
too sick to pray


10-14-2014, 10:16 PM

He should have killed her as soon as she had dropped at his paws and he was reined victorious over her limp form. He should have ended it all right then and there but something had still stilled his jaws as he had poised himself above her. Eventually he had grabbed her by the scruff and begun dragging her, walking only a few hundred meters at a time as he attempted to drag her. It was a long, gruelling process. The male switching between pulling her so her limp body dragged beneath him, so he had to move his legs around her form, and half fireman carrying carrying her with her draped over his back though more times then not it would end up with her falling less then gracefully to the ground. Somehow, though, he made it back. He would drag her limp form across Arcanum boarders and spit her scruff from his mouth so her head would drop to the ground. For a moment he would stand above her, acidic gaze boring into her features before he would take a few steps away from her and allow haunches to drop quite gruffly to the found. Head would tip back and a languid howl would slither from his lips, calling for Cataleya. He had a present for her...




7 Years
10-15-2014, 07:38 PM

Life in Arcanum since her claim had turned out pretty well, for a fact. The harlot's lie have definitely grown a more... exciting allure to it. There were numerous other slaves, brought by the spoils of battle from long-time quarrels boiled over the edge of the cauldron. Today was a lucky day. The diamond-backed knight came bearing a present for her royal highness. In slack jaws lay the unconscious icon of a queen from another land. Solstice, perhaps. The sovereign would be happy to have yet another concubine underneath her iron grip. Her smaller figure was dwarfed by the beast, but she still slunk from the shadows, body showing submission as appeared as the russet vessel was simply tossed on the ground, like a piece of garbage. Just how the sinned should be treated. Amethysts looked at the russet vixen's limp figure on the floor, hearing short breaths, the vixen obviously fallen prey to a restless slumber of pain. Quietly she'd lower her crown and take in the scent of the bitch, before turning up at Diamond-back and parting her lips to allow words to slide from them prior to his booming howl. "Oooo, a queen! Fallen prey to my noble captors. A present for the coming winter holidays?" Hopefully all wolves knew of the happiness and traditions of the wintertime festivities. If Arcanum hadn't started them yet, maybe she could spur the moments.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-15-2014, 08:09 PM

A howl rang out, the promise of a present floating up from Kylar's lips to hang tantalizingly in the air. Sure, it wasn't for him, but with a promise like that, how could he resist? The brute hadn't said 'Cataleya only" and so Valentine's reasoning was that, by neglecting to add a phrase like that, it was the same as saying "I bring goodies and everyone is welcome!". That was his story, anyway, and he was sticking to it.

Upon reaching the brute and his russet prize, Valentine's eyes immediately went to the fae's still form. His brow furrowed. What was this? She was pretty, he'd give her that much, but she smelled quite heavily of pups and that in and of itself was a turn off. Why had Kylar brought his mother a nursing femme? That just seemed so...tasteless.

It was then that the white fae spoke and the cobalt prince's gaze turned towards her. He let his eyes rove over her, scrutinizing her features as he weighed her words. Although she was vaguely familiar looking, he was sure he didn't know her. Her scent clearly marked her as a subordinate and so he assumed, as it usually was in Arcanum, that she was another trophy. She was pretty and unlike the one at Kylar's paws, free of baggage. This he noted.

Her words sent the brute's mind spinning. He turned back to Kylar and quirked a brow, his expression amused. "Hell of a present."

"Speaking" -- Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


10-15-2014, 08:33 PM

She would slip from the shadows like a ghost, a stark white light in comparison to the black background. Her form was submission and for that reason alone the great beast would not stand, would not make a threatening move towards her. Not yet. Acidic gaze would narrow slightly, a dare almost, as he watched her approach. Somehow she still seemed to be rather seductive despite her posture and it irked him. But she already belonged to him, belonged to this pack. He would watch her in silence as she slipped forward and studied his prize. As she spoke he would turn her gaze down to the limp woman's form beside him. "She's a queen??" It was news to him? He had not been part of any peace talks to other packs, nor had he really left this pack land other then most recently to visit his sisters old pack lands and the place she loved so much. He would eye this woman carefully. Had his 'present' brought the possibility of war with it?

Another would appear and the sound of paw steps would draw Kylar's gaze up. Valentine? It had been some time since Kylar had seen any of Cataleya's children. Were they still around? He would stand and look to him then to Empyrea as his sluggish brain tried to comprehend what was happening around him. For a moment he would look a bit lost before he looked back to Sibelle's form and sneered slightly."She was the one who warmed the throne for us when we left for a while? She lost it and this is how I am repaying her? I will see what Cataleya wishes with her?" He would explain himself easily, before looking to Valentine and then to Empyrea and chuckle lightly. "Valentine, have you met our new friend Empyrea?" He would do her a favour by not calling her his pet or state she was a slave. Who knew? She was loyal enough to stick around.



