



11-05-2013, 09:01 PM


Argent and Taurig have banged once, some of you have likely seen the thread, but what hasn't been seen are the after effects of this thread. Yes, Argent is pregnant! Wolf and I haven't decided much about these babies, but they're certainly going to be the center of much drama, and certainly are gonna be sexy as fuck ;D. There are many design options, with silver and blue-grey and even russet (from Taur's Mama) being in the picture. Below will be some designs Muse has done, but certainly feel free to come up with your own! To apply please do a personality, appearance, and role play sample! A reference of Taurig and Argent can be given for those looking to play with ideas!


[Image: smqcjq.jpg]

[Image: 6rj5nb.jpg]

[Image: 2yltc8g.jpg]

[Image: 14brq4x.jpg]
[Image: xskep.png]
[Image: 1675x8h.jpg]

note that this pup would be born blind due to white eyes



8 Years
11-05-2013, 09:11 PM
[Image: smqcjq.jpg]

A false affection, a false creation

Vicious words and false belief

Name: Desdemona Armada.

Personality: ? Mischievous ? Inquisitive ? Vigilant ? Fluency ? Unyielding ? Mercenary

A mischievous one at heart it is no wonder she causes both of her parents quite the headache when she gets away and slips past their sight. Unknowing what lingers in the world beyond much less it's dangers wanders. But alas being one obvious to danger and only wanting to explore much less please her father it is no wonder she causes so much trouble. Then again why would someone want to sit in the den all day and do nothing? But with this mischievous and curious nature of hers the pup has proven to be quite unyielding in her nature not at all listening when shes warned or told not to do something. A bit of a heard-head perhaps but it is something she'll grow out of, mostly.

Will be expanded upon as she is played/have limited net access tonight Dx.

Appearance: ? Wrapped in a soft dusted blanket covering her young form in a soft slated blue; a ivory mask covers the young ladies face with a pair of crimson orbs staring out. The mask it self gives her more contracts making her striking to view face to face. While the rest of her form is less so, proving to keep the soft slated blue before it fades along her long lengthy legs into a snowy white mimicking the color of winters embrace. Charcoal mittens proves to be quite a striking appearance to her over all softly colored form a trait likely earned from her father while with her mothers grace the young dame is blessed with her mother's large form while the pup does not show it at first. Being the runt of the litter and the smallest out of the group, she would grow quickly into the strapping young women she is meant to be.

Role-Play Sample:

Finally! She was old enough to explore out side of the den along with her four siblings (assuming there is four) the small pup was quick to meander to the entrance to the den. Point ears shoved forward as that ruby gaze stared straight a head at the lands her father called home. Sure living on a volcano was fun but there were times she missed the grass and wooded forest that her father had spoken of having asked him time and again to describe them to her. One day she would leave these rocky and lava field lands to see these leafy forest and gassy fields but for now the pup looked at her home in awe it had it's own charms the lava providing interesting lighting in many different ways as it bubbled and charted it's own course through the rocky lands. That went ignored fairly quickly as something small and scurrying along the ground caught her attention; a simple mouse but one that would provide a bit of excitement.

Disregarding all else the pup bounded forward on large and unsteady paws but alas the little lass had to learn and gain control over her mooter skills surely and a wee mouse was the perfect chasing target! Scrambling forward as the dark pawed pup found he self tripping over her legs to get a the mouse this wouldn't do at all! Being far too excited as she was the slate blue pup quickly found her self tripping yet again missing the target as she had tried to leap at it only to land on her chest with a solid thump leaving her both winded and seeing stars. Lifting that head it shook left and right a few times before pulling her self to those feet of hers. Tail wagging eagerly the pup rush forth once more at the mouse eager to try and catch it and bring it back to dad; after all wouldn't he be proud of her catching something so early? He ought to be!

Watching and chasing as the mouse proceeded to scramble to find a place to hide of which it did; a bolder and a lager rock providing a small hiding spot for the small animal bu that wouldn't stop the over determine pup! Stopping before the small depression between the rock and bolder the pup eagerly dug at the ground just before it tying to dig down at the earth but it didn't budge. Damn it all yet she quickly pulled the right paw back with a audible yelp ad the mouse decided to go on the offensive and nip her. It wasn't getting way now, most defiantly not! With a pup-like growl she used her paw as bait once more as that stinging pain hit her senses again quickly the paw was pulled out and with the mouse attached to it still. Moving quickly so not to lose it the pip would pin it under a paw before snatching it up in that maw carefully holding it. Unknowingly having scared he poor thing to death the pup proudly and promptly trotted back to the den with a smug yet proud look upon her face; setting down the mouse at her father's feet the pup smiled beaming and wagged that tail happily. "Look daddy, at what I caught!" The young and eager voice barked as she stared up at her father clearly striving to make him proud.


