
Devil May Cry



6 Years
12-05-2013, 06:30 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2013, 06:43 PM by Azalea.)

Flurries of fat white flakes fell over Valhalla. Azalea walked through the snow, drifts easily brushing her belly. Breath was visible in the air. Her near white coat lent her camouflage this time of year and for that she was grateful. A hare nibbled the fronds of a half frozen fern that had narrowly avoided being gobbled up by a drift.

Ears pressed forward before going back, her body lowering and her pace slowly. Each step came carefully. She hardly took a breath now. Her toes gripped the earth to give her better leverage as she pushed off, springing forward. The hare broke into a startled sprint, scrambling around to run right in front of Azalea. She gave chase, tongue lolling to one side of her mouth. She was ravenous and not about to let it get away. They zagged through the undergrowth and around heavy and fallen limbs. The hare ended up trapping itself, darting for an open tree trunk only for the hole to be much shallower than expected. A triumphant growl was all that was given as Azalea sunk her fangs into it killing it swiftly.

She carried her prize back toward her new den. It was located on a hill, deep in Valhallan territory. Most others denned in the caves near the heart of the territory. Being underground had always made Azalea uneasy but her instinct to nest had outweighed her fears, plus the location was perfect by all standards. Water supply, high ground, secluded. She felt at peace here.

Dropping the blood soaked hare near the stream she lapped at the frozen surface. A water source was only good until it froze completely and hers had. Her stomach rippled, it had been doing so for hours. Mild strokes of pain. Now they were beginning to come stronger. Honestly she knew very little about giving birth, she had preferred it that way. Nose turned up at her fresh meal, instead opting to go lie down for a while. Perhaps she would feel better after a nap?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-05-2013, 09:59 PM

Erani padded slowly through Valhalla, mind rolling through thoughts of herbs, what was low, and what would last until spring. She really had chosen a fine den? Deep blue pools dropped to the snow and she breathed out a slow sigh. It seemed only yesterday that she and Nova had chosen the place? Only yesterday that she had seen her mate?s face. And only yesterday that she and Cairo had spoken for the last time in the living realm. How could time fly so far, so swiftly? It seemed like only yesterday that Surreal and her siblings had just been born.

Perhaps time flew faster when you were older. Soon, Azalea would be bringing the newest life to Valhalla. Erani frowned sadly. Poor girl? Her life had been torn apart. It was well known to the Theta that Azalea had never wanted children. Speaking of Azalea? The young female?s scent washed over her nose, and her ears perked forward. ?Time already?? Time? She shook her head, turned, and loped back to her own den, gathering the herbs she needed before turning and loping off toward Azalea?s last scented location. Surreal passed her on the way, looking startled, but didn?t ask. The young wolf knew when her mother was on the job.

Erani slowed as she came to the droplets of blood in the snow, head lowering to whiff at them. Rabbit. Azalea hadn?t been very large despite her close due date. Erani surmised that there weren?t that many pups, or that they were all blessedly small, though Azalea herself was larger than her mother or Eris. It was little surprise then, that Azalea was able to hunt, right up to her labor. Erani followed the young she-wolfs scent, arriving as Azalea was heading into her den. She uttered a gentle woof through the mouthful of plants in her jaws. She was rather surprised Azalea wasn?t freaking out yet.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
12-05-2013, 10:12 PM

The woof that came from behind made her instinctively try to turn to look. What she got was a face full dirt from the tunnel wall and she quickly drew her head back sourly, coughing, spitting, and with a light peppering of curse words. Backpedaling quickly she turned about in the snow, slipping a bit as she did.

Her sides rippled again, the pain increasingly worse and her mouth gaping open to breathe a bit heavily. "Oh... Erani." Her eyes looked over the healer in a swift motion. She fixed an uncertain look on her face, her stance one to show the weight of what she carried and also that inferno of pain that seemed to be lighting under her. "I am sorry, Erani, I'm not feeling well. Can we talk later?"

In hind sight it was a rather poor thing to say to a healer, especially Erani. She wouldn't stand for anyone to feel under the weather and there was no way that Azalea was going to ward off her company now. Azalea stretched lightly, this way and then that, trying to relieve her discomfort.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-05-2013, 11:01 PM

Erani winced as her greeting caused Azalea a face full of dirt, one eye squinting slightly in sympathy. As Azalea managed to turn herself Erani could practically see the contraction that rippled the young wolf?s sides. She gave Azalea a slight wag of her tail as she greeted her, noting the widening stance and the look of discomfort. Yup. No doubts about it. Puppy time.

