
Summon To Safety


11-03-2013, 11:48 PM
ooc//Seracians are also welcome in the thread ^_^

The Valhallans had arrived, and Dragon was prepared. He had sought out a safe place for the Valhallans to stay, and any of his own Seracian packmates too should any of them decide to be more secluded during the war. It was no time for games, as it was possible that their enemies would try to use the main fight as a distraction in order to ambush the other packs. Dragon had voiced his concerns to Maverick, and it seemed the King had agreed with him. Now, he kept to his promise of helping and preparing for a place for the refugees as well as others to bunker down and stay. Loccian had taken the injured with her, and so Dragon would summon the others to him. The location he sought out was on the Eastern side of Seracian lands, the part between the forest and the lake. There was access to quick cover, and a water supply should anything happen. And just on the other side of the woods, an abundant supply of goats, chickens, and other farm animal that Dragon was familiar with.

He stood in a clearing between the lake and the trees, tilting his head back he would call the Valhallans. Though he would welcome anyone else that would decide to appear as well. This was the place he chose as a safe haven for those who wanted it, and none would be denied.




11-04-2013, 09:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt strange being outside the Plains. Ever since her odd run in with the crazed wolf who had decided to scar her hind leg, Ashtoreth had kept more or less to home, rather paranoid of the world beyond and those who inhabited its lesser known parts. Only the Emerald Valley had seemed to harbor any sense of relative safety aside from the territory she held allegiance to, and she had been content with ending her travels there. With the war right upon their border, however, not only she but the rest of the non-fighters of the pack had been displaced, forced to seek shelter elsewhere until the chaos of battle died down and they were safe to return to familiar territory.

She had taken to wandering, homesick and jittery with nerves, near the border, her attention occasionally being occupied with the new land around her but with her thoughts constantly returning to the war and those they had left behind. Sitting in wait with the rest just would not suit her itching legs so she opted for movement, and only stopped when she heard the sound of a call resounding through the lands of Seracia. The small grey hunter paused in her meanderings, head and ears up as she listened and placed the voice to the male who had joined the diplomatic female to welcome the refugees to their temporary shelter. With a glance cast back over one shoulder, toward the border that was not so far away, she turned and padded off toward the caller.

Hurried steps found the wolf seated within a clearing deep into the heart of the Seracian territory, the odd smells of the farm in one direction and the faint scent of water in the other. Overall, it did seem suitable, though even so Ashtoreth was still plagued by homesickness. "Is this where we'll be staying?" she asked, her tone flat as she sought not to accidentally give offense to the simple question. It could have easily been misinterpreted, a fact that she realized even as she made it, and so she added after so as not to sound ungrateful, "Thank you guys so much for taking us in. Most of us aren't fighters, so we would've been nothing but a hindrance to those who stayed."


11-05-2013, 07:58 AM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2013, 08:05 AM by Aeil.)

Word of the war refugees arriving had reached Aeil's ears like spreading flames in a dry forest. She hadn't hesitated when the rumors spread around the pack and she didn't intend to slow down now. Winter was vastly approaching the southern pack, causing whatever prey that usually rested in the surrounding woods to flee for warmer grounds. Aeil didn't blame them, but they sure did make a large dent in her choice of dinner meat. That meant it would do the same for the refugees, so she did her best to grab whatever she thought edible.
The hunting trip didn't take long, for the catch was not as vast as the past summer's. She dragged a buck by the throat, its weight becoming a nuisance for her neck muscles. Complaints didn't leave her, but rather built up in the dark female's chest and became energy to sustain her muscles. Powerful limbs increased their gait as she got closer to where Dragon had found the camp for their visitors. His scent filled her nose and her heart raced at a rabbit's hopping pace.
She came across the first of many to come: Ashtoreth. Words weren't exchanged because of the mouthful of the deer neck, but she dipped her maw in greeting and proceeded to walk towards the chosen location. Aeil gently lowered her catch at the entrance, hoping the chilly atmosphere would keep it fresh until the rest of the refugees came. Her gaze met Dragon's and she briefly nuzzled him before she turned right around to stand beside him. "It's our pleasure to have you here, despite the circumstances," she gently said. "We wouldn't have it any other way. To have you here soothes our thoughts to know that you are safe and among friends." As she spoke, she kept an ear out for others that were expected to arrive.