11-05-2013, 09:19 PM
-dies- I must have<3

Name: Ravenna
Design: #2 - slight changes
Gender: female

Appearance: A pelt white as freshly fallen snow with blanket the woman, flawless to anyone that dares to look at her. There will be only a few variations in the coloring of her bodice that accentuate her beauty. Her entire face will be draped in the soft ash, from her muzzle to around her eyes, the outsides of her ears will look similar, having received a brush of color. Long limbs will be dipped in a charcoal mix that vanishes half up her legs. From the base of her skull to the tip of her tail, a slate gray will drip down her sides, wrapping her bodice in light tendrils of color that compliment her form. Eyes will be pools of hard ice, hiding away her darkest secrets, they are key to her lineage, claiming her as the daughter of Taurig.

Personality: Mischievous - Confident - Protective - Strong willed - Loyal - Family orientated - Passionate
The girl loves her family, and would do anything to keep them safe, she learned from both her parents the strong ties that go along with having a family and caring for each other. She will often drive her father crazy with her high strung nature and her desire to exlpore and cause mischief. The girl is always sure of herself, never letting anyones doubts bother her, she knows what she is capable of and won't let anyone tell her otherwise. When something or someone catches her attention, she gives 100% and does so with all her heart. The girl will grow up to be kind and gentle, yet ferociously protective when needed.

RP Sample: She had finally reached her first birthday. She now could freely explore the lands around her without her parents pestering so much. Dainty charcoal paws kissed the earth as the girl weaved her way in and out of the brush, icy eyes scammed the territory of her home as she moved like a ghost towards the border. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the scent the saturated the air. The closer she got to the border, the stronger an unfamiliar scent got. Brows furrowed, her expression uncertain and yet curious. Her steps became careful, pressing into the earth with almost no noise. Her bodice lowered, bring her into a crouch as she pinpointed her target.

Ice pools darted left and right, looking for the source. For a moment she saw nothing, then Brows lifted in surprise. Sitting at the border was a female who was close to her she. Crown tilted to the left, unsure whether or not she should approach. The mother appeared to have vanished, leaving the child on the border. "Hello , do you need some help?" she stood to her full height, looking evenly at the young woman. Shock lifted her brows as icy cools turned to face her from the dark girl. "Yes, I'm your half sister." Calm tones coped softly to her ash covered ears. No. It wasn't possible. Was it?

For a moment she said nothing. The dark girl have an impatient sigh. "Taurig is my father. My name is Zaria". A twisted grin tugged at inky lips. Distrust immediately filled the young ivory woman. There was something off about the wolf claiming to be her half sister. "Why have I not met you before?" Tail swayed at her hocks, her tones slightly more demanding. She needed answers if she was to believe this woman. A shrug lifted dark shoulders. "I haven't had a reason to come until now." A malicious from pulled back dark kissers. Fear seeped into her veins, it was a bad idea to come here. Before she speak another word, the shadowy woman launched herself forward, unhinged jaws aimed at her face. With a snarl the two sister brawled, battling for dominance, for the right to be daddy's little girl.

Jaws snapped, limbs struck out. The girl would defend her home against this so called sister of her. If she was truly her fathers daughter then why would she be so cruel? None of here siblings were like this, they all care for each other, there was no trying to rip each others throats out. muscles coiled beneath her pelt, she had not endured the same brutal training that her half sister had, she was not nearly as experienced as the dark girl. Adrenaline and fear mixed in her veins, she fought back, determined not to fall but she could only hope that her father would come to her rescue, to catch off this imposture.

