


12-08-2013, 09:19 AM
A frozen lake. Cloudy sky. Midmorning. Snow drifted down on him. Ganelon was by himself as usual, dodging little trees that were, he assumed, growing from islands in the ice. Long-dead trees. The soldier stopped to scratch curiously at the ice, but there was no way to see what was under the snow. It was like a hard shell over the actual lake. He shrugged and lurched onwards, gimpy right leg slowing him down as always. At least there wasn't currently a blizzard going down. He could see what was in front of him. Which, honestly, was not much of anything, but oh well. Could be worse. Would probably get worse later on down the line.

He felt the wind pick up and drop down again. It brought a smell on it that wasn't snow. A long-dead animal of some type. He paused again, sniffed carefully, and suddenly started up a slow gallop toward a stand of trees. Something was in there. The white wolf crashed through the trees, eyes studying the scene. A frozen bear. Small, like it was probably a yearling or something. Ganelon didn't know much about bears except that they weren't that great to eat, but homeless wanderers couldn't be choosers. He wasn't going to pass up a chance to have a more or less effort-free meal. Nobody else seemed to have found the carcass already and everything was free of crows, so he supposed all was good. Maybe he wouldn't be killed if he stepped into the open.

So he did that. The first few steps were, as usual, a bit slow, but when nothing happened he sped up and set about clawing at the dead bear. Which was very frozen. Like tearing at a block of ice. Ganelon chewed at the skin on it for a few minutes and stopped, frowning. This was obviously going to take a while. He sat down.
A few hours later he'd made it through one layer and managed to get a moutful of actual meat, which was a bit like chewing a hunk of melting ice. Crunchy. Not that good, but better than nothing. Ganelon had other critic thoughts about his meal, but was interrupted by movement in the trees that surrounded him. A much smaller animal. Probably a coyote. The burly male stood up and frowned over the top of the bear, eyes searching for whatever it might be. If it was a coyote he was perfectly fine with chasing it down and killing it. Would be easier to eat than what he was stuck scavenging from.



2 Years
12-09-2013, 12:59 PM

OOC: Im so tired but i wanted this thread to get started xD

The winter was by far going to be the girls favorite season. It seemed to poison the sun as it strays away to its sickness, away from polluting the girls with its love and affection. But the snow did give the babe a poor disadvantage, It made her even more hungry then the day before. She needed to fuel the small bodice for her to stay warm. So that was her next task for the day. The rosy nose would caress inches from the frosted floor, inhaling the scent for any other prey, before swaying side to side at the target. The scent was only faint, but it was worth the look.

A quiet noise would fill the lobes, its scratching irritating her ears. Who was the man over there? Picking away at a frozen... Bear? The rosy pink pools would glimmer with anticipation before scurrying away into the open. Her mind was set, and she was hungry. There was no point in fighting the male, because of course she would loose in her feeble state and age. So a new tactic was on board. Edging closer to the pale brute the girl would look him over, sitting a few meters away from him, staring. A sigh would escape the blood kissed lips as her gaze would trail to the ground. Aiming to win over his sympathy vote. Afterall whats better then a free meal with no Harm made? " Hello sir... You look pretty." Was that really her compliment? To give a fully grown male a feminine comment? Never the less she could only hope, she didnt know any better.


12-10-2013, 05:43 PM
What came out of the trees was a puppy. A puppy with white fur and pink eyes and oddly colored skin. Ganelon stared for a second, not sure how to handle this. Were its parents around? Would they try to take what he was eating? The white wolf sniffed the air carefully, didn't smell anything, dropped his head back down, and stared again.

The puppy sat down, stared at the ground, and offered him a compliment. He stared for another minute. Pretty?

Well, okay. The soldier suddenly cracked a twisty smile. It went away as soon as it came, but it was worth the quick show of emotion. He'd never been called pretty. He'd never been pretty, even before he took up fighting as a living. He just wasn't born with good looks. Just heavy shoulders and no personality to speak of.

He supposed he should respond to the girl. Talking wasn't his strong suit. Ganelon thought for a second and replied in a monotone voice, "You look..cold." That wasn't really the word he'd wanted. The burly wolf frowned at himself, gray eyes not really focused on the puppy. "Are you lost. Lost?" The language in this land relied so heavily on inflections. Ganelon had trouble with them.
Maybe the child would tell him if someone else was around. Ganelon would like to know that. This was the only thing to eat for miles, probably, and if a couple wolves presented themselves he'd probably have trouble defending it. This winter hadn't been easy, by himself. He was thinner than usual and he felt like his reactions were slower than they should be. Maybe he was getting too old.