
They don't get you like I will



10-29-2013, 12:34 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2013, 04:19 AM by Maija.)

The war was still going on and Maija's heart was still icy as before. She had become more withdrawn, less responsive to the pack as a whole, and kept to herself more than ever. Although she caught deer for the pack and left it for the members while they slept, she didn't show herself to anyone. Ever since the day she had spoken with Aoi, her mind was still whirring like a spinning wheel. Threads of thoughts spun themselves into projects that were left incomplete, but she broke them down and tried to make sense of them again. Alas, to no avail.
Rather than dealing with the past emotions that clung to the memories of Dragomir, she was now trying to find a way to build up the courage to talk to Taurig when he got back. She figured it would be awhile before she got to, though. Once he returned from the war, she knew that he would want to speak to the pack as a whole rather than individual meetings. Being on the back burner was normal for Maija, considering how Rotterdam had thought of her as another piece to his future collection. A wicked smirk crossed her features as she remembered his frustration of not being able to hold on even one female other than her. Such high goals with abysmal results. Hah!
Maija stopped thinking of the past and focused on her task at hand. What would happen when they were alone again? It had never been a big deal to spend time with Taurig, but now that she had confirmed to Aoi that she was developing feelings, it made her more nervous than ever. Instead of getting worked up over it in her solitude, Maija slowly inhaled the air around her. Since he had left, Maija had found it hard to leave his den. His scent was the only thing that hung in the air and tickled her nose in the process. Another sleepless night was what looked to be on the agenda as Maija lowered her head to the ground. With her body in a curled fetal position, she flicked her tail around and it rested across her face, halfway hiding it. Leaf green eyes closed as she softly sighed, causing the banner's fur to move with the small gust of air. Perhaps her dreams would help her slip into unconsciousness...

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
10-29-2013, 12:50 AM

He had honestly expected things to go much differently than they had. He had expected to have been attacked the moment he'd entered the seige, but it was not so. Valhalla had done a sufficient job in keeping the Glaciem wolves occupied that the Re hadn't been initially attacked. To his luck, one of his own wolves had decided to take on Ice King (which was probably not a smart idea), allowing the cobalt Re to take one of Isardis' most prized wolves; Sendoa. And the blue woman had come without a fight, which was the most surprising thing of all. He had managed to come back without a scratch, though he couldn't say the same for his men. Part of him felt guilty that he had left his men behind, but he had promised Sendoa he would leave the Seige if she came. And he did. But now. He had someone else to go find.

After having gotten Sendoa settled into Tortuga, the cobalt Re had gone on a hunt. Her scent was still fresh and he was able to track it through the territory. He would've figured she would've holed herself up in her den, or gone to the far hunting grounds she'd taken him to not too long ago, but to his ultimate surprise, he found her in his den of all places. Well, it wasn't completely strange. He'd taken her there the first day that they'd met, so he could understand why she would want to go back, but she wasn't exactly a very social wolf and he knew she liked her space. Regardless as to why she was there, Taurig was just glad that she was. Ebony limbs would pull the titan closer to his den, massive skull dipping down towards the ground, icy gems fixating on Maija's apparent slumbering figure. Maija... He would whisper quietly, hoping that she wasn't completely asleep yet.

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10-29-2013, 01:00 AM

The dreams hadn't started yet, but the familiar blurs of various colors were swimming around behind closed lids. Her mind was beginning to relax and she mentally thought that she would be able to sleep well for once. However, the plans of slumber were dashed when a gentle voice cut through the silence. It was a voice that spoke her name, tones so familiar, but could only come from her imagination. He couldn't be back so soon...
Reality swept in and wrapped itself around Maija's brain, urging her body to wake up. Eyes flitted open, blinking a few times before their gaze came into focus. A set of dark paws standing on the ground made her eyes widen, but her surprise lengthened when she continued to raise her head to see who they belonged to. It was...but it couldn't be...but it was! "Taurig?" She softly voiced, tones showing disbelief as she took him in for the whole effect. Could it be?
Without giving it a second thought, she brought her front legs beneath her chest to push herself up. Her slender form rose to all fours, tail gently flicking behind her for the full effect. Leaf green eyes sparkled against the moon's light shining through the den's entrance, heart silently increasing its pace in her chest and pounding loudly in her ears. "You are are alive...and unharmed?" Gaze swept over the cobalt's form as she took a step forward to ensure the complete assessment. " could it be?"