I couldn't resist having her meet one of her half siblings XD

All done <3



11-05-2013, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2013, 10:08 PM by Isardis.)
Hey Yo Argent, you should keep in mind Isardis is going to try and kill these children.

but dang they sexy


11-06-2013, 10:44 AM
Muse you are a temptress.. <3


11-06-2013, 03:31 PM
Name: Figuring it out..torn between Lanthe and Leander
Design: #3
Gender: male
Personality: Forgiving. Protective. Competitive. secret softy. rebellious. a touch flamboyant. eventually interested in boys. very concerned with grooming himself and others. affectionate.
RP Sample:
Dark paws gently pushed back and forth at the ground. His light ears were tucked tightly into against his head as his bi-color eyes watched intently at his siblings conversing and playing. He would make no noise. Only watch and ready his body for his possible assault. His tail lay limp behind his rump. His parents were outside the den, giving them some much needed space, but he was eager to rid himself of the energy that seemed to burn his body up. He watched his brother and sister tugging at a bone. They were attempting to see who was the strongest and his dark lips curled upright in a smirk. Now was his time!

He pushed his body upward very slowly. He was attempting to make as little noise as possible. Hopefully with the two growling at one another they wouldn?t know he was coming. He lowered his head and leveled his tail with his body and sprung off with his back legs. He bolted towards the center of the bone and opened his jaws eagerly to hopefully grab his prize. Lucky was in his favor today and with one quick grabbing motion he managed to rip the bone from out of both his siblings jaws. His tongue lolled from the side of his mouth as he ran outside the den towards his parents. If he could only reach them then he would be safe to enjoy his prize.

He felt as if the distance was so long. His tiny legs were pushing his body forward with all his might. His left ear fell backwards upon hearing his sister?s protest of him stealing their bone. He couldn?t help the laugh that escaped him as he finally reached his parents and slid into the ground. SAFE! His mind yelled and he smiled sheepishly towards his two brooding siblings. His tail was wagging happily behind him.

?No fair Leander! You always ruin our fun.? His sister huffed at him. He laid on the ground on an odd angle. His head backwards with the bone still secured beneath his jaws and his lips curled in a devious smile. His legs were upright and curled into his chest as he looked at her from the ground up. She looked silly brooding upside down. ?Well, maybe if you two were aware of your surroundings more you would have seen me coming. Now the spoils are mine to enjoy. ? He said threw clenched teeth. His hold still secure on the bone. He couldn?t help the giggle that rose up and he rolled back onto his belly, twigs and leaves sticking to his coat, and sighed happily as he placed the bone between his paws. ?Besides, you two eat more then enough.? He said suggestively. His brows arching up and down suggesting his siblings could possibly lose a few pounds.



2 Years
11-06-2013, 10:04 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2013, 03:24 PM by Felicita.)
Design Number 5 <3

Name: Avayah

This little girl is a healthy mixture of both her mother and father, with her own uniqueness thrown in there for good measure. Avayah has quite the temper, and a bit of a sharp tongue when she is displeased, but for the most part, the young lady has a sweet disposition. She is young and naive, and that naivete has produced a wolf that believes there is no evil in the world. There is no doubt she will learn as time goes on, but in Avayah's early puphood, she will be the picture of innocence. As she grows, Avayah will become a strong, independent young woman. She will be rebellious and adventurous, always wanting to do everything on her own, so that she can learn as she goes, succeed or fail. Avayah will have the attitude where she feels that she can do anything, conquer the world if only she puts her mind to it. The girl will have the utmost faith in herself, believing that anything can be done if she is the one doing it. Because of this, the girl also has the downfall of the mindset that no one can do anything as well as she can, and that makes her seem slightly like a snob. However, that would be a first impression of her, because any wolf that got to know Avayah would realize how caring, loving, funny, and audacious this little girl is. Avayah is sometimes a bit foolhardy and reckless, due to her courageous nature, and is constantly getting herself into binds that take some working to get herself out of. In her early months, Avayah will rely on her parents and her siblings to get her out of said sticky situations, although she resents the help that she can't do without. Overall, Avayah is a headstrong, independent, adventurous little lady.

