
Love Lost



11-20-2013, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2013, 10:42 PM by Isardis.)

Where had Argent gone? Days before he had followed her strange scent into the confines of Tortuga, and yet she hadn?t returned. What had Taurig done? Did she simply loiter places unseen, or had the blue boy grown that bone he had once lacked and lashed out at the woman he knew Isardis so cared for. A brewing anger was filtered by a fizzling of sadness, determination, as endless rolls of howling would struggle free from his pipes. He found a pedestal, standing atop a large boulder as the chilling cries of his aching being would scream with a depressing essence of loss. He called for her, endlessly. He wouldn?t cease until she was found, dead or alive. Perhaps his wanders would drive him to the doorstep of his once-son, to feed him the demise he so fuelled. Had the pathetic betrayer harmed Glaciem?s queen; had he managed to rip the life from her brawly being, or was he as incapable as Isardis expected him? He would shiver in the winter breeze, his core rattled by the unknown, basking beneath a sense of helplessness as he was torn between actions. Kill Taurig, or waste no time in Argent?s search? Kill Taurig. He had to kill Taurig. This couldn?t happen again. Or was there peace in death? Did taurig deserve such a peace, or did he deserve to suffer? Plots brewed.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]