sister and took her back with me. There was a snow slide a little ahead." The lie slithered from her lips easily as she turned around so her back was facing the pup.

The female started forward, the pleasure curling along her spine, head turned to watch the other wolf take her scent and she paused. That usually wasn't a good thing, she might not have had her name, but a scent spoke volumes about a wolf. "Come along dear, before another snow slide happens." You wouldn't want to be shoved in front of one now.She thought to herself before starting to pad forward. Quietly Chill wondered how many pups she could whisk away from under the noses of their guardians.




8 Years
12-06-2013, 05:42 PM

Oracles spirits soared ?really you found her, that?s amazing. Is she ok is she hurt? Should I get aunt merci to heal her? I never thought I would see her again,? she took a step forward excitement for a moment overriding caution but something was gnawing at the back of her mind, ?Serani is a pretty name, do you think there has been another snow slide? Could she be trapped in the den, is it your den no one ever told me there where strangers nearby.? it was then a gust of wind blew the dames scent towards her once more and her mind sent out another warning, but what was the matter this girl knew where her sister was, 'so why doesn?t she bring her here?' her mind questioned, 'how does she know the wolf she found is your sister, you didn't tell her what she looked like, and why is there no scent on her coat.

Ode's scent had been one of the first that she had ever learnt in the dark squirming days she had learnt that the scents of mother, father her sister and brother where ingrained in her mind and the dame had none of them. A small frown crossed her face, ?maybe we should get mum and dad did ode tell you about mum and dad?? she played along moving forward but kept her distance it was like a complex game of tag, this woman was it and she had to avoid being caught because she suspected the outcome would not simply be a reversal of roles.

And if this dame did have her sister if she was this close to home why hadn't she kept on coming was she being held hostage. The fear was starting to build her act was crumbling she tried to hold the act she would make her break when the dame turned her back.



12-06-2013, 09:07 PM

Eyes watched the pup as question upon question hit her ears and she wounded up turning her head over her shoulder to spectate in this happiness. So this was the emotion pure and unadulterated by other motives. Chill watched, taking in the sight, this was not an emotion that she was familiar with, this female was always happy or excited because it would bring some profit to her in the future. Watching the caution slide away from the pup because of true happiness made her tilt her head.

Chill would have to learn to mimic this emotion and take it for her own, stretch it and expand it so it could be used in more than one way. "Her leg is sprained, I was looking for herbs to help stop the pain." Each lie brought her farther and farther away from the truth, but closer and closer to her goals, dreams, wishes. Fame, ambition, glory, she wanted it all, and she didn't want to join one of those fake family units and try to work for it, instead she wanted to be known for her deeds and not have a pack tied to her name.

More she could be so much more. "No its not mine, I don't live in this area, it was owned by a bear, but its long gone now. The only reason I've been in this area so long is because of the injured pup." The wind picked up and made Chill squint her eyes as she turned her head forward and made her way back towards her den, which was leading them further and further to the west. Every now and then Chill would trot off a distance only to circle around and get rid of tracks, also dropping a few Sensory Berries on the ground which would stink and kill a wolf's scent as well as their smell if they went sniffing too hard.

With her trail covered she trotted back to the pup, her eyes kind, an emotion she picked up from Aranya as she shook her head. "Honestly I'm afraid of other packs, I was mauled vicious by one as a pup, the testament is under my fur. I would prefer if you just came for your sister, and I'll carry her to the edge of you territory." Chill paused, her eyes flickering over to the pup as she strolled casually forward again and nudged her nose through the snow.

Ah yes, here where her berries. "Here try these, they will warm you up. After all I am a medical wolf." She said, a small smile fluttering across her face as she offered the pup berries that would make her forget things for a short period of time. Should make kidnapping her a bit easier.