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
10-29-2013, 01:11 AM

At first he was worried that she was indeed already asleep. For the first few moments, there would be no movement from the golden woman, just the light fluttering of her eyelids. She was asleep...but not completely. His soft voice would cut through her consciousness and bring her back, her lids blinking until her gaze focused on him. She would whisper his name as she slowly lifted her head to fully take him in, disbelieving that he was really here. A gentle smile would curl his ebony kissers, a gentle chuckle rumbling in his chest. The one and only. He would respond in light amusement, watching as she brought herself to stand, tail wagging. This was certainly a welcome.

She didn't seem to believe that he was back so soon and without a scratch. If he hadn't actually lived through it, he wouldn't have believed it himself. Luck maybe? I'm not too sure. I got there ready to fight, but no one attacked me. So I stood around, observing, and I spotted my half Aunt Sendoa, one of Glaciem's highest ranking wolves and I got an idea. I was going to fight her and claim her as my own, but as things turn out, she came willingly back to Tortuga with me. But in order for her to come without a fight, I had to leave the Seige and so I did. And that's how I'm here now. He would allow his skull to return a more normal height, icy eyes alight with delight. What would she think of the whole ordeal?

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10-29-2013, 01:25 AM (This post was last modified: 10-29-2013, 01:29 AM by Maija.)

His explanation of how he left unscathed was a good one, but definitely a dangerous situation at that. Her ears flattened against her skull as he told her that he took one of the highest ranking wolves of Glaciem and she looked at him with a stern gaze. "That...was definitely strategic, but what are the consequences?" Maija broke her gaze and looked to her right, gaze hitting a random piece of the den's wall as she softly said, "I can't lose you..." The confession surprised her and she immediately bit her bottom lip, eyes dancing with a soft touch of fear. The truth of her uncalculated thought escaping felt warm on her tongue, but it was still a weird feeling.
An ear flicked in his direction and she felt her stomach muscles clench as she continued to speak. "This last time you left, I couldn't do anything by my normal standards. I couldn't eat as much, nor sleep as well. I couldn't leave the den unless I really had to, and..." She sighed softly, eyes closing. "This war took you away from Tortuga, from the pack...from me, and it felt like a piece of the world was taken with your absence." Maija felt disbelief falling over her as she realized she had just told Taurig how she had been doing the short time he was gone.

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5 Years
Extra large
10-29-2013, 01:36 AM

As expected, she didn't seem to approve too much of the way he had handled things, but at least she didn't think it was a complete mistake. Though the stern gaze he was getting from her wasn't too rewarding. His torn ear would flatten against his skull, crown dropping ever so slightly at her words. Without a doubt he'll want to come after my head... The words would just leave his lips when her next set of words would register in his head. I can't loose you... Loose him? He hadn't really wanted to admit to himself, but there was something special about Maija. He cared about all his packmates just as equally, but Maija he cared for just a little bit more. But as to why he cared for her more than everyone else he didn't exactly want to admit. Things hadn't worked out for him and Argent, not that they ever would, so how could he expect them to work out with Maija?

But she wasn't done yet. This last time you left, I couldn't do anything by my normal standards. I couldn't eat as much, nor sleep as well. I couldn't leave the den unless I really had to, and...This war took you away from Tortuga, from the pack...from me, and it felt like a piece of the world was taken with your absence. The Re's eyes blew to impossible sizes at her words, both of his ears falling back against his skull, disbelief riddling his frame. Had he really just heard what she'd said? He played it back over in his head, going over each word slowly. He had never meant so much to anyone in his how could he have such significance to her? I was going to come back to you Maija, one way or another, harmed or unharmed... And Taurig would allow his brooding feelings to slowly enter the spotlight. Was he making the right choice? It was hard to tell.

