
Dare you


10-27-2013, 01:35 PM

Illja sat within her den, she hadn't added any personal touches yet. So it was simply an empty room. She wanted something to make it her own, a pelt on the floor, some human 'treasure', to her, a hunk of golden metal was no treasure. It was, well, a bit of metal. The English rose picked herself up from where she had been sitting and navigated herself out do the ship. She wanted to do something, something other than sit around and think. She didn't exactly think, she just sat there and thought about how she would get onto everyone's good side. There were a few of Amenti she had not seen yet. She would have to befriend everyone, Everyone. She stepped outside and felt the sharp autumn air hit her skin. She stretched herself out, thankful to be out of the metal ship, and began to swagger away in from the ship, heading nowhere in particular.



10-27-2013, 01:51 PM
A shadow would detach from the darkness at the base of the ship, following a lower ranking she wolf into the lands around their home, silent as a whisper. Tiny black paws would touch down on the frozen terra, taking her ever closer to the retreating pale dame. This one was new, for the dark temptress had never met her before, but had heard something of her around the metal construction she called home. The obsidian demon soon came up into more shadows, and took the opportunity to get farther ahead of the she wolf, that way she would have the element of surprise. Soon she came into the light, presenting herself to the she wolf calmly.

Her long tail would swish as she approached, brushing against her heels while her hips swung in an alluring fashion. "And you are?" She demanded of the pale pelted she wolf, her silky purr of a voice filling the air. She knew she was ranked above this one, though her ability to care was limited. Standing a distance from the other she wolf, she waited, her patience on the brink of wearing thin. She'd had a rough day, her temper was short, but maybe conversation would help brighten her mood ever so slightly.



10-27-2013, 02:28 PM

The petite ebony woman had appeared in front of Illja, she was not startled, Illja was not easily startled. "And who are you?"
the fae demanded, well that was rather rude. someone she hammer some manners into her, she looked to the coal dame with her hard, golden eyes. Some people had said to her that hard as gold wasn't correct, they said hard as diamond was more fitting. She hated diamond, it was too sparkly for her. She had only seen diamond once, a wolf outside of alacritis had a piece of it, only about 1/2 and inch across. Humans would pay a lot for that little carved piece of crystal. "You speak to Illja Rochwillden" she had thought of about fifty insults for the fae in the ten seconds she had known her, but offending her was perhaps not the best way to 'befriend' her. She looked at the woman. "And you are?" she purred to the fae, her words rolling off her tongue like silk. She licked her lips and stared into the woman's eyes. And what pretty eyes they are she examined the fae, drinking in every single inch of her ebony being.


OOC : sorry if the table seems weird, it's doing something funny, I think I fixed it xD


10-27-2013, 03:09 PM

She could see the disgust in this one's eyes as she glared at her with molten gold optics. The bitch draped in ebony could care less, she was gorgeous, and this white wolf was just jealous. An introduction finally was spewed forth from ebony lips, Illja Rochwilden, huh? The demoness grinned, and dipped her head respectfully.

"Well, I'm Raven Luponigro, since you offered your full title as well." She purred, knowing full well manners were everything. Though they weren't required for every time you spoke, they were important in daily life. She sat down, wrapping her long tail around tea cupped paws and watching the pale, tall she wolf. Her exotic eyes took in every inch of her, every strand of fur, and every rippling muscle. This one could be a warrior, a wolf who could protect the pack, or a soldier, if she so chose. She would have to see this one's body in action, maybe take her out on a hunt and see what this female could do with thos black claws and pearl daggers. She clearly didn't like the sultry shadow, but the shadow failed to care.

"What brought you to Amenti, Illja?" She asked, merely following social protocol, since she didn't care why she came, only that she was here, within the ranks of the pack, making the pack of bitches stronger and stronger. Raven had asked a few the same question, but today she was less eager to hear about it, since this wolf didn't even like her at all. But, being the wolf she was, she decided to antagonize the situation by staying as long as possible.



11-10-2013, 08:01 AM
You should be honoured to

"Well, I'm Raven Luponigro, since you offered your full title as well." she sneered at the fae, she couldn't care less about the female's full name. She had simply said her full name beause she just loved the ring it had to it. Illja Rochwillden it was a nice name, it sounded alluring. She looked at the sky and saw they brewings of a flurry of snow. The cold nipped at her skin. She licked her lips, and looked to the little ebony monster. Just then she opened her mouth and spoke, "What brought you to Amenti, Illja?" well a hunger for power, And a hunger for the empress, she thought to herself. She wanted to get to the fae, and it was clear from what she had heard of the fae, that she was reasonably high ranking, therefore, she must have been close to the empress, she tried to think of ways best to annoy Raven with what she would say next. "Well for one a dominant female pack, and two, that sexy little monster Canttina." it was a poor attempt at a comeback but, oh well.

see my face as your last sightIllja Rochwillden


11-12-2013, 06:53 PM

When the ivory she wolf finally replied, it was a rather annoying one. How dare she say she wanted her beloved Queen? A growl of possession rumbled deep in her throat, but the ebony bitch swallowed it before it could escape and make itself heard to Ilja. A yawn stretched her obsidian jaws wide, revealing rows of pearl daggers and a long salmon tongue. This conversation was so very quaint, unexceptional, and the demoness was officially bored. Standing, she let her voice fall from her lips a silky purr. "Well, that's very nice and all, but you bore me, Ilja. When you actually want to have a conversation, come find me. Good day." She retorted, smiling sweetly and standing. Without another word, the sultry black shadow sauntered off into the waiting darkness, off to find something more interesting than the new recruit to the matriarchy.



12-27-2013, 11:14 AM

Raven was clearly annoyed by her comment. She tried to hide it with a yawn, but the icy princess was not to be fooled. Well, that's very nice and all, but you bore me, Ilja. When you actually want to have a conversation, come find me. Good day A grin spread across the icy woman's face as the little black furred bitch smiled and walked away. Yellow eyes scanned the area, the petite fea had gone to the left. Snow clung to her fur, and icy cold filled the air. She sat upon a snow coated rock, a smile playing at the edge of her lips. She had a sudden desire for flesh for blood. The snowy maiden stood up after just sitting down, hopped off the rock, and went in search of something to torment. The crazed bitch wanted to play.

Speech, Thought, Others,