


11-04-2013, 09:43 PM

With minimal effort she had scaled the wall. Actually, with her length and height it only took a single leap to reach the summit. She landed with grace and agility, great furry paws muffling her movements. The only real signification of her success was a prideful growl that bubbled deep in her chest, seeping out from between her slightly agape jaws. It had become customary for the golden girl to allow her bottom jaw to unhinge and hang comfortably. As it was - it only ever dropped an inch or two away from her top jaw, but it was enough to be noticeable. This allowed her pearly white fangs to peek out of the front of her white lined lips, giving the yearling feline a far more intimidating appearance than she deserved. Granted, she could be a hellish creature if she wanted - but more often than not she was mostly harmless. Mostly. Claws struck into the cool surface of the wall as she walked along its crumbling surface, being careful to place her paws in the most secure areas. Despite the fact that cats always seemed to land on their feet - she wasn't particularly fond of falling. Lazy as she was at this time of day (midday) she would rock onto her haunches and sprawl her front paws forward until she was lying on her stomach. Then, rather amusingly, she would allow her legs to straddle the wall on both sides in a position akin to one a leopard would take up when lying in a tree. Chin would tuck down toward the rocky wall, resting on its surface as she allowed her eyes to lazily fall shut - confident she had nothing to fear.




4 Years
Extra large
11-04-2013, 11:06 PM

He had only met one wolf since having arrived in Alacritis; Paradise. The golden little nymph. She was interesting little creature to say the least, given the fact that she hadn't been terrified of his appearance initially. Most were at least unnerved at the sight of the behemoth of a beast, with his scars and wolf tooth dangling around his thick neck, but she didn't seem to take that into consideration. Or at least, she didn't let on that it bothered her, which made the man comfortable around. She had been relatively easy to talk to and for the first time in a while, had caught his eye. He had seen plenty of beautiful women before in his life, but there was something about the little nymph that was different. He just didn't know what it was. He hadn't seen her for quite some time and he was beginning to wonder if he would ever run into her again or if that had been a chance meeting. He wasn't going to lie, it would be rather disheartening if he didn't get to see her again, but he would understand if he didn't. Some were only meant to meet once.

Massive paws would pull the lumbering titan through the quiet landscape, ruby gaze observing the powdery territory. This land he'd stumbled across was quite diverse in what he had observed in his short wanderings. This particular piece of land was quite cold, much like his homeland, though it lacked the bite that his lands had. As he trudged through the snow, a dark silhouette in the distance catching the man's attention. He would adjust his course, massive frame easily maneuvering towards the giant formation that seemed to stretch on forever to each side, a particular gold figure drawing his attention from the expansive formation. The gold figure was large, seemingly larger than him, power evident even as the creature dozed across the formation. A low, booming howl would erupt from the behemoth's sooty jaws as he called to the beast, wanting to get its attention to further study it. He had never seen such a creature where he lived and he was rather curious as to what it was. Would be it dangerous and threatening to him? He supposed he would have to find out.

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11-05-2013, 10:00 AM

Perhaps, had she thought about it, it might not have been the best decision to straddle the wall and fall asleep. Particularly because it would be a precarious situation to get up given the positioning of her left legs on one side of it and her right legs on the other. But nevertheless, she had done it and she was not afraid to have a little catnap in the open. The overbearing sound of canine filtered through the air, causing her ears to flatten and her nose to scrunch. She lifted her head first, cerulean orbs blinking open irritatedly. Her brows would furrow closer together as the lass spotted him - a scarred and jeweled wolf. He was large, but nothing compared to herself. She snorted lightly at his audacity, and yet curiosity grew within her chest. Who was this man that feared not such a large and slumbering beast? ?I would assume you have a good reason for waking me,? smooth alto voice rang out. Perhaps for show, perhaps for necessity, she would allow her jaws to sprawl wide in a yawn - simultaneously showing off only half of her arsenal of weapons to the dog. Her tongue would curl out and upward before reeling back into her jaws as they slowly closed. Rather lazily she would lift her right front paw, placing it firmly upon the wall and pushing up. Her left front would follow, and she would repeat the process with her back legs until she was standing once more upon the crumbling surface. Now she quite possibly looked more large and spectacular than before. Eyes trained downward upon the man - awaiting his response to determine if she could consider him friend or foe.




4 Years
Extra large
11-10-2013, 03:28 PM

This creature was abnormally large. Larger than most creatures he had encountered during his travels. Any wolf in their right mind probably would think twice approaching this beast, especially when it was perched so high. But Conan wasn't like most wolves. He had seen and done many things that most wolves wouldn't ever be able to dream of much less attempt in their lives. He wasn't scared of this beast, but rather intrigued. He wanted to know what it was and what it was doing here. He hadn't seen any other creatures like itself, only wolves. Surely it had to know that this particular region was mainly populated by wolves?

His voice would reach its ears, stirring it into consciousness. He would watch from a respectable distance as the creature lifted itself onto all four limbs, its balance surprising. Its jaws would splay wide, revealing half of the weapons it possessed, bringing an amused grin from the barbarian. If that was meant to intimidate, that failed horribly. I would assume you have a good reason for waking me. The voice was smooth, feminine in tone, though he could hardly detect that from her body mass. I was simply wondering why a creature like yourself is in a region populated by wolves. came his honest answer, baritones smooth and deep.

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