
Here Kitty, Kitty.


11-16-2013, 01:54 AM

the young ivory pup had been wandering farther and farther from their den with each passing day. he had no reason to fear the lands, no reason to stay close to home. he moved with confidence, his need to explore, his hunger, the desire to learn, often over taking him as he moved. his crimson colored eyes, a token of his father, stared curiously ahead of him, a new scent, one he had never smelled filtering through his nose. curiosity, truly peaked, he moved forward, deeper into the trees, looking around him, entirely relaxed. what did he have to fear?

fear wasn't an emotion nursed by his parents, honestly, he probably wouldn't know what to do if he experienced it. ambition, thirst, drive, those were emotions that he was familiar with. feelings that he experienced regularly. he wouldn't just be a memory, he would be the memory that everyone would remember when they thought about the land he had been born into. the carrier of the smell, the one that snatched his curiosity so far, had his current full attention. speaking, into the silent air, he inquired.

"who's there?"

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