As a pup, Avayah will be an adorable little ball of fluff, her markings not fully distinguished. Her downy puppy fur will be a creamy off-white, with a dark gray muzzle, tail-tip, paws, and ears. The markings fade into her creamy fur, with very blurred distinguishing lines between the colors. As all wolf pups are born, her irises will be a colorless gray, not even a bright silver. However, as the girl grows, her beauty will become more and more pronounced. As an adult, she will be smaller than both of her parents, standing at 32 inches and weighing a healthy 98 pounds. Avayah's body will be lined with muscle, though not an obscene amount. There will not be a spare pound on her, the muscle being defined under the layers of her skin. Despite the amount of muscle, Avayah's body will still be curvaceous and pleasing to the eyes. Her pelt will lose the downy fluff of her puppy months and finally differentiate the solid lines between her colors. Avayah's paws will darken to a deep onyx, as will her muzzle and the tip of her tail. However, Avayah's auditory units will remain their ashen color. The black on the fae's tail tip will slowly fade into gray and then to the creamy color of the rest of her body, the gradient effect travelling up her flag. Avayah's back paws will also have the gradient effect going up her hind legs. Avayah's eyes though, will be her ultimate attraction. The expressive orbs will rapidly shift from featureless gray to a luminous, aqua blue. The bright color will be tinged with lime green. Due to the plain colors of Avayah's pelt, her irises will stand out that much more, grabbing the attention of whomever decides to make eye contact with her. They are simply hypnotizing, drawing wolves in and trapping them within her gaze.

Role Play Sample:
Avayah woke early that morning, tiny pup jaws stretching in a yawn that sounded more like a squeak. Due to the boundless energy that all pups were in possession of, as soon as the young girl opened her eyes, Avayah leaped to her paws, still ungainly and slightly unbalanced. At this young of an age, the girl often felt uncomfortable in her skin, with paws and ears too large but the rest of her too small. However, the little lady shrugged off the thought, attention span already drifting to other subjects. Peering about the den, Avayah observed that her siblings and parents were still sleeping peacefully, but the pup felt the call of dawn, the chirping birds drawing her closer to the entrance of the den. Avayah glanced around at the outside world, soaking up every little detail that her puppy-brain could manage. The sky was beautiful that morning, the pale blue of early dawn shot through with streaks of yellow and pink, telltale signs of the coming sunrise. Feeling a burst of mischievous energy fill her, the young pup took one more peek back at her sleeping family. Checking to make sure they were all still sleeping, Avayah was reassured when not a single one of them stirred. A sneaky grin spread across the girl's face, and stifling a yip of excitement, Avayah bounded out of the den, stubby little legs pumping.

The feel of grass and dirt under the adventurous little girl's pads sent thrills of enthusiasm up her legs, tingling all over her skin and sending shivers down her spine. Avayah was well aware that she would most likely get in trouble with her parent's for defying their orders and leaving the den without permission, but the adrenalin that spiked through her veins at that moment made the rule-breaking beyond worth it. Energy sang through the girl's body, seeming to give her paws wings. Avayah flew away from the den, soft pads picking up several nicks and cuts, but the young fae hardly noticed the sharp pains.

Not long after taking off, Avayah became winded and had to rest her baby lungs. Looking back over her shoulder, Avayah was pleased to see that her den was completely out of sight. Head and tail held high, ears pricked up to full attention, Avayah pranced off, jaunting along the trail she had forged with her own determination. Avayah padded along for an indeterminable amount of time, long enough to where the girl hardly knew where she was. However, she was not worried. She was on an adventure! An adventure by herself, particularly. None of her pesky siblings to get in the way. During Avayah's happy travels, the sun had risen much further in the sky, and the girl flopped down in a patch of sunlight to rest and soak up some warmth in the crisp morning.

Avayah laid there on a soft patch of moss for so long that she ended up drifting off to sleep, and woke with a start not long after. Yawning once more, the girl decided that it was time to head home. As fun as her adventure had been, she was hungry, and neither Avayah's mother nor her father had taught their children how to hunt just yet. The young lady headed off towards the direction that she thought her den was in, but as time went on, Avayah had realized that she was travelling in circles. The girl sank roughly down onto her haunches, an irritated huff expelling itself from her lungs. This was the part of Avayah's adventures that she always hated. She thought she knew what she was doing at first, but always wound up needing help, and Avayah despised needing help. However, the pup recognized when she was beaten, this time by her own ignorance. Tossing back her head, Avayah loosed a thin, wobbly puppy howl and relaxed, waiting for one of her parents to come find her, just like they always did.



11-07-2013, 02:30 AM
As much as I love the designs Muse made I think I might also like to play around with some design ideas of my own. Do either Taurig or Argent have fullbody reference pictures? If not I'll see what I can come up with based on the current designs / their descriptions.