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10-29-2013, 02:03 AM

The threat that was posed against Taurig to have his body beheaded was a detail Maija wanted to overlook, but couldn't. She knew that since he was a King and had the royal blood running through his veins, enemies would be made. Having his power thirsty daddy craving his head on a pike was one of those 'past the boundary lines' kind of thing. Her personal opinion of the white brute was kept quiet, but she wouldn't mind voicing it as a response to his words. "Acts like a child whose favorite toy was taken from him..." she mumbled, a growl escaping her lips after the phrase was uttered.
Taurig's words of him returning to her made both ears perk. Any thoughts of Isardis were tossed to the wind and she realized that Taurig had remained true to his promise. Her mind began to slowly grind its gears a bit faster as she looked back to his icy orbs, dancing in the skull that held the brain of the man she was slowly growing to care deeply about. "There was always that potential reason to be afraid you wouldn't, Taurig.." She said, tones becoming softer as she revealed more than she thought she ever would to the cobalt male.
"I have loved and lost before..." Her eyes became less stern and more revealing to the soul beneath the icy layers that was slowly slipping through the cracks. "The pain I felt from my husband's absence made me act as if I was someone else. I didn't want to go through that again, especially after meeting you..." A light sigh escaped her lips. "Lately, I have been torn between holding onto the past and moving on with my life here. My life had you in the picture, if you can believe it..." Her tail curled around her form and she kept her gaze steady as she murmured, "I was afraid to even tell you how I leaving made me regret not saying anything."

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
10-31-2013, 07:29 PM

Despite the shock that was ripping through his body at her initial set of words, the small remark she made about Isardis made half of his dark lips twitch upwards in a half smirk. She did have a point. He was a lot like a tantum throwing pup, yelling and screaming and kicking and biting those who didn't allow him to get his way. It was rather ridiculous that a self-proclaimed King would allow himself to act in such a childish fashion, but it was the way of Isardis and there was no changing the bastard unfortunately.

But the amusement lasted only a moment, fading away with the passing breeze as he watched Maija's features become just a little bit more serious, her words weighing down heavily on him. Yes there was, but it's irrelevant now. I'm here. I'm home. I'm in one piece and you have nothing to worry about Maija... A touch of tenderness would sneak its way into the Re's voice as her name swept across his tongue, but he would have to hold his tongue as the golden beauty would continue to speak. I have loved and lost before...The pain I felt from my husband's absence made me act as if I was someone else. I didn't want to go through that again, especially after meeting you... Lately, I have been torn between holding onto the past and moving on with my life here. My life had you in the picture, if you can believe it...I was afraid to even tell you how I leaving made me regret not saying anything.

Husband. It was the first word that struck out to the titan from her speech. She had been married. Or was still technically married, her husband was just MIA. It made the cobalt's stomach drop to his paws and his throat tighten just a little bit. She was married. How could he not have seen it? But he would push aside that fact to continue to analyze the rest of her words. She'd been hurt, just as he had, and she didn't want to go through it again, especially after meeting him. Dark brows would furrow together with concern, but her next words would shed some light. My life had you in the picture, if you can believe it... He was a part of her life? The Re would slowly allow himself to sit before her, icy gaze never leaving her emerald one as he slowly mulled over the meaning of her words. She...felt something for him, right? That had to be it. It had to be. Maija I... He trailed off unsure of how to continue. I feel...protective of you, more than anyone else. It's in my nature to protect those close to me, but I would put my life on the line for you in the blink of an eye. I went to the war for you, so I could keep Isardis away from here...away from you. I couldn't live with myself if he had managed to get to you and I hadn't been there to protect you...

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10-31-2013, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2013, 10:49 PM by Maija.)

He spoke of how he wanted to protect those close to him, but risk his life for her own. The devotion that was noted in his voice made Maija's inner core attempt to break free of her bonds. She didn't want to admit it, but she had fallen deeper in what was safe to assume more than a crush at that moment. Her heart wanted to race as if it were running, but she didn't let it for the possible consequences that would come from such an act. A part of Maija was still nervous, still wanting to believe that nothing would ever happen to him in the future. The bolder part of her -- the stronger part -- told her that if something did happen, she would be okay and deal with whatever was thrown in her direction. After all, she lived through Dragomir's disappearance, right?
Her leaf green eyes still clung to his as he continued to admit that he would die if he couldn't protect her from his father. The reason he went to the war was for her benefit...she had never had someone want to keep her safe that much. Maija's heart then leaped from its icy layers and she slowly propelled herself to close the gap between them. Her muzzle met his neck and she nuzzled him with a cool nose, breathing in his scent and closing her eyes. Words escaped her as she softly said, "No one has ever showed me how much I meant to them before..." Even Dragomir hadn't done something so drastic and noble.
She realized she had probably crossed a barrier, but in that moment, it had seemed right. Maija then pulled back, ears shyly lowering as her gaze still met his. "You don't know how much those actions, however dangerous, proved to me how strong of a man you are...and how much you care."

