
The Flowing Tides of Life


11-27-2013, 10:27 PM

Black stockings moved slowly over the darkened sand of the Southern beaches. It seemed the war was finally over, and the packmates that had gone, returned...sort of. Byakuro had seen Tidus return, but the young and usually vibrant boy had disappeared into his den, hiding away his face and had not been seen for days. Byakuro wondered what had happened to him during the war, but he had not wanted to impose by disturbing him or asking his mate, Ozz. The other one, Hansel, had not yet returned. And Byakuro wondered where he had gone off to. Byakuro had been out of tune with his pack lately, not knowing what was going on or what was happening, let alone what had already happened. He was unknown still, to the recent events between his Alpha and the ice hound of Glaciem. Adding on to that, he had no idea what had happened to his Beta, Newt. He knew of the events about her that transpired, but not yet whether or not she was able to walk away and return, or if she had lost her life then and there.

More disturbing thoughts began to cross his mind. Thoughts of his Father, whether he was still alive and fighting as he waited for his son to return to see him off before he died, or whether he had already passed on...unable to hold on any longer. More still, of his mother...he had found her, but it would seem that fate would play him by putting her in a harem pack. Ironically enough, the pack that was enemies with his own pack.

His throat would constrict as he walked, his sapphire eyes prickling with the threat of tears. Why did life have to be so hard? Why did it place so much upon his shoulders? Why couldn't life just give him some slack? He had never been able to play as a pup because he was having to take care of his father. At a young age, taking on the heavy responsibilities of one thrice his age. And yet, here he was still somehow going strong. Somehow, still retaining some youth even when his mind felt much older then he actually was. The male paused at the edge of the flowing tide of the beach, gazing out to the sun that would begin to set, the sky casting it's blue and orange glow as the clouds stretched out on the horizon. Slowly he would sit, his tail sitting limply in the sand beside him as he stared out towards the water, eyes glistening with hidden held emotions and thoughts.
