
The difference between burrows of a ferret and fox


11-21-2013, 12:32 AM

Soon after leaving Seracia, the woman had wasted no time in getting towards the next pack. The one Tidus had become a part of, so she had heard about the king, and she had heard from Riv of her cousin Hajime residing in there. Also over the fact that Taurig was the son of the icy king of the north. Prying his crown from his bloody paws was going to be difficult, but she had enough confidence to fuel plenty of old memories inside of her head. When she was last in Alacritis, Tortuga was not a very nicely aligned pack, so she had her suspicions even with the information in the back of her head. Though it was clear there was no judgmental qualities in her when it came to Taurig, she had seen Riv, her mother, and even more so others who were sons and daughters of the most horrid of creatures yet still had a nice set of mind. She herself, had turned out much different from her mother and father. Her father had been a noble man, who simply made a mistake of mating with a lead healer of Valhalla. Giving birth to a single child who looked like a perfect combination of the two. Black on top, white on bottom with red eyes and a glorious electric blue mane on the top of her head. It had only made her road more difficult with being a reject child from her family of birth. Though still, with what she had seen, what she had done. The Shaman was not exactly ready to just kick the bucket. Her strength grew stronger with every freezing step she took, and at the end of the road if death awaited her. At least the alpha's would remember her as someone who tried to make a difference right? She hated to think about how her mother died alone crushed by a tree, how no one would ever remember the healer. Not even a little bit, and that was the thing that irked her the most.
This place was ash mixed with snow, stones and dirt scattered across the white wasteland a bit. Even a volcano sat here, the same thing that had caused her old home to be destroyed in the first place. Though it didn't bother her, she wasn't here to be on a merry walk, and a nervous lump was forming in the back of her gullet with the fact she was not dealing with one of her own men. She was dealing with someone of equal power of the male gender, and it terrified her, almost as much as it terrified her of what she was going to do. But in the back of her head, it was the right thing to do, even if she did not succeed, no one could tell her she hadn't done shit in her life. Vahva didn't know where she was going to go. After spending a little bit of time in her birth pack, it didn't feel like she had belonged there. Seracia was nice so far, but the woman with her experience was so estranged to being a subordinate. After being a leader for a full year, a full four seasons. Nothing was ever the same. The woman was not the tallest in the world. Standing at around 34" not counting the height of her mane of course. Though she was built with a thick coat of fur for winter, and a strong muscle build. Standing at the border, she tried to make herself a bit less threatening. Her red eyes loosening their stern grip, hell she was nervous. Men, made her nervous.
She let out a howl, a not so threatening slightly shaken one. It was urgent though, of course she wanted to get this the hell over with. She wasn't going to go straight away, no she needed to prepare herself. Though she still had Valhalla to go to after this. Speak to whoever was in charge now, ever since Cairo was not in charge any longer with his death. It was surprising how her birth pack would be last to visit. And however, she still had to decide weather or not to give that Amenti pack a visit since they got a new leader. Rumors spread fast, if you knew the right wolves of course. Patiently she waited, head lowered slightly on her shoulders. Standing in the scattered snow.
