
Perfect Scars Upon My Wrists


10-20-2013, 04:44 PM

Cepheus will be breeding with Canttina and they will be having a lovely litter. However, they have quite an agreement and a multitude of dealings and decisions to be put out in the open. For example, Cepheus will be taking all of the males before they are old enough to know a lot about their mother and he will never play a role in the lives of the females as they will be Canttina's alone. Canttina will give her children the last name of Cael and Cepheus will give his the last name of L?cuyer.

Cepheus is 43'' and so height can be bought at a 25% off discount and children may be up to 42''.

These children will likely not be of anything remote to "good" nature unless of course something drastic happens like them being taken to a new pack/family via kidnapping. So, be prepared to have children that are probably beaten into polygamy, indifference, and extreme loyalty (if they are males) to Cepheus.

Designs are probably going to be very basic consisting of natural European/earthy colors and yellow or green eyes.

Played by: You ;D

Female Name Ideas: Anything Celtic, Russian, Norwegian--Klementina, Anabella, Helena-- will have the surname Cael

Male Name Ideas:Anything Hungarian, Greek, or Russian-- Aurel, Dragos, Adrian-- will have the surname L?cuyer

Fill out a personality and appearance below.

Played by: You ;D

Female Name Ideas: Anything Celtic, Russian, Norwegian--Klementina, Anabella, Helena-- will have the surname Cael

Male Name Ideas:Anything Hungarian, Greek, or Russian-- Aurel, Dragos, Adrian-- will have the surname L?cuyer

Fill out a personality and appearance below.

Played by: You ;D

Female Name Ideas: Anything Celtic, Russian, Norwegian--Klementina, Anabella, Helena-- will have the surname Cael

Male Name Ideas:Anything Hungarian, Greek, or Russian-- Aurel, Dragos, Adrian-- will have the surname L?cuyer

Fill out a personality and appearance below.

Played by: You ;D

Female Name Ideas: Anything Celtic, Russian, Norwegian--Klementina, Anabella, Helena-- will have the surname Cael

Male Name Ideas:Anything Hungarian, Greek, or Russian-- Aurel, Dragos, Adrian-- will have the surname L?cuyer

Fill out a personality and appearance below.



6 Years
10-20-2013, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 10-23-2013, 09:55 AM by Alamea.)
Obviously a WIP, will finish when I get the chance

Name: Deheune Cael (Celtic for Divine one)
Gender: Female
Apperance: Deheune is mostly caramel brown in color, the upper portion of her body dappled with greys and blacks. The lower potion fades into a slightly lighter cream brown. The underside of her muzzle is white as well as well as the back sides of her legs. A black stripe runs down her spine from the center of her forehead to the tip of her tail. The black stripe branches off down her front legs and curls across either side of her haunches. Deheune is a behemoth standing a total of 38? as an adult and weighing 185 pounds. The girl is bulky and built for battle. The most disturbing feature the girl possess it a pair of bright green eyes.
Adult height: 38"
Personality: Deheune takes after her mother in many many ways, she tends to be overly dramatic as if the world is her stage and she is putting on a sick show. Movements are calculated and purposeful; words are spoken with augmented emotion. The girl is also rather morbid, not understanding what things are considered taboo and which things might be distressing to other wolves. She takes immeasurable pleasure in toying with both prey and victims, in fact as a pup it is her favorite game. A sense she takes after her father as well, believing herself a princess, royalty in her own right.
There is but one major difference between herself and her parents. The girl would rather not bother with the opposite sex, finding procreation an unnecessarily messy and gross activity with the outcome even less desirable. Overall the girl would rather forego having her own children in order to not experience the process.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
RP sample:
Ref image


10-21-2013, 01:46 PM

[Image: nxnkfs.jpg]
name of the babe: klementina cael

sex of the babe: female

the beauty:

born of the empress would make you think of a child born with a prowess that could match her mother's physique, a child that would be large and defend themselves but that is not the case for this little babe.instead she was the last to arrive from her mother's womb, coming out as small as a stillborn child. she is tiny, so delicate as if she was shaped from a porcelain shell. as a small little child she is dwarfed by her siblings, physically weaker that them in every way. even as she grows it is easy to tell that she will be no bigger than a tiny little doll that is displayed in a shelf.

her porcelain shell is painted with the most delicate of monochromatic colors blended beautifully with the colors that the earth provide the trees. a pale color of beige seems to trail up her slender legs, softly touching her underbelly and even her face. the color flares across her cheeks as if to apply foundation to cover up a recent blush. cross her face is a blaze of a pale reddening tan, trailing from her nose to around her eyes to make a soft "mask" feature. over the rest of her porcelain body is peppered with dark mahogany browns and deep grays, and yet around her shoulders the pale beige has surfaced once more. creating a pale patch between those blades. the only marking she has that stands out form her body is a gentle stretch of dark fur that pains a line under her eyes, highlighting the softer color beneath.

