
downfall of us all



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-11-2013, 10:42 AM

Winter was slowly coming to the lands of Alacritis. Autumn was here, and yet it was on the verge of departure already -- the once brilliant landscape was slowly losing its color, no longer dappled with oranges and yellows and res, but instead the frost had begun to seep into the earth and turn everything a dull brown. And with the changing of season, came other changes, and truthfully the Queen of Seracia wanted nothing more than everything to return to how it had been at the beginning of the season.

She was beginning to show signs of pregnancy. Once again, her belly was slightly distended, and her scent had changed subtly. It was not obvious from a great distance, but up close all the signs were there. Part of her was eager to meet her children, and she was quite grateful that she lacked the nervousness that had accompanied her first pregnancy; she'd had no idea how it would be to really be a mother. Now, Epiphron was certain she could handle children, even if it was burdensome and stressful. But she lacked the excitement she knew she ought to have felt, but she was determined to not let it show -- especially to her children now, who were still unaware of the fact that siblings would soon be given more brothers and sisters.

A sigh left her lips. She was content to be alone for now, and as she slowly made her way toward the lake, she would let the proverbial crown slip from the skull and she would nearly collapse at the water's edge, curling up on her belly and letting her head rest on her forepaws. It took all she had to hold back tears. Never was she an emotional woman, never too expressive -- and yet she couldn't help it now. She felt like she was failing Seracia. She had lost two wolves after sending them to aid Valhalla, and though she trusted Syrinx would try to return them to her, she couldn't help but feel as though she was the one to blame.



7 Years
11-11-2013, 12:17 PM
Nako stared down at the bottom of the bare hill, his jaw clenching around the object he held in his maw. The half dozen feathers woven into his neck and head fur trailed out passed into his field of vision for a moment only to settle against the grey pups neck fur. Another glance was given around to see if Tahlia was going to sneak up and take him back to the den before the object was tossed into the air and began to roll down the hill. With an excited yip Nako took off after the pinecone to practice chasing a mouse that kept swerving about as the pinecone's top and bottom caught edges to tumbled this way and that. With a spring upwards and both of his forepaws coming down together Nako crushed the mock rodent into the snow.

The bastard pup gave an aroo with a toss of his head and picked up with prize that he'd imagine would lay twitching for him to savor. Miss-matched eyes noticed his surrounding now as he looked around to get his bearings towards home, the forest with the carved up trees. Nako dropped the pinecone and took to going towards the scent of water and fish bones, the chase making him end up on the other side of the lakes thin forest. It was passed through in a moment, Nako closing his eyes and savoring the winter gust of wind before opening them to see a packmate laying in the snow. A involuntary whine was given by the pup as he began to warily pace around this foreign female. Nako gave a nervous aroo with slight opening of his maw to let her know that he was there so he wouldn't startle the white female.



2 Years
11-12-2013, 01:21 AM

Earthen colored girl slowly padded through her new home. She was slowly gaining her weight back but bones could still be seen. Pale green orbs were cast down to the browning, dying grass. Her mind had been wondering back to her mother all day, tail hanging limp and ears pressed flat against her skull. She moved with a purposeful gait, thinking over all she had been taught from her mother, oh how she missed her and craved for a mother's touch once more. A whine squeezed out from deep within her chest, a heart breaking pain. She wanted to just stop and curl up. But if she did, she might never get back up again. She had to keep moving just so she would not cave in.

Her wondering paws had brought her near the lake. The yip of a pup had her head lift up and eyes slowly blink into focus of what was around her. First her soft gaze landed in her Queen laying by the lake when a grey pup. She watched the two for a moment and quickly noticed Epiphron was upset. Ears twisted up but neutral as she slowly padded over, back hunched to look small and non threatening. She came up to the other side of the white female with a small whimper and settled down next to her. She would not dare ask her Queen what was the matter, she had no place to ask nor know. So she could only offer comfort as best she could. She remembered her mother used to lick her fur soothingly to clam her down. Carefully she reached over and slowly began to groom Epiphron's fur along her shoulders. Eyes flicked over to the grey pup warmly. She had no idea what to do or say to one younger than her but only show she meant no harm.

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10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-12-2013, 06:39 AM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2013, 06:39 AM by Epiphron.)

