
Today I'm a Falling Leaf, Tomorrow Who Knows



2 Years
10-19-2013, 10:34 PM

She had never felt safe before but somehow behind those invisible wall around the territory gave little reassurance. She just couldnt believe something so simple as scent markers could keep anyone safe. After all she had crossed it without know it. Thats how she met Queen Epiphron. She rather liked the woman. She was quite and gentle, qualities that reminded her of her own mother. Head bowed at the thought of her mother. It had been months since she had lost her but it felt like it was just yesterday. A deep shaky breath was taken as the earthen yearling padded through Seracia. This was to be her new home. It felt nice to settle in one place without fear of being chased off. But there was still fear. She had no idea how to really interact with others. And the thought of meeting a whole pack had kept her to the outskirts. What if no one liked her or even gave her the chance to fit in and get to know anyone? She was so used to being alone that being in a pack was like entering a new world. She was a loner, a navitgator, a survivor. But none of it perpaired her for life within a pack.

The malnourished girl moved sluggishly through the land. Sure she had finally fed when she first got here after going nearly a week without eating, but each rib stood out. Her fur though was well kept and slowly growing in it's winter coat. If anything Rohini did her best to stay healthy. She might had starved but she still groomed herself and did all she could. Pale green orbs looked up at a tree as the wind shook its dying leaves free. She stood there just peacefully watching the leaves fall. Oh how easy would it be to b a leaf. No worries or stress. Sometimes she wished she could fall like them with the knowing thought that it would return one day. Rump placed itself down on the cold ground, tail wrapping around her paws. Perhaps she was like a falling leaf. That somehow, some way things would be green again for her one day. She just needed to wait it out and have hope.

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10-19-2013, 11:02 PM

As the young female was looking at the leaves from a random tree, Aeil was randomly walking the Seracian borders. She wrapped her form around the chosen trees, making her scent known to any trespassers that this land was already owned. It was something that Aeil was used to doing every other morning, especially when Dragon left her to go out hunting. She wasn't able to sleep very well without him next to her, something she was afraid she wouldn't grow accustomed to. To have herself falling into the ritual was indeed a lovely added piece of the puzzle.
So, while her beloved was out searching for some delicious bits of meat for lunch, Aeil was enjoying the time to herself on that brisk fall day. The branches were swaying, the leaves holding on for dear life, and there was a small nip to the air that made her shiver all over. Despite her thickening fur coat, Aeil could feel the chill seep into her skin. Cold weather was something she was used to, but ever since she joined Seracia in the Southern hemisphere of Alacritis, she was beginning to enjoy the warm temperatures as well. Who knew so much would change with one life changing decision?
It was the idea of decisions that was on Aeil's mind when an unfamiliar scent crossed her. Her nose picked it up right away, her mind trying to figure out who it belonged to. No such luck, but that didn't stop her from being curious about the source. She weaved her way through the trees, minding the falling leaves that slowly cascaded around her. A few fell around her as she made her quiet entrance to the left of the female. Blue eyes took in the unfamiliar figure sitting and gazing at the leaves and a light chuckle escaped Aeil. The light that danced in the girl's eyes made Aeil's heart soar with hope that Seracia would remain alive in the hearts of her members. "They are beautiful, aren't they?" She gently asked, tones intended to show calamity and a good-natured soul.




2 Years
10-19-2013, 11:37 PM

She wished she could capture each and every leafs uniqueness. To study it color and the veins that ran through it. Sure she could once they landed on the ground but something about the way they floated their way down. Each leaf was like a different wolf, the same creature, same being but yet all different. Was that not in it's self beaty? A voice to her left made her blink and jump. Head snapped to look at a grey woman. Her pale green orbs studied her, nose twitching. Her claws dug into the earth to keep her from running away. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She body screamed to run yet she knew if she did she would never be able to meet anyone within the pack. She glanced back up at the leaves while taking a deep calming breath."Isnt everything beauty? Its the unique quality each object on earth that hold its true beauty is it not?" She replied as she turned her pale green gaze back to the grey woman.

