
Hróðvitnisson family



4 Years
04-15-2014, 04:59 PM

Name: Hodr Hr??vitnisson
Litter: 2
Age: 2
Hodr is a bulky, formidable wolf. Standing at 37 inches he towers above many, standing at the same as his twin. Muscles line his chest, legs and jaw, covered by thick, battle-worn fur. His coat is a white as pure as snow, but underneath it's as dangerous as ice. The one thing disturbing the field of snow are black speckles around his right eye and his legs which are dipped in black halfway before it fades out into speckles amongst the snow. Piercing blue eyes stand alone in the two-tone body, adding a bit of life. A thin scar has been struck through Hodr's right eye. This hinders his sight slightly, but not too much.
Quiet, A Thinker, Happy, Bi-polar
The first thing wolves seem to notice about Hodr is that he's quiet in a crowd. He tends to stick to the sides and is quite happy to let his companions do the talking. He much prefers to sit and survey than dive into conversation straight away. He sizes up his 'friends' before jumping to any conclusions. Despite his seclusion when with a party, he's doesn't mind talking with one other, yet he's not a chatter box. If he judges his company suited, he could talk for a while, even crack a few jokes. He's never completely comfortable with those he's just met. When he's with family is when he really comes out of his shell. He can be talkative, understanding, funny, even a little cheeky sometimes.
Despite all this, Hodr has his bad days. When he has bad days, you don't want to be on his bad side. He can range from mildly grumpy to having rage attacks. He tries to hide this from his family as best he can. Whenever this happens, the real Horr completely loses control. He fights, sometimes kills. The only way he gains back control is by blacking out from exhaustion. The man thinks himself a monster because of this and when he senses an attack coming, hides away for days sometimes.
RP Sample
Blue eyes scanned the dark night. The bright moon had been covered by the thick clouds, leaving the only source of light celestial. Hesitantly, Hodr moved forward. The man was anxious not to be seen. Back at the pack it was horrible. He wasn't in Villi's favour, despite being his nephew. Ever since his siblings left it had been getting worse. He noticed others declining steeply in health as well, particularly a pup that he'd noticed... UGH! It wasn't much of an improvement when his father ruled, but at least he had his brothers then.
Blue eyes closed and back hunched in pain, Hodr sat. His hackles bristled and he kept his head low. No! Not today... I don't want it today! He wouldn't let the darkness come. Not the dark if night, but the evil darkness inside him, constantly threatening to break free of his grasp
and envelope him. Whenever it happened, Hodr tried to suppress it, shove it back. Seldom did he manage. The odds were it his favour that night, though. His eyes opened, now blood shot. Not wasting anymore time out here, Hodr silently made his way back to camp. Tonight he was victorious in the battle of his mind.



2 Years
04-17-2014, 01:43 PM
Got finished.



5 Years
04-27-2014, 09:00 AM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2014, 12:07 PM by Dægmar.)
Moving my application for Ullr here since Den and I are going for yearlings rather than the pups b/c gem reasons. Though they'll be brought into Ala with the rest of the group. Umm.... do you need a mother's name or anything from us Tea?

Name: Ullr Vilison
Pup: Despite the hardship he's suffered, Ullr is a sweet and spunky wolf who loves to be active and explore the world around him. He feels safest with his sister Dyani and loves her dearly and takes great pleasure in making her smile. Some what shy of others Ullr will stick close to his family though as he begins to settle in he'll grow more and more adventurous.

Ullr does have a few quirks however that make him some what eccentric. Ailing with anxiety and paranoia Ullr quickly became a disappointment to Vili and was part of the reason his condition was allowed to decline so though much was from the lack of decent food or healers. Ullr will suffer occasional panic attacks, mostly in the form of night terrors though with patience and kindness he will make great improvements as he ages.

Intuitive and impressionable Ullr is a dreamer with a wild imagination. He lives for play and fights with all his heart to free his mind from the trappings he often falls in to.

Adult: Ullr will grow in confidence as he ages and becoming an adventurous, spirited man. Restless and curious he will take to wandering often. Though he will remain kind and compassionate Ullr's eccentric nature will kept more under control and his abusive history will begin to show its effects on his personality. Defensive and often moody Ullr bears some of the Hroovy temperament that makes him quick to anger. However, he also bears a great sensitivity to others that helps cool his anger quickly before he can do much harm to those he cares for.