Azalea apologized, said that she wasn?t feeling well. ?No, we cannot talk later. You?re in labor.? Blunt and to the point. She lowered the plants to the ground, nudging them at the young wolf. ?Eat these. They?ll kill the pain in a few minutes, and should make this a lot easier. I swear if I get my paws on that so called king?? The last sentence was uttered in a grumbled mumble as she looked over Azalea?s form, counting between contractions. ?I?d say, you have a bit, which should give you time enough to get the nest ready.? Poor Sarak? where was the male?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
12-05-2013, 11:49 PM

As per usual, Erani's gaze was all knowing as she gave Azalea a once over that made her feel stripped bare. ?No, we cannot talk later. You?re in labor.? Erani's tone made Azalea's brow spots seem to lower crossly over her amber eyes until she heard the last word. Alarm sparked in her face and she licked her lips tensely.

Innate defiance made her take a step back with her chin raised. "No I can d-" Her words were half spoken, cut off as Erani spoke up. ?Eat these. They?ll kill the pain in a few minutes, and should make this a lot easier. I swear if I get my paws on that so called king?? Azalea looked at the various herbs Erani had brought with her, certain she was not going to take them. Her body locked in another contraction, about the same level of pain as the last. She set her teeth, letting it pass without a word.

?I?d say, you have a bit, which should give you time enough to get the nest ready.? Azalea groaned lightly. She wanted nothing more than to be left alone. She didn't care that Erani wanted to help and she sure as hell hoped that her parents and siblings didn't catch ear of the "L" word. The last thing she needed was the flock of 'em on her hilltop. With a sight Azalea grabbed the herbs and chewed them. "Okay... I took them. And now I guess I'll... I don't know... fluff up the den? There's not enough room for you to be in there too." Size hadn't been the factor in making the den and she was lucky to have accomplished it period.

Turning around once again, Azalea crawled into the earthen tunnel. She wondered what the den was supposed to look like on the inside. Probably not like it did. Whatever. Azalea settled in to await what she knew would come next.

When the pain got really really bad, Azalea started to wish that maybe she had made the den bigger. That maybe Erani could somehow squeeze in or make herself some room. She stood up, panting heavily and walking in slowly circles. "Erani... I think I'm dying." Her voice came out in a groan. Pouting through her pain. She could feel the puppy in the canal and she wasn't sure if she wanted to puke or push. She made herself lie down and more naturally than anything she started to push, teeth clenched against the pain. She felt like she couldn't breathe, her throat growing tight as she tried to keep herself from vomiting up what little was left in her stomach as she felt the fat little body head out of her body.

Her head lifted as she stopped pushing and the pain level lowered slightly. Her in take of breath of sharp, likely audible even outside the den. "Oh my. Erani! It's a puppy or something. What do I do? Erani?!" Her heart hammered into her chest and she felt the need to run far away. There was the instinctive feeling that there was something she needed to do but she hadn't the slightest clue what. Were wolves really expected to just wing it like this? Maybe she was supposed to have asked for some birthing advice first?

She felt disgusting and general smell in the den was making her stomach roll. Amber eyes were locked on the little bundle of slim and goop, unmoving. He nose moved toward it and she poked it lightly but nothing happened. "Erani!"



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-06-2013, 07:18 PM

Azalea still seemed to have issues with respect. That it was only fully given when received with Erani. The old Theta was patient, however. Azalea had just come home from hell, and was about to go through labor. So Erani met her eyes until she took her medicine. The young female was no longer heir, and had not been returned to her station yet. As Azalea spoke, she nodded. ?Your instinct will guide you in the bedding preparation. Then once you feel like it?s right, settle down and wait.? She followed Azalea as the female entered her den, noting the rough structure. She wondered if Soleil had ever cornered Azalea and drilled the much needed knowledge into her daughter?s brain, to where it wouldn?t be forgotten; breathing, position, and breaking the sac once the pup had entered the world. So far, it seemed not, or that Azalea had taken the lessons in one ears, and let them all out the other.

Erani settled in the mouth of the den, allowing for light, though her eyes would adjust to the main darkness of the den. She watched while Azalea got settled, waiting calmly as the contractions gradually strengthened. Azalea got up, circling her small den. Well, Erani thought with amusement as Azalea commented, Some say one gives some of their life to a pup as it?s being born. And she?s about to really start ?dying? soon. Aloud, she chuckled gently. ?Trust me, it feels that way. Castiel was largest in my litter. And the first to come out.? There was some sadness as she said her eldest son?s name. She missed her lost children; hoped they were alive, wherever they were.

?You should lay down, though every female has their own instinctive mannerism.? Indeed, Azalea was going down as she was halfway through speaking this sentence. The pup was in the canal, making it?s journey to the next stage of life. The first breath of air? If it lived. And just like that, it slid into sight, and Erani?s ears perked. Azalea freaked out. The words made Erani want to laugh, but she doubted that would go over well at the moment. ?One, tear open the sac-- yes, you?ll have to lick the slime, but it came from you, anyway. Just think of it as drool? Two, lick him or her dry. Vigorous licking.? Azalea poked the still enclosed pup with her nose. Thus far, it hadn?t moved yet. They generally didn?t really start moving when the sac was unbroken. Azalea panicked more.

