
Midnight Hour


11-06-2013, 05:53 PM
Shadows danced around her as Destruction slipped form her den that night. The air was cool and crisp, a natural thing for the autumn season. The black and crimson furred wolfess slipped away from the quiet densite into the dead of night.

Restless paws urged Destruction onward. She wasn't sure what it was that had awoken her that night, but she felt the need to move. To run. To feel the wind blowing through her fur. As these thoughts entered the mind of the dark female she slipped from a walk into jog and then from a jog to a full out run.

The wind blew past her ears, singing it's sorrowful song. It was a bit of a windy night, but Destruction didn't mind. Her fur was thick enough to keep the cold at bay. Paws thudded heavily upon the ground, stirring up dirt as she she wolf passed. This run continued for a few minutes before Destruction finally slowed to a stop, breathing in the night air.

It was nearly midnight, a beautiful time of night. The full moon was beautiful, a sparkling gem in the inky black sky. For a long moment Destruction stared at it before sitting down and curling her tail around her paws. It had been a long time since she had run like this... just to feel the breeze through her fur and view the things around her. Destruction let out a content sigh, her restlessness relieved.