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
10-31-2013, 11:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2013, 12:07 AM by Taurig.)

There was something much more was powerful brewing inside of the titan. Something more powerful than what he had ever felt for Argent. It felt real and true and most importantly, it was really reciprocated. There was no one (at least he hoped so) waiting to come swoop in and take Maija away, so there was a real chance that he would be able to turn these brewing feelings inside of him into something real. But did she want to? Her steps forward to close the gap between them confirmed to him as much, her nuzzle sending his heart into flutters inside of his chest. The man would tense for a second at the unexpected contact, but his body would immediately relax afterwards, accepting her touch and even liking it. Her touch was much more gentle and affectionate than Argent's ever was. She wasn't Argent, which had to be a good sign for him.

"No one has ever showed me how much I meant to them before...You don't know how much those actions, however dangerous, proved to me how strong of a man you are...and how much you care. He would wait until she had pulled back, apparently realizing that she had maybe crossed a line, but a gentle smile would tug at the corners of his dark lips as he took the initiative to reclose the gap again, muzzle dipping to touch her chin, lifting her gaze back up to meet his. I can't hide how much I care Maija...even if I wanted to... Salmon tongue would slip from his jaws to gently caress her left cheek in a gentle kiss, plume wagging between his hocks. She was just...Beautiful.

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10-31-2013, 11:32 PM

She had thought that a line had been crossed, and she was right. Even though she had pulled back in a respectful manner, Taurig pursued her actions with his own. His words flowed warmly into her ears before he displayed signs of affection to her. Her leaf green eyes closed at his touch, silently hoping that it could last longer than it really would. Tingles branched out from the touch of his kiss to the rest of her body, making her skin prickle in waves. Her fur stood up and then down as she sat in front of him, giving it a look of breezes combing her form.
Leaf green eyes held onto his icy shards as a soft smile appeared on her face. She could feel him watching her, possibly adoring her for what she was. Maija let her guard down more than before as her heart softly hammered in her chest. "I would never ask you to hide it, Taurig..." she said, Romanian tones thick with emotion. "Not when you are beginning to mean more to me than anyone else has..." It was true, though she did love Dragomir at one point. The feelings she had kept for her lost husband had remained at first, but after realizing that he was in a chapter that had ended, they were pushed back to stay with his memory. Hard as it was before, she was finding it easier to make a life for herself without him. Closer than she had been, she was becoming free of the bonds her past had chained around her ankles. With Taurig, she knew they would become memories, too.
"I intend to do the same for you..." She said, leaf green eyes shimmering as her smile widened with her words. "That is...unless you have a problem with it?" An eyebrow rose and the flirtatious part of Maija was revealed. She walked a delicate line, for she hadn't been this open with a male in a long time. Her eyes slowly blinked and she waited with baited breath for his response, tail gently flicking against his.

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
11-10-2013, 04:00 PM

Perhaps getting involved with Maija in such a way wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do but it felt...right. He felt like part of him needed to do this, to move on, to find someone else that could really reciprocate what he was willing to put out. He didn't want this thing that was developing with Maija to turn out like it did with Argent. He wasn't sure if he would be able to handle that kind of thing all over again.

And then her voice was snapping him out of his thoughts, pulling him back to the present. He had to live in the now. I would never ask you to hide it, Taurig...Not when you are beginning to mean more to me than anyone else has... He could feel the organ in his chest beginning to thud harder against his chest as his name rolled off her tongue. The way she said his name...he had never heard it said like that before and he loved it. His name sounded precious when spilling from her lips, not like a curse. Then anyone else has... He would watch the golden woman quietly, trying to asses the gravity of her words. She had been married before...and yet she was allowing herself to feel this way with him. She had to be feeling the same way...right?