8 Years
12-06-2013, 11:37 PM

Oracle kept watch she knew they had passed the border but it was still in sight she knew now something was definitely wrong. The berries where pushed towards her and she sniffed them they did not smell like anything from mercis den and merci knew all about keeping wolves warm, this wasn't right she hesitated then glanced up at the white dame she was still watching maybe it was time to be a bit tricky herself carefully she picked up the berries stowing them under her tongue she pretended to chew and swallow still holding the unbroken berries carefully, she pulled a face she knew from experience that anything coming as medicine would taste bad. She waited once more for the girl to turn then she had gone far enough she had hopped the women would leave a larger gap but she couldn't risk it she had to go had to try and give her the slip.

Still holding the berries in her moth she turned and took off the snow was deep and she sank to her knees but no further racing as fast as she could her paws threw the snow up behind her as she ran. She was almost back to the border as she glanced over her shoulder again to see if she was still being chased fear made her heart pound, a root caught her front foot sending her tumbling she tried to spit out the berries but they had already burst splattering juice over her tongue and into her mouth, it was as bitter as she had expected, and she spat as much of it out as she could as she howled ?Merci, Knight,? she screamed as loud as she could, ?Stranger, help?.

She hoped the yelling would make the women cautious as she tried desperately to regain her feet.



12-06-2013, 11:47 PM

Chill kept her back turned on the pup watching as she put the berries in her mouth and started to chew. She turned her head away, rolling her eyes before growling under her breath, and then turned back just in time to see the pup dart away. Sighing Chill took off after her, paws scrapping against the snow as she speed after her, her muscles flexing as she leapt over the falling trees. Her body pounded, working against the snow.

Patiences, she waited and fortune seemed to favor her today as the pup tripped and started screaming. Well it actually had the opposite effect on Chill, instead she jumped forward, her front paw attempting to slam down on the pups jaw to stop her squealing. Seeing the busted berries though made her smile, it would only be a matter of time now, just had to wait it out.

Waiting was something that Chill in particular was good at. So in the meanwhile she pushed her ears forward, tipping the points toward the sky as her tail raised, as she moved her body to stand over the pups to assert her dominance in this situation. "We wouldn't even be doing this at the moment if you just did what I said. Now we must wait for the berries to take effect." She growled a bit under her breath before sighing, what she would do to continue her experimenting.




8 Years
12-07-2013, 12:16 AM

The berries stained the snow and the area around her mouth as she struggled upright just as the dame slammed into her stomping on her jaw to force it closed. Pain shot through her jaw and she whimpered as she hit the ground once more spread eagled beneath the dame. She would be bruised after this encounter but maybe she would still get out alive, maybe. She wriggled under the weight of the restraining paw straining against the pressure she finally managed to free her jaw, she was shaking now the fear doing what the cold had failed to, what if they hadn't heard her what if they weren't coming, she couldn't run now she was trapped. ?what have you done to me, what, what are you going to do with me?? she tried to back away but panic made her clumsy and her head was pounding from the blow and from the poison that was already beginning to flow into her veins. She whimpered she was trapped Galahad's going to be alone.



12-07-2013, 07:48 AM

That burn the snow brought he limbs was more then welcome, she had come to this place unsure of what she was searching for, though this was one of those places she could admire the beauty of. As she stepped in the white fluff she could see, feel the black sand underneath, those large pillars before her towered over the scenery with a darkness that seemed to seep into her. Her breath came out in cloudy huffs, the moisture forming and soon disappearing before her, there were tree's, strange ones, they were tall, with broad leaves spanning out above the trunk, they held snow on them with ease as it piled, she was tempted to barrel into the tree when she heard talking.

There were voices, faint female twinkles somewhere, and those large nodules on her skull made it more then easy to creep to them and watch the show. There were two wolves, one white and one brown underneath with black painted on the top of her, things seemed normal at first, though it was obvious something was up with the white one. She seemed very intent on taking this girl somewhere, she was younger then them both, this bi-colored femme in this situation, the white woman obviously the older of the three. She followed them, watched when she gave the girl those berries, when she ran, Persephone knew something was terribly wrong, she braced as the chase ensued, light on her feet and nimble in her step she gracefully and silently followed them.

