
I Just Wanna Dance!


10-20-2013, 02:10 PM

A tall she wolf wandered into a forest of willows, their tawny branches brushing her flanks as she wove between them with a dancer's grace. They shared a colour pallet, though her eyes were a much more enchanting green, and the band of gold around her pupil set the whole look off. Her unusually long tail swayed back and forth behind her as her hips took on a slight rock while she walked. The golden banner was curled at the tip just enough to keep it from brushing the ground, but it still whispered through the verdant grass. She hummed quietly to herself, a jaunty tune, often used to keep her from getting bored as she travelled.

A small pond came into view before her, frogs and fish abundant in the still waters. Lifting a paw, she watched a frog hop closer to her, thinking the beautiful golden creature just another willow tree, until she crushed it beneath a paw. It wasn't poisonous, so why waste food that could be valuable to her? When winter set in, the frogs would hibernate underground, so now was the best time to catch them, when they were slow, gearing down for the long sleep. Lowering her cranium to the meal, she snapped it up in a few bites. Licking blood from her pristine muzzle, she lifted her tiara once more and looked around. It was quite beautiful here, though she could scent a pack in the distance, and felt a familiar twinge of unease in her chest. No matter, she was just passing through. When one looked at her face, there was nothing especially beautiful about it, though she did possess some beautiful cheekbones and her face was stunning if you actually paid her any attention. Her best feature, however, was her beautiful, grass green eyes that sparkled and glimmered with untold secrets.

Speech, Thought, Others,


10-20-2013, 02:53 PM
The petite fea had been exploring the lands when she had found this place. Willows. Was all she could say, everywhere. She had watched them sway and dance in the Wind. And under them, were lovely little pools, that contained small fish and frogs. She had already helped herself to three frogs and two of the fish. She began to hum to herself in her first language, "Oh mo ghaol thill dhachaigh dhom. Oh tha mi gad iondarainn, thig is bheir mo bhron air falabh"
She had been born with that language, it was dead now, her pack were the only ones that spoke it. And news had reached her ears recently that her pack had died out. While she was humming and frolicking she saw a woman. She was a sandy desert colour and had bright, lively green eyes. She was very, very tall. Ardhel cursed herself for being so small. "Hello there miss. I'm Ardhel. What brings you to this lovely place?"

OOC: the stuff in another language is in gaelic (my second language) it means "oh my love come back to me. Oh how I miss you, come back and whisk my sorrows away"


10-20-2013, 05:26 PM

A voice caught her ears, drawing her attention to a petite she wolf with deep violet eyes and an interesting pelt. An introduction met the golden woman's ears, and the sandy furred dame dipped her head respectfully.

"Well hello there Ardhel, I'm Dawn." She told the fae, smiling kindly. She wasn't sure how to treat this woman; whether to treat her kindly, and risk underestimating a fiery attitude; or overestimating her and seeming weak. So, she settled on polite, and sat on her haunches, wrapping her extremely long tail around her paws and looking down at the shorter she wolf with her bright green eyes, her pupils shrinking in the sunlight to reveal a thin band of gold around the ebony spot.

The rustling of the willow branches made a soothing ambiance, the croak of the frogs in the pond adding a musical touch. A grin surfaced on her face as Dawn made a realization. This woman, Ardhel, was the first wolf she had spoken to since she had left her homeland. Secretly, the golden furred dancer hoped that she wouldn't meet any men here, for she feared what might happen if her mother wasn't there to rescue her from being raped, or stolen away. Her mother had often done that with the men she had run into back home.

"So, do you live around here?" She asked, hoping that this small damsel could give her some information on the lands she had stumbled upon, where to avoid, who to seek out, what packs to give a wide berth.

Speech, Thought, Others,


10-20-2013, 05:43 PM
Dawn, Dawn was a pretty name. The femme was kind to her, she decided to take down her normal, rock solid walls, she could do with a few friends in this lonely world. "Well yes, I suppose I do live around here. " she looked at the wolf again. "So dawn, how are your first impressions of alacritis? I have to say, I do like it here, there are so many places to explore. Like recently I found an island and it seemed to have been lifted straight from my imagination. It was so unreal! I'm sorry If I'm prattling, I feel quite hyper today." She looked up at Dawn, she hated that, looking up to people. She always wished that she was taller. Oh well, she wasn't and she would have to deal with that. Dawn's eyes were very pretty. They were a bright, startling green. The colour of summer grass. She liked her purple ones.