I intend to do the same for you...That is...unless you have a problem with it? To his surprise, she would reveal a flirtatious side to herself that he had never imagined existed. It brought an easy smile from the cobalt Re, mischief twinkling in his diamond like eyes at her words. Should I have a problem with it? He played along, allowing himself to fully relax in her presence.

OOC: post is lame >.<

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11-10-2013, 09:11 PM

The way Taurig relaxed in front of her made Maija's smile widen. She had been able to bring about a part of the cobalt Re that hadn't revealed itself in public yet. Maija couldn't help but feel special for that reason, aside from being the one that was slowly wrapping herself around his heart. Her leaf green eyes twinkled a bit more as she gently laughed at his retort. To have him play along with her was something she hadn't been able to experience in God knows how long...and it was nice.
Her tail swayed behind her at a leisurely pace as she watched him, green gaze never leaving his own set of icy blue orbs. Maija's smile brought warmth to her words as she answered his question. "You should never have to worry about it," she soothingly said, green gems shimmering in their wake. "No one else is as lucky as you." Maija took the chance to press her nose against his cheek, waiting for the reaction of his skin to prickle or his heart to race. She could feel the vibrations of his beating organ inside his chest and the thought that she was the reason -- in that moment -- made her all the more elated than physically shown. Her nose lightly snorted warm air across his cheek before she pulled back to meet his gaze again. What would he do next?

speech here



5 Years
Extra large
11-23-2013, 12:01 AM

Everything with Maija was real. It was genuine. There was nothing that he had to hide from anyone and vice versa. There was no one that forbid them from developing feelings for each other. Her husband was never coming back and he was done with Argent. He had children with Cataleya, but he didn't have any type of romantic feelings towards the silver woman. He was completely free to feel however he wanted to feel towards Maija and right now he was feeling...loving towards her. Like he wanted to take care of her and show her he was willing to spend the rest of his life with her. Despite part of him still loving Argent, he could feel the same love, if not more pure and true bubble for Maija. Was it possible that he was falling for the golden dame so quickly? His instincts had led him astray once, but he trusted them wholeheartedly this time.

You should never have to worry about it. No one else is as lucky as you. She would press her cool nose to his cheek, eliciting a round of goosebumps that rippled across his frame, the organ in his chest jumping at the contact only to beat crazily against his ribcage. How long would this peace last with her? Would this be the last time that he would be able to spend a real moment with her? As those thoughts began to invade his mind, the Re would find himself moving closer towards Maija until he was directly in front of her, his chest nearly pressing against her, icy eyes tender as they gaze down into her leafy ones. If I'm lucky because I have you in my life, I wouldn't agree more. You are indeed a treasure. He would murmur gently, tones husky as he dipped his muzzle down towards her forehead to press a soft kiss between her eyes, a bit unsure if he should go through with what his mind was urging him to do.

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11-23-2013, 12:31 AM

His touch was something she didn't think would be as personal as Dragomir's had been. She was proven wrong in just mere seconds and her eyes felt the warmth and tenderness that shined in his gaze. It was what she wanted, what she needed, and the golden female would not take 'No' for an answer. Even as she thought this, Maija could see the desire that danced in Taurig's icy blue orbs. It felt right...and his actions were proof.
Her eyes closed at his forehead kiss and she sighed deeply into the affectionate touch. Taurig's words danced around her ears and she let her defenses completely down. The guarding of who she was didn't have to be done around him anymore; she was open for anything that could happen with him. She opened her eyes and softly spoke. "If I am your treasure, then you are mine. And as such..." her voice faded, suddenly becoming seductive as she added, "we will take care of each all aspects of life." Romanian accent twitched around her words as she leaned into Taurig's right shoulder, brushing her right side against his as she felt their fur of contrasting colors rub against the other. Maija's tail flicked behind her as she playfully nipped at his banner before walking up the other side of him, leafy gaze meeting his icy blues. "Don't hesitate to show me, Taurig..." An invitation if she had ever given one.



