



11-02-2013, 08:49 PM

Loccian would lead the injured away from the borders, trying to move quickly but also a bit slow for those having some difficulty walking. The barn would be the perfect spot for them, there was plenty of room to lay down and rest while she applied herbs to any aches, scrapes or cuts. "Most stalls are open so take anyone, I will get some herbs together then treat the more seriously wounded first." She would call over her shoulder, coming to a stop at one of the doors and giving a hard push so there was more room for them to enter.

While the wolves trailed in Loccian would wait for the woman who spoke to her at the border, Meili. "Follow me miss, my storage is at the end." And with that she would also slip inside, walking down the aisle before stopping at the end. She would stand up on her rear legs, pressing her forepaws against the side and give a push then dropping back down to all four while the stall slid open, revealing a large herb storage. Just about anything you possibly needed.




5 Years
11-05-2013, 11:29 PM

Gretel padded slowly after the woman, limping badly; she was certain the scabs on her pads had opened again and her right front leg was burning. That had thankfully not opened up again so she wasn?t as bad as she could have been considering she had been prepared to fight her way out of the war that had raged around them. Mostly she was thankful to have her brother back again, for now at least they were safe. She could not guarantee this pack would shield them from the skulled bitch if she chose to come after them but maybe she wouldn?t find them.
She picked up her pace some as the healer spoke up. Slipping into the barn she glanced around quickly before glancing back to smile encouragingly at the girl slave, Avalon. Gretel chose the closest stall on the right and dropped eagerly onto the ground, glad just to be off her aching paws.




11-06-2013, 12:18 AM

Pain all over herself from her failure. And she wasn't one who was supposed to be in the war in first place. The Baroness just hated, absolutely loathed, males like Isar. Nearly as evil as her father had been, not exactly. But she knew what would have happened if she had stayed. Rivaxorus would not have escaped with just broken ribs, she would have pulled herself into her murderous state she wouldn't have been able to return to Seracia. Even worse, she would have wanted to slaughter everyone and everything around her. So here she was, with a large bite wound on the top of her scruff, and fractured ribs along with various cuts all along her spine. She had silently followed the slave here but kept her distance. Riv was not in the emotional mood, to try and be herself. She was more depressed, if anything, terrified of herself.
Loccian was here though, if she showed an ounce of anything, she would not be able to forgive herself. The woman was temporarily in shut down mode emotionally, it'd be that way until she could bury her malicious intent that she felt. The lady was greeted by Kurai, who she passed by before collapsing near one of the stalls. Painfully groaning from her fractured ribs.




11-06-2013, 01:40 AM

Imena had remained silent the rest of the way into Seracia territory. Her sky blue eyes would flicker to the two Amenti slaves. She moved slowly at their past, letting the older one, Hansel's sister, to lean on her for support.It would not take them long to get to the barn, but it felt like hours to the dark female. Her mind would travel back to Vahalla, worried for her packmate and her dear mate Cael. Her paws itched to do something, anything. So offering to help the two girls was her best choice. It would allow her mind to focus on one task at a time.

As they came to the barn she paused at it's entrance. She had never seen such a thing like this. Hackles lifted in wariness but as she watched the others go in she slowly followed. It would be a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the gloom to watch the Seracian push aside a wooden wall. Eyes narrowed in interest as she padded over to the grey females side. Carefully she gave the door a sniff before turning to look at Loccian. She would not question how Seracia had found such a thing but slightly envied her for having such a prime and spaceous place to store herbs. But quickly it would pass and she smiled gently."Thank you..this means alot. Everything your pack has offered and still offering." She said softly. Eyes scanned over the herbs till she began to gather a small bundle. She wished that male Dragon had followed to ask if he could get food. Is it possible to get these two some food? They'll need something small though. She asked before picking up her bundle of selected herbs gently.

She padded over to Gretel slowly, so as not to spook her. She laid down and began to go to work. Pulling out stinging nettle she chewed it up and spat the pulp out onto a large leaf. Next she took marigold and did the same, adding it to the pile, she pulled out goldenrod and mixed it into the these little seeds, it'll help the pain and soothe your nerves. she told both girls, giving each two poppy seeds before taking her poultice and applying to any wounds the two had. The sound of another entering the barn had Imena stiffen and turn to look. By scent the brown female was Sercaian.Um..Loccian i think your needed. she called softly just as the brown woman laid down with a groan. She turned back to the two before her.I'm going to apply this pulp here to your wounds, it'll help heal them and take down swelling. We'll worry about grooming later. First we need you well rested and fed. she told them in a gentle soothing voice.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-06-2013, 03:14 AM