10-22-2013, 09:49 PM

So much flew from the tiny fae's mouth, surprising the giantess, since she was under the impression this petite she wolf didn't speak much. I guess this just falls into the 'don't judge a book by it's cover' metaphor. She thought to herself. When Ardhel apologized, the golden maiden shook her head in a gesture that meant 'it's fine.' and smiled kindly. She pondered the violet eyed woman's first question, asking herself the question over and over in her head. Shrugging, she looked around.

"I don't know, I mean, since I've been here it's a hell of a lot better than back home, but it's been rather quiet. Though, I was raised running from men who tried to steal my mother away from me, packs getting annoyed with our presence, and females getting jealous when their mate's began taking interest in me as I grew older. Though I must say, the peace is very refreshing. Not much happening around here, is there?" She asked the smaller she wolf, flashing a brilliant smile. Her tail tip twitched slowly on the ground, simply showing her calm, happy mood in the lazy motion. She had first come upon the western lands of Alacritia, though this was the first area she had stopped to take a break for longer than a quick morsel before heading out again until the sun set or she got hungry. Her life had lately been based on the weather, her stomach, and the sun in the sky. A leaf sloughed off of a willow branch, and the golden damsel shook out her thick fur in an attempt to dislodge it. Sure enough, it fluttered to the ground and was still. A bright green gaze once again met deep purple hues, and Dawn waited for a reply.

Speech, Thought, Others,


10-26-2013, 02:56 PM
She didn't know about not much going on. Ardhel had heard whispers of war, war in the west. She hated war, she hated fighting. She had learned that when she had lost to Medusa. The minute scars on her muzzle reminded her of how much she hated to fight. She seemed tough and hostile most of the time, but on the inside she was shy and she was not as bold as she pretended to be. She would hide behind her wall, her solid, impenetrable wall. Yet Dawn had broken this impenetrable wall. That made her a very, very unique person. "I have heard that there is war in the west. Whether this is true or not I do not know." She grinned and looked into the fae's dancing eyes. The wind rustled between the willows. There would be a complete silence if it weren't for the trees, well aside from the odd croak of a frog.


10-27-2013, 05:26 PM

The tall female's tall auds twitched as the petite Ardhel spoke of war in the Western regions of the lands. Interesting enough, and that would explain why no one was out an about, they were either participating in, or hiding from the war. She hoped she wouldn't get sucked into the violence, she had never been one to fight another's battles. Nodding in understanding, the golden dancer posed another question. "So what are the packs like around here? Any in particular to avoid?" She asked, hoping this place wouldn't be like her home, where any pack wanted death to every rogue they could find. Though she had discovered there was much more space in this place than back home, so it would be easier to stay away from certain packs. Yawning, she displayed a mouth full of formidable teeth and a long salmon tongue, before her jaws slammed shut again and she blinked her bright green eyes. She had often been told she had brilliant eyes, simply because they were different. Not many wolves had eyes like this, most had one eye that was a different colour, not matching eyes that were two colours. Her mother had yellow eyes, and her father emerald, from what her mother told her, and the two had mixed in a strange way that most often was not found. She had never met another wolf with such blatantly strange optics. It made her unique, and she liked that. Waiting for a response, she felt a little anxious, hoping there were some nice packs that wouldn't mind having her as a neighbor.

and this is how you hold a conversation


10-27-2013, 06:41 PM
"So what are the packs like around here? Any in particular to avoid?" She didn't really know about the packs. She wasn't even certain about the war. But she bad heard that a pack called glaciem were evil, that force bred women. Ardhel would hate that, she hated people forcing her to do things she didn't want. Amenti, that was another one that came to mind. Apparently a crazed fae ran it, where men were sex slaves. She hated both those packs. Well if the rumours were true. "Well I do not know much of the packs around here, swing as I am fairly new to these parts too. But I think the only ones to avoid are Amenti and glaciem. Apparently they're evil, I do not know if these rumours are true, so do not be to quick to judge people." She grinned up at Dawn. She hated being so short, but she couldn't exactly hold it against Dawn now could she? She rolled her shoulders to let some of the built up tension that had been harbouring in her muscles. "So how long have you been in Alacritis Dawn?" She looked the female and waited patiently for a reply. Her tail wagging energetically behind her. She had so much energy that day it seemed like she had a nuclear power source inside of her.


