
Wrong Way

Rune I


5 Years
10-31-2013, 02:07 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Rune had a lot on his mind. He was still hardened and determined to see through his plan of reclaiming Tortuga for those who had once called it home - namely himself, and perhaps his aunt, since all of the others he had lost track of. He needed to train, to conform his body in that of a swift and strong warrior capable of toppling down the structure that had usurped his homeland, or at least the one who now held the lead there. It was still upsetting to him to hear that his homeland was being turned into something that it never should have been, even more upsetting to know that those who had once proudly stood to rule it had practically disappeared off the face of the planet entirely. And not only that, but he needed still to learn the ways of a diplomat, someone capable of conferencing on behalf of the pack as a whole and also to speak to the masses once they were gathered. His mind should have been fully focused upon those two goals, the achievement that he had determined to mean the most in his life.

Instead he found himself in a state of distraction. The last time he had spoken with Alamea, she had mentioned an impending war upon her home and the fear she held over what it might mean for her pack. He had wanted very much to stay with her, to see to it that she was taken care of during the war and not thrown into harm's way, but in the end it had not been done. Rune came from a background and upbringing very different than that of most of the wolves she had allied herself with; he was sure his presence might have caused a stir at the very least, and that he too would feel discomfort with a pack whose ways he did not understand. But even as he tried to turn his attention to other matters, matters he had taken on for himself, his thoughts always seemed to return to her. Was she safe? Were the war preparations coming along okay? She was going to stay out of the fighting, right?

Eventually it got to the point where he needed to act or else drive himself into insanity with worrying. He needed to check on her, to see for himself that she was fine, that the war was still only on the horizon and that Valhalla would be prepared to meet them head on and without giving in before things could truly begin. He was close now, treading across the Emerald Valley and oblivious to the fighting that he would find once he got to the plains where Alamea's pack resided. But there was a certainty in his step, an eagerness in his eyes. He was going to see the girl who had grown to mean so much more to him than expected, so much to him that thoughts of her facing possible danger, even with a pack to stand behind, kept him from his own ventures. Rune traveled onward, resolutely, with no idea that the one he sought was presently tucked away in the very opposite direction.