
Bring you down a Notch



11-09-2013, 04:22 PM
ooc: Me and Tealah have agreed that we don't want duty points added to scores. I was told they aren't added to fights anymore but if they are then please don't add them.

Unlike most wolves, Fermin thought a fight would be a good way to learn about these new lands. He would be able to see how some wolves fought, what kind of skills they had before going to explore the different areas. It would also be a good way to get back to his main thing, the man hadn't fought in some time now and felt like he was getting rusty. Following the sounds of snarls and snapping jaws, the man would find himself upon a field, wolves scattered about fighting. Was this where they fought?

With a low hum the man's eyes would narrow as he watched two wolves go at it, bodies slamming into each other, a lighter colored male grabbing hold of the others scruff. Fermin would turn away, stalking along the outer edge of the field, looking for somebody waiting to start up a spar he could join. After a few minutes of nothing the aging wolf would come to stand in the dead center of the place, holding his head high, blue orbs sweeping the area once more in case he missed somebody. None.

He would lift his head to the dark sky, jaws parting and allowing a deep howl to spring forth into the air, summoning a partner. With that done he would prepare himself, the guy wasn't really into chatting with spar partners, just liked getting down to business.

So he got his defenses ready, his legs would spread out a bit, shifting his weight and keeping his tail out to help with his balance, keeping himself on his toes in case he had to leap away. Ears were pinned back, last time he had sparred the partner had taking a piece of his right one because he left them hang out. His head would be brought back, scrunching up the skin into folds for protection in case the opponent decided to go for that right away. To protect his eyes he would narrow them, bringing the skin forward to protect the delicate organs.

========== round 00 / 04 ==========



- legs spread to distribute weight, tail also out to help keep balance

- ears back

- head back but level to shoulder so neck scrunches to make skin fold for protection

- weight shifted to toes to leap away

- Eyes narrowed




8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-09-2013, 05:51 PM
The big black wolf stalked through a blood-tainted field. He was unphased by the scent, nor did he pay any attention to the occasional snarls and yelps of fighting wolves except to snap warningly if the tussles threatened to impede him. As long as they didn't interfere with him, he saw no reason to interfere or observe the quarrels of lesser beasts.

Hati Hr??vitnisson was so far out of their league that it would have been laughable, if he had been in a jesting mood.

He was seriously not in a jesting mood.

Inwardly, the big male was seething, his unstable emotional state bubbling like magma right beneath the earth's surface. His lips were drawn back from his teeth in a constant snarl, muzzle and forehead wrinkled as his expression mirrored the fury rising inside him.

He was frustrated, angry, and impatient, and he saw no reason to hide it from anyone.

His harsh coat rippled restlessly, as though even the heavy pelt couldn't stand to be still.

And then it came. A deep howl wavered through the air, a taunting invitation. 'Come,' it seemed to say, 'come and try me, show me what you're made of.'

Hati needed no further encouragement as he sprang forward in a ground-eating lope to where the howl had originated. He didn't have far to go before he came up on another male wolf, watching and hold himself in obvious expectation of a fight. Hati's jaws gaped in a toothy grin of anticipation as he slowed and stopped just out of reach.

The beast was about the same height and weight as Hati and older, presumably more experienced. Should make for a good fight, assuming the old man could keep up with him.

Hati didn't say a word. He just set himself so he was crouched, his weight mostly distributed over his tense hindquarters. His thick coat bristled, the stiffer hairs of his hackles raised both to intimidate and to give a modicum of protection to his back and neck. His ears pinned back to his skull, his eyes narrowed to protect them from slashing teeth and claws. His gaping muzzle was pulled in and down to protect his throat and so he'd be ready with snapping jaws to protect forelegs and chest.

With no ceremony, and no words past a challenging roar, Hati launched himself forward. Feinting toward his opponent's right, Hati abruptly pivoted and changed direction, diving low and snapping with great force toward the rear of his opponent's left foreleg. Whether his teeth connected or not, as soon as his forelegs touched ground again he was gathering himself, hindquarters arching under him and thrusting him up again in the hopes that the other wolf would be caught off balance protecting his legs, so that Hati's second charge would possibly hit him in the wolf's right side or chest to throw him.


Spar: Fermin vs Hati ? Round 1 of 4

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, fur bristling, teeth bared, head tucked down to protect his throat and chest

Attacks: feints to Fermin's right, pivots and dives to snap at the back of Fermin's left foreleg, then drives his weight up again trying to throw him.

Injuries: None yet.

Notes: Uhm. Not really anything. Yay fighting! Hope I have the format and everything correct. >.>
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



11-09-2013, 07:10 PM

Not long after he had given a call a brute would approach, dark fur, and matching him in height and close to his weight. Though he was just as big as Fermin, the way he held himself would give away his age, younger definitely and would most likely have the take no shit and do what I want attitude. He'd smirk on the inside at this. Blue orbs would watch the man set himself up, crouching and shifting his weight, fur bristling to try intimidating the man. Pfft, it would do no such thing, the man dealt with worse. He'd pull his head down to protect his throat, a good move most would forget to do, like he had just done. Not everyone was perfect, this the man knew and would correct himself.

