
Rise and Shine


11-06-2013, 01:05 AM
There was no time at all quite like the present. Destruction rose early in the morning from her den, shaking the dust from her black and crimson colored coat. The day was cool, as was typical of an autumn day. Even the sun shining down upon her coat could not distract her from the breeze that played with her fur. Her coat wasn't incredibly thick, but at least it would be able to keep some of the cold out. That was better than nothing, right?

Crimson and white eyes scanned the pack's densite. There were likely only a few older wolves up at this hour... and the apprentices of course. Reminding herself of her duty that she had requested the dark woman began padding over to Bronze and Silent's den. Their son, Mercury, had been assigned to her as an apprentice. She was looking forward to training the young wolf, though she hoped that he would mind his manners... and that he had a good head on his shoulders. If the boy lacked common sense she wasn't so sure that she would be able to deal with him.

Stopping near the entrance of the den Destruction called softly inside. "Mercury, please get up. It is time that we began training." She wasn't sure how readily the pup would receive her. He seemed to be the sort that was very close to his parents.