
Enjoying Your Cage?


11-21-2013, 07:16 PM

The ebony bitch once more was drawn to the Northern landscape, for no matter how much she enjoyed her life as a loner once more, memories of her beloved Canttina would never cease to plague her. These caverns, however, were interesting. They had earned the title 'Lifeless' and it seemed worthy enough as to draw the sultry shadow into their sensuous darkness. Something about caves was always attractive to the petite dame. Maybe it was the total darkness, their enveloping embrace? Whatever it was, she seemed to find the most sex whenever she found herself inside one. Hopefully this time would not be disappointing, since she was starting to long for another's body alongside hers. Her body was so easy to use for attention, as it was almost flawless. It's only marring being the diagonal scar upon her snout, one she had received fighting in the war at her lovely Queen's demands. And how had the beautiful daemon repayed her? By throwing herself off a cliff into certain death. She had spent much time alone, shedding silent tears. She would never let her heart be claimed again, from now on her love was not even hers, it belonged to no one and that was how it would stay. The sultry shadow wandered about this place, breathing in the dank air and adoring the comforting darkness around her.



11-22-2013, 01:02 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Time had passed since she watched the wretched beast hop off the edge of the cliff. All the remaining members of the old Amenti Womanly pact had scattered and left. While the beast had chosen to stay in the new Amenti. It also meant that she could not leave the bastards clutches. Well she didn't mind, she was adjusting, as much as she could. The insanity was what kept her floating above everyone else. Small cracks in the mind, the brain, where the thoughts were leaking out. The monster had a scar across her snout from the war, and still the one that stretched her muscles against her face into a devious smile. The gray and black wolf saw a pretty though. Something she hadn't seen since those dark nights staining the night with a dark chocolate color. No, it was Raven, the council mistress who didn't seem to like her. But Ryu loved Raven, oh her curves, those odd eyes. All of her, and she wandered how much of her mind had been destroyed by Canttina's death. What emotion had been torn from her heart, and she would never get back? Because, that was no new news to someone like her who had every single logical emotions thwarted out, and thrusted into a blender.
It was nice, none the less to see her however. As she approached, crystal blue eyes wandering over the much smaller form of the lady. "Raven, it's nice to see you!" Ryu had been using her logical pattern of speech a lot lately, since she felt the distrust of pack mates falling over her. That wasn't very fun, not that she cared, but it made things more difficult. As the woman smirked her tail giving a flick. Raven could be bitter, could yell at her all she wanted. The twisted tubes inside the insane monsters head were always working. There was no room to take the insults of others. And life would never take hold of her, not until some non appreciated bastard came to claim her head.



11-22-2013, 01:41 PM
A familiar voice would grate at her ebony audits, ruining the sensual serenity that came with being cloaked in darkness. Turning around, she cast a bored gaze upon one of the members of her old pack. Ryouta, the insane wench with a deliciously dark pelt. She could feel the woman's eyes roam over her body, sapphires over onyx. "Well hello Ryouta, enjoying your shackles?" She asked sarcastically, referring to the enormous female's entrapment within the new pack of Amenti. A sly grin split her dark lips, flashing pearl daggers in the meager light still filtering from the entrance to the cave.

Tea cupped paws would carry her slowly closer to the she wolf with the carved grin, exotic eyes glowing faintly in the darkness. The sultry wisp of shadow floated over the stone ground, her claws making no sound upon the stone floor. Her form curved erotically as she walked, swaying side to side as her dual toned optics remained fixed upon her target, depthless orbs staring straight into Ryouta's own until she was but a few inches away, and could feel the woman's breath upon her face, hear her heartbeat. She wanted to force it faster, make it pound until it threatened to leave the woman's chest, to make the bi pigmented she wolf want her so badly she couldn't help herself. And then Raven, that little ebony bitch, would get exactly what she wanted, and disappear into the wind. But she would wait, to see what might happen right here and now.



