
Lest I Forget [ACCEPTANCE]


11-24-2013, 03:19 PM
It had been a long and difficult journey since Melody had left her mountainhome. She had seen all that she had longed to see and found that she had truly seen enough. Her home was not in the cold peaks of the north, nor was it in the dry plains of the west. Her home was not nestled in the fur of a long forgotten family member, nor was it beneath the paws of a cruel stranger. She would have to make her own home and if that meant becoming a part of something larger, contributing her skills to the good of a pack, she would do it. And she would choose a group that would not be trifled with; one that would not be chased off by a rogue pack like her family was. She would provide for herself and fo those who required her skills and never again be taken as a fool.
Feeling confident, Melody sat on the borderlands of a land that she could smell belonging to a grand pack. She gazed ahead into the trees and knew that this was where she wanted to plant her roots.
Leading herself purely by instinct, Melody tilted back her head and howled into the distance, prepared for whatever was to come.


11-24-2013, 05:32 PM

She had been laying in her den, curled in the embrace of her mate, when a howl was heard in the distance. Summoning an alpha no doubt, but this howl came from nowhere near any pack lands. Disentangling herself from the grasp of the man, she stood and padded from the den, when she was out of range, she picked up her pace and began to run, extremely long legs taking three metre strides in the direction of the call. She could hear Corvusi leaping effortlessly through the trees above, her voice trailing down to the giantess' audits. "Why are you bothering? They could be deranged, rabid. Just go back to the den with Magnus, where it's warm." The cat lamented, her glowing eyes showing through the foliage as green orbs at the time. The alabaster she wolf's voice came, ethereal tones replying easily, despite the speed at which she moved. "Because that is not in my nature." She told the ebony feline, as if it was the most obvious of things to be said. She came to the place where she heard the voice, moonstone orbs spotting a she wolf who stood a bit shorter than herself.

Approaching calmly, she left her companion in the trees where she preferred to be, and her stride was slow and measured, as graceful as usual. She easily stepped over the small trickling creeks that flooded the once plain that was now claimed as a delta. Feminine hips would sway as she held her cranium high, lithe muscles rippling a powerful undertow beneath the river of her ivory pelt. Moonstone orbs remained fixed upon the stranger as she approached from behind, long banner sweeping along her tall heels while twin raven's feathers danced an erratic ballet within the silky strands of fur. Her voice escaped parted ebony lips, otherworldly vocals slithering from between her formidable canines. "Do you seek a pack? For if so you are not in the right place, milady." She spoke, her whisper of a voice silky and beautiful, a faint Russian accent obvious in the words. She stood a few paces from the fae, waiting for a response of any sort.


11-25-2013, 02:32 AM
Melody waited calmly by the spot where she chose to summon the alpha, assuming that whoever may lead the pack in these lands was bound to have many duties to attend to before handling a rogue wanderer. Her auds twitched slightly towards the sound of footsteps approaching, but she dared not move for the danger of the alpha fearing an attack. She simply sat very still, highly attentive with her body tense and ready to spring.

At the sound of a female voice, the lady turned her head and met gazes with a pretty ivory dame. She tilted her head respectfully to the taller femme as she spoke, cocking her head in confusion at her words.

Do you seek a pack? If so you are not in the right place, milady.

She slowly turned her body to the woman, swooping her ginger tail behind her as she sat before the dame. "Are there not packwolves in this region, madame? Have my senses decieved me?" Her hazel eyes squinting in honest confusion to the white she wolf in front of her. Had she truly fallen across the wrong path once again? She had been so sure that she smelled pack scent lingering inthe growth.


11-25-2013, 05:34 PM

Slowly would the she wolf turn to face the alabaster princess, her reply coming shortly thereafter. She was definitely in the wrong place, if she sought a home. Of course, she could claim these lands as her home, but something told the elegant woman that was not what this fae intended. She offered an apologetic smile in reply, her otherworldly voice soon to follow. "I'm afraid so, dear. Which pack do you seek? For there are only two in the vicinity of here, my home, Ludicael, being the closest." She replied, her whispery voice holding slight mirth as she spoke, the emotion beautifully entwined with the faint accent she possessed. She eyed the strange she wolf calmly, liquid mercury pools taking in the woman as she awaited a reply.

Talk like this


11-25-2013, 10:15 PM
Deep golden hues met silver as the grey and orange fae understood the situation at hand. She nodded slowly and smiled at the snowy dame.