10-29-2013, 11:51 AM

As the smaller she wolf began to speak, the golden dancer listened intently, though her last sentence made the giantess a little less wary, she probably wouldn't be going anywhere near those packs any time soon. Her ears twitched to capture the sound of Ardhel's vocals once more, a question. She thought, counting the sun's she had watched disappear between the mountains in the distance. Surprisingly, not very many. "Hmm... Maybe two days and three nights?" She mused, then turned her gaze to the fae before her. "How about you?" She asked, curious as to whether or not she was talking to a native of these lands, though based on the lack of surety the violet eyed woman possessed, the gold dusted maiden was doubtful. But any information was useful, so there was no point in criticizing. She swept her long tail over the ground, and it swished through the draping branches of the willows around her, making them wave with the movement of a different wind. It created a sweet music, a staccato beat to go along with the melodious croaks of the frogs, and the trilling chirp of the birds. Her body weaved back and forth slowly, like a flower in the breeze, moving with the sounf. She sighed, enjoying the music before it faded. How she longed to dance, her mother had taught her, but she had no one to dance with now, no one to create a beat of paws to weave through with her own voice and let her body follow along. She sighed, letting her sharp green gaze return to the petite she wolf before her.

Speech, Thought, Others,


11-05-2013, 02:10 PM

Ardhel looked to Dawn. "Hmm... Maybe two days and three nights?" well how long had Ardhel been there, it was about a month or two. Just then Dawn asked her how long she had been there, she grinned at the fact that she had answered the question before Dawn had asked her. "I've been here for a month or so now. I haven't seen many places though, I am sure that there are many more interesting nooks and crannies to this little place than it seems, even though it is most huge, so in fact that previous comment. I do wish I was bigger though, everything seems so bug to me, y'know? I hate the fact that people look at me and think that I'll be capable of nothing because of my size. Sorry I'm jabbering on again aren't I?" she grinned apologetically at her, her purple orbs shining with glee.

OOC : Sorry for the rubbish post, but I don't really have mucvh Ardhel muse at the moment, hope I get it back soon! XD



11-05-2013, 05:01 PM
Music Plays Everywhere I Go...

But I dance to the beat of my own drum baby

A torrent of words fell from the smaller dame's lips, and the golden dancer was quite impressed. If the petite fae had lasted a month without a hitch so far, so obviously it was habitable. The woman went on about how other wolves she met underestimated her for being small, which must have been no fun at all. When Ardhel apologized for rambling, once more the giantess shook her head. "No problem, I'm sure I'm worse some days." She said with a chuckle, then decided to comment on the woman's past statements. "It's not exactly wonderful being tall, either. First of all, it's impossible to find a hiding place when you're being chased, you need to eat more, and it's impossible to find a decent guy who's taller than you." She said, chuckling as she realized just how many cons there were to being gifted with her height. She felt like listing the pros would defeat the purpose of making the smaller she wolf feel better about herself, so she conveniently forgot what they were for the moment. "And, my mother once told me it would be impossible to take on the family trade once I got this tall, though I managed, and am now the only one this tall who can dance." She murmured, smiling at the memories of all the days spent learning the art from her mother.


Will you dance with me tonight?DAWN


11-12-2013, 02:25 PM

She smiled at Dawn's words, yes it wasn't a gift to be small, or to be tall. It would be great to be of medium size. She wondered if her life would be any different if she was tall, probably not. She left her trail of thought slide away. She was surprised of Dawn's words of dance. "You dance! I've never met a dancer before. Is dancing fun? she grinned lopsidedly at the fae and wagged her tail excitedly behind her. She sat down and patted the area beside her with her tail, "Sit," she moved over to allow room for Dawn, as she sat and Dawn stood, she absolutely towered over Ardhel. She listened to the frogs croak in harmony, it was quite funny the noise they made. One sound she truly loved though was the winds in the willows, the soft rustling sound. She sighed and looked to Dawn. Waiting for her to sit.



11-12-2013, 06:45 PM

The excitement from the petite grey furred she wolf at the golden dame's words was a surprise to Dawn. It was not often that she told other's of her skills, so she didn't think she would ever get used to the admiration she received. "It is very fun, but it takes much teaching to fully understand, to be able to easily find the music int he natural world, and let your body move to it's beat. If you would like, I could teach you a little bit." She offered, smiling kindly at the she wolf. Had she made a new friend? The gold dusted fae hoped so, she had never had too many friends. Ardhel beat the ground beside her with her tail, telling the giantess to sit beside her. Dawn would gladly oblige, and stood, realizing just how tall she was compared to the smoke coated dame, and then moving smoothly onto her haunches beside her companion. Looking over, vibrant green orbs clashed with a happy violet gaze, and the woman's strangely deep voice bubbled from her ebony lips once more. "So whaddaya say, wanna learn a few moves?" She asked, grinning at the fae. It would be interesting to see how others did, learning her trade. She had always wanted to teach others how to dance, to see the world as she did; who knew, maybe it would be fun!
and this is how you hold a conversation