Suddenly the youngest one tripped and started screaming. She yelled to two others, shouting about strangers, she didn't like that sound. She watched as the white woman ran to her and smashed her maw into the snow, sending berry juice splashing around her face, by this time Persephone was running to the pair, and as she neared, she noticed she was close to the largest of the trio. She snarled at the girl when she tried to move and snapped at her heel's roughly. Shut the fuck up dude, seriously, your giving me a headache..., those orbs embedded in her skull burned with psychotic madness, an intensity fueled by something she had yet to understand, turning to the white woman she shook her head and took a step back, as if acknowledging the boundry she had just overstepped, dipping her maw in apology to her, standing tall behind the woman she watched with a sick smile on her features.



8 Years
12-08-2013, 05:04 AM

Her memory was confused spinning and twisting just out of her reach she knew she was on the borders of the pack territory but the drug had taken away her memory of getting there. A great white dame stood over her her posture and presence made Oracle shrink back. She had not noticed the other dame creeping up behind them not until teeth snapped shut at her heels quickly she tucked her tail under her body a small black bundle between the two she held her bruised jaw shut even as questions began to pop in her mind like stars. Who where they? Where they working together?what did they want? how did she get here, where of where where the others, and why did she feel like she was about to puke.

There where so many questions and no answers all she knew was at least one of the dames, her coat black as coal, seemed ready and willing to hurt her, the white dame she couldn't remember but her body was telling her to run to yell and flee and hope, she just needed a chance she prayed that they where not together that the white girl would take offence protect her and begin an argument for even the briefest time all she needed was a moment. She tensed the muscles in her legs still lying still and quiet on the red tinged snow she was sore had she fallen she must have. But despite the ache she held herself ready she would only get one chance at this.


Knight Cloud

12-08-2013, 05:41 AM

Knight moved easily through the trees, on his way back to the cove where Mercianne and her children were as well as the other remaining Snow Rogue kids resided. He had clamped firmly in his jaws, a meal for the children. A rather fat beaver he had been lucky enough to find nearby, and he was sure the kids would enjoy it. Swiftly his mottled brown figure moved over the land, light drifts of snow easily maneuvered through the landscape. Already he could scent the saltwater, hear the gulls and the wash of the water over the shore. He liked being here, but he knew sooner or later they would have to leave. He would have to help Merci get her and the others to a place less secluded, a place where she would feel safer with her children. And then he heard it.

A cry for help, and the voice was familiar within his dark ears. Without missing a step, he pushed himself into a faster pace, his form now pelting through the forest as snow sprayed up behind him. His tracks mere smudges in the snow, unrecognizable from the pace he was going. Jungle green eyes narrowed on the scene ahead, the beach now visible. He was sure that was where the call had come from, and the voice was unmistakable.

As soon as he broke from the trees, he searched around quickly until his sights located his target. Oracle was in trouble, two other wolves threatening her. Protective anger flared up in him, and Knight made no hesitation. He was already running, sand flying everywhere and lightly dusting his pelt, the gulls in the way making a commotion as they flew into the air in a frantic frenzy. The hare in his mouth seeping blood as his teeth had clamped harder on it, the bones in its body cracking in protest though they would have been easily broken regardless.

He came to a swift halt, dropping the hare just before reaching them as a growl erupted fiercely from his chest. Standing protectively in front of Oracle, his hackles raised as he glared at the women. "Back off and leave her alone! She's my pup, what business have you? Leave the child be!" His teeth bared in a snarl. He would not allow them to take Oracle or even harm her, and although she wasn't really his, he had made a promise to protect the children of the cove. He didn't want to fight, and he hoped that instead they would choose to leave on peaceful terms. Hell, he would even offer to give them the fresh prey he had just caught in exchange for leaving them in peace.