5 Years
Extra large
11-23-2013, 12:46 AM

Interactions with Argent were forbidden; taboo. He wasn't supposed to be around her and vice versa. They weren't good for each other. But Maija was good for him. She was better than good; she was exactly what he needed in his life. And he could only hope that he was what she needed to because it was becoming increasingly harder to imagine his life without her being part of it.

Her eyes would close at his touch, a sigh slipping from her golden lips, making the Re's stomach flip and twist with nervousness. Taurig wasn't usually one to get nervous but the things that he wanted to do with Maija were making his confidence waver. Could he go through with this? Was it the right time to be doing this? It could very well be the last time that he was able to have a quiet moment with her; why not take advantage of it? If I am your treasure, then you are mine. And as such...we will take care of each all aspects of life. Her voice would suddenly drop, her accent becoming thick with her words as she spoke, allowing the right side of her body to press against his right side, moving herself along his right side, tail flicking up beside his face as she nipped his. She would come around to stand at his left side, urging him to show her. The moment the last syllable of his name left her lips he could feel an intense burning between his thighs as his heart sped up within its cage. She wanted it like he did. Did she know that this could be their last time together?

With a low rumble the titan would bring himself to stand as he turned towards his left, muzzle dipping as his nose skimmed along the right side of her neck, daggers nipping gently along her golden neck. Are you sure you want me to show you...Maija? He would whisper huskily against her ear, salmon tongue swiping against its base in a kiss.

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11-23-2013, 12:59 AM

It had been so long since the golden huntress had felt any type of affection. Her heart had been taken by Dragomir, hence he was the only one she wanted to show love and adoration for. However, his lack of existence caused the female to finally let him go and develop feelings for the cobalt Re. Maija wasn't ashamed of how she felt, nor would she hold back to prove it over and over. That was just the kind of woman she was, despite having a tough exterior.
His returned affectionate touches made Maija's skin prickle and her eyes closed as he nipped her neck with gentle bites from his incisors. She leaned into his love nips, enjoying each one with a burning desire. A soft chuckle vibrated in her chest and she opened her eyes to meet his gaze. "I have never been more sure of anything," she simply stated, leafy green eyes burning with a fire that made her face light up. Intensely, she nipped him back and nuzzled his neck shortly after before pulling back to watch the large male's reaction.




5 Years
Extra large
11-23-2013, 06:23 PM

Argent was no good for him and he finally accepted that. Feel whatever he felt for her, nothing would ever come of it. Whatever she felt for the pale ghost would ever be stronger than what she claimed to feel for him and there was no point in wasting the rest of life trying obtain something that clearly wasn't meant for him. So the feelings that were brewing for Maija were a welcomed changed, a needed change. He wanted to find someone who truly reciprocated his feelings and had no problem showing them off to the world. And perhaps, Maija was just that woman.

I have never been more sure of anything. Her voice would send shivers down the length of his spine, making the fire in his loins burn hotter. This woman was going to become the mother of his precious children. She would become his wife, his queen, his everything; in due time of course. She wasn't going anywhere and neither was he, so there was no point in rushing things. But that didn't mean that he to hold back from what they both so clearly wanted. She would return the nip to his neck, nuzzling him afterwards only to pull away, as if waiting to see what he would do. She would receive a low rumble in response as he moved beside her, icy eyes drinking in her golden lithe figure. She was a true beauty, a regal queen and she deserved nothing but the best. And without another moment to spare, the Re would his cobalt frame to blanket hers, joining their entities for a brief moment in time.




11-23-2013, 11:56 PM

His icy blue gaze ran over form as she mirrored his actions. Taurig's figure was worth the lookover, especially when he was all hers. It had a nice ring to it -- all hers. Maija wasn't as possessive as her ex-husband, but she did have the right to be on guard of the men she was with. Dragomir's personality had wanted various women, but she had been number one. Now, as she thought about it without regret, Taurig's personality contrasted greatly. He only seemed to want her, and that was what she needed: monogamy.
The evidence of how much chemistry burned between the two. She could feel his body heat radiate from the inner core of the male and she accepted it whole-heartedly. As he walked behind her and enveloped her form with his cobalt pelt, she gave in to the temptation that had plagued her for months and became one with her Re.-fade to black-