5 Years
Extra large
11-07-2013, 02:41 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2013, 02:42 AM by Taurig.)

this table is the best ref of him i've got. his muzzle, ears, tail and legs are black and that's about it

Talk like this



6 Years
11-07-2013, 11:21 PM
Design # 6
Name: Cecil
Gender: Male
Cecil is dependent, to put it mildly. Being born blind the boy gets easily attached to those who help him; this is of course a survival mechanism, something designed to help the boy continue to survive despite his obvious disadvantage. Cecil is naturally cautious, approaching new people and things tentatively and often with a guide to help him just in case. From a young age in fact Cecil will grow close to his mother and any siblings he can, depending on them to an extreme amount.

Seemingly at odds with his dependant nature Cecil will have a great sense of humor, able to take jabs at both himself and dish them out. His humor is such that he is even able to make jokes about his own short comings such as blindness. He is also rather clever, making up for his lack of any physical ability by being quick to find a solution.

To say the boy was charismatic might be an understatement, the boy practically exudes charm, something he seems to have gotten from his father somehow.

Cecil isn?t the most stunning of wolves being mostly a slate grey color, except for a large black spot that covers his back from his shoulders to the base of his tail and for his face which is a brighter sort of silver, giving him a somewhat ghostly appearance. Adding to his eerie appearance are his eyes, a bright almost silvery white that mark the boy as blind.

Despite his parent?s large size he will not grow quite so big, perhaps that is for the better. Though not small by any means he does not tower over others the way his parents do. Standing at 36? in height and weighing a hefty 139 pounds still towers over smaller wolves but possess a sort of slim figure in proportion to his height.

RP Sample
Cecil was in darkness, not that there was much light or color in the blind boy?s world but this darkness was different, heavier and absolute. It was either night or he had wandered out of the reach of the light. He lifted his muzzle drawing in a deep breath, scenting the air trying to determine how fresh it was. Because of his lack of sight his other senses were heightened, he could hear things others couldn?t always and he seemed to feel things sometimes but mostly it was his sense of smell that was strongest. The air here smelt fresh enough, he wasn?t underground.

So night then? a moonless one he?d have to assume. Normally the moon shed some light upon his black world, just enough to create shadows before his sightless yes but not tonight. The boy tipped his head back and let out a slight whimper, he wasn?t sure how he had managed to wander so far away from his family but being lost was more than a little distressing for the boy. He would have to follow his own scent trail back, as hard as that would be. It was always there, just a little pinprick in the back of his mind but mostly forgotten, mostly indiscernible from the other smells around him.

?Oh why did I have to get up from sleeping?? He asked himself as he lowered his nose to the ground attempting to pick up his own scent, much harder than he?d thought it?d be; which was saying something. ?Oh yeah? Because I had to relieve myself?? He chuckled to himself attempting to find his way back home.



11-08-2013, 03:57 PM
These auditions will close Friday, November 15th! Everything looks cool so far! Wolf and I have agreed to a max of four pups, so keep that in mind! I can definitely tell it won't be an easy decision.



8 Years
11-11-2013, 12:14 AM
I shall tossing something up for personality & apperance tonight or tomorrow if possible <3.



5 Years
11-11-2013, 10:44 AM
Name: Talvi

Gender: Female

Appearance: Not exactly a small pup, from early on Talvi shows signs of having inherited her parent?s size. When fully grown, she will reach around 36?, matching her mother?s height.

Whilst the pale silvery colour will is a prominent feature for her coat, her general appearance seems to favor her father?s side of the family with her main marking being slate blue. This marking will cover the upper portion of her head, run along her back and sides and fully cover her tail. Although mostly lacking the dark markings that both Argent and Taurig possess, she does have darker ears a dark, black stripe that runs from her nose along her muzzle, fading in with the rest of her markings before it reaches the centre point between her eyes. These fit nicely with the rest of her colouring being the same silvery blue colour as her father?s.

Personality: Talvi and her siblings were never meant to be born, a fact that she is not aware of but will likely have to face the harsh consequences. At such a young age, the events in her life will of course be crucial building blocks for every part of her future and there is no telling quite how her personality will develop.