?Tear the sac.?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



6 Years
12-06-2013, 08:36 PM

?Your instinct will guide you in the bedding preparation. Then once you feel like it?s right, settle down and wait.? Azalea felt that if that were the truth she would have already been shredding all the comfy things she could find. She was not a squirrel or a bird though and wasn't about to go gathering feathers and grass and fluffy stuff. Azalea was a wolf used to sleeping on the cold hard earth under the open sky.

?Trust me, it feels that way. Castiel was largest in my litter. And the first to come out.? Azalea grit her teeth and froze as the pain swept over her. "Its not a matter of trust, Erani." Her words were pointed. No, she didn't need to trust Erani's words when the pain was all too real. Why the hell did any wolf want to go through this? Sadists, the lot of them.

As she lay down Azalea was deaf to Erani's words. It was a bit late to be getting advice. When the puppy arrived and she freaked out, Erani spoke loud and clear from the mouth of the den. ?One, tear open the sac-- yes, you?ll have to lick the slime, but it came from you, anyway. Just think of it as drool? Two, lick him or her dry. Vigorous licking.? Azalea's face contorted into one of open disgust. "You mean I-- fuck." She closed her eyes and practically pounced on the still ball of goop, pinching away the film until she felt the warm bundle of life below it. The pup was still, unmoving and she wasn't entirely sure he was breathing either.

The scent of him and familiarity of what had just moments ago been inside of her made her heart lock up. "It's not breathing!" Her words were a yell, concern painting her tones and giving them sharp pitches. Salmon colored tongue worked at the body, licking the pup every which way, even capsizing the tiny body. When she finally heard the shrill, pathetic cry Azalea jumped back. Ears pinned forward, head tipped as she looked down on it. A puppy. Her puppy. So small and pudgy. Rounded. Tiny. The licked her lips anxiously. It was a male, half and half in color, black and white.

She hesitated, thinking of Isardis. Finally with slow, space-y steps she moved toward him. Some manner of instinct, or logic, kicking in to make her lie down with her body arched to the child. She dare not touch him, letting him amble over to her of his own accord.

Azalea sighed, lowering her head to the ground, unable to look away from the whelp that had come from inside of her. The contractions would not stop though, returning full force to draw her again into a tense ball of pain. It didn't take long, the puppies seeming small to her though she had never seen newborns before. A practiced professional, Azalea quickly cleaned up the second, eyes closed and back look on her face the entire time.

As she finished, Azalea had to rush over the children, speeding out of the den and trying not to bowl Erani aside. Outside the den she started heaving, stomach churning painfully until she was vomiting up everything that was in her stomach. When she was done she licked her lips bitterly and moved to try once more to drink from her frozen water supply.

She tried to avoid Erani's gaze and said nothing, only fled back into the den. There she curled up pressed to the back of the den, letting the helpless little buggers find their way toward her. "Two boys," she commented after she gathered herself.

In the silence Azalea couldn't decide how she felt. Weird... exhausted. Upset. Angry. Elated. "How did I do?"




12-06-2013, 09:11 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2013, 09:13 PM by Chrysanthe.)
Azalea - she was so glad to have her home. And yet in her various travels, she hadn't had the chance to just catch up with the girl. After seeing her at the meeting ( as it seems to take place before this because Aza hadn't popped yet in that thread ) - she knew that something was off. She was larger, but Chrysanthe was sure that Glaciem hadn't fattened her up. Dread kicked in full force as she realized that the sentence was only half right - they hadn't done so with food - but they had definitely left the young woman with a parting gift. Chrysanthe was sick with worry, livid at the ice bastards - but more worried for her niece than anything else. She would set aside her anger and guilt aside and search for the red faced girl, until she finally caught scent of her in her den.

She had smelled this a few times now, the blood, hormones and most prominent - the fresh new life that came with pregnancy. Her heart was halfway up her throat by the time she was at the den's entrance - Erani was already there, helping Azalea deliver the children from outside. There wasn't any way that she could help, and so she would stand silent for a moment, vigilant behind the healer. Her niece would vomit, looking neither she nor Erani in the eye before rushing back to her den. As she asked how she did, Chrysanthe would wait for Erani to respond first. These children, they would be cared for within Valhalla, but past nursing, they did not have to be Azalea's responsibility alone. The father had to be one of the bastards in Glaciem - either their leader, or the brute that had died by her eldest brother's fangs on the battlefield. Both ended up with Azalea as a single mother.

