
We raise the fire high tonight


11-19-2013, 12:39 PM

The winter months had come quickly since Vahva had returned to ala. She had kept her return discrete, not that many knew her anyway. Her mother and father weren't exactly famous. Night a healer of Valhalla who had accidentally gotten high and mated with Sani. When they moved......Night had died. And Vahva came to Valhalla only to feel the strike of Glaciem and leave for another year. And return with more experience than ever. She was queen, and she wouldn't be joining her family, since she couldn't handle the feeling of being the one with no power. Not being the one others depended on, or listened to. Though, she had heard plenty of stories. Now she had her mind made up, she would keep it secret aside from a few. She'd be notifying Valhalla and their allies of her plans. Her aunt Rivaxorus was in Seracia. She figured it was a good a place as any to start.
The border of the range looked the same as always. Covered in snow, as the lady kept her head above her shoulders. No longer used to keeping it at a bow. Though she straightened herself, lowering it a bit. These were not her lands, and respect was everything. The experienced red eyed lady let out a clean summoning howl for the queen or king of this land. Preferably to queen though, she had problems dealing with males at the moment. Just because of her trauma. Lowering her head, she waited. She was not here to join, she was here to notify the packs of what she was doing. And that if she won, that they would have to be on the look out. If she lost, perhaps, only perhaps, would she think about joining one of the packs, that in which she was not certain.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-20-2013, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2013, 10:02 AM by Epiphron.)

The call that rang across the lands was unfamiliar and the sound, perhaps instinctively, made the fur on the back of her neck bristle and sent a shiver down her spine. Epiphron was content to live in a Kingdom that was mostly peaceful and quiet, interrupted only by the briefest scuffles of children and little more; the pregnant Queen had yet to lose the anxiety that seemed permanently embedded in the deepest cracks of her soul, and she couldn't help but feel initially alarmed at a stranger's beckon.

Slowly the woman would pull herself onto all fours, once again feeling the burdensome weight of children pulling her to the earth, begging her to stay and rest. But she would ignore the silent pleas of her body and approach the border with a regality that she knew few could match. Tail would curl in a delicate arch over her back, and her eyes would ignite with a feigned sort of passion that made those blue orbs of hers glimmer and shine.

The stranger was entirely unfamiliar, and so she would be cautious as she drew herself closing, halting yards away from the unknown female. She did not seem at all submissive, and she figured that she was not looking for shelter from the winter's harsh winds and cold. Her nose would wrinkle, but a humble nod would be given, tail sweeping in a long swish behind her as she greeted her. "What brings you to the Kingdom of Seracia?" Greetings would be offered after she offered an explanation -- and Epiphron was truthfully rather lax in what she considered a decent excuse to enter her home, for she new trespasses with ill intentions would be punished harshly and quickly, and that few were a true threat to her family.


11-20-2013, 03:33 PM

Vahva could smell the waving scents of the pregnant female. Which brought a soft kind smile to her face. It was a well known fact, as her healer half came into view that the birth of new life was always a nice thing. She was glad to see the woman had not been injured by the war. She wished she could say the same for her old friend Tidus in Tortuga. It made her slightly sad such wolves had been pulled into a situation as such. It was life though, for she knew how being a slave was like, but she also knew how it was to rule. To take care of those she cared deeply about. Giving a respectful bow, the lady raised her body. Pulling her ears forward as her red eyes shined softly on the woman of a lighter coat.
"I came on official business on behalf of friends and family. I'm not here to ruin a nice home. After all I have family who resides here." She stated in soft tones. "My name is Vahva, I haven't come to join, but I want to let the other packs to know what I'm doing, on the off case something happens I would need someone to look after me even if I didn't like it." Vahva shook her blue mane free of the little bits of snow that were scattered on it. "I want to help protect a place for your children to grow, as well as anyone else's. I congratulate you on your litter." Vahva gave a smile. She was far more happy to see a soft face in a place where she had so long been stuck in the cold.
"Rivaxorus Walker is my aunt if you were wondering about my family ties. You see I was born in Valhalla before the volcano erupted. So Valhalla was my birth pack." The lady stopped, realizing she was speaking far too much. She lowered her head in an apologetic bow for a moment. "I apologize for talking your ear off." She mused. Looking at the woman once more.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-24-2013, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2013, 06:49 PM by Epiphron.)