The opponent would make the move, launching himself forward and making a move to Fermin's right. The man would lower his head to protect his throat, shifting his weight to his hindquarters to move back in case the dark wolf tried going for a leg our shoulder. The wolf would do a good move, feinting, suddenly moving towards Fermin's left, moving in low and snapping towards his left forelimb. Immediately he thought this would be an interesting fight, he would need to keep up with the younger man to prevent serious damage from being done on his aging body.

Now it was his turn to show the kid what he had. The man wouldn't move when the wolf charged, just kept himself how he had, he was going to drop down then throw his body upward once the wolf was close enough, but the opponent took a different route instead of straight up charging for a side. Since the wolf was going for the inside of his leg, Fermin would bring his head down and back, protecting the underside of his throat and scrunching up the fur on his neck for if the man decided to go there, ears back and eyes remaining narrowed. He would shift his weight into his hindlegs, picking his body up off the ground and pulling his left foreleg back just in time to miss the snapping jaws. Now being above the wolf Fermin would part his jaws, aiming to bite at the man's exposed neck from the right while bringing his right forelimb down and forward in an attempt to push the man backwards.

But just because he avoided a snap to the leg didn't mean he would also avoid the man's other attack. While rising up and trying to bring his right forelimb down to shove the wolf back, Fermin would get a rather hard hit to the right side of his chest that wouldn't knocked the wind out of him had the dark wolf had more momentum behind him.

========== round 01 / 04 ==========


- aims a bite at right side of hati's neck

- brings right forelimb down and tries pushing forward to push hati back


- head down to protect throat, and head back to scrunch up neck into folds

- Ears back & eyes narrowed

- brings left forelimb back

- back legs spread for some small amount of balance (since he is reared up) and tail out


- chest; sore, potential bruising



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-09-2013, 08:30 PM
Hati was not fully surprised when his snapping jaws met only air instead of the leg he was aiming for; his opponent was likely too experienced to have fallen for his feint. Nor should it have been unexpected for such a cagey opponent to have taken advantage of his exposed position to aim a bite down at him. Maybe he'd have been able to avoid the bite by rolling himself against his opponents rear legs, if he hadn't already been in the process of throwing himself upwards.

As it was he was throwing himself into the bite, and he had barely enough time to desperately contort his body, letting the force of his opponent's shove with his foreleg to throw his upper body to the side, bringing his head down and to the left - toward Fermin - while he threw his right shoulder forward, before the teeth struck his shoulder. At least he'd had the satisfaction of feeling himself impact with the wolf's chest despite the sudden fire stabbing into his shoulder. As he dropped back to the ground he aimed a slashing bite at Fermin's right foreleg where it was pushing at him.

His forepaws hit the ground again, but his balance was off from Fermin's shove and his right foreleg skidded under him so he went down partly on his right shoulder. He hunched his shoulders up and angled his head, ears still pinned back and fur still bristling, so that his bared fangs were facing his opponent and protecting his front and throat while he tried to bring his right hind leg forward to catch himself and compensate for his right foreleg being folded beneath him. A little awkwardly he levered himself upward and drove his jaws toward the juncture of the front of Fermin's chest and right foreleg. He had no intention of just slashing and running - he couldn't at the angle he was at.

If he succeeded in grabbing hold of his target he fully intended to hold on and grind his teeth deeper into that joint, keeping his shoulders hunched and letting his weight drag on his opponent. If he didn't succeed, well at least he'd be off the ground and he'd have the opportunity to get his right foreleg back on the ground.


Spar: Fermin vs Hati ? Round 2 of 4

Defenses: head down and shoulder out to take Fermin's bite to his shoulder instead of his neck, shoulders hunched with his head down and open mouth facing Fermin to protect his throat and chest while he gets his right hindleg braced up by his shoulder to provide better leverage to get up, digging his claws into the ground for balance and thrust, ears pinned back to protect them and fur bristling

Attacks: slashes at Fermin's right foreleg as he's falling, throws himself at the front of Fermin's chest where it meets his foreleg in an attempt to latch on and grind his teeth into the joint there.

Injuries: somewhat deep puncture wounds on side of right shoulder

Notes: I hope I got the wound description right. Also hoping my defenses weren't power playing. It's more confusing than I thought it would be. @.@
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



11-11-2013, 11:25 PM

With his bite Fermin would watch as the man rose into it, but of course he would try twisting his body in some way to avoid getting the full force of the bite into his neck, instead taking it to the shoulder. Teeth would sink into the flesh, the man's shoving force only sending them deeper in. Good, he did a nice move, perhaps he would be able to draw blood from this. A shove to the chest was alright, he would get a bruise and be sore for a bit. Nothing too serious.