Cautious of others Ullr keeps his inner self carefully guarded regardless of the smile on his face. Sharp and quick-witted, Ullr is a thinker as well as a fighter but he still has a great soft spot for his sister and he frequently worries about Dyani.

Honest and determined Ullr is able to adapt quickly and respond to most situations he encounters. He spends much of his life yearning for understanding and he aims to free himself from the social conditioning that still plagues him. Plagued with doubt Ullr finds himself always moving, always searching for something that flickers like a ghost just beyond his sight. Something he yet has no name for.

Alignment: Neutral good
Size: Large, 35"
DescriptionPup: Ullr is a scrawny, ailing boy when he's finally found by his brothers. Thin and wiry with a scruffy coat his belly is slightly distended from a tape worm infection that has yet to be cured as well as an upper respiratory infection. Large paws are his dominant feature and they cause him frequently to trip. He also has large ears that he will never fully grow into.

Adult: Under the care of Valhalla and his family Ullr will grow into a handsome young wolf. Once he's free of illness he will grow rapidly into a large brute standing at the height of 35". Athletic and rugged in build he will weight about 145 pounds. Taut, muscular thighs move the brute in a confident walk, his defined angular shoulders completing his carriage. Agile and quick, Ullr will finally grow into his paws though his ears will still look a touch too big for him. With his refined senses Ullr will grow into an exceptionally skilled hunter and tracker.

Coat: Pale like his sister, Ullr is cloaked in a base coat of the purest white, like fresh fallen snow. The top half of his coat is dusted lightly in a pale sandy color with a blanket of of deep swirling silver covering his shoulders, back, hips and the top of his head. Tail tipped in russet that slowly darkens to the point his ears are taupe with a line of the same color tracing from his nose to right between his eyes. His right front paw is dipped in a deep ashen brown. Ullr's most interesting mark perhaps are the lines of black that extend from the inside corner of each eye, underneath the eye, across his cheek to right under his ears. These tear-like marks bring attention right to his silver eyes where rings of sky blue trace the pupils.
RP Sample: (200 word count minimum)


04-27-2014, 11:42 AM
Honestly you people are going to be the death of me... Lunar explained it well, so I think I'll just leave this here.....

Name: Dyani Vetur Vilisdottir

Personality: -Defiant, aggressive, chaotic, unstable, slightly violent, standoffish, grudgingly social, attentive, sharp witted-

With her life starting out rough from the start, her mother not really appreciating her and preferring her sibling(s) to her for reasons she couldn't decipher. So, she had to become quite closed off and strong to survive for longer than the day after she was weaned. Over time, she did not talk very often to anyone and preferred to remain away from those who tormented her endlessly. Why this happened to her she still didn't know, but she fails to care anymore. The only one she can truly seem to trust is her brother Ullr, who she became extremely protective of and will kill for if required. Maybe it's due to his traumatized mind from the tortures he endures at the hand of the pack, maybe it's because he was the only one who was kind to her, she won't, or can't, say.
She's got a volatile temper, and she's a little unstable when it comes to her control over it. If someone crosses an invisible line she's drawn in the dirt between them, she will attack them with as much power behind her fangs and claws as she can muster. There are times where she just wakes up angry and goes about silently loathing the existence of everything and wishing everyone would drop dead. Her emotions roil about under her pelt like a thunderhead, and she can be set off by anything; whether she begin to maul your face or sob hysterically or dissolve into a fit of giggling.
Dyani has a hard time with others, seeing only faces with an ability to hurt her at will or hurt those she loves. So she can seem a little awkward, or even cold and distant, depending on the situation. However, this doesn't mean she won't be around others, she'll get out with the world often, but won't be quick to get into a deep conversation or open up.
The girl's mind is an infinite cosmos of thoughts and opinions, things she's picked up from over the course of her short life, and what she remembers. It's a horrid burden, to remember everything anyone has done or said to you, to see the way others regard you in their faces and have it haunt you. However, it can be useful when receiving battle training, or remembering what you can and can't eat in a desperate situation. She also never forgets a face or name, although at times she may act like she has to avoid any unfavourable situation.
However, it's not impossible to get her out of her shell. If you can coax her into it, she'll have a whole bunch of fun with you and play about, run around a field, or swim in the ocean. Her brother has a knack for this, getting her to slide down muddy hills and mess around. She sometimes even forgets to be cold and closed off, and will even laugh like a happy child and frolic until it dawns on her again not everyone can be trusted.