10-15-2014, 08:58 PM

His call would beckon her. Her crown would lift, a slow grin lifting her lips. His voice held such promise. Leaving the moor behind she would traipse across the plains until she reached the border. A crowd had already begun to gather. So she would not get to enjoy this moment alone. Valentiine stood nearby, along with a sickly pale shadow. She would miss any conversation, coming up as Kylar made introductions. A growl would leave her throat as she shoed away the little slave. Her gaze immediately fell to the russet heap at his feet. A brow would lift, the woman immediately recognizable. Sibelle. She had been Vi's friend. Her gaze would lift to meet her husbands. Closing the distance between them, she would stand so that the fallen woman would lay between them. Immediately her packs scent filled her nose. Solstice. Along with the distinct smell of pups, and another. Crucifix.

"Baby, how in the hell did you manage to kidnap the Queen of Solstice, hmm?" It wasn't hard to connect to two, she smelled entirely of the man she had met, it was doubtful she was anything other than his Queen. Amusement danced across her features. Looking back down at the woman, her crown would tip to the side, looking rather thoughtful. Her capture could only bring war. Briefly, her gaze would flicker behind Kylar, half expecting to see the raging King rushing towards her border. With a smirk, her coral gaze would lazily search him head to toe, in search of any injury. The only she found was a bite to his chest, small in comparison to the blood that dripped her newest slaves face and scruff. It was funny how one insignificant wolf could bring war right to her paws.



10-15-2014, 09:59 PM

She had been completely unaware. After she blacked out, the world stayed black. As she was dragged, the rough ground was tear at her skin, leaving behind mild scratches and irritated skin. Each time she was dropped, her head bounced off the ground, quickly forming a concussion. By the time she reached her new home, she would begin to regain consciousness. Her eye would flutter open, her vision dim and blurry. She would try to recognize each face that surrounded her but failed.

Her body refused to work, she couldn't move, couldn't focus. Drifting in and our of consciousness, she lay helpless at the feeling of her captors. Voices echoed in her skull, but none of it made sense. Her body ached, each scratch and cut burned, her head throbbed, she simply wanted to go home. But something told her that that wasn't possible. At least not yet. At the back of her mind she began to wonder if Cru had noticed her absence. Was he looking for her? Did he think she had abandoned him and their kids? Would she ever go home again?



10-16-2014, 11:37 PM

For a time his gaze would rotate, shifting and slithering between the three forms that had gathered around him though his gaze would linger the most on the unconscious form at his paws that occasionally twitched and quivered. But then she would arrive, oddly last of all, and he would take a step forward to meet her. Though he paused, looking down once more at the russet woman who's name he could barely even remember. Just that face, back when it was less scarred. He would pause, staring at her again as he considered his actions for the first time in a long time. Another tremble, another sneer and acidic gaze would turn to Catelaya as she strode forward to study him and his prize. Her words would slither and snake towards his ears which folded forward elegantly to accept them. Sneer would soften as it seemed that the world faded out around him and all that remained was her. He would stand before her, languid and loose before moving forward to greet her properly, nose would touch her cheek before turning around to stand at her side where he belonged. Gaze was softer now, odd as he looked back at Sibelle from Catelaya's perspective. "She was not in her kingdom. She deserved to be punished for loosing you pack. From here her fate is in your jaws..." Voice was low, a soft rumble for Catelaya as he lifted heavily muscled shoulders and allowed them to fall. It burned, blood still trickling from the wounds he had received from his battle with this so called queen. "A present for you to use as you will..."




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-17-2014, 09:37 PM

'Friend' that was an interesting way to say 'slave', now wasn't it? If she were a true member, Kylar would have introduced her as such. No, the brute was very certain that the little white creature was Arcanum's newest plaything. He smirked, eying her as his inkling solidified. "I can't say I have." Perhaps they should get to know one another better. That sounded like a good plan, didn't it?

His gaze abandoned the pretty white fae to grace the person of the disgraced queen. She was dirty, her pelt marred with caked dirt and blood, and various wounds dotted her body. Cataleya's prize. What would his mother do with her? Keep her as a trophy? Make her the lowest kind of slave?

Valentine ghosted closer as the russet femme began to stir. Moving to stand over her, the brute would lift a paw to turn her face towards him, his head lowering to examine her features. He took in the missing ear, the wounds on her muzzle. Her wounds went deeper than her physical being, that was for sure. Her upturned eye, a vivid green, didn't appear to be focusing on him despite his nearness. She needed the services of a healer; a series of skills that he didn't possess. However, it was possible that she wouldn't be suffering much longer. That was entirely up to his mother.