Her moment of weakness would be short-lived, albeit rather necessary, as the scent of another reached her nostrils. Unwilling to let herself be seen openly moping, she would stiffen her posture and uncurl her body, straightening out and attempting to raise her head a bit taller. Soon the scent grew stronger as the boy approached, beginning to pace around her.

It was a strange child, one of the boys being raised by Tahlia -- one of Bane's children. Right. Her eyes scanned him, from his grey pelt to the feathers that seemed permanently woven into the fur of his neck. He certainly looked like his father, and though she had a bad taste in her mouth at the mere thought of the exiled brute, she would not let that taint her vision of this young one. "Nako, is it?" she questioned gently, having heard about the boy from Maverick. She wondered vaguely how it was for him knowing his father was not allowed here, but she figured he was too young to truly comprehend the seriousness of those circumstances. "How are you doing today, young one?"

Another shape moved at the corner of her vision, and the scent was immediately recognized as the yearling, Rohini. Though still small, she looked much healthier than when she had first arrived her. It seemed Epiphron had not stifled her sadness so well -- she was not as much of a blank slate as she had hoped -- as the girl quickly moved to her side and began to groom her gently. It was a strange gesture, but one that was soothing nonetheless. It reminded her simultaneously of something her father would've done, or her children; and the girl was hardly an adult. "Thank you, Rohini," she would murmur softly, pleased by the girl's thoughtfulness and compassion.



7 Years
11-13-2013, 11:32 AM
The bastard child remembered his manners and replied to his elders rapid questions. "Yes mam. I'm doing gud. Practiced my mowse catchin' with a pine cone down a hill." Nako tossed his head to stop a feather from itching him that came with a gust, the corner of his eye catching the approaching female. The new arrival gave him a wide birth only to lay down next to the original, Nako swallowing and realizing the dryness of his throat. The Bastard pup stalked over to the lakeside with glancing eyes at the two females as he got on his belly to drink. Brisk lake water coursed down his throat to sate the burn of thirst, ripples starting their long journey across the lake from each lap of his tongue.

Stomach now full of every beings lifeblood, Nako sat and stared at the two females, one licking the other. They looked... sad together, Nako tilting his head to the side in puzzlement. A play bow was given and a low wagging up his tail, a yip almost coming out of his maw but he stopped himself. Had the elder female been crying? Nako strode forward and got low on his belly before crawling to the side of his female alpha's face, a worried gleam in his eye. "Wass wron'?" Nako lay just a stride away, and that was the closest he was gonna get to these females. They were females after all. Females bit to hard when playing, like Anais.



7 Years
11-18-2013, 08:48 PM
The child had taken ill, but she was healing up now. That wasn't to say that Amalia had returned to tip top shape, but the princess was on the mends, and thus she deemed expeditions to be necessary. Now sure footed and growing stronger, the russet-kissed beauty traced down her mother's scent and was determined to seek her out. Upon arrival she noted the presence of two others, strangers to her, but she did not desire for them to remain such for long at all.

She arrived and smiled brightly at her mother. "How are you, Mama?" she asked. Vibrant blue gaze settled upon the strangers then, good nature making her willing to outreach and learn about them. "My name's Amalia," she introduced to both of the strangers, an invitation for both of them to provide her with their names. She'd happily play with the younger boy should he be interested in such pursuits, although the girl had also been looking forward to spending some time with her mother.



2 Years
11-19-2013, 10:06 PM

Naturally observant Epiphron's sorrow had not gone unnoticed by the yearling. She had seen her mother look the same before too. She never knew why, but knew comfort was the best to could do to help. So when she came to her Queen, she dd not hesitant to reach out. She trusted the white and russet lady. Which ment alot to Rohini. She was not one to easily reach out to others. And in a sense, she also drew on comfort from Epiphron as she laid there next to her, grooming. With a hard swallow she pushed her own feelings down, stuffed them away and focused on her Queen and the pup. He was cute and polite too. But Rohini had never interacted with a pup before so she was wary of possibly hurting him she she played with him. She watched him as he spoke to Epiphron before a small russet girl joined them. She greeted her mother and at once Rohini stood and took a few steps away and sat down. She didnt want the pup to think she might be trying to take her mother away from her. Plus it just seemed right, to let her be closer to her mother.

