



12-04-2013, 10:15 PM

Warmth would break the blanketed chill across the earth as the sun began to rise above the horizon. It was early morning, and he didn't doubt that his ladies were spread throughout his territory sound asleep. He didn't mind their distances, because he knew that when he called, they would hastily come. if not, they would die, and he was damn sure that threat was drilled deep into their brains. this was the mafia, and he was going to bring them down. Body would rise from his laying position, muscles tensing beneath ebony silk as he stood at his full height. His head would be held high, and with parted jaws he would release a thunderous roar for all his accomplices to hear. He would then flawlessly jump down from his blind in he trees, paws kissing the earth with complete silence. A smirk would pull at the corners of his lips as his plans played out in his head. Today his slaves would complete mission number one: grab him two test subjects, and bring him someone specific. With his head held high he would set his gaze on the forestry before him, eyes narrowing as he waited for them to come. They better come.



12-04-2013, 10:57 PM

She was enjoying her day here, the fact that she unknowingly ventured into a big cats territory just because she heard a rumor about special berries. Now she found herself relaxing here, not really particularly caring if the giant cat was still around or not, she would stay here and mix her concoctions and when she was ready she would find a test subject and hope that she either killed them, or made them suffer something painful.

Each concoction brought her closer and closer to becoming legendary, a story to inspire fear and glory, a point for revolution. She would make her kind break their shackles to their packs, and start on their own way. She would have glory, she would have fame, she would have death, carnage, misery, and despair circling all around her name. Chill would do this because it was fun, and exciting, she wanted to sit high up there upon a tree like that cat did and watch them all die suffering.

Speaking of cats, his roar cut through her sadistic musing. The white wolf rested her ears back against her head as she quietly growled to herself and then picked up the blue berries she found a day ago while talking to those other two females. She wasn't to sure what they did, she didn't have anything to test it on, that would halt her experiments for a while, and here concoctions weren't strong enough yet.

If she sent them out against other packs and failed, she would be the one that failed also, power, she wanted so much power. The ambition was reflected in her eyes, and shined even more in her steps. Her head was lifted high and placed above her shoulders, ears where drawn upward as she trotted toward the direction the big cats siren had come from. Chill even pressed herself against the trees, leaving behind signs of her heated scent as she drifted toward him, tail elevated above her back in dominance as she drew closer to him.

There he was. Her dark eyes glittered as she slide them along his flesh, he was big, and she had a thing for anything that was larger than her. If this cat could protect her while she experimented, she could make them both very, very famous or infamous, depends on who you would ask in the future. Chill stared at the cat, her eyes cold and hard, and very much excited in that manner that meant we where about to jump into bed. But who wouldn't be aroused at the thought of stripping life away from a victim, or watching them squirm under your paw begging for mercy.

Mercy what was that, we didn't have any of that here at the moment, come back later and try your order. Chill continued to stand there, staring for a moment, her fur rustling in the breeze as she gingerly stepped toward him as she stepped away from the trees and more into the clearly. Her eyes lowered as she lowered her eyelids, nails bug into the soul as she leapt toward him, head thrown back as she chuckled a warm greeting. "You called?" Her voice dripped seduction as she opened her mouth and dropped the blue berries down at his paws.

Front legs stretched out in front of her as her rump wagged in the air before she slid down onto her stomach, her front paws crossing each other as she rested her head down on her legs and then cocked her haunches over so they where resting tilted in the snow. This would be fun and exciting. Lets blow stuff up!



12-06-2013, 01:01 PM

Rina heard her master's call from a few lopes away. The silent femme would pick up her dead prey, clamping it in her mouth firmly. Chocolate paws would carry her towards the mighty roar of Kusugra. The one who took her voice. Having no voice wasn't so bad. Rina had barely used it anyway. After being trapped in a prison for three seasons, there had been no use for it. She could still see, it was even slightly enhanced, smell and hear. It wasn't as bad as it could have been.
Rina reached the black cat in less than two minutes, arriving sharply. Another female was already at the scene. Rina looked her up and down warily. Who was she? Looking at Kusugra, she nodded and set down the prey. She sat down and faced Kusugra, awaiting his words.


