
Remember those bones


11-10-2013, 01:30 PM

Ravenous eyes stared out of the darkness, their focus on a small black rodent which scurried inattentively in the shadows. Slavering jaws opened, displaying sharp yellowing fangs. Claws scraped quietly against stone and cold earth as the predator neared her prey. With a snap of teeth and a sharp cry of pain the she wolf held her prize limp in her jaws. She would not hesitate to devour the meager meal, for even a malnourished rat was something to be savored.

Ravage had been wandering the corridors and passages of the crypt for days, navigating through countless twists and turns as the path lead continuously downward. While a more sane individual would fear for their life, Ravage was greatly enjoying her time in the tombs. The machinery of her brain was busy mapping the layout of the catacombs, memorizing which path lead where. It was like an entertaining puzzle, and the high stakes only made it more interesting.

After cleaning the rat's bones of flesh, the dark brown wolf licked her lips and examined the dark corner the rat had brought her to. There were at least three skeletons laid to rest here, all of their bones littered with teeth marks from the rats. Ravage wondered how long a pup would last in the underground tunnels, especially if it were being chased. The thought caused a rush of morbid excitement in her veins and a sick smile spread across her lips. Perhaps one day she would live out that fantasy.