
Plus Two


3 Years
11-30-2013, 03:41 PM
He would follow the bone king to his new home, trailing slowly after with his sister not far behind. Having Silana beside him had affected him, thawed him a bit after being in the north and growing so cold. He cared about someone that wasn't himself, cared deeply, perhaps even more so than he did himself. Syrinx was not a lupine that Aeron would claim to understand, but the russet man had caught his eye when he seemed to catch his. Perhaps he recognized him as the boy that he had claimed during his short reign in Glaciem, but there was always the chance that he didn't. That he was a no one to him, another face in the crowd and nothing more. If that were the case, it didn't matter so much as it would be faintly disappointing. He had come here, in the end, with his sister's consent. If she grew uncomfortable here, he would leave with her - and that was that.

The caves were both a blessing and a curse, the darkness was comfortable but the lack of sky and quick escape put him on edge. His lips would twitch as he stepped forward, just enough into the caves to stare into the looming abyss. A gust of winter air moved past him, chilling him to the bone, but alerting anyone downwind of his presence. Not wanting to trespass, but one of the wolves that was offered a place here in Amenti's old territory, he would bark, once, before waiting. Stuck in the limbo between being a member here and being an intruder, there was really no telling who would come - and how they would react.


12-01-2013, 04:07 AM
Quote:She had found him, despite all odds she had managed to find her brother again. It had been a year now since their birth, over six months singer their mother and brothers disappearance but throughout all of it Aeron had been there. A pale ghost drifting along beside her. She knew that if not for him she would have long ago give up on life, on this cruel world they had been born into. He was the only one she cared for, the only one she trusted in the least. So because of that she had followed him blindly to this place, from the meeting called by the skull faced man. For a short time she had slithered off to hunt, leaving her brother to continue on his trek to their new home. But it was time for her to return to his side, time for her to join him in their new home if they skull faced man would have them. It wasn't often that she was easily accepted in her silence, she had found many to consider it a weakness in fact. Maybe that was why her heart was thudding in her chest even though her long legs carried her at only a moderate pace. She was nervous? She would do anything to remain at Aeron's side, he was the only one who accepted her so freely, but what if they didn't accept her?

She moved at a half trot half lope, head held parallel to her back as blue eyes followed her brothers more and more recent paw prints. A smaller rabbit hung limply from her jaws, blood dripping steadily into her mouth and then down her chin to leave a little trail of bread crumbs behind her. She hadn't been gone long so he wasn't as far ahead as she had thought. She had already quickly scarfed down one rabbit and caught another one for her brother, wanting to give him a good meal as sort of a repayment for finding them a home. His form was half enveloped in darkness, forepaws places in the entrance of the caves that loomed before them. She slowed to a trot and then a walk as she approached, wide blue eyes staring into the darkness before them. The rabbit hit the ground beside his left forepaw as she came to stand beside him and her jaw slackened. She had been in the caves behind the waterfall but nothing this? dark? It was almost overwhelming. She cast a worried look at her brother before shuffling a bit back, moving so her head was near his ribcage and her shoulder was pressed to his flank so he was the focal point. All they could do was wait now...



Extra small
12-03-2013, 10:44 AM

OOC: At school-this will be short.

Silence. The caves were so often quiet and serene and he loved every waking moment of it. The blissful relenquishing time alone made him appreciate everything he had. He enjoyed that he was the king of this world. The reigning figure of power. It would take time, but their empire would expand, and Syrinx was proud that it would. A low smirk etched its way over his dark features and the boy lifted his head as the sounds of dripping water echoed from somewhere in the systems. There was more to the caves than one would've expected. One could easily get lost and die in the caves. Especially, should they not know their way out. This was exactly what Syrinx had wanted. A method of Guerilla warfare against his opponents should they come. Afterall, he fully expected to see Isardis again some day.

Isardis, however, was the least of his concerns. On his 'territory' (calling it land felt almost wrong) he was made aware of the presence of two lone bodies. One of which had once been attempted to be pulled in by him--the other of which was a particularly interesting figure. One that seemed related to young Aeron. Syrinx was indeed inrigued. He had once had high hopes for the young child--Aeron, and was now pleasantly hoping that such hopes would be brought back and seen set alive. Afterall, was Aeron so much older than his own girls? That alone got his mind turning and spinning and wandering.

He descended upon them with firm grace--and his eyes landed on Aeron, still, silence was his answer to them. His harsh glare remained on the man of the duo--and if Aeron had any memory it was that Syrinx was a man of few words. If he had any forethought he would know an explanation was warranted and nothing less.