Her loyalty to her family seems to be something that will not break, perhaps only strengthen if life grows too tough for the young girl. In this instance it may become increasingly difficult for her to trust anyone beyond her parents and siblings, fearful that others may well be a threat to her. Depending on how any threats are dealt with will affect the confidence that Talvi has in herself, with the bold nature of her parents its not likely that she will become a timid individual, and whilst naive to the danger her family is in, she will certainly express courage with her siblings. During this time of innocence, however long it will last, Talvi will be quite a sweet natured wolf, looking out for her family and enjoying her time with them.

RP Sample: Talvi could hardly believe her luck. Their mother had decided that today they would be allowed to go outside and play. Following her siblings there wasn't any fear as she emerged into the open, gleefully gazing around the the family's little secluded area. It seemed far larger than it realisically was to the pup though she wasn't sure whether she favoured all the space to play in or the new and exciting things she could see and smell. That further exploration would wait for a moment though, switching her attention back to her siblings to join in the game that had just begun.

They rushed around for a while until Talvi broke free from the group, moving over to join her mother. Sitting down beside her, she gave the silvery woman a slight nudge to get her attention, certainly a little concerned by the worry her mother was currently expressing. "What wrong?" She questioned, gazing up as Argent looked towards her. Of course the truth wasn't given, her mother stating everything was fine. Still not sure though she remained at Argent's side a little longer, keeping her company. A frown found itself crossing Talvi's expression however as she spotted a strange wolf approaching them. "Who that?" All Talvi could tell was that her mother's worry had increased.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-15-2013, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2013, 09:04 PM by Sin.)
Name: Kasai

Design: -Kasai's appearance-

Gender: Female

Appearance: The girl consists of dual toned colors, russet red and white. Her form will be lithe yet powerful, her form never betraying the strength that lies hidden underneath her silken and dainty appearance. Her attitude matches her look, a fiery passionate heart burns within her silken armor draped chest. Though she might look weak, she carries herself high with an ever determined glint in her eyes. Some may feel unnerved by her piercing white gaze, and she is quite capable of betraying little to no emotion behind her steel apparent stare.

Personality: Quiet//Quick witted//Hot headed//Prideful//Outspoken in certain situations//Leader//Impatient//Dominant//Fiery//Capable of being Sweet(from her fathers side)//can be level headed//

Kasai, one might say, is a hot ball of fire. Literally. She has many traits that would certainly relate her to a hot headed Arabian; wild, free-spirited, and hates to be reigned in by rules and dominance. If anything, she likes to be the dominant one. She has quick wit, and a quick tongue to match. Seldom will one get away without a quick retort or remark, insults high on her tongue and mind should another insult her first. She doesn't like to take disobedience lightly, knowing that to survive as a pack a close knit community and orderly conduct is a must. Kasai is very much the prideful girl, she doesn't like to lose an argument or a fight, and if she does then she will back off quietly. In the event that a loss happens, she will go off into her own little hidden sanctum to think. Although she has the disposition of a wild stallion, she also has the capabilities of being kind. If one were to become capable of bringing out the kindness and good in her, then it may be possible that they would have a loyal and caring friend at their side for any situation. Although she tries to deny it, she does have a soft spot for wolves who are out of their game, the vulnerable ones, the weak ones who seek unsaid help, and pups. She often appears like she doesn't care, but inside she does have her own way of helping without being asked. She is a warrior and a leader at heart, capable of leading others who need a strong leader to guide them, as well as making rational decisions when it comes down to it. In other words, she is fiery yet capable of compassion and wisdom to lead. She is strong willed, not allowing anything to bring her down nor take advantage of her. She is an advantageous character, any opportunity she see's in making friends, making decisions that can better her life and the life of others and so on are taken without further thought. She has a mind of steel, once her decision is made up then it is almost impossible to change. However, that does not mean she will rush headfirst into a situation that could get herself or others into trouble.

(If I get her then I will add on and clean up personality)

RP Sample:
Kasai stalked out of her den, her head held high and her tail firmly set behind her in a sweeping arc over her back. Her siblings had gone to play before she woke up, and now she sought to join them. She didn't always like to play, not with her siblings. She was usually more rowdy and rough with them, biting too hard or sometimes just getting things out of hand. She liked to be dominant, and it showed. She figured that one day, it would prove a good trait in the future. Never submitting to those undeserving of her strength (or womb). If one ever tried to force her to submit in the future, she would fight with everything she had. Her white gaze glinted with a hint of mischief once she spotted her siblings at play, and immediately she crouched low and charged towards them at a run. "I wanna play!" Soon after barking out her obvious excitement, she tackled her brother and began the tussle across the snowy ground.