Rohini was young but she had learned much on her own. Plus the lessons her mother did teach her was to respect everything on earth. To appreicate everything for what it was. Ears twitched and weight shifted nervously. What should she do now? "Ah...umm i"m Rohini Astraea" She added with a dip of her head. Maybe this wolf could be her first friend or something. Someone to show her around the pack and all.

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10-24-2013, 04:32 AM

The observations that came from the young female made Aeil smile. She couldn't help but be intrigued that someone not even three years old was able to appreciate nature in the way she seemed to hold it in her paw. "That is true indeed," she warmly replied as she reclined to her haunches with her tail sweeping around her gray haunches. "Also, where there is beauty, there may be an ugly truth about it as well." Truth was something Aeil believed in having for both actions and words that came from her. Lies and deceitfulness were a couple of pet peeves she preferred to keep away from what was in her mind and heart. What good was the bad when it could cause so much pain?
She let the trailing thought curl itself into a ball as the other fae proceeded to introduce herself. Aeil listened with perked ears and nodded in greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Rohini Astraea. My name is Aeilanylis, but you can call me Aeil." Her tail lightly flicked beside her paws as she kept a friendly gaze upon the light colored female in front of her. "If you don't mind me asking, what has brought you to the safe lands of Seracia?"

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2 Years
11-03-2013, 11:36 PM

She sat there with her attention returning back to the grey female after looking at the leaves. The older females words had her blink slowly as she thought them over, as if slowly tasting them before swallowing it. Her pale green orbs looked down at the forest floor with its array of red, brown, yellows, and orange. As beautiful as it was it would decay to a brown ugly pulp in the end. Her eyes returned back up."No one ever said the truth was pretty, nice, or warm. But its better than lying or never knowing." She said.

After she introduced herself she would sit there shifting restlessly. She had no idea how to go about the normal conversation with a stranger without feeling out of place. But it would seem this Aeil was kind, warm and open towards her. She smiled towards the women. Her tail wagged slightly as Aeil asked how she got here." happened when i made the mistake and cross the border when hunting. But then Queen Epiphron found me and accepted me into the pack. I like her alot, she's really kind and understanding." She explained.

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11-04-2013, 01:29 AM

The scent of rabbit filled his senses as he carried his catch through the crisp morning air. Dragon had left early to hunt, perhaps even to surprise Aeil with breakfast when she awoke. But today, hunting had gone on a little longer then expected...with the season of winter approaching, it seemed that prey was beginning to hide and burrow away from the predators that stalked the lands above. His other senses would remain alert for other signs of prey...or enemies. If prey decided to flit it's way into his path, then he would gladly take its invitation and chase it down. After all, with the refugees, Seracia needed all the food it could get. His mind would become focused on the task at hand, paws skimming the leaf littered ground as he moved back to the destination of the Aeil's den.

As his mind focused, he almost missed the scent and sound of his beloved Aeil nearby. And another scent would barely mingle with that of the rabbit as he stopped for a moment. Taking a careful breath of air, he would turn towards the direction of the scents, wondering who Aeil was with so early. Soon, the trees would give him the view of his lovely bride to be, and the figure of a smaller she-wolf. He stopped somewhat in the shadows, his pelt blending with the shade as he listened to part of their conversation. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he would make his presence known. Though his mouth was full with prey, he would approach from behind Aeil, rubbing his body alongside hers as he stood next to her. He would place the rabbit on the ground, swiping his tongue over his jaws. "Good morning dear." He would greet her with affection, nuzzling her face for a brief moment before looking at the young girl. "Good morning young one, enjoying the thoughts of morning are we?" a gentle chuckle would rumble his chest, his eyes glittering with amusement.


