
I Have Seen The World {Joining}


11-25-2013, 01:53 PM
There is a difference between peace, and chaos, like there is a difference between company, and being by yourself, sometimes you just snap, yet not being part of a pack exiles you from the greatest things in life, like love, and company, and knowing you are part of something great. That is what Cleopatra wanted, she wanted the feeling of being something great, and being part of a pack was her way to get there.

She had heard of many, some small, some big, but she had narrowed it down to three: Valhalla, Amenti, and Ludicael, and she had chosen Ludicael, from the stories she had heard, it was the pack with the most freedom, it didn't tie you down to countless rules, and it didn't demand to much from you, and the other packs, she had her reasons for wanting, and not wanting to join them, but she had made her decision, a decision she wouldn't change.

And as Cleopatra stood by the border of Ludicael, a slight breeze blowing, she remembered what she had to do, which was, not show dominance, be polite, and try your best to impress them, no pack wants a wolf with zero skills. By just standing there she could smell the scent of wolves, some scents old, some new, she just hoped that it wouldn't take too long for someone to approach her.


11-25-2013, 05:23 PM

Her sensitive nose had alerted her to a presence on the border, not of Ludicael, or any other pack she was familiar with. Curious, the beautiful ghost made her way towards it. Feminine hips would sway, long ivory banner sweeping across tall heels like a pendulum. Moonstone orbs would pierce the shadows of the trees, taking in the newcomer. The feature that caught the Gravita's attention the most were the she wolf's fiery optics. Naturally, a veil of emotionless detachment shrouded the angelic furred dame in exotic mystery as she appeared from the darkness, as if she melted from the trees. Liquid mercury pools quickly gave the stranger a final once over, before her broad paws brought her ever closer to the smaller fae.

Her lithe muscles rippled a smooth undertow beneath the river of her alabaster pelt, long legs holding her much higher than the newcomer. Her face held a polite, but nonetheless emotionless, expression. She gazed upon the stranger, silver orbs staring straight into amber as her ebony lips would part and release ethereal vocals. "Good day, milady. I am Aurora, Gravita of the pack Ludicael. May I be of aid?" She asked calmly, her whisper soft, silky voice holding a faint, but noticeable Russian accent. She regarded this she wolf with curiosity in her consuming silver optics, but remained silent, poised; a porcelain statue of true beauty.

Talk like this


11-25-2013, 06:16 PM
The scent of another wolf alerted herself to act of upmost respect, sure she would one day rise to the top, but baby steeps was the key, baby steeps. But even she had to admit, the wolf before her was stunning. She was like a viel of white, and her eyes, such beautiful eyes. She had seen wolves of...uncommon markings, but here eyes captivated Cleopatra's gaze.

"I am Aurora"

At least her name made sense, it seemed to match her ghost like figure. "Aurora, nice name, I am Cleopatra, and I am guessing your are from Ludicael? I have come here to request to join your pack, I personally don't know if it is your position to accept me or not, but I at least know the Sol can," she replied to Aurora.

She knew some of the questions they would ask. "What are you good at?" "How old are you?" those types of questions, and she had already thought of answers, making them polite and nothing rude or, bewildering.

Jupiter I


7 Years
11-25-2013, 07:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2013, 07:21 PM by Jupiter I.)

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

Her empowered body flowed like water over the roots of the mangroves, legs weeping fluidly out before her, the fiery fur upon her form cascading down the shape of her frame in the manner of a molten waterfall. Earthen paws settled quietly upon the earth with each step as she swept along the borders. Nostrils encountered an unfamiliar scent and she slowed her gait, ears pressing forward to capture the sound of voices. Aurora and one she didn't recognize. A smile upturned the corners of her ebony lips. The woman always seemed to reach those on the border before Jupiter did. The lass almost wondered if watching for new people was all the lass busied herself with sometimes.

Knowing that her Gravita was present to handle the situation, she switched to a leisurely stroll, just in range of hearing to be able to make out what was being said. By the time the other woman had finished speaking, Jupiter had broken into view. She slid beside Aurora and after a few moments she settled comfortably onto her haunches.

"She is indeed in Ludicael--she one of our higher-ranking wolves," came her affable words. "The Sol you are looking for is I, Jupiter. Jupiter Illiadis." She paused before continuing, eyes sweeping over the ashen lady. "Where might you hail from? Anywhere from these lands?"

? 222 words ?

[ o o c ; ] that title a reference to Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey? :DD

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


11-25-2013, 09:38 PM

The woman's voice rung in her sensitive audits, a compliment accompanied by an introduction, and a question to follow. A smile was all she would give in reply to the compliment, knowing full well she would not be able to respond otherwise, having the mindset she did about herself. She was about to answer the dame's questions, when Jupiter arrived. Now that she was here, maybe it would be best to let her cover this, since she knew what to do better than the alabaster dame did.

Turning her deceptively delicate cranium to face her superior, she smiled and dipped her head in a respectful greeting to the fire pelted mistress. Leaning closer to the Alphess, she would whisper ethereal tones upon the soft fur of the masked she wolf's ear. "With your permission madame I believe I shall take my leave and let you handle this." She murmured, then dipped her tiara respectfully to the ashen she wolf in farewell. No doubt she would see her around the lands, should Jupiter allow her into the sanctity of the pack. With that, she faded into the shadows once more, leaving behind only her scent; lavender and ginger.



11-26-2013, 03:18 PM
As another wolf approached her eyes averted to see her, and as she spoke, Cleopatra knew this was the wolf to speak to, she had said herself that she was the Sol of Ludicael. Cleopatra felt to do something of great respect, high ranking wolves had that affect on her.

And as she watched Aurora go, she pleaded that she would see her around, but as a true member of Ludicael, she would start small but end up big.

"Yes, I am from these parts, I couldn't tell you exactly where, but I am know the surrounding lands like an adventurer," she replied, the words naturally rolling off of her tongue.

She had spent most, if not all of her life here, and had ventured very little to the surrounding areas, she mostly stayed in one area.

OOC: Yea it is xD. I am currently obsessed with her songs right now, so the lyrics are going to be my topic titles for the next three months