"What may I call you lady? So that I may not seem so foolish when I address you, friendly stranger. My name is Melody."

She dipped her head as she spoke, following the customs that she was once taught years before by her late mother. The dame reminded her of Peony in her sweet ways. Her mother was always one to take in lost souls in need.

Melody was beginning to become overwhelmed at the thought of the ones she had lost, and blinked to clear her mind of the weakening emotion. She would not allow herself to become so wrapped up in things that no longer mattered.

Refocusing her thoughts, the silver she-wolf straightened at the mention of a nearby pack.

... there are only two in the vicinity of here, my home, ludicael, being the closest...

"You are a packwolf? I have been searching for a pack in these lands, one that stands out above all the rest. .. this Ludicael... it must be grand, yes? And strong in its ranks and spirit? "

Her eyes were bright, Ginger tail practically wagging behind her at the prospect of a new life. She had been through many parts of this land, but never had she encountered a packwolf until now. Perhaps the snowy white dame was a sign from the powers above?


12-06-2013, 06:17 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

The stranger called attention to the maiden's lack of manners, and then introduced herself as Melody. What a nice name, unique and yet simple. The woman smiled kindly, her voice finding itself in the air once more. "My apologies for my lack of manners. I am Aurora Lunashka, and it is a pleasure to make thine acquaintance." She murmured, ethereal tones tinged with a faint Russian accent, and the tones whisper soft and silky. Suddenly the woman seemed to take interest in Ludicael, and the grin that the giantess wore broadened. "I am indeed a wolf of Ludicael, and it is quite grand, if I may say so myself. We are strong, but we do not seek battles." She explained, the calm, friendly curvature of her dark lips never leaving. She was liking the energy this dame possessed, she would fit in well within the ranks of her pack, should Jupiter or either of the Boreali allow Melody to enter. "If you would like, I can take you to the Mangrove and you may speak to our Sol, Jupiter." She offered kindly, standing calmly before the woman as she awaited a reply. Should she join Ludicael, the alabaster princess would have to keep an eye out for her, and watch her progress. Surely she would do well within the pack.



12-08-2013, 09:19 PM
Melody's ears perked considerably as the white she-wolf spoke to her of Ludicael. It sounded exactly like the pack She had been searching for.

Her journey had been long and difficult and the gods above had sent her a gift. She had almost given up altogether. Happily, she nodded her thanks to the woman and stood to her feet, paws itching to meet the alphess of the pack she wished to make her home.

"If you'd please, Miss Lunashka, show me the place that you call home? "

Her golden eyes swam with possibilities as she put all of her trust in the stranger presented before her. Life was beginning to smile on her.


12-09-2013, 06:38 PM

The dame agreed on the plan to seek out Jupiter, and a smile played at the woman's angelic features. A tinkling laugh fell from her lips, a soft chuckle, as she began walking in the direction of the mangroves. Her slowest pace was still quite quick, long legs incapable of a slow pace, no matter what happened. Looking over her shoulder, she grinned. "Please, Miss Melody, call me Aurora. Such formality is not necessary, I bear no worthiness to such titles." She murmured, her infinite mind unaccepting of being treated so formally, for while she was a born and raised princess, she was royal no longer, so she did not deserve those treatments. Broad paws struck the terra with almost no sound to be heard, lithe muscles rippling a strong undertow beneath the river of her alabaster pelt. Corvusi hopped nimbly from branch to branch above, the only thing to speak of her presence the occasional falling leaf fluttering through the air.

OOC: Sorry for such a short post, but after you post, Jup can jump in. :)


12-10-2013, 03:18 PM
Melody followed the ivory femme through the lush growth of Ludicael borders, correcting her senses and familiarizing herself with the scents of the land. Her paws soaked in the moisture of the cold ground and sent her mind into an excitement. She had come this far, and all that would be able to send her back would be the rejection of the Luna that lie ahead.

She was aware of the creature that leapt across the trees above her, and had gathered the feeling that it was not to be hunted. Aurora and the small value seemed to have some pact with eachother, and it fascinated her. Ludicael was strong and clever; one unit that was not to be trifled withmuch like the white dame and her small companion.

Melody sensed as they grew nearer to the packlands. She held her head high and her tail stay in respectful confidence as she awaited the alpha to make her appearance.