With their weight up, the men would not be able to stay that way for long. What went up must come down, and indeed they did. The moment his paws touched the ground Fermin would have tried yanking back, jaws still holding the flesh of the man's shoulder and twist, but he would feel heat from his right foreleg that had been pushing the wolf. Jaws would release their hold, lips pulling back in a snarl as he tried to redistribute his weight over his legs. Head would recoil and jaws would point towards the ground in an attempt to keep his throat protected, skin on his neck folding up. Legs would spread, shoulders hunched.

A sacrifice had to be made to get him back on all four to see what was coming, he would take both hits from the man. Though the man was at an awkward angle on the ground, he would manage to thrust his head upwards, jaws grabbing hold of the flesh between Fermin's chest and right foreleg, bringing a snarl from the old man. Shifting his weight the man would lunge forward, driving the teeth further into his flesh, but only momentarily. He would roughly shove his left shoulder forward while lifting the front half of his body, hoping that the jaws would lose their grip so that his shoulder could slam into the side of the opponents face. His right foreleg would be thrown forward, paw going down like a hook, trying to get it forward to hook onto the ma's shoulder as the left foreleg attempted to go under the man's head and do the same. He would keep his head back but pointed towards the left, the skin having a bit more folds on the left side

========== round 02 / 04 ==========


- lunging forward & roughly shoving left shoulder towards Hati's face

- forelegs going forward, paws pointing down to act like hooks to grab hold of hati


- head back and down to protect throat & create skin folds

- weight distributed on all four limbs and tail out

- head pointed towards hati, limiting area to grab on exposed neck


- chest; sore, potential bruising (round 1)

- right foreleg; slashes from teeth, not deep but enough to draw blood (round 2)

- chest / right foreleg joint; decently deep punctures (round 2)

ooc: the way they attacked up in the air is making this thing on the ground so confusing for me. xD

Also, wasn't sure if the forelegs hooking would be considered an attack, so left one out.



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-15-2013, 09:42 AM
Hati's lunge for Fermin's leg pivoted his body so that he was facing his opponent and on his feet once more. With his right hind paw planted and pushing him upward, he was able to get his right foreleg back squarely under him despite the burning pain of the bite in his shoulder. When Hati felt his teeth sink in, he gave a snarl of triumph and went limp with the intention of putting all his weight on the bite. Or rather, started to go limp just before the other wolf lunged forward. Hati instinctively dug his claws into the dirt to keep from being pushed back, but his sensitive nose was smashed painfully up against Fermin's chest, drawing a muffled yelp and making his eyes water. He couldn't breathe with his snout squashed, so he had to let go to take a gulp of air. He was immediately smacked in the side of the muzzle by Fermin's shoulder, driving his lip into his teeth.

The sudden stinging pain and taste of his own blood in his mouth enraged Hati. His jaw gaped open in a furious snarl. The blood dripping down his teeth and the black fur of his muzzle would have looked intimidating if it wasn't his own blood.

His watering eyes and the accompanying anger nearly blinded him to the fact that Fermin was continuing to move, hooking his paws over Hati's shoulders, but the sharp sting of the other wolf's paw bumping his shoulder wound certainly got his attention. The move had raised Fermin above Hati, but with his head angled to protect his neck there was no point in going for the throat. It also left Hati much too exposed.

His hackles bristling, he hunched his shoulders and pulled his head back to protect his protect his neck in folds of skin and thick fur. He pinned his ears down to make it a little harder to grab them, his eyes narrowed to give them some protection from slashing fangs.

But Hati had always been a firm believer in the 'the best defense is a good offense' maxim. He couldn't twist his head to bite at Fermin's side or legs without exposing his neck even more, and with Fermin's forelegs across his shoulders the older wolf would be able to easily move with him and keep out of reach if Hati tried to snap at his forelegs or face.

So instead, Hati moved the opposite direction. He ducked his head and dropped his left shoulder, pushed sideways with his right forepaw and reaching with his left, twisting so that he was nearly doubled up on himself under Fermin. This left his right leg exposed, stretched out as it was for balance, but he took his weight on his left foreleg, using it to lunge toward Fermin's right hind leg to attempt to snap at Fermin's femur.

He continued to follow through his turn, bringing his right hindleg up under him to pivot off, twisting himself further toward Fermin's right before pushing off to try and get some distance, hoping it would slide the other wolf off him completely.


Spar: Fermin vs Hati ? Round 3 of 4

Defenses: -claws dug in to keep himself from being shoved around

-fur bristling, shoulders hunched and head pulled back to protect his neck

-eyes narrowed, ears pinned back

- drops head and left shoulder, brings right hind foot forward and pushes off to try to escape

Attacks: aims bite at Fermin's right rear femur

Injuries: -bruised nose (round 3)

-gash on inside of right side of lip right over his canine tooth, bleeding freely (round 3)

-somewhat deep puncture wounds on side of right shoulder (round 2)

Notes: Took a while and it's probably crap but I realized this morning that I would have defaulted tonight so I threw words at the screen anyway.
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!