Alignment: Chaotic neutral.

Design: Extremely rough design link. (And yes I'm sure that does look familiar to some of you)

Size: Probably 34 inches when fully grown, about 90-100 pounds or so.

RP Sample: Pale paws would strike the terra as she followed the strange siblings of hers up the beach. Sticking close to her brother's side, cerulean optics would survey the landscape for threats or dangers to either of them. The dark fur along her spine remained partially raised as she warily stalked along at the large male's side. She couldn't doubt he was related to her, they had the same eyes, the same strange ivory coat. A sigh would shudder through her ribs, her ebony tail flicking against her heels in irritation and anxiety. Slowly, she would look over her shoulder at her brother and flatten her obsidian audits to her cranium nervously.
"I don't trust them.."
She would murmur, voice low and tinged with a growl. Stepping closer, her flank would slide reassuringly against his side. Her crown would lower to touch upon the top of his head as she continued to watch around them. The alabaster man who seemed to be leading them was not altogether the largest of them, but he seemed confident in himself.
"It's okay Dya, they're our brothers."
He assured his sister, bumping his shoulder against hers and smiling. The pale lass would frown, nibbling on his ear absently.
"Or so they say... Mother also said she would take care of me, but we all know how that went."
She would mutter irritably in response, the dark fur on her spine rising for a moment before flattening slightly once more. Her icy gaze would return to the behemoth at their side, who kept sneaking glances at them, worried ones. Rising to her full, meager height, the lass would try and put a better wall between her brother and any threats she could discern. Crown would be raised proudly as she strode along with tensed muscles and ears flattened against her skull. She couldn't trust anyone, not quite yet.

Plans: She and Ullr (her bro) are going to be really close from birth, so she'll stick with him until he does something to push her away or she gets kidnapped or something of the sort. She'll probably be inducted into the organization of Nall because it suits her. Other than that, meet family, be her somewhat terrifying self, etc.



4 Years
05-03-2014, 09:50 PM
WIP ------ Trigger warning: rape, physical abuse and emotional abuse are or will be heavily mentioned in this post.

Name: Clementine Charis [wife of Ve, former wife of Hr??vitnir]
Age: 2 years old, born in Spring
Personality: Submissive to a fault, Clementine has spent the majority of her life in the shadow of someone else. She's quiet and reserved, preferring to remain silent and let those more knowledgeable speak- just like she was taught to. Raised around the idea that she is somehow quite a bit less than everyone else, Clementine has a warped view of herself.

Anger in her is almost nonexistent. Sure, there may be things she doesn't like, but who is she to disagree? She's also rather clingy, believing her survival depends on the presence of another. Once Clementine has established that someone is safe, she'll stick close to them. Having never been taught how to hunt, she relies quite heavily on the skills of others and because of this and the constant sabotaging of the other wives, Clementine is forever hungry and the effects of that have left her weak and prone to illness.

Clementine is the perfect omega. She accepts beating because she deserves them. She accepts hunger because she isn't worth it; the food should go to someone more deserving. Really, she'll accept any and all misfortunes that befall her because she deserves nothing more. It's okay if the other wives pick on her and it's okay if Ve is cruel to her. That's what she's around for, she knows this. She's not smart or pretty or anything, really, so her only real use is serving others. Not that she's very good at that.

There is nothing of substance to Clementine's personality. Anything worth knowing about her was quickly taken from her. At one time she had the potential to be confident and ambitious, but if those traits are still inside her they're impossibly small.

RP sample:
History: Clementine doesn't remember a whole lot about her life before Hr??vitnir's pack. Any outward longing for that life was met with brutality. In the beginning, Clementine had been overwhelmed by the cruelty around her. In her search for comfort she'd bounced from wolf to wolf and received nothing but pain for her efforts. Brutality hit her from all sides. It didn't take long for her to draw inside herself and with Hr??vitnir's frequent visits it became all too easy for her to think of herself as nothing more than an object. Despite her young age, Clementine very quickly became pregnant. This didn't better her standing with the older wives. Before her pregnancy became obvious, the young wolf had simply been ignored. Encounters with the wives, Anglea especially, were common, but not particularly hateful. Her presence was tolerated but not accepted. As soon as it was obvious that she was carrying Hr??vitnir's young, everything changed. Suddenly all of the attention was on her. She was bullied away from kills and harassed over minor offenses. One encountered left her bleeding on the ground, a circle of wives with Anglea at the head taking turns stomping on her. The abuse worked. Weeks before her due date, Clementine miscarried, giving birth to the bodies of three dead sons. Hr??vitnir was furious at the lose, savagely picking Clementine up by the scruff and shaking her until she lost consciousness. Her miscarriage meant little to him beyond a quick flash of anger and he immediately got to work putting more pups inside her.