Elysia I


12-06-2013, 09:09 PM

She had not wondered far from her beloved King. Just a simple walk to check out the territory Kus and her had been residing in for some time. The scents of other females did not go unnoticed by her. Infact she had put a lot of thought into the fact that more would surely join them. A snarl lifted her lips, sea foam green eyes hardened. Over her dead body would any of them think they could rule over her! Only one possible of such a thing was her King. And so the thoughts of stepping up to lead a band of female under the black king's rule brewed in her mind. It would be hard to do it with no voice but she would find a way.

The roar of her king had her spin instantly and trot back to him. Tail lifted high above her back, head held high and ears fully perked up. Slender limbs moved swiftly and effortlessly. Heart hammered just to see her King, her love. She always felt like it was the first time she met him, excited, thrilled, an over whelming rush that ran through her blood. As she approached eyes zoomed in on a brown female sitting back and a white one far too close to us for her liking. Fur bristled, ears pinned back. Stiffly she padded forwards but paused to give the brown one a friendly nod. She respected the girl for giving Kus space, as was rightful to do. She continued on, slim body rippled with muscles, steps were slow, purposeful. Lips pulled back to show gleaming white pearls. As she came to the front of the white female she would snap her jaws at her, just to give the idea for the other to back up. She snorted and rolled her eyes. They had much to learn if they wanted to serve this King.

She turned to Kus, her adore, her King of the Night. Eyes softened as she looked upon his strong, sleek body. If she still had a tongue it would be flicking out to lick her lips. She let out a soft whine before nuzzling into his should. She drank in his scent, his musk and power, letting it fill her lung and body. Pulling back she ran her shoulder, side and hips along his left side before turning and taking a place next to him. Never infront of him or right side by side but just a step behind his head. Ears twisted forwards, head held proudly as his first girl, scars from his bite along her throat visible, displayed proudly. Tail wrapped around her hips and paws as she studied to other two females. What use could they provide her King? What use could they be to her?



12-08-2013, 01:56 PM

Illja had been wandering aimlessly for a while now, the wound in her mouth was still healing. Tender. It made it hard to eat and drink. At least she had free reign. That was a plus. She heard the call of her master and began to head to the source of the sound. She still hated being his slave. But again it was better than being dead. The ivory dame headed into the prairie, where she saw a few other females there already. So there were more slaves, she hadn't doubted that, she suspected that there were more. One of them spoke. So she didn't belong to Kusugra. Because all his slaves had no tongues. If she wasn't mistaken, either that, or she was the only one unable to speak. She padded up to join the others and stood next to a chocolate wolf. Facing him. She placed herself down on the ground. Oh how she longed to say something. She hated not being able to speak.

Thought, Others,


12-17-2013, 03:24 AM
Giggling madly with mirth and a psychotic air, Yowai continued to tease and harass the wolf whose life was nearing an end. The creature had begged him to stop, to have mercy, to leave her be. But it only drove him on, and now the figure that was on bloodied snow was barely alive. Yowai had drawn blood, a lot of it too, as his victim was unable to move as she slowly bled out. His sexual weapon was still uncovered, for he had just done the dirty deed of raping and sexually torturing her as she resisted. She had tried to run, tried to fight back. And although he wasn't the strongest nor the mightiest, he had still won his sought after prize. And now for her resistance, she had suffered the price. Death for Sex. Now wasn't that nice? Yowai got what he wanted, and now it was time to dispose of the trash.
If he hadn't broken her legs, she would have gotten away. But she was lying on the ground, unable to run, unable to scream for help as she barely kept enough breath in her body to remain alive. He circled her once, twice, until he came face to face with her. His tongue extending to lick her face, his eyes dancing when she tried to turn away. "What's the matter sweetheart? You didn't like my performance? Well, let me see if I can change your mind before I kill you." Laughing hysterically, he would return to her hind end, bringing himself up to do what all men loved. And he'd torture her again as she protested, the sobs and tears flowing and pushing him on. The liquids would flow again after a few minutes, the woman nearly gone. "Now that was to die for wasn't it?" And with that, he brought splayed jaws around her neck, twisting it slowly until a crack of bones was heard. The woman was no more.