His eyes turned to the Arcanum Queen, brow lifting in a question. He wished to keep this fallen regal, this prize above prizes. It was a cruel want, but that didn't stop him from desiring her captivity. What exactly he would do with her if she were his, he had no idea. He just wanted to know what it felt like to be in control, to possess someone, and yes, to be depended upon.

"Speaking" -- Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



4 Years
10-17-2014, 10:32 PM

It was a familiar howl that came to the woman's ears, swift yet thundering paws carrying the militant towards the commotion. She would keep her cold azure optics narrowed as her body slithered through the shadows. Like a silent stalker, she would effortlessly reveal her presence, emerging to the small crowd. The chancellor had brought a wounded russet dame in his jaws, dropping her like weak prey on the ground. Such a pathetic creature she seemed like, missing an eye and ear. Along with two other members, such as the ivory angel and the larger grey brute, the Arcanum queen had soon arrived. Was this ember female the queen of Solstice? An unforgiving and bitter snort would escape the warrior's maw. Some queen this was, allowing herself to be captured by a larger foe. A little history was spoken by the chancellor, sneering how she was the one who had warmed the throne. This vengeance tasted marvellous, sweet and satisfying. Even if this was none of her own business, her eyes would not wander off from the entertaining scene. All the fallen queen needed was a punishment. She needed to suffer.

"What an interesting specimen we have here." The maple female wickedly purred, approaching the unconscious and scarred queen. Her insane gaze would flicker from Cataleya to Kylar before a grin spread across her features.


[Image: 4LyHbab.png]


10-19-2014, 12:11 AM

Kylar would move to greet her, his nose pressing to her cheek. A ghost of a smile would lift the corners of her lips for a fraction of a second before disappearing. Her pack did not need to know she was capable of happiness. They needed to continue to fear her. But perhaps this would be a lesson to them. No one was safe from her. Not even a queen. And this sad excuse for a queen was now her toy. A sneer would curl her dark lips. Her crown to lower, tipping towards Kylar, her tongue rasping against the bleeding wound on his chest. The sweet tang of his blood was a tease, another reminder that they were not entirely alone. A voice would breach her ears. Aislinn. Kylar had recently promoted her to a warrior. "You may do as you please with her. Just keep her alive, her beloved will come looking for her soon enough." She would coo, her coral gaze resting on the unconscious woman. Her tail flicked back and forth with anticipation. She would await his call. And only then would she have her fun with the woman. "Don't hurt her pretty little face anymore, I don't want my toys ugly." She would muse, her words thoughtful. "Feed her only enough to survive. I don't want her strong enough to run away just yet." Her gaze didn't leave the russet woman as she idly gave orders.




2 Years
10-19-2014, 03:27 AM

What's this? A fine piece of candy?

Meinx was growing darker by the day, her father was gone, her sisters where stubborn enough to leave. She was bored, and wanted something to occupy her time. She would raise from her slumber, quickly pacing to see what the excitement was all about. It was about time something interesting happened here. Her gaze was hungry as she would examine the victim before her, standing confidently beside her queen. A grin would kiss her ebon lips, delightful wasn't it? To see a queen trapped in our own little web. Her tail would sweep briefly against her heels, looking occasionally to the crowd that was presented. " A fine prize! We should be on guard, im sure the Solstice members won't be happy... the king may bring back up." A fight, a fight! the thought alone sent her mind reeling, Was meinx becoming more Savage? Lost? different? had the loss of her father taken a bigger impact then she expected? her gaze would fix upon Sibelle, looking upon her state- how many knights would come to fight for her freedom?

Image by Luisiana

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



7 Years
10-19-2014, 10:14 AM

Candy bars arrived, and so did scarred warriors. She sat silently, trying hardest to look a mix between submissive and defiant, her posture slouched, legs straight, eyes hard, ears swiveled forth. Several more wolves arrived, after the sovereign, whom of which she paid most mind to. Happiness flickered for a moment on her features, which surprised the harlot a little bit, as she never did know that the sovereign was capable of short-lived happiness, if not, any at all. Wicked words purred over the russet bitch, labeling her simply as a trophy of Diamond-back's. Would this be yet another body to guard? She very much liked watching over unconcious bodies. She was a shepherd, didn't they know? "Kylar, if you'd like to spend your time somewhere more worthwhile than with this pathetic excuse of a queen, I can guard until you have decided what to do with her next." Obviously her legion would come in attempts to steal her back, but the harlot was sure that they would not fare well against Arcanum's force.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
10-19-2014, 11:52 AM

He wasn't disappointed. His mother spoke, carelessly handing the red fae over to the pack to do as they wanted. Amusement lifted the corners of his mouth. How precious. The brute continued to study her face, taking in the scars, the wounds. He was intrigued. Perhaps efforts should be made to get to know this creature better? Valentine doubted his presence would be readily accepted, but it was likely that she'd need someone to care for her in the coming days.