11-05-2013, 03:27 PM

She followed obediently behind Ashtoreth - for now. She wouldn't disgrace Valhalla by directly disobeying orders, and so she would go like the nice child she was trying to appear to be. They followed a dark colored man who appeared to hold some sort of authority within Seracia. She would have to get on his good side if she wanted any semblance of a life while being supervised. She spotted a sizable lake that looked decent enough for swimming and bathing - and perhaps even fishing if someone taught her how. Ahead of them she noted a thick forest that was no doubt teeming with life. Perhaps this wouldn't be such a bore after all. Ashtoreth would speak up, thanking the man for letting the Valhallans stay here and stating something about being a hindrance to the fighters. Solaine snorted, offering up a quippy ?Speak for yourself,? under her breath. She knew she ought to hold her tongue, but there was absolutely no fun in that. Not to mention she didn't agree at all with what the woman had said. Solaine would have been excellent help if she'd been allowed to say - she was sure of it. A woman was there, arriving with a deer clenched between her jaws - by the throat. Solaine licked her lips, feeling saliva begin to well up within her mouth. It had been a long journey, after all, and she was a growing child. ?I'm Solaine,? she would speak, this time much louder than before - and certainly confident despite the circumstances. Perhaps, if the woman knew she was there, she might be offered something to eat. The golden child neared the woman with the deer, gazing at it hungrily through bi-colored eyes. Perhaps it wasn't the most polite way to contort herself - but at this point she hardly cared.



11-09-2013, 12:51 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2013, 12:51 AM by Aeil.)

She detected the hunger and potential chance to dine in the young girl's eyes. Aeil's smile was warm and her tail swept behind her in gentle, rhythmic movements. Her light blue eyes twinkled and ears perked at the introduction from the light-pelted guest. "Hello, Solaine, and welcome to Seracia." Aeil lowered her head to the deer and gently nudged it, showing an open invitation for the girl to get the first bite. "Please, go ahead and eat what you can...I am sure you are starving." The few sentences that left Aeil's lips held the tone of an open soul, not afraid of harsh words or possible rejection. It was just a part of Aeil's nature.ooc: Sorry for such a short post, Andy. xD

Talk like this


11-11-2013, 10:31 AM

like no king was before

The King would step in for a brief interlude, his russet form coming into view alongside Aeil. She would speak to a young child who was obviously hungry. The girl bore a resemblance to a woman in Valhalla, and he would offer her a kind smile before murmuring into Aeil's ear. "I have a request of you, lady Aeil." He paused, giving her a moment to direct her attention to him. "Might you be interested in the position of Grand Duchess alongside Dragon?" The two were mates, and it was only logical to offer her the position whilst the war raged. Who knew when Pontifex would return, not to mention Maverick had already deduced a plan for dealing with the lost once-Duke. As if giving her a moment to think it over, he would direct his attention to the woman and child that had gathered. "As has already been stated, welcome. I assure you the circumstances are not ideal, but we are pleased to have you nevertheless. If there is anything we can do for you during your stay, please do not hesitate to ask." Dragon was there too, and Maverick would give him a nod, happy to see his Duke fulfilling his role. He would then wait for a response from any of them.

{Table coded by Lu}


11-11-2013, 10:50 PM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2013, 10:51 PM by Aeil.)

The presence of the King was definitely a surprise to the dark gray female. She hadn't expected him to show up, but she was pleased nonetheless. Aeil didn't have time to express a greeting, for the King immediately whispered in her ear at his arrival. The dame's blue eyes widened in even more surprise from what he was asking and she turned to look at him with the set facial expression. She quickly recovered and cleared her throat to answer him. "King Maverick...of course I would." Her tail started to wag even more and a smile broke out across her face. "Grand Duchess...yes, sire. I accept!"
She snuck a side glance to Dragon and then leaned against him, happiness radiating across her body and down to her paws. Fortune had been in her favor since she had joined Seracia and she hadn't looked back since that day upon meeting Gerhardt. Her heart raced in the same happy beat from the mere memory's flashback. Grand was indeed an honor.