It was as soon as he had finished his deed, that he heard a call somewhere that he had not heard before. Grinning, he sheathed his weapon and followed the source. It did not sound like any wolf he had heard, but it would still draw curiosity. It was not long till he came to a scene, four women sitting gathered around a large black figure. His eyes roamed over the women, his innards tingling again, even though he had just gotten some. He always wanted more. Approaching the gang, he stared at the big cat in front of them, Yowai standing about three yards away from him. "What the Hell is all this? And who the fuck are you? An overgrown Pussy cat among all these other good lookin' pussies?" He would laugh mockingly, eyes then roving over the taunting aroma of the white woman who was lying before the cat. He could smell her heat, and it made his innards pulse and his mouth water. He cared not for decency, he only ever thought about three things; Sex, killing, and more sex.


12-23-2013, 03:46 PM

Boredom was the only thing showing on the ebony bitch's face as she strolled into the prairie, summoned by the dark feline she had been sold to by her dead lover Canttina. What an unfortunate event, being tied to such a demanding cat. A sigh escaped her dark lips as she padded into view, dark bodice glimmering in the light. Many females had already gathered, racing to be at the beck and call of their master. The annoying, pathetic creature called Chill was there, fawning over Kusugra like a lovestruck whelp. Rolling exotic eyes, the sultry shadow cast her gaze elsewhere, taking in the femme who was clearly devoted to the pussy as well, a bite on her throat displayed like a jewel. Another she wolf was there, a strangely marked she wolf who seemed less than happy to be here. A familiar woman caught her attention as well. Ilja. A high note of laughter trickled from her throat as she gazed at the woman, stuck in the clawed grasp of a cat who would fall from his throne one day, and be a broken little kitty with nothing but a bounty on his head. Moving to stand amongst the few women who had gathered, she ran her tongue over her teeth, taunting the others with the knowledge her silver tonge remained where it needed to be. However, she had other scars, a mirrored slash along her snout, a symbol of yet another forced devotion to a leader she wished not to have. As well, she lacked nipples with which to feed offspring, should she decide to have any. Seating herself gracefully, long tail would wrap around dark tea cupped paws while she waited for the damned cat to speak. She had other things to do, she did not need to be here listening to the ranting of a stupid feline.




01-02-2014, 01:34 PM

He would watch them come one by one, each woman giving him their own greeting. A smirk would pull at the corners of ebony lips as his dear ely and chill created a jealous tension between them. He could already feel a battle between the two coming in the near future. It was not surprising when the prisoners did not give him a warm greeting, he had expected them to be distant for a decent amount of time. Though, he would always try to sway their opinions, whither it be through affection, or protection. When the unknown male came into view and not only publicly insulted him, but his women, he would not move a single muscle. He would inhale deeply, filling his lungs with the males scent so that he would always remember it. Exhaling it with a deep chuckle he would part his jaws, tongue rolling within a cage of fangs. "Detounge him." He would demand, ghostly pale blue gaze never leaving the male as his own tongue rolled effortlessly across his lips. He did not bother to look at his women to see if they would follow his orders because he expected nothing less of them. Surely they were twisted enough to harm a disrespectful mutt like this without much persuasion, and if they did not he would punish them to ensure that his orders would not go ignored again.