11-14-2013, 02:08 PM

If you would like, I could teach you a little bit. Ardhel's eyes li up at the prospect. she was quick and agile, and that must count in her favour. Her tail wagged ferociously behind her in excitement. "So whaddaya say, wanna learn a few moves?" They were sure as hell going to be friends Ardhel thought to herself. Ardhel jumped to her feet. "Yeah! I'd really love to learn some of the basics!" Ardhel beamed. Her eyes danced in the sunlight that they were bathed in. She grinned sheepishly and looked at Dawn. It seemed strange to be so comfortable around another wolf. She was normally sulky and hostile. It was nice to relax and have a nice chat sometimes. She had only ever been this comfortable around her brother, and maybe Kaala, no one else apart from the three of them had made her feel at ease. She didn't really want anyone else to join that category, she didn't want to let her walls down too much. For the fear of being stabbed in the back by someone she trusted.



11-16-2013, 12:12 PM

The smoke coated dame seemed more than willing to be taught the arts, leaping to her feet and beaming at her as she exclaimed her excitement and willingness. So, the golden giantess got to her feet as well, her unusually long tail brushing aside the branches of the willow tree as she turned to step within it's hold. It was always easier to work in a sheltered environment, where a sudden gust of wind wouldn't disrupt your balance, or a passing wolf wouldn't make you uncomfortable while you were just learning. Plus, sound was slightly muffled within the embrace of the willow branches, so it would be easier to show Ardhel how to find the music within the air. She motioned with her front paw for the petite she wolf to step inside as well, her sharp green gaze resting happily on the other. Once the smaller woman was within the circle of branches, they would slither together as the dusty golden woman stood in front of the violet eyed, grey coated she wolf. "First, find the music around you, find the beat of your heart, or the staccato drum of claws on stone. Now search for more, the contralto croaking of a toad, or the birdsong in the trees. Once you find that, let your body follow the tune, like this," She told her, her mezzo-soprano voice soft and encouraging. Closing her eyes, she let her tall auds search out the tune of the area once more; toads, rhythmically calling to one another; the clacking beat of the reedy willow branches coming together in the breeze; the faint call of the birds in the trees around them.

Now her body would move, a sight that could make almost anyone fall to their knees in awe. Her lengthy torso wove back and forth, slowly, smoothly, like a snake in the sand; her paws stepping fluidly over one another to keep her balanced, her long ebony claws creating a steady staccato; her long tail swept through the air behind her like a ribbon of silk; and her grass and honey optics swept shut as she let the music tell her body what to do. Not many got to see her dance, she usually did it in private, or with her mother, but she enjoyed it so much, she was willing to provide her new friend with an example. Soon the music began to fade from her ears as she pulled herself back to reality, and her emerald optics flew open to stare into the smaller woman's own violet pools. What did she think? Will she give up now that she's seen what it takes? I hope not, it would be nice to have a dancing partner again... She thought to herself, stopping that train of thought to avoid the painful memories of her mother's lack of presence in the area. She sat down on the cool terra, watching Ardhel with a proud, content gaze, and waited for a response from the she wolf.

Speech, Thought, Others,


11-30-2013, 03:25 PM

Dawn's words were beautiful. She had led her under a willow where she began to move. It was amazing. Ardhel's jaw dropped. Her body flowed like water from a tap, fluid and smooth. She had no idea how she would manage to do what Dawn had just shown her. But she would try nonetheless. As she came to a stop, ardhel walked over to her. Wow, that's amazing! I won't be nearly as good as you, in fact I'll be rubbish. But if you could teach me the basics, that would be awesome!" She said, probably too fast for anyone to understand. But she didn't care, she was too happy to care. Ardhel looked to Dawn, she knew they would be friends. She had been so kind to her, and she was sweet. She didn't look down upon her because of her height. She really liked Dawn.



12-01-2013, 04:47 PM

The smaller she wolf's reaction and the following string of compliments brought a broad smile to play upon the dame's less than dainty features. Ardhel was a kind woman, no doubt. The giantess hoped they would be friends for a long time. Her voice found it's way into the air, assurances to the other lupine escaping her lips. "You will be wonderful, you just need to practice." She told the grey pelted woman with a smile. "Well, as for the basics there are sidesteps, which involve moving your paws one over the other going sideways, like this." She said, and began placing one broad paw over the other, which took her sideways smoothly. Repeating the movement in the opposite direction, she returned to the same place and looked to her new friend. "Now you try." She said, grinning broadly. Maybe she could find a new dancing partner in the tiny woman.