Small barking and growling noises escaped her as her and her brother rolled and tried to get the upper hand on each other. Snapping out, she lunged and snapped teeth on her brothers left ear, bringing forth a yelp of pain from him. Immediately she rose to her feet and began tugging, her brother trying to resist by digging his paws into the earth and even with the obvious cries of pain, she continued. At this point, she was much too riled up. Rough growling arose within her vocals, her head shaking side to side until her teeth finally pulled away. She fell back on her haunches, her teeth snapping together. When she looked up she saw her sibling running and crying to her mother, and her ears pinned back knowing that no good would come out of this. Just like she thought, her mother came over with a stern look on her face. And Kasai knew she was in trouble.

It turned out that she had nicked her brothers ear, her teeth tearing a small V shape into the edge, and before her mother could say anything to her she dashed off into her hidden crevices within the forest. She knew she would get into trouble, knew she had taken it too far. But in her mind, if her siblings asides from her blind brother(If he was chosen) could not handle playing with her in that manner, then perhaps they were just too weak minded and just weak in general. Perhaps one day her views would change, but to her strength meant survival. She stopped underneath a moss covered log, her tail flicking in annoyance as she heard her mother calling for her. Sighing, she lied down where she was. Reluctant to go back because she didn't want to hear it right now. She figured she would return eventually, but for now she would sit and think on her own about her actions. She needed someone to help her tame her wild sided hot headedness.. And in time she hoped that she could find someone to help her.

I apologize if the rp sample isn't very good. I found myself rushing to finish since I've kept you two waiting ^^;


11-15-2013, 06:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2013, 06:12 PM by Deteste.)

[Image: 1675x8h.jpg]

Name: Minos

Gender: Male

Appearance: When full grown Minos will take after the best qualities of his parents. He will reach his mother's height be strongly built wolf with muscle focused on his shoulders and haunches taking after his father's regal appearance. Because of Minos' delicate mood he will often have difficulty keeping himself well fed and will appear at most times malnourished and lanky.

Personality: Minos will be a somewhat difficult and moody child but not in the fashion of outburst or misbehavior. Regardless of his lack of sight his greatest attribute will be his ability to observe and more specifically his ability to see the worst in others. He will take after his mother's vindications as a sort of knight but in a fashion skewed to his persistent need to judge. Intelligence will be his second greatest attribute and this combined with his ability to observe will cause the boy to be the greatest of informants and advisors when he comes of age.

Thus such abilities will drive the boy to isolation and many will find him in a state of continuous sulking. He will be quiet and detached in the presence of others, even those he is supposed to be close to. He will prefer loneliness to company as he prefers to be alone rather than to witness the vices of those he knows, as he is unable to contain his constant judgement. Regardless of his blindness and moody affect the boy will be completely self sufficient. Able to completely care for himself in every way. Most of his company will only realize he is blind upon seeking the reflection of his milky eyes.

RP Sample: The boy would sit in the cold of the winter wind at the mouth of the den in which his siblings played. Perhaps one could not say he disliked his relatives but they could certainly say that he had not yet felt compelled to have affection for them. Darkness would reflect back at the boy from his unfocused, milky gaze and in that nothingness he would build his own environment through his other senses. The howling wind sculpted the mounds of snow that had collected upon the gravel like ground of Tortuga into his thought and in the distance the sound of his father's approach would form his great bulk in the distance. Minos' head would turn, ever staring, ever speculative as the man approached yet silence would broach the distance between them. The boy contemplated departing yet again to pursue his solitude. But he had an inquiry, perhaps less a question than a statement, for his father. She's not coming back. When will you leave? he would speak. The sentence tactless and brutally forward. The boy would pause as he awaited a reply though he only needed to observe the man's demeanor in at the teeth of his words to obtain the knowledge he sought. It was his nature and he would conquer this inherit skill to the best of his ability.



5 Years
Extra large
11-16-2013, 04:34 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2013, 04:33 PM by Taurig.)
Soooo, after much deliberation, we have decided that Elderarwen gets to play Talvi, Kayi gets Desdemona, Sasu gets Kasai and Viv gets Minos! Thanks to everyone who applied, it was a superrrr hard decision c: (note: if any pups become inactive, we reserve the right to take them back and readopt them)