Thoughts of mass destruction were brewing within the mans mind, and soon, he would peruse them. Lips creased into a wicked smirk as a few seconds rolled by after his fist demands. What else could he do to this male? Should he make him his own, or maim him and set him free? He smelt like sex and struggle, and seemed like he needed some reins on him. Plus he could always use another accomplice. "Remove the tail as well, he will not be needing it. Rip into him as you all desire- leave what defies him as a man to me." He would request shortly after his first demand. Effortlessly he would relax back onto his haunches and wait for the blood bath to begin.

OOC: sosososososo sorry for the wait and shortness guys, i'm trying to hop back into this after being scarce for a while <3

NOTE: All pp has been approved by dragon, including the maims and attacks. Just don't ruff him up too bad xD Each lady can do a one round attack deal, where each one attempts their attack, then Dragon can have the damage added accordingly in her post after all the ladies have posted c:


01-02-2014, 01:47 PM
The feline spoke calmly as he made his demand, to remove the tongue of this pathetic creature. Slow would be her movements as she stood, approaching the man with the sickest of smiles, the most twisted and insane of mirth glimmering in her dual toned, exotic eyes. "This will only be agonizing." She purred as she lifted her front end off the ground and smashed her front paws into the chest of the vermin to knock him off balance a bit, allowing her silent peers to get a chance at attacking him before she would make another move.



01-02-2014, 02:15 PM
OOC: wasn't sure how to set this out, so just did it the normal way, if it needs changed, or the post makes no sense, tell me and I'll change it xP

A grin would cover her face, the little ebony bitch would move in for her attack. She off-balanced him. The white dame moved in from behind him, she wanted the bastard's tail. She imagined that he was the goddamn cat. Jaws would part as she got closer to him. She would first come round the side and she would tear into his side with her fangs, shearing the flesh, not deep enough to do much internal damage, but enough to cause pain. A lot of pain. Crimson liquid stained her maw. Oh how she longed to taste it. The blood was almost mocking her, the fact that the coppery taste evaded her, angered her further. She would go back behind him. And jaws would clasp around the base of his tail. And she bit down as hard as she could. She felt the crunch of bones and blood filled her mouth. She kept on tearing and pulling, until if was off. She picked it up and placed it in front of him. She would have laughed if she had a fucking tongue, she stepped back letting the other women in, to have their fun with him.

Speech, Thought, Others,


01-02-2014, 04:01 PM

. . .

Rina watched the man stalk in. He smrlled disgusting. She wrinkled her nose and felt a growl rising in her throat. She choked it down, waiting for Kusugra's command. It came. Detounge him. With pleasure She got up and slinked towards the man slowly. Her head was lowered, level with her shoulders and her movements fluid. Anger was bubbling inside her like lava. She watched as the ebony harridan pushed the male, making him lose his balance. Circling the mutt, she watched as the alabaster femme took away his tail and lay it before him. As she walked away, Rina let loose a small growl towards the female. There was something about her that Rina did not like. She returned her gaze towards the bastard. The smell of blood in the air enticed Rina like a fly to fruit. Rina made her move. Slinking forward she faced the man and smiling she placed a paw on his jaw and in a split second had forced it down and to the left until she heard a crack. His jaw law broken as she saw boood welling up inside his mouth. Smirking she lashe the smame paw across his face, leaving a large gash starting from his forehead to his nose, going right across his right eye. Chuckling, she backed away to let the other bitches in.

. . .

Elysia I


01-05-2014, 11:49 PM

She sat there and watched two more females join them. One flaunting her tongue out at the others. She simply shrugged, not caring. But then a male entered their meeting. At once she stood up, taking great huffs of his scent. He smelt of blood, sex, and female. Ears pinned back as he spoke. How dare he address her King like that! And her women! She lowered her head, tailed raised and hackles spiked up. All she needed was a word from Kus to tear into this bastard. She knew what he had more than likely done to some poor female. And now he probably had the thought he could do the same to them. Over her dead body! Which would not likely happen so long as Kus her adore was alive.