Stepping back, the cobalt prince finally tore his gaze free of the disgraced queen. He turned his attention to his mother, sending an amused half smile her way. There wasn't much more to be done here; the excitement was waning. It was time to take his leave. "I think I'll do a lap around the border, see if her beau has caught on yet."

--exit Valentine unless stopped--

"Speaking" -- Thinking

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



10-19-2014, 09:20 PM

She heard Kylar's call and immediately answered. Neo remained with their children, of whom were tenderly sleeping, to let her take flight. Her body was regaining its physique, something that quickly happened everytime she had whelps. A hidden blessing that she enjoyed, but it would not be on her mind as she set out to see what all the hubbub was about. She would not be disappointed.
When she appeared, a small gathering had already arrived. Once she got close to the nearest wolves (Empy and a retreating Valentine), she saw the familiar russet-furred woman, unconscious upon the ground. Her heart stopped beating and she wanted to rush towards her without a second to spare. Instead, she slowed her walk and her breathing to long breaths. Leaf-green eyes watched her intensely as she listened to how they spoke of her sister. Her face remained stone cold as she watched her sister lay there, unaware of what everyone was saying.
Maija turned to look at Cataleya, leaf-green eyes meant only for those coral pools. Her Queen was the only one that mattered, whose command was important. The pack was loyal, 'tis true, but Maija was only loyal to her ruler. Silently, she moved past the nearest wolves and approached the silver-furred woman. "My Queen..." she softly said, words meant only for her. "Let me be the one to tend to her wounds and care. I would not usually request such a thing for claimed wolves..." She looked at Sibelle for a split second as she continued. "But this one, a Queen of another pack, is a rare gem to be claimed." Maija looked at Cat and then, even more softly, she added, "She is also my sister..." With soft, bated breath, she waited to see what her Queen would say.

speech here


10-19-2014, 09:40 PM

The little slave girl would step forward, rather boldly. She would speak to Kylar, addressing only him and immediately her dark lips would unfurl. A low growl clawed free from her throat as she shot daggers at the woman. "You forget who she belongs to." Venom dripped off her words. Her attention was solely on the girl, her son slipping away unnoticed. It wasn't until a new set of lyrics that she would release the girl from her deadly gaze. Meinx arrived, just as intrigued as the rest. But her focus was on the golden woman. Her gaze would cool, though it still burned with victory. Soft words would wiggle into her ears, breaking her out of the heady fog. Audits tipped forward to give her attention to the woman. She wished to take care of this fallen queen. A brow would lift.

For a moment she considered it. Maija was a capable woman, taking care of a prisoner would not be hard. Perhaps she could teach the little white girl a trick or to. But then she spoke those four little words. Her expression immediately smoothed out into a picture of completely coolness. "My dear, don't be so naive." Soft words fell only for her golden ears. Family could not care those who were prisoners. She couldn't run the risk. "But, I will allow you to tend to her wounds." Her words were final. She was not going to allow anything else. "If she goes missing, it will be your lovers head that rolls." With a final look, she would return her attention to the disgraced queen, still unconscious.

The little girl was not forgotten. "Help Maija tend to her injuries, learn something, be useful." She would bark the command, though she didn't spare the girl a glance. Pressing against Kylar she would turn away. Nothing else was to be done here, she would play with her toy when she was awake and coherent.

-exit unless someone has something else to say-



10-26-2014, 09:42 PM

More would come, familiar faces ebbing and flowing around them. he would bristle slightly like a bear guarding his kill but he took all his cue's from Cataleya and would relax slightly as she handed out the duty of caring for his prize to a golden woman he vaguely recognized in his lost state. He felt dizzy, light headed, tense. Everything felt like it was rushing over him and he wanted to do nothing more then to shed his own skin and run through the skies. He barely recognized the words drifting around him, briefly recognized that Empyrae had spoken to him and then there was an exchange between Cat and the gold woman and then Cataleya would spare him a brief touch before departing. He would move forward, stepping towards Empyrae and leaning his maw close to her ear. "Make sure she doesn't escape my dear? You will be rewarded if she stays in the territory until her lover comes... Words were a gruff rumble, meant only for Empyrae before he would turn and look at Sibelle then melt into the darkness. As usual he would arc through the trees and make his way towards Cataleya easily, falling into step behind her as she departed. He did not question her judgement, in fact her final statement to Maija had left him a little more then hot and heavy for the woman who disappeared into the mist before him.

-exit kylar-