The little girl introduced herself and the tan yearling bowed her head to the princess. I am Rohini, its a pleasure to meet you. She said softly. Eyes flickered bewteen mother and daughter, pulling out the resembled traits. This pup was lucky to have a wolf like Epiphron as a mother and she prayed that she would never loose her like Rohini had her own mother. She wished for no one to ever experience that sort of pain, no matter if they were bad or good. No one should ever have to suffer loosing family at a young age. Eyes looked out over the water, a certain hardness coating them. Silently she vowed she would do all she could to prevent anyone from having a fate like her own.

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10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-20-2013, 06:55 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2013, 07:00 AM by Epiphron.)

The boy seemed decent enough, especially for a child of Bane. Quietly her warm gaze would watch the boy -- she had never been particularly fond of children, but having her first litter had changed that part of her. Even Nako, the bastard son of the exiled wolf Bane, had promise, despite his lineage. He stated he had been chasing mouse hunting, and she laughed softly, the sound airy and brimming with amusement. "Good," she stated with a curt nod to the young boy as he crept closer to the lake to drink.

He was quite an observant thing, and yet his inquiry was so innocent. "Nothing, young one," she started, her smile growing slightly. "I am tired, is all." It was the easiest explanation, and one that was not altogether a lie. Her attention was taken away from the young child with the feathers around his neck as his daughter arrived. Amalia was a sickly girl, small but so beautiful -- she had always been rather weak, a stark contrast to her fiery spirit. Epiphron could only be grateful that she seemed to be growing healthier by the day, which was a good thing with winter coming so soon.

"My sweet girl," she said, leaning to nuzzle the girl and attempt to pull her closer. She was no longer a mere pup, growing more into her body by the day, but that didn't stop the Queen from wanting to lather her children with affection. "I am glad to see you out and about." Briefly she would pull away from Rohini, though she was soothed by her unrestrained willingness to please and comfort her Queen. And the young girl stood and shifted away. It was a strange group, but Epiphron was happy for the company, and pleased to see her daughter feeling well enough to interact with others. It changed her expression quite completely, and her slight sadness morphed into something much more pleasant -- though she would not deny that it would never go away completely, not until she heard news of the siege and her wolves were returned to her.



7 Years
11-21-2013, 02:06 PM
Nako noted the third females appearance, his maw letting out an aroo with a rolling of his neck in greetings. A pop of his neck was felt and he winced with a quiet,"Ow... hi Amalia and Rohini, my name's Nako, son of Bane and Alena, I mean Tahlia, sorry." The fatherless pup spoke the latter part loud so that the she-wolves could hear him. The pup rolled over to the lake again and began to sip the lake water. Mmmmm, it tasted like the mountain runoff of early winter, Nako memorizing the taste so he could share this with father the next time they met.

The eldest female had said that his activity had been a good one and that the only thing that was the problem was that she was tired. Nako bowed in a stretch as a few of his toes popped, the bastard slowly sloshing into the shallows of the lake and staring at the slow moving fish coming back to the shore that had retreated from his entry. Shallow water was warm water, especially close to the surface. Nako looked back at the females licking one another and a sly grin surfaced on his muzzle. With a swipe of a paw along the top of the lake, the misfit not of the pack sprayed water onto the group of females. "Playing cheer you all up. No time to be sad, only to live life freely." Nako wagged his tail and beamed with closed eyes at the last three words.



7 Years
11-30-2013, 01:35 PM
She accepted her mother's affection, truly basking in their time spent together. She looked up to the russet-kissed queen, desiring to learn from her. Perhaps now that she was older and more stable she would find herself capable of doing so. Amalia desired to know the inner workings of politics, to learn how to keep a pack running smoothly. Perhaps she was still too young now, but the peaceful child hoped she would eventually get to learn. "I'm happy too! Hopefully I can find Miss Silent soon," she remarked, having yet to be able to learn from her assigned mentor.

Another introduced herself as Rohini, earning a swift nod from the girl. Sapphire gaze then set upon Nako, another pup. "It is nice to meet you both," she said with practiced manners, although the child was genuinely enthusiastic about meeting them both. She observed the boy, however, watching him as he charged for the puddle. Muddy water splashed upon the girl's pristine pelt, her grin widening. "I'll make you smile the biggest," she told the boy, jumping towards the water, hoping that the weight of her body would splash a significant amount of water upon the boy. She cared little for how it would cover her own pelt; she could always groom herself later, after all!