As soon as he gave the word the females were on the male. She watched through ice cold sea foam green eyes. Slowly she would stalk over, circling the process of maiming the mutt. Lips pulled back as she watched, circling, waiting. She wanted his tongue, it would be her's. How dare this male, this thing think he could waltz in here like he owned them, insulting them. He tail was ripped off, wounds inflicted his side and face. As soon as one broke his jaw line she moved in. Her steps were slow, waiting him to endure the pain, the suffering. She glanced up once at the brown female with and dorsal marking. Her eyes simply requested her to hold the scum beneath her for Elysia. She stood above the male's head, starring down at him. She wanted her eyes to be remembered, to burn into him. But before she would take his tongue she would have some fun.

She placed a paw on the side of his head, claws digging into his temple. Eyes lifted to spar Kus a glance before looking at the other brown female Rina. She smirked at her, kindly. She was cute really, the dorsal stripe making her stand out. At once her attraction for the others could be easily scented. Slowly she leaned forwards in an attempt to lick the blood from the other's lips. She was hoping she wouldn't mind, wouldn't freak out. Elysia wanted the bastard below them to see her attraction towards the other female, suffer in pain, and know he could do nothing to them.

After some fun she turned back to the male, eyes narrowed. She would claws at his jaws, opening them as far as possible. One paw lashed out to grip his tongue. She snarled before she slowly would claw and bite his tongue off. She purposely made the process as slow as possible. Once down to lifted the tongue in her jaws like some high prize. Turning her back to the male she kicked up dirt with her hind legs onto him. A look back to the other females she smiled at them warmly. Yes, these were her females. She walked back over to Kus and laid the tongue down at his paws.



01-14-2014, 01:45 PM
OOC: Yowai you poor he deserved it, tis cool, just gonna add in a few minor retaliations.

They were upon him like flies on curdled milk. The first being a tiny black wench who would dare place her paws on him. Yowai would react, snapping jaws forward to grasp her foreleg and twist her off of him. Blood seeping onto his tongue. Before he could lunge at her, a pain delved into his hind end, and the male twisted to see who was attacking him. He yelled out in pain as he felt bones breaking and cracking, adrenaline coursing through his body. His world seemed to run red and black, and before he knew it he was staring at his own tail on the floor. Snarling he snapped and lunged at the white bitch, teeth closing over her muzzle before releasing to tend to the other bitch that came up to him. Another attack, another round of pain as he screamed out. Cut short when bones crunched, claws raking over his face. The male's jaw broke a bit, though not enough to completely handicap him as he then swung to slam his head against hers. Half blind, and with blood streaming over his face and body, he could feel himself weakening from the blood loss.

Within moments, he was on the ground collapsed and exhausted. Half dead as blood poured from his wounds. He knew someday he would get what he deserved, and yet he did not regret it. These bitches would learn soon enough their place among the world of men, they had no place but underneath them. That was it. And this display would not discourage him from future attempts. Each and every one of them would get what was coming; of that he would make sure.

Soon, the main bitch came forward. Staring at him with cold eyes and he could only stare back. He knew they weren't done, he still had a lot more coming. But as it was, he was too tired to fight back. Jaws parted, more claws scraping into his flesh and soon, the dragging tug of his tongue as more blood pooled into his mouth. Oh how horrible fate could be, but it was no less then he expected. For someone like him, he deserved all the pain and punishment that would come.



01-14-2014, 04:47 PM

The monarch would observe his servants closely as they ripped the man apart, doing exactly as he wished and then a little more. A corrupted sneer would crease his ebony lips as he watched, and when his darling Elysia dropped the tongue at his brawny paws he would rise. He would effortlessly stride forth, his impeccable movements flawless as he came directly up to the demolished man. He would stand over him for a moment, frosty gaze rolling over the bite marks and gushing wounds. "Well done ladies..." He would think to himself, more than pleased. They had done well. He would strike out with acceleration similar to a lightning stike, jaws agape as he closed around the mans genitalia and ripped violently backward. He would roll the pair out of his mouth and drop them directly in front of the man so that he could see them, his gaze lifting to watch the spasms of pain beneath the mutts chocolate pelt. He deserved nothing less than this.