Clementine remembers exactly what she was doing the moment Hr??vitnir died. While everyone was gathered around listening as their alpha announced his successor, Clementine was at the back of the crowd holding a rabbit for Anglea. She wasn't allowed to eat it or even think about eating it, all she was allowed to do was hold it. It was a game the primary wife liked to play with her. She'd chase her from kills for weeks and then, once she thought Clementine had gone long enough, she'd tear a piece from a kill and make the younger wolf follow her around with it, feeding her whenever she wanted to be fed. If she so much as looked interested in the meat Anglea would beat her. As Hr??vitnir's body hit the ground she dropped the rabbit...and then quickly picked it up before Anglea saw her.

Chaos reined for many weeks but in the end, Clementine was approached and promptly claimed by a leering Ve and it became immediately obvious that he was ten times worse than Hr??vitnir--to the point where Clementine found herself longing for the former alpha. At least with him she'd known what to expect. Ve enjoyed toying with her. He'd play with her emotions, tease her into calming and then strike when she least expected it. He enjoyed being cruel to her, going out of his way to cause her pain. For fun he'd deprive her of food and water, letting her wither almost to the point of death before approaching her sweetly and tending to her as if she meant the world to him. She would response as she knew she should, playing along and yes, hoping it was real, but inevitably she'd mess up somehow and he'd turn on her. She grew accustomed to bleeding and scars began to accumulate across her body.

Now, a full year in the life of a Pack wife, Clementine is a shell. How she is alive is anyone's guess, but if you can call her meager existence life, then she is alive. Eventually she'll succumb to her weakness and that will be the end of her. No one will miss her, no one will mourn her. Unless, of course, the Pack is shaken once more. She saw what it did to them last time and maybe, just maybe, a sliver of rebellion still resides inside of her. She could be free...if only she were given the opportunity.
[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



6 Years
05-07-2014, 02:15 PM
I apologize to everyone for the inconvenience but I'm cancelling the Hodr adoption. We were originally planning to use his death to further the plot but so many people were upset about it that we tried to change it to allow for him to live, but it just does not give the plot enough substance for it to be worthwhile. I am going back to my original plan for the pack - therefore, the adoption is cancelled.

To the two people who put in apps, I'm sorry - you can change the name and age to reflect an adult from a different litter if you would still like to be considered. I like both applications enough that with tweaking to account for the slightly different history and a new physical design I would feel completely comfortable giving you both a Hroovy - there are several other related litters you can pick from of various ages, and they could still be part of the plot since they could come back with Thor, Baldur, and Skoll instead of Hodr. They would still need to be active.

Again, I'm very sorry.


05-07-2014, 02:21 PM
Tea, are pup/adults still open?



6 Years
05-07-2014, 02:32 PM
Yes, there are several other adults available. One litter of three out of Shani that are between Hati/Loki/Thor and Baldur/Hodr/Weth in age, one litter of four out of Keina between Baldur/Hodr/Weth and Akemi/Fenris/Skoll in age, and one wolf who would be Freyja's littermate although since Cantinna is not around anymore she isn't being played. You can see the litters in my first post although the timeline is a bit off since I posted it a while ago. If you want a pup or a wolf of a different age (or an older wolf that isn't out of any of the above litters though there are no Hroovys older than Loki/Hati/Thor) it would be one of Vili's kids (cousins of Loki/Hati and all) unless it's one of the ones Lazuli is adopting out, in which case I have nothing to do with that. :)


05-18-2014, 03:06 PM
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us

It's time to make our move, I'm shaking off the rust

Name:: Freyr Hr??vitnisson

Litter:: Litter 8.

