
Cut Vertically, Not Horizontally



3 Years
Extra large
11-26-2013, 11:38 AM

Where oh where had his little sister gone? Amethyst eyes scanned his surroundings as he cast a glance in all directions. He hadn't seen any of his siblings in a very long time. Hell, even his mother had been untraceable lately. What in the hell was going on? Had they all left Tortuga and forgotten him? Or had something happened to him? Despite his overpowering ego and boastful pride he couldn't deny that he would be livid if something had happened to his family. After all, it seemed he was the only male who took care of his family after his older siblings had left the nest. How could he not be protective and obsessive?"Cunt." He would mutter under his breath as he continued on his way, head lifted and nose flaring as he inhaled every possible scent. "Are you hiding from me, little sister? You know that isn't wise." Lyrics would roll effortlessly off the mans bitter tongue as he shoved his head through a bush to see what was on the other side. She could be hiding for all he knew, and Tortuga was only so big. He would find her eventually.



11-26-2013, 12:13 PM
Nausica Saxe

Her family had al but vanished. Her mother and her siblings had been nowhere to be found, leaving her alone. She trudged through the territory of her home, bored with the mundane routine of it all. She wanted to find her family, she wanted their presence. Paws kissed the earth that was covered the beginnings of winter snow. Soon snow would cover everything and it would be unbelievably cold. She was dredging it, she already hated the way the white substance clung to her pelt and melted, seeping down to her skin.

Nostrils would quiver, a familiar scent teasing her. It couldn't be? Her brother? He was here. A grin tugged at her gray lips. She didn't move any faster, keeping her lazy saunter. She moved with silence, her paws making almost no noise as their struck the earth. Audits twitched, picking up the sound of her brothers voice. Eyes glinted with wicked amusement. He had paused to peer through a bush. She took the opportunity.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Sultry tones dripped from her jaws like honey. Hips sashayed as she closed the distance between herself and her brother. She would pressed herself against his side, rubbing down the length of his large form. Jaws would part, placing light nips along his shoulder up to his neck, a low growl rumbling in her throat. Oh how she had missed her brother.



3 Years
Extra large
11-26-2013, 01:15 PM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2013, 01:17 PM by Neios.)

Finally, her presence would be apparent. She made her way toward him, and as she attempted to run her body along his own he would retreat from her touch. He had not allowed another to touch him without permission besides his mother, and he wasn't about to let her do so as well. If he wanted to feel her pressed against him, then he would be the one to retrieve it. She needed to understand that. "Do not touch me." Lips would curl as acidic tones dripped from an open maw. Saliva would splatter as a vicious snarl erupted from his very core as he continued to rip himself away from her. His legs would move his body a few steps toward the left, leaving about ten feet between the two. They would never come into contact, and whither her jaws snapped at open air he would not know, because he did not care. She would not touch him. He would not allow it. "Where have you been." He would not ask, but instead would demand an answer. Where had his little sis been this entire time? And where was Cascade as well?



11-26-2013, 05:51 PM
Nausica Saxe

Her brother recoiled from her touch bringing a smirk to the girls face. She followed him step for step, never allowing more than a few feet between them. She would stop playing games when he stopped his movements, barking a demand at her. "Here and there." Lips curled back in a snarl that mixed with a grin. Her brother thrived on control, it amused her when she took that from him, even it was minute. Her tail would sway at her hocks, amethyst eyes watching her brother. "You have not been around." Cool words fell from inky lips as her haunches slide to the earth. Idly she wondered if their sweet sister Cascade would ever show, or if the bitch was even still alive. When she had last seen the girl, she had been the odd ball, so sweet and kind, polar opposite from her other siblings. Audits slide forward, sinister gaze haunting her brother.



3 Years
Extra large
12-05-2013, 05:08 PM

As expected she would be on him, mimicking his movement so that they were never more than a few feet apart. That was the difference between the two; he ignited the fire, and she played with it. Lips would remained curled as he fought the temptation to pin her to the earth. She was his little sister after all, and a Saxe. Their bloodline deserved to be treated like royalty, and he follow that guideline even if it drove him mad.

"I have been attending far more important meetings." A smirk would crack his lips as his mind flashed back to the ivory king blinding and castrating their "alpha." A bemused chuckle would part from his lips, and with another step to his left, he would halt. His sister had sat down, and he saw no need to distance himself anymore. Right now they needed to talk survival. "Our mother is a moron." Venomous lyrics would fall as his gaze rose to meet his sisters mirrored orbs. The older they became, the more alike they started to look. "This pack, if it even deserves that title, will never last. I watched the alpha himself be blinded and castrated in battle. He's weak, and because of that we no longer have any use for him." His gaze never left his sisters, and his expression never changed as he spoke. He would pause for just a moment to allow her to absorb everything, then continue. "Therefore, we have two options: Leave Tortuga to find a new sanctuary, or slice Trauig's throat and steal everything he has while he bleeds out." His voice was loud enough for only his sister to hear, because despite his disgust he was intelligent. If any others heard of his threats they would surely be stopped, and that simply was not an option.



12-06-2013, 01:00 PM
Nausica Saxe

Her brother would finally sit, bemused words flowing endlessly from his inky jaws. Brows lifted with mild interest as her brother spoke of their mother. His venomous words shot a bolt of desire through the young girl. The thought of blood had her lips curling in a wicked grin. Leave Tortuga?.Slice Taurig's throat. It was the only thing that caught her attention and held it. Her brother was proposing an assassination on the massive cobalt King. Her tail would twitch as she thought, mulling over the possibilities.

"We could kill him. But not yet. Neither of us are big enough to take on an entire pack. We must wait. Wait until we are large enough to kill the bastard and steal the Kingdom." Words grew husky, spoken low enough for only her brother. Her chest swelled with the desire for blood and power. A throaty growl bubbled in her throat, amethyst eyes stalking her brothers still form.

For a moment the scene before her would change. She could see herself and her brother, standing side by side, ruling all of Tortuga. Ruling a pack of monsters, a pack that was notoriously infamous. "We will rule." Eyes would narrow dangerously, need burning in her chest, lips curled back just enough to reveal the tips of ivory daggers. Her need threatened to explode, to leave chaos in her wake. The power that ran through her veins was insatiable, constantly wanting more and more.