her eyes are something to uphold, brighter than anything on her porcelain frame. they hold the eerie glow from her mother and a vibrancy that can hold anyone with her gaze. similar to her mother's yellow is a gentle shade of honey though around her pupils a brighter color appears. a bright clementine orange, those eyes fills those she looks at with warmth that seems to make others gravitate to her.

one more difference from her siblings is something that she tries to hide desperately, while in the womb where tissue tightened around her tail and allowed it to grow improperly. this is called amniotic band syndrome. when she was born a tail was not even a factor, only a very tiny nub where her tail should have been. as she grows the nub will not grow but it still responds like any other tail would, wagging but it is not very visible.

the song:
being born to a mother with an interesting view on live this child is not one that you could call of a good nature. instead this child is one that will always try to prove to her mother that she is better than her siblings, even though she is physically weaker than every one of them. fights will constantly break out because this little doll ill instigate them, only to loose almost every one. this child is filled with aggression and wants to be "top dog" of the litter, any name calling at her will end up in a fight.

in addition to this aggression and dominance issue you can see the signs of obsession, and jealousy. her obsession takes to faces, one can be show towards her envy and jealousy of those with a moving and working tail. a common action will be this child's way of hatred to those born with lovely banners to raise, she will bite and in time will claim someone else's tail as a trophy. another obsessive part of her personality is her obsession with her own mother, canttina. she find her to be the best of everything this world has to offer, fighting for her affection and even biting her own siblings just because her mother showed them kindness. she will try to prove herself to her, show her that she is the best of the litter. in her mind her mother is her own, and any wolf that comes near her should be eliminated. .

reference wolf:
one, two, this looks like canttina and klementina are standing together, and three.


10-21-2013, 02:18 PM
user posted image user posted image

PUP NAME: Anabella Cael, but her nickname can be Ana or Bell, she likes Bell.

PUP AGE: Unborn.

PUP PACK: Amenti, since she'll stay with mom.

PUP DREAM: To become leader of Amenti.

PUP RANK: No rank yet.

BASIC APPEARANCE: A small brown wolf with one lemon yellow eye and one dark green eye, with no scars at all.

BASIC PERSONA: Anebella will be a lot like her mother, due to staying with her mother and nobody else.




ADVANCED RP SAMPLE: [color=#00ffaa]



10-22-2013, 12:04 PM
WE NEED BOYS TOO!!! <3 -tempts by flopping about-


10-22-2013, 11:04 PM
Name: Misha Vladislav L?cuyer

MISHA (Миша): Pet form of Russian Mikhail, meaning "who is like God?"
VLADISLAV (Cyrillic: Владислав): Slavic name composed of the elements vlado "to rule" and slav "glory," hence "rules with glory." In use by the Bulgarians, Russians and Serbians.

Gender: Male
Apperance: Misha is nothing short of a giant in his adult age, worked hard by his father the male is built of muscle and not much else. He is a jet black, a color that races along his entire body save for a patch of white on his chest that trails off sharply between his front legs, his chin dusted in a soft white, almost a teasing reminder to his victims that it was really over. In his eyes sets a pair of eerie green eyes, a supernatural force living deep within the dark fur.
Adult height: 42"
Personality: Cold, empty, mean, slightly mad, vicious, temperamental, dominant, Loyal to his father.
Alignment: Chaotic-Evil
RP sample:

Massive paws pounded through the snow, heavy thundering pads sent up a flurry of snow as he lowered his head. He was going for speed now, the filthy beast had stepped paws on his Cepheus' land, for this the thing would die. He snarled as he gained on the trespasser, for many years his body was made for stamina, he could do this all night. The muscles rippled under his fur as he gained on the victim, he could hear them panting, hear the tiny whines of defeat as he easily matched the dogs speed.

He smiled at it for a moment so it could realize just what was abut to happen. He easily bumped the dog over, sending it tumbling through the snow. Crashing into a rock it was momentarily stunned as he took slow paw steps towards his victim. This was the fun part.

please! please dont kill me!
What would your mother say?
The other stared at him for a moment, confused and paralyzed with fear. As the dog realized what was happening Misha bent forth and tore his throat out, gurgling the other wolf sputtered as he flopped onto the ground. Staring up at Misha the black wolf laughed as he spat the contents of his mouth before the body, chuckling and shaking his head, Guess we'll never know...
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