Age:: 1.5 years old


Freyr is a large boy, standing at 36 inches tall and weighing 136 pounds. He seems like he is pure muscle, because, unlike his sister, he left later on. His ribs are poking from under his golden and black fur, with a few pale pink scars on his snout. Once like his sister, a figment of a dream, now like a dying dream. One ear, his right ear, is ripped, and his fur is matted with blood and dirt. One eye is so bad that he has to keep it closed, it is matted with blood. His fur, once soft, is now hard and sticky. The white splashes on his fur is stained light pink or red. When he gets better, if he ever gets better, wolves will see why he was called a dream. Muscles will make him look so much stronger, his fur will be sleek, and his head will be raised. His tail will be raised, too, in dominance, making it look like it was reaching for the sky. Even his ripped ear will make him look handsome. And, on the boy's face, a charming smile.

Freyr's fur is the golden color of Freyja's, but, instead of the white splashing his fur, Freyr has black. The interesting combination makes him look even more handsome than he would be if he looked exactly like his sister. The soft fur will shine in the sunlight, and make him look beautiful, sure, but the night makes him look magical. The moon makes his golden fur have a silver tint, and his black fur look gray. The other markings, small splashes of white, make him look like he is partly going. But in the sunlight, nothing like that happens, and he is back to normal Freyr. White splashes find their way on his hind legs, his stomach, his front legs, and behind his ears. That's not the only thing that makes Freyr look so handsome.

Blue eyes, with lighter blue flecks throughout, finish the boy's handsome looks. Yes, Freyr is beautiful. And everyone should know it.


The first thing that every female wolf notices about Freyr is that he's very charming; and he knows that he is. It doesn't take much than a smile and a wink to charm the female wolves, but Freyr is too much of a flirt just to leave it at that; no, that's not enough to get their attention. His voice is soft, quiet, yet it isn't hard to tell that he's a male wolf, just from his voice alone. But, even if he is a charmer, Freyr tries to defend Akemi from Loki and other males, being a little overprotective at times. He is aggressive towards male wolves who tries to come around Akemi, and he constantly calls her "his", like she is a piece of territory that belongs to him, and him alone. But even when he is not overprotective of Akemi, he is even trying to charm her, although he never means anything by what he says to her, both ways. Being in the pack has drove the beautiful male crazy, in a way, and sometimes he just snaps, and attacks. But when Hodr died, Freyr was devastated, and so he will not be the wolf he once was as bad. If this is good or bad, no wolf will ever know, although most will assume it's bad.

Freyr is an aggressive wolf, as you already know, and even though he won't any of his full or half brothers around his twin, Freyr would kill or die for them. No wolf wants to die, not even stranger wolves, so he tries not to hurt the other wolves too bad. Freyr blames himself for Hodr's death, and he isn't afraid to tell any wolf who asks him what's wrong why he's so sad.

RP Sample::

Akemi. His voice was soft, but red eyes flickered over to him anyway. Freyr smiled, and wagged his tail just a little. Akemi said nothing, but turned away from him. Akemi. I need you to tell Baldur something, about his brother. Akemi looked at him again, but Freyr didn't know. His light blue eyes were closed, and he struggled for breath, every minute threatening to make him stop. To hold his breath until it was all over. The pain in his side was too much, hurting him every time his stomach rumbled. Ripped ear flicked, once, and Freyr opened his eyes again. Tell Baldur, that........They killed him. The golden and white wolf suddenly understood why it was so hard to breathe. Tears were gathering in his eyes, blurring his vision. They killed Hodr.......They ripped him to shreds........ The golen boy turned away, leaving things unsaid. It was all my fault.......

The boy whimpered, and turned away from Akemi. He began to walk, stumbling over his own paws, before he vomited, from not eating in so long. He whimpered, and stepped over the disgusting stuff, his paws carrying him to water, where he would hopefully get the disgusting taste out of his mouth.



2 Years
06-30-2014, 03:03 PM
Croa, you can have Freyr if you still want him. I haven't gotten Freyja adopted back out yet so his littermate is somewhere in Ala but not being played right now. Make sure you pay attention to the history and timeline of the pack as you play him, and make sure he stays active, because I will take him back if he isn't played.