11-22-2013, 03:50 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Ryouta knew how manipulative Raven was, she enjoyed it at least. Whatever emotional scars that had been left on the woman, maybe or maybe not she gave a fuck about. Regardless though, there wasn't anything that Ryu could do about it. Her head was empty anyway, blue eyes sparkling at the color of the other lady's eyes. She was so small, definitely smart, but sometimes thinking too much or too little perhaps? A small rumble started in her throat at the mention of shackles. "Stupidly yes, my dear Raven." As she approached the towering insane beast pulled out her tongue slightly before placing it back inside of her mouth.
"What do you need Raven? I am always here for a body and mind." She laughed, the mind part was a bit broken of course. She flicked her tail back and forth. Syrinx certainly would be pissed that she was here, but she didn't care. Raven was no threat, not unless she magically wanted to get a death sentence of course. Maybe at least.



11-22-2013, 04:08 PM

The woman's voice was quick with the reply, admitting her stupidity in remaining in Amenti with that idiot Syrinx. However, the onyx pelted bitch would keep those thoughts to herself, knowing better than to tempt fate at this moment. Once more Ryouta's voice would flow into her auds, and her sly grin would broaden in delight. This woman sure knew what she needed to do to keep Raven's attentions, despite the lack of attention paid by herself to the eternally grinning she knight. A sigh would bubble from her throat, content in the knowledge that this she wolf would hopefully be there for her to rely on as long as she might need it.

Her exotic gaze would flick slowly over the dame's larger body, taking in what she was dealing with. Maybe she would come back to Ryouta if she needed it, this could be fun. "Well, if you're willing to give it, I'll take the body." She purred with a devilish smile. Playing with words had always been her strong suit, and she would gladly take everything she was offered by the giantess.



11-22-2013, 04:38 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Oh Raven definitely unlike the others, had warped her way around. Ryu knew this, she knew this all too well. It was just a fact that they lived by. The monster of course wasn't going to ask what she thought of her life now compared to with Canttina. It was just something you didn't do to someone you were pretty much consoled with. Ryouta found things fascinating, death, life, all of it. She was experienced to the core, insane by choice, not mentally retarded. She stepped forward then, the lady had given her full permission to do something she was fairly experienced about. Running her muzzle against Raven's cheek.
She didn't care what Raven would think about her after, but when it came to Ryu mating was no stranger. She had her eye on Raven for some time, but now that she was within her grasp. Ryu was simply happy to help, as happy as any insane would could be anyway. As her teeth nibbled at her fur, Ryu sized her up. An expert at work anyway.
-Fade to Black-



11-22-2013, 04:58 PM
She could see it in those oceanic eyes. The magnificent darkling had accepted her offer. Ryouta's large muzzle caressed her cheek, and her formidable teeth nibbled lightly on her fur, and shivers raced over the sultry shadow's petite frame. The ecstasy of the moment ruling her body over anything else. A groan of pleasure escaped her ebony lips, and she flicked her long tail, catlike, and purred sweet nothings into the dank air. Exotic eyes closed, and her needle like teeth snapped together. She decided she liked Ryouta, however strange she was.

-Fade to Black-

Awoken by something unidentifiable, she looked to the sleeping form curled around her. Oh yeah. A smirk played on her sharp, sensual features as she remembered what happened earlier. A sigh escaped her lips, and she took one last glance at the unconscious form of her eternal grinner. Disentangling herself from her lover's grasp, she padded soundlessly to the mouth of the cavern to watch the sky. While Ryouta did not replace her beloved, she did a pretty good job at coming in second. What would become of her now? The little she wolf did not know, nor did she care. She simply wandered, and every now and again had some fun with whomever she came across. Her life was an endless cycle of boredom and satisfaction, but she didn't mind, it was fun while it lasted. While she pondered her next move, the darkening sky showed the rising full moon cresting above the horizon.