She had made it. Thanks to Gretel's brother Hansel, Avalon had been able to escape from the war unscathed...well, for the most part. Her paw pads stung, the girl limping as she favored her back left leg. Though Canttina had damaged her leg and brutally attacked her their first meeting, her leg had never been allowed to heal properly. Bite wounds still oozed puss and liquid blood, a couple of the wounds on her hind thigh smelling infected but she had learned to stop complaining, else it would earn her more hurt and pain. Avalon had thought that she couldn't be broken, but during her time in slavery she had begun to feel that thought wane. Gretel after all, had seemed to accept it as if there was no hope. That's what Avalon had seen anyway. She only hoped that Kestrel was safe and remained uninjured. Dragging her paws in the dust, she walked slowly behind the others, the Valhallan healer and the Seracian healer ahead of her with Gretel. Avalon had not said a word since they came to the Seracian borders, she simply kept her head down and averted eye contact with anyone. In the time of being kept in the dark, she learned not to make eye contact to the women of amenti, for whenever she did Ryu or someone else would beat her for no other reason. Her pelt had lost it's fluffiness and luster, the silky smoothness her pelt once held was gone now as it festered with dirt, grime, blood and other impurities.

She halted just a yard or two behind the others as they stopped near a big wooden building. Ears lied flat atop her head as she grew wary. Her muscles aching, belly rumbling from the lack of food. She had always remained starved, only given a scrap here and there and often times forced to eat the occasional wandering bug or mouse. Other times she would eat small bits of grass or weeds that would grow up between the cracks of the boards that floored the SS Antiox. She watched everyone go inside, Gretel and the healers as she slowly and hesitantly followed. She said not a word as she watched Gretel choose a stall, and Avalon would walk past her to lie down in the corner that was hidden in shadows. She would press her back into the corner, a small whine escaping past her lips in a barely audible whisper as the motion hurt the muscles in her back. Her tail swept over her extended left leg, her right side upon the floor as she placed her head on her paws. She wasn't sure how to react to kindness anymore, not after what Canttina had done. She had trusted her, and it only ended up hurting her. She swallowed nervously as Imena approached them with some medicinal herbs, Avalon's fearful gaze eyeing the poppy seeds though she made no motion nor indication towards them even as Imena spoke.

As Imena approached her, Avalon instinctively made a low rumble within her chest. Her body shrinking away from the woman. Though she hadn't meant to, her current mentality on trusting others or allowing them to get near her had faded into the thoughts that perhaps they really weren't good...but just masked themselves that way. She would cease her low growl to a barely audible rumble within the pits of her chest, and slowly turned her head away to stare at the wall.

Talk like this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



11-09-2013, 04:07 AM

Loccian would give a dip of her head to the woman when she thanked the Ambassador and her pack for what they were doing to help the Valhallans, of course they would help them out, Seracia wouldn't leave them out there alone with war raging on their borders. In no time the woman would go to pick out herb she would need to treat the Amenti slaves, while Loccian gathered some for herself to treat the others who had trailed in. With the question about small prey Loccian would pause and look over to a small hole in the wall before turning back to Imena. ?Sure, let me quick grab something.? And with that the woman would step aside and squeeze through the hole. She would go to a small spot some of the hunters would drop meals off to, picking out two chickens and making her way back just in time to hear the woman saying she was needed.

The Ambassador would quickly drop the chickens off beside the woman before going back and collecting her herbs and making it over to where Riv lay battered from fighting. She'd set the herbs down to take a look at the woman, sniffing and gently prodding certain areas to get an idea of the damage done that she couldn't see. A bite would to her scruff, and cuts along her spine. Those would be easy to treat. "Are you experiencing any pain beside the bite and cuts Miss Riv?"She'd ask gently, grey orbs running over the woman's body again, making sure she didn't miss anything.




11-10-2013, 02:59 PM

Of course this would happen to her, and of course she would take the wrong course of action. Scrambling to get a hold on herself and the pain, and to keep herself under control. Her red eyes didn't seem to hold the same soft kind glow, they were solid, confused, and if anything hard. As she sent a small glared off to Loccian, she let out a deep growl with another inch of pain. She decided not to move. "My ribs, I think they might be broken, or fractured." The woman replied simply, with only the emotion of pain, and possibly malice hidden within it. God, she hated this Rivaxorus didn't want to seem like this to anyone. Her black tail flicked back and forth with the irritation she felt.
She just couldn't wait to be treated, to get this pain out of her head. To get that memory of the war out of her head. Her red eyes narrowed at the thought of the white male. Who probably didn't pay second mind to her in the fight. He wouldn't ever know her name, not unless she confronted him. Honestly she hated men like that down to her core. And here she was, injured from one of his underlings. She cursed under her breath, how was she even supposed to face that.
