
Chasing Ghosts


11-15-2013, 07:47 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

There was no snow upon the ground just yet in this warmer section of the land but the chill in the air was undeniable. Winter was upon them and with it Yin basked in her solitude, knowing that most others - at least those who held any lick of common sense - would be quickly finding themselves places to hole away in during winter, preferably pack lands where prey was plentiful and the company friendly. Good, the ghostly woman thought to herself with an irritable flick of her black tail, expression just as stoic and unchanging as ever, the more wolves in packs, the less chance I have of running into them out here.

Company had never really been her thing. She had been a solitary creature from the start, having such little patience for any and all that oftentimes even the most hospitable of acquaintances chose not to indulge in her company a second time if they did not manage to make enemies of each other right away. It was not that she so much as chose to make enemies of everyone but that she saw so little value in them. They were all the same petty, loathsome beings, hardly carrying any worth to their name. She had no use for them, none of them. The only one who had managed to mean anything to her had been her brother. Her twin, her opposite and counterpart in every sense of the words, was worth everything to her; he was everything she was not and yet he held no intolerance for her. He embraced her wholly, instilling in her hopes and wishes that as much festered as bloomed. They truly held no place inside her cold, icy countenance, but for him that little seed of sunshine and brightness would dwell.

It had been too long since she had seen him. Their separation was lasting much longer than she wished it to, but her searches for him had proven futile and useless up until this point. Might he be looking for her now, braving the worsening weather to locate his missing sister? Or could he possibly have abandoned the search entirely to seek shelter for himself. He's not that selfish, her thoughts answered immediately, defending him even against herself. And because looking for her was what he would have done - would be doing now - she did the same. She sought to find him, tracing unknown paths and hoping that he might show up, unaware of the conflicts and rivalries of the packs that she tread near.


12-04-2013, 05:27 AM

It had been sometime since Hansel had seen his sister. And now that he had finally found her, he was reluctant to leave her side. But they needed to eat, and so Hansel had left her in the care of the Seracian healers while he went out to hunt. He didn't feel entirely comfortable hunting within the packs borders, so instead he went beyond the line to find something. It had been an entire year since coming to these lands, an entire year since he had seen his sister, an entire year since that incident with the cougar...since he had seen a particular form that had somehow made her way unknowingly into his mind. He ceased his searching steps, tumbling into a state of remembrance as he thought back to that day. They had come across as strangers, not particularly liking each other, completely different, yet held similar attributes. They both had twins, and they had both lost them...was it some sort of unseen force that would bring the lost twins together? They were similar in nature, Gretel being the more level headed one whilst Hansel was the more brash and sharp tongued individual. It seemed that Yin and her twin were the same way.

He dropped his body low when a brief scent crossed his nose. He wouldn't chance being seen whether it was prey or enemy, unwilling to provide himself an easy target or visible predator. He would quietly pull himself forward, the scent becoming more apparent as a wolf and not a prey animal. Still he was cautious, should the enemies be lurking about he would initiate the first attack before they did. His belly was low to the ground, dragging slightly against the ground as his blue eyes narrowed forward, ears at full attention as he concentrated in front of him. When he got closer, he stopped behind a brittle bush, peering through to see a white pelt though the tail was hidden from his view. A low growl found it's way into his chest, and without hesitation he would raise himself to leap over the plant. Facing the unrecognizable woman. His teeth were bared in a snarl, eyes narrowed as he prepared for violence until he recognized something about her.

Ceasing his growl almost abruptly, he raised his gaze to meet hers. Recognition seeping into his memory, though it was faint he couldn't mistake her for anyone else. "Yin? Is that you?"



12-06-2013, 05:35 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Truth be told, Yin had not anticipated running into anyone let alone being practically attacked by a hidden stranger. Her steps had been unhurried and incautious, not the least bit trying to be inconspicuous about her movements or direction. There had been no one about for quite some time, a fact that had successfully lulled Yin into a state of false security. In her eyes, she was alone in the almost wintry world, free to go as she pleased and lacking the constraints placed on her that typically came with knowing others were about. She had actually been enjoying it, somewhat at least, while her thoughts of her still missing brother had left her more preoccupied than observant of her surroundings.

It was the combination of the two that had worked against her, so that when the dark grey wolf had leaped out from behind the shrub and almost directly into her path she reacted on instinct. Her body surged in response, tensely drawing the step she had been about to take up short and squaring her stance as she caught herself, head lowering with fangs bared and hackles raised in warning. A heavy, feral growl answered that of the stranger, her natural sense of self-preservation working in overdrive with the little pocket of irritation that she seemed always to have on hand.

She was more than ready for a fight, evident by the twitch of her black tail as she let her mismatched sea green and pale blue eyes fix themselves upon the other wolf, just waiting for the right kind of excuse to leap forward and begin tearing into him. But to her surprise he settled rather quickly, the fierce look about him falling away into something akin to surprise. And then he said her name. Who--? But then it was obvious. As her adrenaline slowly began to seep away, she began to see straight, to recognize the intense blue eyes of the stranger, the telltale dark markings upon his coat that was a mixture of black, grey, and white. And the scars...

"Hansel," she responded, her tone still hardened from the near fight they had just descended from though not without the unexpected touch of surprise. Carefully, slowly, she began to ease herself upward out of her crouch, lifting her stern expression to be level with his own. "Where have you been?" she asked, mismatched eyes blinking as she stared across at him. Each of them had their own mission, their own search to complete, but by luck and chance and fate their individual searches had become a group effort. "Any luck?"