11-22-2013, 05:11 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Ryouta had hurt slightly from the death of Canttina, she loved her, she really had. But things fell in and out, and Ryu had become one who knew perfectly well that the world didn't give a shit about her. Opening one of her eyes looking over at Raven who seemed to be leaving. Her tail flicked as she raised and stretched herself. Even if she did come in second, no one could replace the first after all. She rose herself catching Raven and pressing her pelt against her side.
"Dear Raven, are you going to wander about forever?" It was just a question. Nothing more nothing less. Raven could walk off, leave her there if she wanted. There was one fact that they knew. Was how the beloved queen was, how she had been, and how she had betrayed them in such a way it was nearly unbelievable.



11-22-2013, 05:21 PM

With the glorious luna reflected in her exotic eyes, she felt her lover rub her dual toned flank against her own obsidian coat. A question stirred the air, and the ebony bitch would shrug, turning her bi coloured gaze upon the insane woman. Almost as an afterthought, her silky voice would float from her maw a purr. "Who knows? Maybe one day I'll find a reason to stay somewhere, but for now this is what it will be for me." She replied, once more letting her gaze move to the steadily growing lunar face, lighting up the sky with it's silver beauty. She remembered the glittering surface of her beloved's mask, how it shone like the moon sometimes. Pain exploded in her heart, but she shoved those feelings back into their tiny box, locking it, chaining it, burying it deep in the back of her mind, where it should never be found. Regardless it would resurface, as it always did, as if all her efforts could not keep them away. She simply stared out into the vast expanse of the snowy north, her mind screaming at her. She let those thoughts play out, for she knew it was not truly her thinking those words. The tiny shadow waited for whatever would come to her, all the while her mind screaming Someone give me a reason to stay!



11-22-2013, 06:49 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Ryouta's eyes lowered as she listened to Raven. That wasn't what she really wanted, she could feel that. Her tail flicked back and forth. The same stinging pain was still tearing through her soul. Making it a purplish color, not that same awesome chocolate dark chocolate that she witnessed when it came to death. It was no way to die to take your own. "Do you miss her?" Ryu said softly. It was in these moments, she wasn't letting herself slip into the bliss of insanity.
Ryouta didn't want to move away, after all she found herself actually caring for Raven. Her tail made itself home on her rump. Raven didn't have to move around, she didn't have to leave. But Ryu wasn't, controlling, she just wasn't. Not even in her insane state.



11-22-2013, 07:30 PM

A question once more came to the ebony bitch's ears, Ryouta's voice soft and slightly sorrowful. The dual toned giantess' tail would come to rest alongside her own, a gesture of comfort. The dark woman would find her voice lost, drowned among all the unshed tears hiding in her heart. She dove into the abyss in search of it, flooded with pain and emotions and things she simply did not want to face. Finally she found it, and a soft purr fell from her onyx lips. "I do." She murmured, looking away, where the she wolf was not in her vision, nor she in hers, and let tears fall down her pristine obsidian face. Exotic eyes became bright with sorrow, and she felt the agony in her heart from when her Queen threw herself from Cathedral Point, and Raven had been unable to stop her, to show her that she didn't have to do it, that no matter what they would always have each other. Now she was pitifully alone, here, crying in front of Ryouta. She was so weak, so pitiful, so worthless. Tea cupped paws clenched upon the bare rock, talons digging into the stone as she tried to overcome the flood of sorrow and regain her composure.
The loss of her one and only had hit her hard, and she had run from it for so long, between men and women and sex and anything she could find. But here, on this night, in the presence of someone who had loved Canttina almost as much as she had, with only the stars and the full moon, memories were too strong to ignore.