Everything in this Kingdom was changing rather quickly, and though she did not exactly look forward to the arrival of strangers at her borders, her slight aversion to this woman's presence would be kept hidden carefully away. Her initial impression was that this lady was not a threat, and so her demeanor would be amicable as usual until she gave Epiphron a reason not to. Eager sapphire gaze would sweep over the woman, analyzing her keenly for a long moment.

Her choice of words was peculiar indeed, and the Queens' head would tilt delicately to the side. "Official business?" her inquiry would come with a touch of fervor that even she could not contain. She claimed she had family here, as well -- and that she wanted to let the packs of Alacritia know what she was doing. Strange, indeed. And though she offered to protect her family -- did she mean to be a warrior of Seracia? -- Epiphron was unsure whether her intentions matched her words; and vague words they were, not at all straightforward.

"Tell me then, Vahva, what is it you request of me? You come here speaking to the Queen herself, Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias, and yet you leave me wondering what exactly you want from us." A soft smile painted her features, so kind it was hard to tell whether it was sincere or not. "I too, hail from Valhalla, a blood child of Cairo Adravendi himself." Her own crown would dip, offering the woman a respectful nod before letting her speak.


11-24-2013, 08:25 PM

Vahva was nervous and it was clear in her speech. Her red eyes looked over Epiphron, she wondered if it was really the fact that they came so close together. Vahva had been too young to remember Cairo, but Night spoke highly of the man before she was crushed by a tree. Her ears twitched slightly as she gave a small chuckle. It wasn't entirely funny, but she felt more at ease as it stood. Her black and white tail flicked back and forth as she tilted her head. Maybe she could get straight to the point. Well, she only needed a place to return to after all.
"In due time, I will be trying to pry the crown from the northern king Isardis' head. If I do not succeed I want to know if I have the support of the alpha's for a home. Even if I don't go, if someone were to convince me otherwise. I don't want to be rejected from a place I want to call home." She gave a small dip of her head. "I have spent an entire year leading a pack of my own, and I am not entirely used to being in a lower position, but if I'm where I'm comfortable I'm sure it'd be fine. I will be going to Valhalla after this to tell them as well." Vahva explained.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-26-2013, 04:01 PM

Vahva's nervousness was obvious, and the Queen felt vaguely pleased at this; she was, after all, in foreign territory. Slowly her head would tilt, curiosity flooding the depths of her sapphire gaze. She did not remember the woman from Valhalla, but she would take her word as truth unless the she was given a reason to doubt it.

She was happy when Vahva would speak. Epiphron was skilled at conversation, but she sometimes it was best to get straight to the point. "A bold endeavor," she mused thoughtfully, a laugh slipping from her lips. "It will not be an easy feat, but I do not think I am alone in saying that the Kingdom of Seracia supports your efforts." Ah, if only defeating the bastard of the north was quite so easy, but she would wish for the best in Vahva's efforts. "You are more than welcome here," she offered, her voice thoughtful and musing. "We have skilled healers, and we will tend to your injuries if Isardis brings you harm in your attempt to claim his throne. But I do hope it is not unfair to warn you that I am not willing to sacrifice my family's safety for a woman I hardly know?" A slight smile was given, and yet her words were sincere -- even if they come off as a bit biting. She did not know whether the Glaciem King would actually try to strike Seracia for such a thing, but it was a possibility, and one that had to be addressed.

"You will not feel like a subordinate here," she assured her with a single flick of her tail behind her bulging frame, so obviously on the verge of giving birth to children. "I do think you will find it pleasant, if you do join us."