3 Years
09-20-2014, 08:02 PM
user posted image

Name: Brynhildr
Gender: Female
Litter: Hroovy x Keina (2nd)


Honorable, but will act in anger if pushed -> Bryn will stand by her morals, put they will only protect you to a point. If you irritate her enough, or she has ground to question your own integrity or intentions, you can expect her to paint a target on your chest. She will not suffer assholes for the sake of principle.
Not one to be stepped upon -> If you think this a fae who will let you push her around, think again. She'll walk away with a few new scars if it means proving her mettle, win or lose. She is quick to unveil insults in a pretty phrase, whether the speaker intended them or not.
Bit of an ego -> Well, BIT might be an understatement. It's a nearly constant mindset, to strive, to out do her companions, but at least she's classy about it. Instead of bragging she lets her actions speak louder than words, even if it means having a repertoire of "I meant to do that" cover ups.
Manipulative if she needs something to get done -> If you're moving too slow for her you can bet she'll move you, be it with a cuff around the ears or a pretty lie. Her judgement will supersede anothers, and if your opinion of a matter clashes with her own, she'll do what needs to be done to change your mind.
Willing to stand behind a worthy leader -> ...But her standards are high. A senseless leader will have no respect from this woman, and neither will one who thinks with whats between their legs. If they go to war for something she does not deem a worthy cause, don't expect her to come along. She would rather fight than spend hours pouring over logistics and decorum, but she'd better be pointed in the right direction when the choice is made.
She is not so foolish as to die for another -> She values her skin and the breath in her lungs too much to fall due to anothers foolishness. She would not act quite so rashly in the face of emotion, preferring instead to fall back, gather strength, and strike again. Never doubt that a grudge would hold against any who act against her companions, but revenge only works if you come out on top.
Loyal, but only to a point -> Friends are nice and love is great but she will sacrifice nothing of herself for the sake of another. Going without a meal so that another could eat, going thirsty or cold or endangering herself... Well, fool her once, fine, but never twice. Damaging habits such as these will not keep long with her. Her patience will not be infinite.
Will go with her gut instinct -> ...if it comes down to choosing between head and heart. She's not a femme for long deliberation, of weighing facts and stats. If her gut pulls her one way or another you can expect her body to follow. Does this land her in questionable situations?... Well. Best not to bring that up in her presence.
Bull-Headed Stubborn -> It's hard to change her mind once it's been set. She will latch herself onto an idea, dig in her claws, and not let go. Challenge her decisions, whenever she actually bothers to set herself on one course or another, and expect hellfire as your reward.
Snarky -> Sharp-tongued? Lacking couth? Without Empathy? Unreasonably harsh? However you want to phrase it, she's not great with her temper. She'd got a big mouth and doesn't really know how to pin it shut. There's next to no disconnect between her mouth and mind, and most of her thoughts are less than pleasant.
Her praise is difficult to earn -> Don't expect her to fall over you for nothing. She's not exactly crying for companionship, so if she wants to stick around that means something. Otherwise, you can get outta dodge. She's a tough judge of character, and won't spare your feelings to let you know how she really feels.

RP Sample:

The woman rolled onto her back and sighed, closing her eyes to the rain. Her coat was sodden, sure. Her molten markings were coated in mud and she had morphed from graceful warrior to horrible sludge monster but she hardly minded. The autumn rain was chilling and soaking in the pools of it's refuse felt good on her strained and aching muscles. That was the last time she would press a journey through the night, but it was a race for godssakes. And she had been winning before taking that blunder down the river bank. She'd been jounced about, bashed against this and that, and come out the worse for wear. Oh well, I'm still ahead, she thought with a snort. Those arrogant asses didn't know what they'd gotten themselves into. Loser had to hunt for the other until the full moon? She'd make the most of her vacation, of that she was more than certain. Bryn allowed herself a snicker, opening her eyes and refusing to blink, even when the drops hit her eyes. They were an amusing band of rogues, and it'd been nice enough roaming with them, but their time was nearly up. She was getting bored with their constant bickering, and she missed her family, strange as that was to consider.

She wiggled into the mire of mud, sinking ever deeper. A small rock dug into her shoulder and she winced, cursing under her breath. She was lucky enough not to have dashed open her skull, and it probably would have been wiser to just forfeit, or take her leave early. She smiled at the thought of the others meeting in the crater's basin and her nowhere to be found. Better yet, she thought, them seeing me napping from a mile off and spending all that time coming to meet me knowing they lost. It was a hard choice. To the east the sky was turning from cobalt to a dusky indigo, sun doing it's best to illuminate the heavy clouds. Maybe she could steal a few hours of sleep. She would wake again with the sun if luck was with her, and set off again. Where? She shrugged, despite the twinge that pulsed through her body as a whole. Time would tell.