Considering the stress of the entire ordeal, Chrysanthe was surprised that even two survived. Azalea really had done well. "Aza, you did wonderfully." She would speak gently to her niece. The woman would have gotten her something to eat, but she doubted she was ready to put anything back into her stomach just yet. "I'm here though, if you need anything. "I'm here if you need anything." With a small sigh she would turn to face Erani, standing beside her mother, nearly leaning on her - but just barely brushing her side. "Thank you, Erani. I couldn't have gotten her through this the way you did." Surely both she and her niece would have ended up panicking - what a thought! "Do... you know who they belong to?" She would whisper, not wanting to give Azalea any sort of grief - the question was for the healer's ears alone.

She had a good idea of who they belonged to anyways.



4 Years
12-09-2013, 04:53 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 10:40 PM by Soren.)
The world that had been his constant for the whole of his life up to this point was changing he could feel it, the walls of his world moving into towards him and then jumping back. Slowly at first so that he was really unaware of the change, simply sleeping as he usually did, with his brother beside him. But as time would go on the ceaseless contracting and retracting of the walls would grow closer together and would begin to push him towards life. His sudden descent into the world beyond the womb was rather uneventful, for him at least.

Silent and unmoving he seemed stuck in a state of limbo. No air rushing into his tiny lungs, no sounds reaching his deaf puppy ears. He might as well have been dead, until the sac of warmth around him was punctured. Cool air rushed around him, enveloping him shocking him so that he could not move, could not call out. A warm tongue began to brush up against him, warmth starting to rush up into him. A weak little cry would release from him, tiny paws flexing and body starting to move as life flooded through him.

Instinct drove him to seek out the warmth of his mother?s belly, following the scent of her milk. It didn't take him too long to find his mother's teat and drink his fill, sleep tugging at him and finally taking him.

[Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



3 Years
Extra large
12-09-2013, 06:07 PM

There was some sort of disruption within the only home he?d ever known though what was happening he had no idea at all. Whilst it was all incredibly normal, everyone had to be born, it was actually a break from the normality for the pup. He had felt nothing but warmth and safety within side his mother?s womb, although it had been getting slightly cramped lately with the two pups growing more and more.

All too suddenly though he found himself with more space. The other that had resided here with him was gone. He was the larger of the two, he had taken up more space anyway, occasionally fidgeting and twisting to push his smaller brother out of the way. There was none of that now, he had all the space to himself and for a moment he was completely content with that.

There was no opportunity for it to dawn on him that this absence meant his brother had left. Where had he gone? All too soon he was joining the other though. Pushed out into the world. As the sac was tore free from him he took his first breath shivering slightly, this world was cold. Though he knew not who was licking him, he longed to bring himself closer to her, helplessly crawling till he collided with another, his brother was here too.

The air grew colder still as Azalea ran from the little den. Little cries left his mouth beckoning for what he wasn?t entirely sure. They were answered fairly swiftly though, someone returning and curling around he and his brother. His cries grew silent again, and he edged closer to the warmth of his mother, settling down at her stomach, little nose nudging away until he found a teat and began to drink until sleep at last claimed him.



6 Years
12-09-2013, 06:37 PM

Azalea hadn't even noticed the arrival of her aunt as she rushed from the den and then back into it. Time seemed to suspend itself, though, as down in the den the two little pups grabbed at her nipples. It was a most unfamiliar feeling and made her squirm and jerk, wanting to flee but knowing better.

This was just another trial in her life that she would have to overcome. Love aside, she could not be known as the "bad mother". It would not happen. When she sought to knew how she did, it made her head jerk up to hear the sound of Chrys's voice. "Aza, you did wonderfully." She choked up, not really sure how to respond or if she was supposed to. "Thank you." She said finally, faintly. She was tired, ready for a nap. Did you sleep when you had puppies? What if she rolled over in her sleep and crushed them!

Heart hammered into her chest and she quickly began panting again.

"I'm here though, if you need anything." She smiled lightly, knowing her aunt meant that. She settled her head on her paws, eyes slits as she fought the sleep that threatened to pull her under. There was silence, words spoken to Erani. With her eyes closed she would focus all her attention on the wolves outside, curious as to what they would do now. The show was clearly over.

"Do... you know who they belong to?" The words were whispered, amplified only by the tunnel that led into the den. A question not meant for her though they should be for no one else. Ears tipped back and her head raised. She turned her head to the side, so her voice would carry out better. One word. One name. "Isardis."

"No one else would dare touch 'the property of the king'." Her words were angry, her mind somber. Yet there is one who would have done the deed, if properly provoked or even politely asked, maybe even begged. Vixe. But his body was now a part of the earth again. His soul forever lost to Azalea. A friend taken too soon.