
Gag & Beat Me Unconcious



11-07-2013, 09:07 PM

Although it was painful to admit, the Spanish gang lord was lonely. The mutt's company had distracted him for a few weeks, but the longing for his own kind never ceased. They could not compare to the elegance of another feline, and especially not female felines. Losing his kingdom had been rough, but watching every single subject beneath him perish had ripped the cold man apart. He had a relationship with each of them, and though he let his women roam freely he still loved each of them dearly. When they died he had nothing left for him in the Amazon, so he had departed and ended up here, in canine land. Jaws spread as the man heavily yawned, ivory fangs glistening in the moonlight. Lazily he hung his back left leg off the tree branch he was laying on. If it weren't for his ghostly gaze he would not be found within his leafy fortress. They were the only beacons that gave away his presence.


OOC: omg shit post i will get better i promise x3


11-07-2013, 09:26 PM

Bodice would move with stunning speed through the cool creek. It was barely deep enough to come up past her paws, but given her obsession with water it didn't really matter how deep it was. A smile radiated upon her features as she thought back to her antics as of late. With a sigh she would exit the water, moving toward a nearby tree. In Seracia she had left her mark quite impressively in the bark of a large tree, perhaps that would be her signature - as it had gone over so well in the range. She moved toward it, nostrils flaring as a rather masculine scent drifted toward her. Ah, so she wasn't alone. And it was a cat of all creatures! An eager chuff would drift up from her lips, cerulean eyes drifting up to catch a glimpse of.. white? Two pools of white in the midst of darkness. The golden tiger would stare into them for a moment before uttering the first thing that came to her mind. "Those eyes." But who was their beholder? Who was it that bore such mysterious and ghostly eyes? They must the black in color, else she would have detected some pigment given her superb night vision. However, it seemed black was the one color her feline eyes weren't good at spotting. As she focused in her eyes would dilate, adjusting further to the darkness and his coloration. An outline of his figure would begin to form, revealing him to be lying on a limb in the tree she'd meant to mark. With curiosity she would plant her hips upon the earth, training her gaze upon his figure - or what she could see of it.




11-15-2013, 06:36 PM

Finally his saving grace would come. Feminine perfume would sweep across his nostrils as they flared from the toxins. He had not seen another feline since he had met the silver woman, and that had been months ago. He wouldn't doubt it if she had gotten killed because it wasn't like a feline to give up her territory so easily. Pitiful, and to think they could have had something. Muscles would tense beneath ebony silk as the man lifting himself up. He would be ready to jump down when she got close enough, and he would be able to do it very quickly. As she came into view pale blue orbs would widen as he absorbed her bodice. Eyes rolled hungrily over every curve. She was so young. Could he even see himself with someone of her age? Could he taint her innocence? Of course he could.

"Those eyes." "What about them." Tones would roll off masculine tongue as the man spoke while jumping down from the branch. He would flawlessly land feet from her, paws kissing the earth with not a single sound. His elegance was not something one could easily be compared to. He was a king. "?D?nde has estado toda mi vida?" (where have you been all my life?) Sarcasm would drip lightly off deep tones, though in a way he was being serious. He had seen tigers before, but none of them had been draped in gold stripes. She was a delicacy nevertheless. "Your name?"