11-22-2013, 10:02 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

The shining moonlight filtered down on them. Ryouta, lowered her eyes. For the longest time she was mad, at herself, at everyone. Which was the main attraction of her insanity. After her father had tried to slaughter her mother, well rather he did. She had just felt the world needed to burn and collapse around her. In a variety of colors in which death courted her. Those blue eyes blazed with the fire of many emotions. Ones she never showed to anyone, regardless of who they were. But the pain Raven was feeling was something Ryu understood, more than any would understand the crap life that they lived. Her snout pressed gently against the nape of the smaller woman as she pulled it away at the same time. "For the longest time I was angry. I was Jealous of her. The woman who took care of us all no matter how anyone looked at it, she was commendable. And we couldn't convey our feelings to her even if we tried." She raised her head and looked at the silver moon. Tail flicking back and forth.
"You are always, always welcome here Raven. I love you to say in the least, and you can stay if you wish I wish you to stay but I will not shackle you. I may not be a replacement, but I sure as hell understand your feelings." Ryu lowered her head. She never cried ever, no matter how much pain she felt anymore. It was simply shock in it, as she pulled back her lips in a frown. Contradicting her usual smiling face, the scars moving uncomfortable around her flesh. "I care for my own, and you have always been my own since I joined Amenti. I am insane and cruel by choice to those I wish. Ryu, to you and no other. The only other who has whispered that nickname is the queen." Granting someone her nickname was something like selling her soul and shackling things against her. Her eyes moved to another side, Raven's turn to speak. Ryu in her life had never said such words. Hell, Raven had never seen her like this. Since they first met on the deck in that weird meeting when Ryu decided she was obsessed with the black colored bi colored orbed woman. The two of them could spill all of the blood in the world, and as it stood, everyone else could fuck off.



11-22-2013, 10:29 PM

The giantess' words would float into her ears, accompanied by the touch of Ryouta's broad muzzle to the nape of her neck. As words of her Queen would bring more pain to her heart, but at the same time there was only joy in those words, and they made her mind relish the wondrous memories of their time together-however short. A nod of agreement would rustle the fur upon her cheeks, along her neck and throat. Without acknowledging her would those words continue, the ones that she had been waiting for, though she hadn't known until now they were exactly what she wanted. A nickname, her true title, the calling of her very soul, was uttered silently, to her ears alone. A smile parted her dry lips, her salmon tongue sneaking out to wet them before they cracked from the grimace of contentment. Her eyes turned to face her lover, and her voice would fall into the air. "Ryu, I will gladly call these caverns home, as long as you would join me within them." She whispered, placing a kiss upon the cheek of her new Queen.



11-22-2013, 10:53 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

Ryu was happy to hear those words, the world had suddenly turned itself around. She grew a smile again, fitting the scar to her skin. Raven would be hers, and that was all that mattered. Her interest in others suddenly fluttered downwards. To a single soul in which she never dreamed would happened. Her alpha could suck it if they had any trouble. Ryu had taken a scar once for her family, she would take one again. And if death presented itself on her pawsteps, she would crush it with her sheer power.
"Will you be spending the rest of the night with me then?" She smiled closing her eyes for a moment with a giggle. She was happy, all the time for the most part. What Raven saw was something of a gemstone. A diamond in the mind of insanity that clustered in the woman's head.



11-22-2013, 11:08 PM
She could sense the joy radiating from the dual toned she wolf, the sheer happiness roiling from her pelt in waves of powerful emotion. A question was posed to the demoness, and it was a silly question indeed from her lover. A giggle followed, clearly her eternal grinner was overjoyed at the prospect of belonging to and having the petite shadow belong to her. A grin would rise upon the ebony bitch's face as she gazed into Ryu's royal blue optics. Maybe fate had killed Queen so that her eternal grinner could be brought into Raven's grasp. While Ryouta would not fill her black heart the way Canttina had, but she was doing a damned good job at that point in time.

"Yes, I think I will." She purred in mock thoughtfulness. Padding into the deepest corner of the caverns, where a heat pocket from the earth's core warmed the darkness from below. She would have to collect some pelts, feathers, and other assorted soft things for bedding when the sun rose, or she woke up within her lover's embrace.