Table made by the Amazing Andy ♥



11-12-2013, 06:13 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had not realized the pup Solaine had been right on her heels, though she should not have been surprised to see her. Of all those who had come over in the mess of the war, she had seemed the less perturbed by the events, all excited glances and apparent curiosity from the moment they had set foot inside the new lands of Seracia. But even if she had been nothing but demure and quiet Ashtoreth would not have known how to take her. She might have taken on their care of her own volition, but youngsters were still somewhat of a mystery to her, unsure how to balance the strict adult figure along with the one that should also encourage their youthful ways. It took a little effort not to outright frown at the girl's remark in answer to her statement considering she knew the truth of it; against seasoned fighters, none of them would have stood a chance.

A distraction came in the form of a grey colored wolf dragging along what appeared to be a well proportioned carcass of a stag with her. Being a hunter herself, Ashtoreth had to admire the woman's strength simply to be able to move the beast herself though the sight of the creature brought with it a small pang of regret. She had wanted to catch something just as fine and appealing for her own pack before the war had broken out, but she had never gotten the chance. We'll have to turn it into a victory feast, she decided then, hoping and praying that the Valhallans on the battle field would return, whole and victorious, as she watched young Solaine approach the grey Seracian hunter with obvious motives to secure herself a bite of the buck, which she was rewarded with.

Another presence joined them, his bright coloration easily demanding attention all on its own. She recognized him instantly. Maverick. If she had thought his larger stature and rank intimidating during their last encounter, when he had answered her call for a spar, it was nothing compared to now. Now, he seemed to carry himself with a greater weight, regal and authoritative and commanding. He seemed to have made the transformation from prince to king very well. Words were spared for his hunter, who seemed entirely delighted by his whispered words, before he addressed herself and the Valhallan pup, to which Ashtoreth nodded her head gratefully. "Thank you," she answered, sparing a smile for the hospitable new Grand Duke and Duchess of Seracia before setting her purple and gold eyes upon the young Valhallan pup to see just how quick Solaine might be to try the offered meal.


11-21-2013, 08:57 PM

like no king was before

She would accept almost immediately, her enthusiasm obvious. A smile would grace his russet features, as his tail switched behind him a few times. Good. He would dip his head gently, "I am just as pleased as you." He would glance to Dragon, and then back to Aeil. "I am sure you two will be a wonderful pair." He meant that both in rank and in terms of love. They would be marvelous together, he was sure. But time was running short, and Maverick needed to go. His wife needed attending to, as did everything else in Seracia. He would nod to Ashtoreth as she spoke her thanks, and give a fleeting glance at the child as he stood and shook lightly. "I'm afraid I can't linger," With those final notes he would hasten from them, following the scent trail of his wife and one of his children who was with her.

Exit Maverick

{Table coded by Lu}


12-01-2013, 04:05 AM

Dragon smiled and nodded as the proceedings happened. He had been in such a daze, time passing by like a blur in most moments. His mind had become occupied by the thoughts of Seracia's future. Would Glaciem come storming at their doors without reason one day as well? Only time would tell. As he was lost in his mind, he was lucky enough for Aeil to arrive, answering the ones he had brought here and even feeding them a kill she had brought for them as well. His mind would snap back to the present when a familiar scent hit his nose, and he glanced over to see King Maverick approaching his dearly beloved. Ears perked and tail wagged slightly as he moved closer, brushing his fur against her as their King spoke to her. A smile began to pull at his lips as Aeil's excitement leaked to him, and graciously he would nod to his King. He would not say a word, instead allowing for Aeil to soak in the excitement at her new promotion. He chuckled when she spoke, thanking the King. It always amused him when Aeil became excited and it was one of the qualities he had fallen so deeply in love for.

Maverick would then turn to both of them and spoke, and Dragon dipped his head and replied his thanks to the king before he disappeared back into the territory. King Maverick was someone he looked up to, and he hoped that one day he could be an Alpha like him some day and carry on a legacy. Turning to the Valhallan woman, he dipped his head to her. "No need to thank us. We are simply doing what any pack would morally do. We cannot survive if we do not help one another, and we sure would never forgive ourselves if we left our allies at the hands of a power hungry pack. We are glad you are with us, no matter how temporary it may be. Our allies always have a place of refuge within our kingdom." He replied to Ashtoreth, notes of kindness and sincerity in his voice.

He would then turn to Aeil, a big smile spreading his muzzle as he leaned into her neck, giving her an affectionate nuzzle. "Congratulations Aeil, not only are you the world's most beautiful woman, but you are the world's most beautiful Grand Duchess, and Queen of my heart."

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