11-05-2013, 12:50 AM

The scents of Dragon and the rabbit hit her before he approached, but she didn't voice it. Instead, she turned her gaze to the large male and gave him a welcoming nuzzle to accompany his own. Her smile widened and brightened the facial features that she had inherited from her mother. From the rabbit he placed on the ground, Aeil safely assumed he had been out catching some breakfast. She didn't mean to overlook that his prey was intended for her, but it was a detail both ignored for the moment. "Good morning, my handsome knight," she said, returning the loving gaze he cast upon her before turning it to the female in front of her.
"Dragon, this is Rohini. She is one of the newest members, welcomed by our beloved Queen Epiphron." Her tail began to wag as she thought of the sweet red-and-white female that ruled the lands with an iron paw and a gold heart. "Rohini, this is fianc?." The word was still weird on her tongue, but she used it with a flourishing act nevertheless.

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2 Years
11-05-2013, 04:56 PM

A grey wolf with black markings came up to Aeil and the yearling was up on her toes. Tail hung down, almost tucked under her. Pale green eyes flashed as she looked about. She was not really ready to meet too many yet. It was overwhelming, even if it was just two other wolves. She scuffled back a few steps unsure what to do and on the verg of running. She watched their tender exchange with ears flicking back at forth. The male spoke to her after a moment and her sides twitched, jaws gaping to pant slightly. So far this was the first adult male she had ever met, or seen in that matter. She wasnt sure if he would be like Aeil or like a bull moose.

Eyes flickered over to Aeil for reassurance. The grey female seemed content if not happy that this Dragon was here. Head would tilt at the words fiance, not knowing the meaning of it. Brows furrowed down in confusion.What's She asked softly. She stared at them, having no idea what love was or even a bond other than that between a mother and her pups. Rohini had been deprived of some many things when she had lived alone.

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11-12-2013, 05:04 AM

The dark gray female's tail swept behind her in a leisurely fashion as her eyes met Rohini's. She automatically assumed that the young girl hadn't been around too many wolves to understand certain terms and her eyes darkened in color from the gentle words that left her lips. "Fianc? is a word to describe someone you are planning to marry. When someone has asked to be with you the rest of your life, and you say yes, you are engaged."
Aeil lowered herself to her haunches and continued to explain. "Being engaged is the phase you are in before the wedding. After you get married, then your fianc? becomes your mate." Her smile had become wider after telling Rohini about the phases you go through before becoming someone's mate. The love that ran through her veins for Dragon was evident in how they acted around each other. Unashamed, Aeil cared deeply for the large male beside her and she waited to see what Dragon had to say as well.

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12-11-2013, 07:06 AM

He watched her with quiet interest, though he felt a little concerned as well. The young girl seemed skittish, and it seemed as if it took everything she had not to run away from the pair. It was apparent that she was not accustomed to being around others, and Dragon understood. He had been that was upon first meeting Aeil. Hesitant after having been alone and secluded for a little over a year after the tragic accident that killed his two beloved brothers and his friends. And though the memories had faded, the scars remained. Parting the fur on his back, nose, chest, and riddling in other small parts across his body. He was surprised, for he should have died that day. But he made it, barely alive and barely breathing but somehow he had survived. He was grateful for it, because he got the chance to meet the love of his life among others.

"It is nice to meet you Rohini. Do not be alarmed, we will not harm you. I may look scary, but I wouldn't harm a fly." He reassured her, hoping that she believed him. A warm smile formed across his muzzle, showing that he was non threatening. Dragon's tail began to wag slightly, amused as she asked a question. He listened quietly as Aeil gave her the answer, nodding at the end. "I have recently asked Aeil to marry me, a wedding is not too far from now. Rohini, you are more then welcome to attend. In fact, I'd like you to attend when the day comes. If you'd like, of course." He gazed softly at the young girl, wondering if she would accept or perhaps choose to think on it.

He stood at Aeil's side, non threatening as he lowered his head. He was sure that his full height frightened the poor girl, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. He picked up the fresh prey he had caught just a bit ago, and slowly he moved a little closer to Rohini before putting it gently on the ground. "You may have this, young one. A sign of friendship, we welcome you into Seracia with open arms. If ever you need anything, Aeil and I are more then happy to help."