
Mistakes Are Made


11-05-2013, 02:26 AM

His daily rounds of border patrol would take an interesting twist today. Though Dragon didn't know it yet. He had heard about the man that had been banished recently, and though Dragon had never met him, he had heard about what had happened. It was absurd to think that someone would resort to such harshness, especially on a pup. He thought that maybe the man deserved banishment, but of course he hadn't heard about the king maiming the man. He stopped near the borders, nosing around a plant that he had been well accustomed to. He carefully bit off two pieces of the aloe vera plant, taking it carefully so as not to damage the rest to come back for later. He knew that with the war, medicine that could be used for external wounds would be needed for the injuries that he was sure would come. Later he would probably go out in search of other herbs that would help with internal sicknesses, especially with winter approaching.

It was then that through the calming scent of aloe vera, at least it was calming to him, that he would scent another wolf near the borders. Curious, he would seek out the scent and see who it was. Within moments, he would come across a heavily scarred male, much older then himself and...injured? Dragon approached with caution, circling around to the mans front and a quiet gasp would escape between the herbs and his jaws. Red eyes fell upon the fresh wounds on the male, one eye missing and blood trails upon his fur. The man smelled of Seracia...but there was something else. Was this the man that he had heard about? Only a name would confirm it. Carefully, he placed the plant at his feet, and looked at the elder with care. "Good morning, I don't believe we've met before..." He gazed calmly at him, worry in his eyes at the sight of the pitiful looks of the creature. If this was the man that he had heard wind of, is this what they did to him?




11 Years
11-05-2013, 06:55 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2013, 08:54 PM by Bane.)
Despite Loccian's best healing efforts, the ragged flesh that hung over the hole where his left eye used to be still wept blood from the unchangeable habit of blinking. The oozing exile mark ached but was otherwise fine from where it had been maimed onto his left shoulder, the wound now knitting up nicely to leave just another scar on his body. It's was strange, Bane wasn't really sad any more, just... alone... no good company to be surrounded by, no mate, no pups. But he had been alone before, very alone, and his honed survival skills helping immeasurably despite a few years of them not being relied upon. The fact that he was alone hadn't stopped him before as the twice banished was getting along by himself very well... he missed his family. And during the days following his exile the elder sat in the snow and paced his body into shape despite the ache of pulled muscles and sore limbs.

The border of Seracia... It didn't look like much, the clearing between tree-lines but Bane stared across the meadow intently as if waiting for his mate to vacate the pack lands and come with him. A lost hope. A nervous paw was placed one in front of the other as the Talutah wolf stalked into the middle of the snow covered meadow before sitting down with quickening breath. Who would come to see him? Bane eyes the tree-line again and scented Maverick's territory marker. Definitely placed on a tree, the banished was safe for the most part, the wolves of Seracia would now need a reason to drive him away. The snow was only churned up behind him, no tracks leading into the forest, Bane eyeing the shifting form in the trees. The dark wolf, male, was circling around towards his left side, the elder rogue having none of that and turned his head to keep his blind spot covered.

A healer too by the looks of things, the distinct shape of aloe vera leaves being carried in a slightly parted jaw. Bane had gotten very familiar with aloe vera during his younger years with the burns, the memory of sizzling skin and hanging flesh sending a shudder through the wolf. The Seracian called out a greeting, Bane still having his manners and responded. "Mornin' Seracian, names Bane. How is the pack dealing with their losses?" The elder was smug with the last statement, but he didn't let that show. When his young grew up he would summon them and teach them all the ways of the bloodied moon tribe, but for now he'd let them enjoy the life of a pup. A life currently without their father.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•


11-08-2013, 10:18 PM

Carefully he would approach the rogue, watching as the other male kept him in his sights. Dragon would stop a yard away, observing the other wolf. Ears perked as the ex-Seracian spoke, as he sat himself down. He noted the tone in Bane's voice, instead choosing to ignore it. If he were anyone else that had come across the exiled then he was sure no mercy would be shown. But Dragon had better morals then that. "Well, Bane. My name is Dragon, and the pack is dealing just fine. We're strong as one, Seracia will get through anything the world has to throw our way." Dragon's tone was confident, his gaze unwavering as he studied Bane. He was sure that this was the mane that had been exiled, he looked it. On top of that, it seemed Bane was waiting for someone, though Dragon thought that the male would be severely disappointed. He placed the aloe vera on the ground, licking away the taste. "If I may be so bold to ask, what are you doing here? You're the exile I heard about, are you not?"

He would wait for the man to answer his questions, though Dragon remained polite. His questions more out of curiosity then demand, as he didn't like to use force or press things from others without just cause. He'd flick the tip of his tail as he waited. All the while looking the mans injuries over as he decided what he would need. Though Dragon wasn't an official healer, he still knew at least the simple essentials for when he had to take care of himself after his near fatal accident. That day would never leave his mind, the screaming of his packmates followed by the stench of blood. It gave him nightmares, but as of late, there had been none. Shaking his mind free of the memories, returning his attention to Bane.




11 Years
11-10-2013, 10:29 AM
"Or if Seracia can't get through it then they throw it out." Bane muttered with a glance behind Dragon. "What I'm doing, I'm contemplating to hunt for this lazy, layabout pack and their wounded allies. It'll end up feeding my family as well.?I've been thinking that before I came here today that Seracia should be preparing for when the world comes for them, the war between Glaciem and the Valhallans are taking its toll and dragging everybody into it. I've seen wounded wolves pass by not to long ago not from here. Fucking moochers. Herbs will needed to be gathered, meat stored in the cold ground and pitfalls dug. Water saved by storing it in elk and moose stomachs to be hung from trees by the top, so you can puncture it below the waterline and drink a measured fill.?Lesser animals will need to be befriended as sources of information. This pack," Bane spat the last word and continued on, "isn't going to last a minute if the wolves of the north come down here in strength and cut us off from prey or water."

Bane pushed himself to his paws, eyes narrowing at the wolf called Dragon. "Disorganized and laying about, that's what Seracia become from trying to please to many wolves at the same time. There certain, preparations, that need to be made, the time for diplomacy is over unless it is a prisoner exchange. All you can do now is prepare, train, and hope to the gods that we're overlooked despite us sending our only wolves to Valhalla that knew how to seriously throw down when fangs are bared. I've strolled the lands after my exile, I've listened, I've asked questions from the avians flying across this land, I know from my younger years that a storm is coming. It's all a matter of how quickly it gets here. Maverick has been blind by trying please to many wolves. Now what the fuck are you gonna to to prepare Dragon, and don't you dare say your going to go ask Maverick, somebody has to take some initiative for once around here... fucking hierarchy..." Bane muttered with scowl on his face, a quick lick being given to his maimed shoulder.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•