
Apprends moi



6 Years
12-28-2013, 03:44 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2013, 03:47 PM by Gitan.)
OOC. Sorry for the sucky phone post.

Gitan had something he had to do, a goal he needed to accomplish, and so he had risen from the den he shared with Symphony early that morning. There was guilt tugging at his mind. He had lied, told her that he had a friend he needed to help out and that he would do his best to be back before dark. The latter at least was true, now that he had her for real he did not want to spend another night without her by his side.

He guessed it was just a bit before midday, when he arrived at the edge of Ludicael territory. He did not know Symphony's sister but he knew she would be here. Tipping his head back he let loose a call for her, for Song.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



12-28-2013, 06:15 PM

Her breathing was even as the air would melodically rise and fall from her lungs. Porcelain tiara would lay gently on the ground while mismatched gaze was concealed by colorless lids. The dove was positioned by her den, but sleeping quite deeply outside of her den. She took odd hours to let herself rest, and today was no different. Song would enjoy a nice noon time nap.
It would be cut short though, as a voice made itself heard from the border. Slowly she would stir, making herself awake, and willing to travel the distance. She wished to keep upon her nap, but with lids heavy she would pick herself up and trot to where she heard him. Her eyes would not be able to discern his identity for she had never met the man before. Nor would she have known him by any kind of description, he was a stranger. Good day, sir. What can I do for you this fine day? She would not bring herself too close, but enough that they could talk comfortably. She would keep herself standing and aware, in case something became amiss.




6 Years
01-04-2014, 01:58 AM

The woman would arrive shortly but not before he was given some time to reflect on his decision. Symphony would not approve of this, which had been why he had not told her where he was going, still this had been something he had needed to do, to put his mind at ease at least! He fully expected her to be upset, angry if she found out and he would grovel for her forgiveness when the time came.
Finally a snowy form would approach and Gitan knew it was Symphony?s sister, they were nearly identical. Though the woman before him did not have the dainty figure of his beloved Symphony nor the adorable markings beneath her eyes, they shared a pelt color and those unmistakable mis-matched eyes. He knew that she would not know him, not by appearance at least. He had no way of knowing if Symphony had told her family much about him, she was not keen to talk about them right now.
Lyrics would fall from her lips and he would adopt his charming grin. With a flourish of his forepaws he would tip forwards slightly in a bow, though he remained seated. " A good day indeed, reine de neige." The worlds rolled easily off his tongue. "I am Gitan Gringoire, am I right in assuming you are Song Destruction?" He would cock his head to the side slightly, he was certain this was the woman he was looking for but it would do no good for him for his assumptions to be wrong.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



01-06-2014, 02:28 PM

She would let herself focus upon his form, his scent wafting towards her. She felt some kind of recognition about him, she was certain she had never met him but he seemed so familiar. He would bow slightly before taking a seat, and as he lent her his name she would realize who it was that had come to see her. Gitan. But where was her sister? Wasn't Symphony so ready to be off with her man, to abandon her family in their time of need? Was it this man who had placed the straw which broke the camels back? She would certainly not blame him for tearing away the healer of their family, but he was certainly one of the reasons her sister was now gone. She would partially blame Deteste, and his false accusations of her. Mostly though, Symphony would lay in the fire, for she had made the decision to leave, she had been selfish enough to cast her brother and apprentice aside. No, she could not blame this man, so with a nod given to him she would let her haunches recline onto the earth.
He would ask her of her name, though she would guess that he already knew who she was. The family resemblance was uncanny. "You would be correct sir," she would say sweetly, trying to shake off the negative thoughts she had towards Symphony. "Am I correct in assuming you are the Gitan my sister was chasing after?" she had heard his name but once, but she had committed it into her memory. She was unsure what he was doing here, especially with out her self-centered sister in tow.

"Speech" Think "You"



6 Years
02-03-2014, 02:27 AM

He had to smile, the woman before him certainly remind him of his Symphony, at least in appearance. He listened with slight interest as she gave him a confirmation of his thoughts and then voiced her own question. He chuckled and gave a nod, "Guilty, you must forgive me Madame it was never my intention to take Symphony away from her family." The smile dropped some and he sighed, glancing about for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. He knew what he wanted to say, not so much how too, a first for the usually (at least in his own mind) eloquent male.
He glanced back at the woman, looking into her eyes so much like Symphony?s? no, now that he was looking they were the same mis-matched colors, but the sides on which each color sat on her face was opposite her sister. "If I am to speak honestly, I am not sure how exactly I can say what it is I came here to say? " He took a deep breath, diving in head first. "I do not pretend to know what it is that happened between your sister and the rest of the family, only that when she came for me, I had never seen a wolf quite so gaunt. You should know she is getting better and when she is fully recovered I hope to start a family with her." He paused, watching the woman?s reaction for a moment.
"If I may be frank, I know what it is like to be distanced from ones family and to be honest I would love for any children we have to know one side of their family at least. I know that whatever it is that happened between you all cannot be fixed so quickly? and I certainly can?t ask you to put anything behind you. I only ask that? " What was he asking? Forgiveness, for any children?s sake? No, not even that? "They be accepted, regardless of their parent?s? mistakes. "

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



02-19-2014, 09:41 PM

It would not take long to complete the thought that the man before her was Symphony's mate. She would still feel the regretful pang of loss that haunted her since Symphony's departure, and she would only hope that this man was able to provide everything her sister needed. He would admit that he'd never meant to take Symphony from them, and deep down she had to admit that it was in no fault his own. Her sister was going to do exactly as she wished, no matter how much Song disapproved of those actions. He was much more somber as the time continued, and seemed to be searching for the right words to say. She was increasingly curious as to what it was he wished to speak to her about, especially with out her sister beside him. It would take only a few more moments for him to completely find his tongue and as he spoke she would patiently listen. The words that would flow from his lips, not exactly what she had been expecting. He would speak of family and children and finally the acceptance of those children. ?
Throughout his speech she would remain neutral, but as he spoke of her future nieces and nephews she would smile widely. He need not even have asked her because already the love for them had started to grow within her. She did not care what Gitan or Symphony did, family was forever and she couldn't help but to become excited for their eventual presence.?"Gitan you need not worry, I learned a long time ago that holding grudges would get me no where. I will love Symphony's children like they were my own, especially if I'm aloud the chance to be with them." her voice was warm and her face soft,?"I would offer you, Symphony, and your future children a place here no matter what's happened between us." still she would feel the pain, but it seemed to lessen as she spoke to the man.?