"You belong to me now, a woman within my ranks, as you have no genitalia to prove your right as a man. You are a slave and nothing more." He would announce for all to hear, his deep tone remaining neutral. He would not allow his anger to boil to the surface in front of his ladies over a pathetic scum bag like this. He would turn to them, leaving the male to lay in his own bodily fluids. "Soon we will have our own kingdom, my polished beauties, and we will stand against beings like him." He would boast proudly, the satisfaction he felt showing clearly upon his features. "Now, gather my alluring gems. We have business to discuss." He would expect them all to flock forth and gather around him eagerly so that he could spill some of his intentions.


01-14-2014, 05:33 PM

The man dared to strike her, snapping his jaws over her foreleg and drawing blood, then twisting her to send her back a few paces. A growl would rise in her throat, but she watched with a smirk of satisfaction as the other bitches ripped him apart. His tail was removed by Illja, then his jaw broken by another woman she did not recognize, before a dust pigmented femme would remove the male's tongue and set it at the feet of the dark feline. As Kusugra rose, he moved with astounding speed and tore off the man's testicles. A high, tinkling laugh left her throat as she watched the humiliation. The feline would rant about the coming of his own kingdom, where scum like these would not stand to exist within it's bounds. Interesting, but not enough to keep her from wanting out of this man's greedy paws. As the cat would summon them to gather and discuss important matters, the obsidian wraith would stand.

The temptation to be a naughty girl was too much to bear, and she padded over to the downed dog. He was panting, muscles spasming under his dingy coat. A dark grin teased her dark lips upward as dainty jaws would lower ever so slightly as she whispered into his left ear, gravelly lyrics a silken purr. "Did I lie?" She would murmur before dancing away. Feminine hips would sway as she walked, long tail rhythmically brushing her heels like a silken pendulum as she strode towards the feline who had stolen her freedom. Seating herself a few paces from him, exotic optics would fix a cold stare upon the feline. As soon as she could, she was out of here. When the opportunity arose, she would abandon this cat and never look back. She wasn't here willingly, though she was still better off than the rest of the bitches here. Long tail would wrap around tea cupped paws taited with the blood of their fallen victim, and she would wait with a veil of cold detachment over her sharp features.


Elysia I


01-30-2014, 03:31 PM

She had really lost it and killed the bastard for lunging at one of the other females. Her body shivered with suppressed anger and violence. How dare that scum think to harm one of the girls! She growled deep in her chest, an earth shaking rumble. But she had down her part and laid the tongue at her King's paws. As he walked over to the mess of brown fur she sat down to watch. Eyes ran over each female to make sure all were fine. She grunted with satisfaction that everyone was unharmed. Even a tiny scratch and Elysia might have killed the man for it. She felt an overwhelming protectiveness over them. She understood Kus's need to collect the finer ones, to treasure them, guard them. She felt the same way. But she wanted her own little flowers. She glanced at the chocolate female with the white dorsal stripe. She was a fine looking girl. She smiled to herself before Kus's voice drew her attention.

She moved towards her adore like gravity pulled her to him. Sea green orbs watched him with desire and love. Their own kingdom? What would that make her? What lands would they claim? Her ears twitched, forgetting those questions as she smiled up at him and would run her head lightly into his shoulder. She gave a soft pleasurable whine to give her agreement on a kingdom. She turned to sit next to him, eyes turned to him expectantly before she looked at the others. All thoughts of the bleeding, torn mess of their new Slave was forgotten. She'd deal with him later. He could still hunt and be used, but if he was to do so he had to live. She'd make sure he did, it wouldn't be getting out this the easy way.
