
Hidden Storms


11-26-2013, 09:48 PM

Lately there had been a buildup of rage within the giantess, and she was having trouble keeping it hidden. Now she stood upon the roots of an old tree, thick and gnarled with it's vast age. She could see it's beauty, but it was clouded with her emotions, and she began to strike the thick bark frenziedly with her broad paws. Dark claws gouged the wood, strips of bark flying everywhere as she growled and snarled in rage. She wanted to maim, destroy, because she couldn't keep it together anymore. Memories flooded back to her, of torment as the rogues had cornered her, barking back and forth about who would get first dibs on the maiden. Her father had been her saviour, but she had been his demise. He had died with a smile on his face, that he had saved her. It infuriated her. If she hadn't have been so stupid he would still be alive. Her siblings were all dead, and she had done nothing. Tears flooded her soft fur beneath her eyes, those enchanting silver eyes. Now, they were dead. She had no one, she could not see her mother's face anywhere but in her dreams, as with the rest of her siblings. She screamed with the emotions roiling beneath her pelt, the futility she felt as she remembered. She wanted to wipe those memories from her head, to eliminate them from her infinite conscience, but she couldn't. Words seared through her mind, weak, pathetic, pitiful, nothing. They were true, all of them. She was a sorry excuse for a wolf, who did not deserve what she had. She did not deserve her mate, Magnus. She did not deserve Ludicael, to be Gravita, to serve a Sol as wonderful as Jupiter. She deserved death, and that was all. Her claws continued to burrow into the bark, until sap stained her paws gold. She slumped over, draping herself across the large roots and letting tears fall faster, thicker, down her face.

The waters of the Mangrove rippled and glowed each time a crystalline tear fell from her mercury optics, absorbing her wasted liquids graciously. She wept away her sorrows beneath the full moon, it's light filtering through the thick branches of the trees around her. Standing up, she ran through the swampy forest, heading away from it's familiarity. Gravel greeted her soon, and it began to bite into her pads as she lumbered through it, uncaring to the pain. Blood trickled from the steadily growing wounds, but she ignored it and fought on. Soon she came to a meadow of grasses, and buried herself amid it. Her sides heaved with the tears as they continued to fall, every second of her journey coursing through her head like a movie she could not stop, could not close her senses to; an inescapable picture show of horrors the alabaster princess had seen. Princess. She had once been a princess, heir to a throne, raised with that goal, and now it had been thrown away in favour of this. Was it all worth it? Was the life she lived now worth the loss of so many pieces of her soul? The ghost did not know, but soon the tears ran out, and her gut ached with the agony of crying for so long. Now, she sat up, and watched the moon traverse across the sky with blank, unfeeling silver pools.

Talk like this

Jupiter I


7 Years
12-05-2013, 01:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2013, 01:24 PM by Jupiter I.)

In the night, for a reason that was unfathomable to her at the time, Jupiter woke. Upon her conscience filtering into reawakening, she suppressed a shudder, audits pinning lightly against her skull as she felt the chill creep around her. Curled in her den where she had once a year before given birth to her children, the lass felt empty and alone. She wondered anxiously where Medusa had been on this night, hoping that some fortune had not befallen her, but such thoughts kept her occupied of only the briefest of moments. The celestial lady rose quietly to her paws, sweeping low across the ground as she left her underground den and stepped out into the spots of moonlight that worked its way through the gaps in the leaves. For a few seconds, she stared up at the lightly-waving foliage, allowing for her ears to press forward so she could drink in the sounds around her.

When nothing piqued her interest, it was hunger the drove her toward the meadows, her stomach seeking the nourishment provided by the abundance of rabbits that lived there. Like water her form flowed through the territory as she ghosted her way across the roots of the mangroves, gait measured and styled to deliver grace on a terrain usually maneuvered quite clumsily. So practiced was the Sol at getting quickly from one part of Ludicael to another that little care had to be taken any longer when she covered the precarious terrain.

Her fluid movement halted suddenly and her nares quivered at the scent that met her nose. After a brief pause, her dial dropped to the ground and she encountered blood--of a wolf. The orange fur upon her flesh raised and the unnerved woman began to follow the trail, concern streaking through her mind. Jupiter's pace sped until she was at a rapid canter, not quite sprinting but not moving slowly, either.

She found Aurora in the meadow, sitting and staring up at the moon, and the girl couldn't help but hesitate at the edge of the trees, holding the smell of blood tightly in her nostrils. Then the lass moved tentatively forward, snapping a twig or two before descending from the treeline to alert the woman of her presence.

"Aurora?" she breathed, speaking only loud enough to be heard.

ooc: Sorry it took so long to reply to this. I was waiting to see if anyone else would, since I know Jupiter isn't as close to her as, say, Magnus. ^^;

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


12-06-2013, 03:54 PM

The snap of a twig broke her concentration, and the giantess pivoted her deceptively delicate cranium to rest her liquid mercury gaze upon her Sol, just as her name left the sunset furred woman's dark lips. A light smile broke over her lips as she greeted the dame in turn. "Greetings, Jupiter." She replied, her ethereal tones whisper soft and silky as usual. Her accent was a bit thicker than usual, more pronounced, which spoke of her earlier emotional trauma. "Is something wrong? You seem a bit distressed." She added, tilting her tiara to the side quizzically. Moonstone orbs seemed haunted, one could see the age of her soul within those starry optics. She stood, padding over to stand before the older she wolf. The icy rose appeared to favour her sore paws, walking in a manner that lifted her paws much more than her usual gliding gait. She lowered her cranium slightly, so she was not looking down upon the woman. One should not look down upon their superiors, it was quite impolite. A hint of worry clouded her eyes, and she wondered what could have made the unshakeable woman look upset.

Long ivory banner would wag a few times, attempting to make the situation a little less serious. The alabaster princess always attempted to lighten a mood, so things were not so difficult and stressful. Twin raven's feathers would twirl and dance within her fur an erratic ballet. The uniquely bird reserved appendages seemed like they had grown right out of her own flesh, and if one parted the long, silky fur around the obsidian feathers they appeared to have. But in reality they had been placed within her flesh when she was but a pup, and the flesh had grown around them. Many inquired about the strange, out of place feathers, and she gladly told the story behind them, happy to share the traditions of her family, an ancient bloodline going back uncountable generations.

She looked into the violet optics of her Alphess, curious and worried. Her infinite mind invented so many scenarios and possibilities of what could be wrong, while she awaited a reply. Was someone hurt? Was Jupiter in need of someone to talk to? Or was there something else wrong? The woman didn't know, but no doubt her Sol would tell her soon. In the bright light of the full moon, her angelic pelt sparkled with the colours of the lights with which she shared a name, a fact that had been discovered after she was named, and seen as prophetic by the pack. That was why she was to be Luna... But now... She shoved away those thoughts, she did not have time for them right now, and didn't want them in her head while she talked to the masked, celestial woman.